NBA: Get Curry's three-point skill package at the beginning

Chapter 10 Rookie, Welcome to the NBA

Of course, the duel between the two is not just a personal duel, but also a duel of two basketball styles between Richard Hamilton and Chauncey Billups.

Richard Hamilton's white team pays more attention to team basketball, with both offense and defense.

Chauncey Billups' red team had no choice but to play superstar basketball, and everyone had to revolve around the core of Wang Feng.

So in this game, Wang Feng played against the entire white team with one man.

Seeing Dakomilicic snickering in front of him after scoring a dunk, he immediately taunted: "Young people don't know how to be tall and strong! They only scored a few points, but they dare to play tricks in front of me! I almost scored three points in one quarter. Very good."

"How dare you say that three-pointers can't win the championship, I'll show you what an epoch-making three-pointer is!"

If it weren't for Wang Feng to know that after 09, that immature primary school student entered the NBA, set off a small ball storm 15 years later, and successfully won four championships.

No way, Wang Feng will really be fooled by Darkomilicic.

After all, Reggie Miller, the three-point king of this era, is a complete loser.

Said, Wang Feng leaned on Richie Balding and reached for the ball, Elden Campbell held back Darko Milicic, Ronald also resisted Mehmet Okur, and the two worked hard to create a perfect match for Wang Feng Space to catch the ball.

It has to be said that at this time, Wang Feng has conquered the red team teammates with his ball skills and scoring ability, and he consciously helped Wang Feng create scoring opportunities.

As soon as Wang Feng received the ball, Rich Balding, who was stuck by Wang Feng, began to fall into a rampage, constantly violating Wang Feng's cylinder with illegal movements, in an attempt to disrupt Wang Feng's shooting rhythm.

Fortunately, this is not a regular game, otherwise, calling a physical foul would not be able to escape.

Moreover, it happened that Larry Brown, the interim referee of this intra-team match, liked to encourage confrontation, so he turned a blind eye to Rich Balding's frequent violations of Wang Feng's cylinder.

In fact, Larry Brown quite likes to see Wang Feng look embarrassed when he is struggling.

"Boy, you can only become a talent if you have experienced the defensive training of the Pistons. That kid Michael Jordan came here. I hope you can be like Michael Jordan!"

Wang Feng was almost unable to hold the ball steadily due to Rich Balding's unsportsmanlike movements.

Seeing that the temporary referee Larry Brown was indifferent to the foul he had suffered, Wang Feng couldn't help cursing in his heart: This old man, is he blind? He doesn't blow such an obvious foul move!

Cursing secretly, Wang Feng didn't want to be restrained by an unknown scrap.

Wang Feng made up his mind to teach the White team players a profound lesson.

So Wang Feng put Rich Balding on his shoulders, and then stepped out with a tentative step.

Rich Balding's defensive talent is average, so he can only make up for it with hard work, and he hastened to defend again.

At this moment, Wang Feng suddenly accelerated, dribbled the ball under the crotch twice in a row, and changed the dribbling rhythm. Rich Balding was caught off guard, and soon Rich Balding lost his defensive position.

Seeing that Rich Balding was almost knocked down by him, Wang Feng quickly accelerated again, and the combination of man and ball reached the point of perfection, so Rich Balding had to watch helplessly as Wang Feng broke through from his side.

One step past Rich Balding, the white team center Darkomilicic inside also got rid of the entanglement of the red team center Elden Campbell, and he quickly came to Wang Feng.

"Look at me to guard against you!"

Speaking of Dakomilicic coming aggressively, wanting to be humiliated before Yixue, however, Wang Feng did not give him this chance at all.

I saw that he was not afraid, he jumped over the front of Dakomilicic, and then exerted strength in his abdomen and jumped high.

Dakomilicic still refused to give up. He opened his big hand and tried to defend himself: "Don't even think about it!"

However, Wang Feng ignored Dakomilicic's supplementary defense, and saw a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"If you want to block me, you are 100 years too early!"

As he said that, Wang Feng pulled out a graceful arc in midair, and forcibly performed an elegant and domineering lever dunk in midair.

After landing, Wang Feng said that classic sentence to Dakomilicic.

"Rookie, welcome to the NBA!"

Dakomilicic seemed a little unbelievable, "Impossible, absolutely impossible! How could I be dunked by a defender who is 1.9 meters tall!"

Larry Brown, Chauncey Billups, Richard Hamilton and everyone present couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Beautiful pull-bar dunk!"

"This Wang Feng is not simple. Not only can he talk, but his strength is even more impressive!"

This is the unanimous opinion of all viewers.

At first they all thought that this Asian boy could only shoot, but now it seems that Wang Feng is an offensive kaleidoscope!

Super long three-pointers, mid-range shots, breakthrough dunks, offensive talent is fully displayed!

"Wang Feng, I don't know how many surprises you have left." Larry Brown muttered to himself.

Having said that, Larry Brown looks forward to Wang Feng's next performance even more.

Wang Feng's goal severely hit the morale of the White team, and the White team's defensive system collapsed instantly.

Many people were hit by Wang Feng's attack and were a little suspicious of life.

Every unbelieving player of the White team wanted to defend Wang Feng, but the final result was that Wang Feng scored easily and freely.

The ultra-long-range three-pointers that are almost undefendable, the extremely accurate half-blocks after breaking through the opponent, the layups or flying dunks that rushed to the white team's penalty area, every score severely hit the morale of the white team.

Wang Feng's invincible offensive firepower stunned the main players of the Pistons.

"Big Ben, guess how many points Wang Feng can score in this game?"

New Pistons star Tayshaun Prince asked Ben Wallace.

Big Ben is the defensive core of the Pistons, and he is good at consuming the physical energy of the opponent's inside line. He knows that under normal circumstances, as the game progresses, offensive players will consume a lot of physical energy and their shooting percentage will drop significantly.

And often at this time, it is time to compete for team tactical execution, team defense and superstar basketball.

The Pistons don't lack tactical execution or defense, but they lack a player who can play superstar basketball.

But now, Ben Wallace sees hope in Wang Feng, a fledgling rookie.

"Tai Xia'an, I don't dare to predict how many points Wang Feng will score, but so far, Wang Feng has scored 39 points, which is less than two quarters. According to Wang Feng's scoring method, even if His shooting percentage dropped in the second half of the game, but as long as he still has a chance to shoot, I believe he can score at least 50 points, even if he scored 60 or 70 points, I would not be surprised!"

60 points, 70 points, these are the points that many nba players can't score in their lifetime, but now it has been realized by a rookie.

Ben Wallace couldn't help but think of Wang Feng's arrogant declaration at the NBA Draft.

"You're missing a Jordan type player!"

"I will beat all the rookies in the same class!"

The words are still in my ears, maybe Wang Feng can really realize such wild words!

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