National Destiny: Become invincible from playing the role of the Heavenly Master!

Chapter 71


capital has been turned into a ruin, and countless people have been killed and injured, including the president, who has died under ......the beasts

Moreover, the beast has a tendency to gradually spread to the surrounding cities......

In desperation, the top level of the Tachito Maru country decided to come up with $5 billion and ask for the support

of the lighthouse country! After that, the fighter planes of the lighthouse country launched dozens of missiles and killed the S-class fierce beast Flame Giant Lion that was raging in the capital of the Tachito Maru

! At the same time, they also sent a tank division to exterminate other fierce beasts in the Tachito Maru!

After a fierce battle, finally, most of the fierce beasts were killed ......

However, the capital of Tachitao Pill has become a

ruin! As for the number of casualties, it is even more difficult to count!

Looking at the capital that has become a ruin, the countless people of Tachitao Maru are dripping ......blood in their hearts at this moment


Cherry blossom country.

Xijing, a once prosperous megacity ranked in the top 10 of the Blue Star, has now become a fiery molten world.

More than 20 million people died......

The economic losses are immeasurable!

This blow is bound to plunge the economy of the cherry blossom country into an unprecedented trough ......

If you want to rise again in a short period of time, I'm afraid it's impossible!

There are also Kangaroo Country and Moon Man Country, all of which have suffered heavy losses, although they have killed all the invading beasts, the losses are incalculable.

The dream of a great power has been completely defeated!


After leaving Kyushu City, Zhang Daoyuan took the fire dragon and the flame bird and continued to hurry.

They were following the route marked out in the map given by the city lord Xiao Jun!

Zhang Daoyuan rode on the body of the Fire Dragon, while the Flame Bird followed behind.

The speed is not too fast, while hurrying, while enjoying the unique scenery of the wilderness.

And just like that, two days passed.

Along the way, none of them had encountered a powerful beast, let alone an S-class beast, or an A-class beast.

Instead, I saw quite a few villages and tribes.

It seems to have entered the territory of the Terrans

! The powerful beasts may have been expelled or hunted by the strong Terrans!

In this way, most of the day passed.

Suddenly, Zhang Daoyuan's eyes were slightly condensed, and

a strange look appeared on his face.

Below, there was a strange scene!

Zhang Daoyuan jumped directly from the back of the fire dragon and landed steadily on the ground from mid-air.

In front of him, there were dozens of corpses, tied to

trees! Underground, blood had curdled ......

Obviously, they have been dead for a while

! More importantly, the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys of these corpses have been hollowed out, and the death is extremely miserable, and before they die, they have suffered an extremely painful torture!

", I see ...... vomiting

" "It's uncomfortable, what did these people go through before they died?" "

This shouldn't be the work of a ferocious beast, a ferocious beast is not like this, it won't be so troublesome!"

Yes, it's definitely not a ferocious beast, and the murderer is most likely also a human race

!" "It's too cruel, isn't it? Even if you want to kill someone, wouldn't it be enough to give it a good time?" As for torturing people like this

!" "These people seem to be old, weak, sick and disabled, and even have children, what a hatred this is!"


The people of the Dragon Kingdom were extremely angry

!"Is this the Great Wilderness? Cruel! True! Bloody! Glad we live in Blue Star, glad we are from the Dragon Country!"

"How do I feel, as if I am holding some kind of evil ritual?"

"It's so weird! Dao Chief, let's go." And

Zhang Daoyuan, who is on the ground, has a stronger sense of impact brought by the cruel scene.

At this moment, his face was expressionless, but in his heart, he was already angry!

Then, he continued to move forward.

After walking for a short time, I saw a village.

But the village was already empty, and there was a dead silence

! There was no trace of fighting

! The people of this village seemed to have disappeared out of thin air

! This made all this look even more confusing!

The look on Zhang Daoyuan's face was very gloomy.

And the audience of the Dragon Kingdom who is watching the live broadcast at the moment is also in a heavy mood.

Even the barrage became much less!

They continued on their way, walking for about an hour.

Ahead, another village appeared, and this one, apparently larger, could see many low houses and clothes to dry.

But this large village is still empty!

Everyone seems to have disappeared out of thin air!

", this large village has also been poisoned?"

"This village is very large, looking at these houses, it feels like there are two or three thousand people, and it is actually the same as the previous small village!" "

It's over, I have a hunch that I will soon see many corpses like before, I hope my hunch is wrong......

". ......

The audience in the Dragon Kingdom felt more and more uncomfortable in their hearts.

And Zhang Daoyuan, his face became more and more gloomy, and he continued to move forward with the fire dragon and the flame bird.

After walking less than a kilometer, a large number of corpses appeared in front of me, in a dense forest!

These corpses were almost the same as the corpses I had seen before.

The heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys have all been hollowed out ......

The state of death is extremely miserable

! But there are even more of them, and at a glance,

all of them are corpses hanging on trees! According to conservative estimates, there must be more than 1,000 corpses

! Moreover, this time, Zhang Daoyuan also found strange symbols on the ground!

These symbols are all painted with blood, and the smell of blood is ...... to the nose

There is also a sense of evil that wells up ......

"This is definitely some kind of ritual

!" "Damn, it's inhumane, did you kill so many people for a bullshit ceremony

?" "The Great Wilderness is terrible

!" "Do you see that?" Dao Chief's face is getting more and more ugly, and besides, even the most active stupid bird has become very silent now!"

"Dao Chang is already angry!"


Zhang Daoyuan was speechless, expressionless.

The next moment, he jumped directly onto the back of the fire dragon, and the fire dragon understood and immediately flew up.

This time, the speed of the fire dragon increased

, and it flew in the air, like a lightning speed! The flame bird hurriedly followed

! A person, a dragon, and a bird circled back and forth in the air, and his eyes searched back and forth below

! Finally, after searching for more than half an hour, Zhang Daoyuan finally made a discovery!

Suddenly, he flew towards the target he found!

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