Naruto's Soft Rice is Delicious

Page 562

He wanted to cry loudly again, he had had enough of these two dead psychos who couldn't communicate well and liked to interrupt.


"Don't talk! Brat, don't think that my temper and character will never get angry because they are as perfect as the unparalleled perfect face, and my character is extremely upright. I love everyone in the world. This This time, I'm really—I'm extremely upset! If you dare to stop me again, I'll take you first."

...Although I was prepared for the fact that I would be interrupted by Orochimaru forcefully, but...

At this time, focus on Tsunade, and don't compete with Shizune, okay?

Xinghuo is very speechless Orochimaru brain circuit with excess crisis awareness 0

Regardless of whether Orochimaru has won the first place over Jing Yin, he is 100% sure.

I will not have any emotion towards either of them that would give off the sour smell of love.

After all, no normal person would feel excited about either a gay guy or an old lady.

"Tsunade, I've given you many chances, and I've given in many times. But you just keep pushing your limits. I really thought that I would endure the guilt caused by rejecting your courtship forever. You, have been confounding right and wrong and talking non-stop? Now, I will tell you clearly, my little girl Ji——No!"

"...? Strange, Oshemaru-sama's self-proclaimed name is not Snake Princess but Young Girl Princess."

Jing Yin tilted his head slightly, and pointed a finger on his chin, as if he didn't understand why Uncle Snake was different from the rumors.

...Although I know the answer, but...sorry, I can't say that.

Although I have never felt ashamed of myself being a teenage lolicon.

But you mortals who don't know how to appreciate the most beautiful things in the world know why Uncle Snake wants to be a young girl.Then, after judging that the male god he was madly obsessed with was a young girl Lolicon.Even if you don't go to the police, you will look down on me, right?

Or take a step back.

Even if no one looks down on the young girl Lolicon, it will definitely be 2.3.

The reason why Uncle Snake had sex reassignment surgery was not because he wanted to seduce Tsunade Tsunade's boyfriend and revenge Tsunade for not accepting his love.Instead, he thought that the reason why Uncle Snake transformed himself into a young girl was forced by someone who was defined as the ultimate perverted scumbag, right?

When Xinghuo was given a gag order by Orochimaru, he was silently thinking about some wise and safe things.

"Reject the courtship?!!! You said, I, I, I...I courted you? When did I...ah! I know, I know...haha! So it turns out that your spouse has nothing I know, you want to pour dirty water on me and wash yourself clean!"

Tsunade's expression gradually changed from murderous to bewildered.

Then, he showed a look of sudden realization.Finally, it turned into wild laughter again.

"Hahahaha! Kid, listen to me, let me tell you, that snake stole my ex-boyfriend!"

Chapter 220 That Day

On a sunny day.

As usual, Tsunade was wearing the second-hand clothes that were collected at a high price from the people from other villages who came to Konoha to entrust the task.Trying to imitate the passerby temperament that matches the clothes on his body, sitting in an inconspicuous corner of the dim sum house, with his ears pricked up.

"Master, just help me think of a name, please~"

Not far behind her left side, there is a young girl coquettishly pulling a beautiful black long straight beauty who is so beautiful.

Tsunade's acquaintance with a young girl and a black, long, straight beauty.

Or to be more precise, Tsunade should be very familiar with both of them.

"Trouble, think for yourself."

"No~! If I think of a name myself, I will definitely be laughed at again. You are my master. Isn't it reasonable for a master to give a disciple a new name? Master~ master, master~~ don't you Take care of me, this is the request of my life, please help me to give me a name like you, which can instantly give people 'this person is so cool!' when you announce your family name."

How could it be considered a joke? Everyone was just teasing with a joke.

After hearing the young girl's words, Tsunade really wanted to say this to the young girl.

You have to ask why she is so sure, because one of those people who often make fun of young girls is her!

"No one will laugh at you. Yuyu's name sounds nice and normal."

"It's not normal!"

The young girl slapped the table vigorously, lost control of her emotions and said loudly:

"I don't even need to mention my friends you don't know, just your teammates are enough.

That white-haired uncle, every time he sees me, he says 'yoyoyoyoyoyo! ! 'In this way, greet me with a basic tone.There is also that perverted stalker who likes to follow you, and they always call me "Cheek, chick, chick".

What are you doing!His name is Yoyo, it's not the yoyo of the gays, and it's not the yoyo of Cheek!

so!Huh...Master, please, please give me a new name, you are the only one in the village who never laughed at me. "

"...Ah? Ah,, yes, master, I have never laughed at you, um, eh."

—to have the audacity to coax a child!

Hearing Orochimaru's words of approval, Tsunade almost stood up on the spot, pointed at Orochimaru's nose and said:

'Didn't you take that orphan kid as a disciple because you thought it was funny and interesting to name her? '

But it's okay, because he wanted to continue to follow Orochimaru secretly, Tsunade endured that irrational impulse.

"Your new trying to be cool, right?"

"Ha! Master, are you willing to name me?!"

You don't need to peek at all, you can tell just by listening to the sound, Yuyu must have been so excited that Venus began to twinkle in his eyes.

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