Netherworld Investigator

Chapter 461: Old Hatred

Song Xingchen replied coldly, "Not interested!"

There was a traffic camera on the utility pole so the previous scene must have been clearly witnessed by thousands of spectators on the gambling site. The Wolf King broke the camera with his gun and asked, "Should you cover your faces?"

I shook my head, “They’ve already seen us so it's not necessary! We should leave now before we bring more trouble to this small town."

"You’re right, we shouldn’t stay here," said the Wolf King.

Shattering the window of one of the cars, the Wolf King opened the door and fiddled the keyhole with a tactical knife, but to no avail. He was about to remove the dashboard when I told him to step aside. With my lock picking tools, I managed to start the engine after a few tries.

We spent a short time on the road when three black vehicles suddenly appeared behind us. 

The Wolf King cursed, "Geez, these fuckers keep coming!"

I turned around and found two men in suits armed with guns in the passenger seats of the cars in front of us, shooting at us unceremoniously. With a deafening bang, the windshield broke, scattering glass fragments all over us.

"Get down!" ordered Song Xingchen.

While remaining lowered, the Wolf King hit the gas pedal, swaying the car from side to side, almost flying off the road. I felt as if I was on a dizzying rollercoaster ride.

Constant gunfire rang in our ears and soon, the car was riddled with bullet holes. In fact, everything in the movies was fake–the car’s metal body couldn't resist bullets at all. Fortunately, we were traveling at high speeds so the gunmen’s aim was impaired.

Suddenly, a bullet entered the vehicle and hit the roof, causing a burst of sparks. The Wolf King ducked in fright, "We’re sitting ducks here! We’ve got to think of something to stop them!"

“Kiddo, this is an automatic gun. Just put your hand on the trigger and shoot," said the Wolf King as he handed me a firearm.

While I hesitated, Song Xingchen interjected, "I'll take it!"

Gun in hand, he waited till the gunfire outside came to a halt, then burst out of the door with half of his body exposed and emptied the magazine. A shrill brake threatened to rupture my eardrums, and then boom! When I looked up, I found that one of the cars following us had overturned. It turned out that a bullet hit the driver, thus causing the accident. The car in the back was forced to stop. Only one car remained on our tail.

Surprised, the Wolf King commended, "That’s amazing! Did you undergo training?"

"It was a lucky shot," dismissed Song Xingchen. Despite his modesty, even I suspected Song Xingchen had training.

“Get rid of the other one!” The Wolf King threw several magazines at him.

I smiled bitterly, "Is this justifiable defense?"

“Don’t worry. When the police are here, I’ll hide as usual,” came his indifferent reply.

Song Xingchen’s casual remark seemed to shock the Wolf King. "What! You called the police?"

"I didn't call the police. My friend contacted the Fujian Public Security Bureau,” I explained. “But don't worry, I will honor my promise."

The Wolf King's expression turned ugly. With his identity, obviously the word ‘police’ made him nervous. Gritting his teeth, he ventured, "Alright then, I believe you but I’ll leave before the police arrive!"

At that moment, an ear-splitting boom interrupted our conversation.

The three of us stared wide-eyed and open-mouthed at the rearview mirror. A truck crashed out of the side wall, overturning the last car and covering the ground with dust and broken bricks. It accelerated straight towards us, and the driver was the Tyrant Tiger!

"He’s here!" shouted the Wolf King.

The truck came after us like a raging bull. Taking the narrow roads, the Wolf King tried to throw him off but it did nothing to thwart the Tyrant King. His huge truck came rolling down the road, bulldozing the cars that he encountered along the way so the front of the truck was caved in from the constant impact.

"What a fucking annoying bastard! I think it’s time we settle our debts," the Wolf King narrowed his eyes.

"There’s bad history between you two?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I have a bullet hole in my shoulder, courtesy of this bastard,” replied the Wolf King.

The Wolf King recounted his history with the Tyrant Tiger. As it turned out, the Wolf King once worked on a job with the Tyrant Tiger, robbing an armored vehicle. However, he never expected the Tyrant Tiger to turn against his companions when they were splitting the spoils. Fortunately, the Wolf King and a buddy of his managed to escape from his clutches hid in a temporary stronghold.

In order to remove all risks of future crises, the Tyrant Tiger informed the police about their hideout, using the police to snuff them out. At the time, the Wolf King was involved in a gunfight on the streets with the police to ensure his buddy’s escape. Unfortunately, his buddy didn’t make it in the end, while he had been on the run for more than twenty years...

New and old hatred surged in his heart, the Wolf King's eyes turning red with rage, teeth tightly clenched.

At the sudden appearance of crossroads in front of us, the Wolf King swerved, almost overturning the car at the bend. 

"Shit, the chassis may be broken! The brakes aren’t working!" he shouted.

With a huge truck hot on our heels, slowing down was actually more dangerous. Scanning our surroundings, I pointed and said, "There’s a construction site over there. The sand will slow us down so we can jump out."

“Good idea, kiddo!" The Wolf King nodded, quickly steering the vehicle towards the construction site, the truck behind us still in hot pursuit.

The construction site wasn’t operating today. At the sight of an unauthorized vehicle entering the premises, the security guard stood in the middle of the road, shouting loudly, but was soon frightened into running back to the security room when the Wolf King fired a shot in the air.

The car slammed into the railing, knocked down a pile of bricks, crashed into the sand heap, and finally came to a complete halt before impacting the second heap of sand. At that point, the three of us jumped out of the vehicle.

Behind us, the Tyrant Tiger drove headlong towards us. Firing several shots in the Tyrant Tiger’s direction, the Wolf King yelled, "Take cover inside!"

We tore hell for leather into the newly-roofed building, away from the deafening noise that sounded behind us. The truck hit something, causing the ground beneath our feet to quake. On our way to the stairs, a bullet shot towards us, though missing its target when we ducked. In the midst of his battle against the Tyrant Tiger, the Wolf King cried, "Go! I’ll try to hold him back!"

The sound of gunfire echoed throughout the building. Song Xingchen and I dashed up to the third floor which was empty, with only some materials piled up on the ground to provide cover. At this moment, the gunfire stopped abruptly, and the Wolf King came racing up the stairs. His mask had been removed so the splotches of red on his forehead were clearly visible. It seemed he had been hurt by flying debris.  

Leaning against the wall, the Wolf King cursed, "What a fucking madman!"

"I'll deal with him!" Song Xingchen clenched his fist around his sword.

"Don't! This guy’s a good marksman. One shot is all it takes for him to blow your head off,” countered the Wolf King. “You’ve fought him before. Didn’t you find anything wrong with him?"

"His skills are average at best but he doesn’t seem to be affected by pain," remarked Song Xingchen.

The Wolf King pointed to his head, "Back when he was part of the special forces, shrapnel from a grenade hit him in the head so he doesn’t feel pain anymore.”

I sighed, "Looks like the Eyes of Yama won’t work on him then!"

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