Naruto White Shura

Chapter 9 Battle against Thunder Ninja

Mengsheng got up early the next day. Hatake Shigesaku had tasks these days, so he was not at home.He had to get up and cook. ...

And he also has a mission these two days. After returning yesterday, he and Kakashi invited Kurenai and the others to dinner. Too many things did happen in the past two days.

After giving a few instructions to Kakashi, he packed up his things and came to the gathering place.

"You're here, Fangs," Hinata Inaka said gently. His codename was Taiyang, which was very appropriate for her last name, Hinata.

"Well, you guys came very early."

"There's nothing else to do, so I came early." Hinata Inaka is a very gentle girl.

"This mission is quite dangerous. You have to be careful, Fangs. After all, this is your first mission, and you are still so young. You must follow us. Don't act alone." Honda said.He is a very cheerful character.It is very similar to the red bean in the original work.

"Don't worry Oriole, I will do it." Shigesaku Hatake smiled slightly.Just when the three of them were having a heated chat, the captain came.

"Okay, get ready to go," the captain said seriously.

"It's captain" the four replied.Aren't four people three?Meng Sheng looked at me and said, "This insect's sense of existence is too low."Same as Aburame Shino.

Come to the border of the Fire Country, "Let's rest here today." Captain Black Dog said.Anbu's missions are not like normal teams, they can stay in hotels, and their tasks are also different. The general tasks of Anbu are assigned by the Hokage personally to retaliate against the village, spy on intelligence, and assassinate.A normal ninja team is hired by some small countries or wealthy businessmen.In essence, one is inside and the other is outside.

"According to the intelligence, we won't be able to arrive at our destination until tomorrow. This mission involves one elite chuunin, two chunin, and five genin. The goal this time is that we are to collect intelligence and solve them by the way. Do you all understand? And This time the team leader is a bug, listen carefully, I will not take action when necessary this time."Captain Black Dog said.

"It's Captain" they all said in unison.

"Okay, everyone, let's have a rest. Every day is not only an assessment of your department, but also a kind of experience."


The next day

"Get ready, let's go," Black Dog said.

After driving for a long time, we finally arrived.

"Okay, you guys, let's discuss the plan. I will watch you secretly," Black Dog said.

"First, I will use the insect to gather information, and at night I will annihilate them in one fell swoop when they don't relax their vigilance," the insect analyzed.

"Agree," the three agreed.

"Let's divide the work next. How about I hold that elite chuunin down?" Hatake Yumsei said.

"No, the fangs are too dangerous," Hinata Inaka said hurriedly.

"Yes, you are too young to deal with elite chuunin even if you are powerful, so leave it to me," Honda said.

"Leave it to me, Oriole, my bug can hold him back," said the bug.Although he usually doesn't like to talk, since Black Dog can choose him, he must be special.

"Don't worry, everyone. Since I did this, I must do it by my own means. Since we are teammates, shouldn't we trust each other?" Meng Sheng said. Seeing everyone like this, his heart felt warm.

"Okay, but don't show off," said the insect.He was not good at expressing, but he was good at observing. He could see the confidence in Hatake Mengsheng's eyes, and his bug also told him that this child who looked only four years old was dangerous.

"But," Hinata Inaka said.

"Okay, Sister Yang, believe me, and as long as you get rid of those people quickly, it will be fine." Meng Sheng interrupted before he finished speaking.They felt a little relieved after hearing this.

"Leave that chuunin to me," Aburame Shiki (worm) said.

"You two quickly deal with those five genin"

"Yeah," the two women agreed.


"start to act"

Secret Technique Insectama, countless insects flew up and attacked the sleeping ninja.

"There are no enemies, get up quickly." A stout man reacted instantly.And dodge quickly.Despite the warning, a few still did not dodge.Even the chuunin was slightly injured, but not seriously.

"Damn it, it's Konoha Anbu," the stout man cursed, and then said, "It turns out they are a few brats, kill them." As soon as he finished speaking, his body suddenly ejected and rushed towards Aburame Shiki (worm). .

"Haha (so fast)" Aburame Zhihui was secretly surprised when he saw the approaching figure.Just about to take action.

Suddenly, a black shadow appeared in front of Aburame Shiki and lightly blocked the strong man's blow, then said: "Your opponent is me."

"It's so amazing." Aburame Zhihui (worm) and the two girls sighed to themselves.

Although he can block this blow, it will definitely not be so easy, and he may even be injured.The man was very fast and had no complete defense at all, so he would be injured to some extent.At this moment, he thought Hatake Mengsheng was very strong, but he didn't think Mengsheng was stronger than him. After all, he and Mengsheng were different. One was similar to a mage and the other was similar to a warrior.

"You quickly deal with those genin and leave them to me," Meng Sheng said.

"Kid, don't think you can defeat me just because you can block my attack. I'm an elite chuunin," the stout man said loudly.

"Humph, whether Shao Luoji can be defeated is not just what he says," Meng Sheng mocked.

"Go to hell, kid," he said as he rushed forward with lightning crackling on his body.

"Iron Block" Mengsheng quickly rotated the iron block.This man's speed was even faster than when he used "Shaving".There is no way to avoid it with speed.

Blocking the blow, he quickly distanced himself and drew out the short sword on his back.He rushed towards the man and struck out with his knife. The man quickly hid.

"Thunder Release, Thunder Ball" the man quickly formed the seal.

A ball of thunder and lightning rushed towards him quickly.

"Shaving" Meng Sheng quickly dodged. At this time, the man came up to him. Meng Sheng quickly used the knife to block the man's punch, and used this power to quickly distance himself. It seemed that what he said was very long, but in fact, it was only a moment. .

I have to say that this man is the strongest opponent he has ever encountered.The ninjas of the Kingdom of Thunder are tough and strong in melee combat, and have great strength and speed. His hands are still numb now.Moreover, thunder escape cannot be defended with iron blocks, as thunder and lightning have a paralyzing effect.This will have an impact on speed response.To be honest, it would be difficult for him to win without using the Shock Fruit.

The man quickly entered the battle without giving Meng Sheng time to react.But Meng Sheng was right and started a close fight with the man.Because the junior swordsman is inherited, he will not lose in a short time.

The battle between two women and five genin on the other side was also fierce.Although the five genin were also slightly injured, they could not defeat the opponent in a short period of time.

Aburame Shiki's side was the most intense. There was not much difference in strength between the two, so they both looked embarrassed. In fact, he was the most aggrieved.Injured by a sneak attack, the man fighting him was covered in bugs, and every bug was weird.

During the battle, Meng Sheng became more and more skilled as he used the inheritance of the swordsman, and his understanding became deeper and deeper during the battle. The man also found that Meng Sheng became stronger as he fought, which was very strange. He decided to fight quickly and took out a kunai to block Meng Sheng's sword. .Quickly distance yourself and quickly form the seal "Yin Siwei"

""Thunder Escape.Thunder Cloud Wave"

"Boy, this is my strongest ninjutsu. You should die. I can kill a jounin with this move," the man said ferociously.

White light rushed towards Meng Sheng quickly.

"Empty Shock"

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