NBA: Become stronger by dunking

Chapter 17

【17】No, he deserves a bigger contract!

Warriors training hall.

There is no game today, but rookies such as Su Mo are still doing daily training. In addition, the starters headed by Ellis and Jackson are also training.

It stands to reason.

During the offseason, the team's starters should have a good rest, take a vacation, and relax their tired bodies after a season of playing.


The Warriors, who were only tenth in the Western Conference last season and did not even make the playoffs, are not qualified to rest. They must make good use of this summer to improve themselves and become better.

Shooting, free throws, one-on-one defense, tactical drills, etc.

All training is in an orderly manner, and Su Mo has not slacked off. From mid-range shots to 3-pointers, and breakthrough layups, he trained one after another. In a blink of an eye.

2 hours passed.

Everyone came to the rest area to rest.

"Su Mo, what do you say? Do you want to have a duel?"

Jackson raised his middle finger, provoking


Su Mo refused as usual, and Jackson, who was furious, could only stare blankly.


Jackson waved his hand, not looking at Su Mo, scratching his head and said,"Where's Curry? This kid has always been very diligent, why is he late today, and why is he late for so long?!"

"I don't know."

Su Mo took a towel, wiped his sweat and said,"He is so hardworking, there must be a reason why he doesn't come, don't worry"


Ellis nodded in agreement, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and said with a smile:"Everyone looks so tired, let me tell a joke to relax everyone."


Jackson refused immediately, Maggette shook his head helplessly, and the newcomers Reggie Williams and Su Mo stared at each other in bewilderment.

However, it seemed that this could not stop

"Once upon a time there was a man named A Shuang. One day he died, and his mother cried in front of his grave,"A Shuang!"......Cool......Cool......’"

"A passer-by saw this and was very puzzled and asked,"Auntie, what happened to you?"’"

"His mother cried even harder, sobbing, 'It's so good, so good, so good.......’"


Ellis said with great emotion, and laughed out loud, making himself laugh. He also laughed and said,"How about it, how about it, it's funny, isn't it, very funny"

"whoosh whoosh whoosh~~"

Su Mo and others only felt a gust of cool wind blowing, freezing cold!


Jackson touched his dark forehead helplessly.


Su Mo narrowed his eyes and gave an awkward but polite fake smile.

He seemed to know why Jackson wanted to stop him.

So cold~ so awkward!

"Su!" Fortunately , a shout broke the silence at this time, easing the slightly awkward atmosphere.

"I thought you wouldn't come today?!"

Ellis said

"It's just a small matter, it's no problem."

Curry came over and smiled, then looked at Su Mo and said,"Su, come with me, I'll take you to see someone."

"So mysterious, who is it?!"

"You will know in a moment."

The two walked towards the inside of the stadium.

Soon, with Curry leading the way, they came to the meeting room. There sat a 60-year-old man in a suit and tie, looking in good spirits.

"Who is he?!"

Su Mo frowned. Although he had traveled through time, it was impossible for him to know everyone.

"Su, let me introduce you."

Curry motioned Su Mo to sit down first, and said with a smile:"Su, this is Mr. Jeff Austin, my agent, he is very interested in you."

Then he looked at Austin and said:"This is Su Mo"


Austin nodded and smiled:"Hello, Su Mo"


Su Mo responded with a smile

"Then you guys can chat slowly."

Curry said, and then went out.

Austin straightened up a little and said,"Su Mo, your first game in the summer league was too perfect. I hope......Be your agent"

"I believe that with my ability, I will maximize your interests. Austin took out a resume and pushed it across the table.

"Don't rush to answer me, you can take your time to think about it. This is my resume, you can use it as a reference."

Su Mo didn't look at it.

Although he had never met Austin, Su Mo still had a certain understanding of this person.

"Admiral David Robinson is one of his players, including Curry now, and even the future Antetokounmpo and Schroeder.


Su Mo said without hesitation,"I agree."

"You agreed without even looking at my resume?"

Austin was a little surprised


"I believe you."

Su Mo smiled faintly.

In fact, Su Mo knew it very well.

Not to mention the"Admiral" and"No. 1" David Robinson who became popular as soon as he debuted, Curry and Antetokounmpo, these two players can be regarded as players who have gone from grassroots to superstars.

Curry later ranked 23rd on the Forbes 100 celebrity list.

This huge wealth and popularity, in addition to his own efforts

, must have part of the credit of the agent, which is enough to show the ability of Jeff Austin, which is the reason why Su Mo chose and trusted him.


Austin said with a smile,"Since Mr. Su Mo trusts me so much, I will do my best to serve you and get the best resources for you." He tapped the table.

He continued,"Right now, the most urgent thing is to get you a rookie contract. I will do it immediately. From what I know, there are already several teams interested."

"Wait for good news."

These are the jobs of an agent, so he doesn't need to worry too much.

Austin finalized Su Mo and went straight to the Warriors management without delay. He first announced that he was Su Mo's agent, and then got straight to the point:"What kind of offer are you going to give Su Mo?!"

"2 years, 10 million US dollars!"

Riley spoke with great confidence and explained:"Mr. Austin, you know that this year's No. 1 pick Blake Griffin signed a 4-year, 24 million US dollar contract with the Clippers."

"Although Su Mo's salary is reduced by 1 million per year, it is only for 2 years, after which he can get a better contract, so in essence, the two offers are absolutely equal."

A free agent gets a big contract comparable to the"No. 1 pick", this is why Riley is confident in signing Su Mo.


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