New Girl

New Girl

Heyyyy, here's my second Patreon short story, which was posted a month ago for patrons. Hope you enjoy!

“Who’s the new girl?” I asked. “She’s hot.”

I was sitting in the cafeteria for lunch on the first day back at school following Summer with my friend, Jacob.

Jacob smirked. “Oh, does Alice have another crush?”

“Shut up,” I said, blushing a bit. “She seems shy.”

“Maybe you should introduce yourself.”

I shook my head. “Oh no. No way.”

“Oh, you totally have a crush already.”

“I have literally never seen her before today, how could I already have a crush?”

Jacob swallowed another bite of sandwich. “The heart wants what it wants, Alice.” He took a sip from his water bottle. “Besides, she’s new, probably really nervous. We should totally befriend her.”

“We don’t even know if she’s gay!” I hissed.

Jacob raised an eyebrow. “I said ‘befriend her,’ not ‘ask her out.’”

“I- I know that!”

Jacob finished off his sandwich. “You definitely have a crush. Not that I blame you. I’m gay and even I can see she’s fucking gorgeous.”

And indeed she was. The new girl had red hair styled in a cute pixie cut. She had a sprinkling of freckles over her face. Her outfit was simple but really sexy. I definitely had not been checking out her butt in those jeans. It was still warm out, so she was wearing a cute purple t-shirt decorated with flower patterns.

Ok, maybe I was developing a crush. A small one. A really tiny crush. It’s not my fault I started crushing on every pretty girl who happened to exist within a hundred yards of me.

Shit, she noticed me staring. I looked down at my food, blushing.

We shared gym class that afternoon. Strangely, she didn’t join us in the change room, but instead waited until the rest of us were done changing. I didn’t question it, she was new, so she was probably just nervous or something.

We were playing dodgeball that day. I was not the most athletic student, but I was one of the more skilled students at the game. There had only ever been one person better than me, but it appeared he had moved to a new school.

Ah well. Now there was nothing stopping me from being the uncontested dodgeball champion.

Except, of course, there was. Just my luck, as soon as my old rival left, a new one showed up. Except this new rival was much, much cuter. The new girl absolutely dominated the entire class.

Once she realised that, however, she adorably blushed, then shuffled off to the side awkwardly.

I frowned and followed her.

“Hey, you’re pretty good. What’s your name?” I said.

The new girl squeaked and turned to the sound of my voice. “Um, M-Michelle.” She blushed and looked down at her shoes. “You’re pretty good too.”

“Not as good as you. You’re new, right?”

She shook her head.

“Really? Cute girl like you? I definitely would have noticed you before.”

She squeaked again. Her face had gotten really red. Maybe she actually was gay? “I, uh- I-” she stammered.

Just then, the bell rang, signalling the end of class. Since gym was the last class of the day. I asked Michelle, “hey, you wanna hang out after school today?”

Michelle shook her head. “I, um…” she frowned. “Um, sure.” She nodded. “I would like to.”

Michelle once again opted against joining me and the other girls in the change room. I figured that since she probably was gay, she was worried people might think she was a pervert or something. I had been too, but none of the other girls had actually cared. I had nearly gotten beaten up by some guy who thought I was perving on his girlfriend, but he got expelled after that. Plus, his girlfriend dumped him once she heard what happened. Then she came out as bi. She’s now in a relationship with another of our classmates - a girl this time.

I figured I’d ask Michelle about it. I waited for her to get changed. She was back in that cute shirt and those jeans that were amazing at getting me distracted.

“S-So, uh, what did you want to do?” she asked.

“Well, I’d usually grab something at Timmy’s with Jacob, but he got a boyfriend over the summer, so he’s hanging out with him right now. I figured I’d get you something.”


“My best friend.”

“Your best friend is gay?”

I shrugged. “Is that a problem?”

Michelle shook her head. “N-No, not a problem. I just- um-”

“I’m gay too, actually,” I said.

“Wait, r-really?”

I nodded. “I wasn’t kidding when I said I’d have noticed a cute girl like you.”

She scrunched up her face adorably. “Are you flirting with me?”

Oh shit. “Um, well. N-no. I mean, I figured you might be gay too, since you were nervous about joining the rest of us in the change room. But uh, sorry. Are you straight?”

She shook her head. “No. I’m not s-straight. But that’s not why I’m nervous!”

We got to Timmy’s. We each ordered a donut, then sat down to eat. “So why are you nervous then? I figured it might be that you’re new, but you said you weren’t.”

She took a bite of her donut, chewing slowly. She seemed lost in thought. She eventually swallowed her bite, then sighed. “I’m trans.”

“What- oh.” I smiled. “Is that it?”

“What? Yes, that’s it. Isn’t that a big deal or something?” She frowned at her half eaten donut.

“Why would it be a big deal? You’re a girl. Sure, you may have thought you were a guy up until last school year, but you know now, right?”

She shook her head. “But, like, I have a- a- you know, that. Does that not bother you?”

I shrugged. “Should it bother me?”

“It bothers a lot of people.”

“Well it doesn’t bother me.”

Michelle was silent for a bit while she finished her donut. “It bothers me,” she said quietly.

“What, it bothers you when girls have dicks?”

She shook her head vigorously. “No! No no no. I uh… it bothers me that I have one.”

“Ok, that makes a lot more sense,” I said.

I finished off the last bite of my donut.

There was a ping sound, and Michelle pulled her phone out of her pocket. “Oh, uh. I gotta go. It was nice spending time with you, Alice. Uh- I, uh- Maybe we could, um- M-Maybe we could hang out again tomorrow?”

I nodded. “I’d love to, Michelle.”

As we stood to leave, a thought struck me. “Hang on, how’d you know my name?”

She giggled, smiling. “Everyone knows you. You got that asshole, Cole, expelled last year. That was especially good for me, actually. He and I were friends, and um- well, he’s part of why I didn’t accept myself as being trans until recently.”

I smirked. “So I helped you come out, in a roundabout way?”

Michelle laughed. Her laugh sounded so pretty. How on earth had she managed to get her voice sounding so beautiful in only a few months? If she was who I thought she was, then that was a very impressive difference.

“I guess you did, yeah. I suppose I should thank you, then.”

I shrugged. “You don’t have to. Also, might I say, whatever you did with your voice, it’s an impressive change, and your voice is incredibly pretty now.”

She blushed and stammered. “Th-Thanks. I uh… I spent a lot of time voice training. It was hard, but I guess it was worth it if you think my voice is pretty now.”

Michelle was unbelievably cute. Over the month of September, I had started to get to know her a bit. She was very shy, but after the first week, she started opening up around me a lot more.

She had actually realised she was trans before the end of the last school year, sometime in April. She had come out to her parents pretty quick since, as it turned out, one of her parents was actually a trans woman, so she had felt pretty safe to come out. She had managed to get HRT before May had even started.

I also got confirmation that my old and new dodgeball rivals were actually the same person. I reassured her that no, her skill with dodgeball wasn’t some ‘biological advantage,’ she was just good at the game, just like I was. She wasn’t even that athletic, she just had fast reactions, same as me.

I had introduced her to Jacob the next day. The two had started up a friendship, but Michelle seemed significantly more comfortable around me. Jacob didn’t actually know yet that she was trans. She kept that information pretty close to the chest.

I hadn’t managed to get her to actually change with the rest of the girls, so I had instead started waiting to change with her. She seemed incredibly self-conscious about her body, which I kind of got, but she was also fucking gorgeous and distracting. Specifically distracting for me.

I’ll admit, I have a crush on her. A big one. One Sunday, we hung out in a park near-ish to where I lived, and she was wearing a cute pair of denim shorts, and I had to force myself to not stare so I didn’t make her feel uncomfortable.

I was feeling a bit concerned. I hadn’t seen Michelle all day. It was worrying me a bit. I had texted her, but she hadn’t even read them.

Then I overheard something which made my blood turn to ice.

It was Michelle’s dead name.

Sure, I had tried to forget. But it’s still something I would recognize. Even worse, the person who said it was talking about Michelle.

“Yeah, he thinks he’s a girl now. Completely nuts,” the guy, who I think was in grade 11 (one year below me and Michelle), said.

“It’s gross is what it is,” one of the girls he was talking to said. I think she was in grade 10. “And the school just lets him get away with perving on us real girls!”

I couldn’t help but butt in at that point. “Hey, don’t talk about Michelle like that!”

The other students, a boy and two girls, all in lower grades than me, turned to look at me. “Of course you would stick up for him, huh? I suppose perverts gotta stick together, huh?” one of the girls said.

I flushed. “I will have you know that Michelle avoids sharing the change room with the other girls. She is like the complete opposite of a pervert.”

The other girl rolled her eyes. “Yeah, right. You know, just yesterday, I was trying to use the bathroom, and he walk-”

She,” I said. “Michelle is a girl. Use she.”

The boy scoffed. “More like delusional, is what he is.”

I opened my mouth to retort, but then paused. I grinned. “So which is it then? Delusional or perverted? I don’t think having it both ways really works in this situation.”

The boy opened his mouth to respond, then a confused look came over his face as he seemed to realise just how little his argument even made sense.

“Well, then he’s a delusional pervert!” One of the girls exclaimed stupidly.

I sighed. “Ok, so Michelle is both deluded and convinced she is a girl and intentionally doing this so she can spy on girls?” I laughed. “You do see how that makes no sense, right?”

The other girl opened her mouth, no doubt to come up with something even stupider to respond with, but was interrupted by a ping from my phone.

“Ok, you 3 fuck off now. I have more important things to worry about,” I said, pulling out my phone.

It was a text from Michelle.

I opened it.

Hey, sorry I didn’t respond. I got a nasty fever last night, and I only just woke up. I should be back on Monday

I smiled and sent a reply;

Alright, I’ll see you Monday then. Hope you feel better soon! 💜💜💜

I slipped my phone back in my pocket.

“Was that your pervert friend?” One of the girls said. Evidently they had opted against fucking off. “What, is he too ashamed to show his face around here?”

I sighed. “No.”

Then I turned and walked away. No point giving bigots my time like that.

The facts of Michelle’s transition spread quickly. Soon, everyone knew. I warned Michelle before she came back on Monday, and asked if I could meet up with her before school.

She said I could, so we arranged to meet at our usual Timmy’s.

She was really nervous. Now, everyone knew about her. I spent the rest of our walk to school reassuring her, and trying to build her confidence. It partially worked.

Of course, arriving at school turned out to be very anticlimactic. No one said anything to Michelle. Sure, there were a few scowls sent her way, but no one actually confronted her.

Then, during lunch, Michelle had to pee, and she got super nervous all over again, so I offered to accompany her. She hesitantly accepted.

While she went into a stall, I waited in the bathroom proper, opening up Tumblr to browse. I was almost immediately interrupted by the sounds of other girls showing up.

“That must have taken a lot of balls, coming back now that everyone knows what a pervert he is.”

I tensed up. The girls who had just entered were the same ones I had confronted the previous week.

They stopped short as they saw me.

I glared at them. “You know, I distinctly remember telling you dumbasses that she is anything but a pervert. Or delusional for that matter. Michelle is just as much a girl as you and I. Deal with it.”

One of the girls scoffed. “Still sticking up for him, huh? You’re clearly brainwashed!”

I laughed. “You just contradicted yourselves again! Last week, you said I’m sticking up for her because ‘perverts need to stick together,’ but now you say it’s because I’m brainwashed? Which is it then? Make up your damn minds.”

Then the toilet flushed, and Michelle stepped out of the stall. She had a scowl on her face. “Do you mind? I’m trying to pee in peace.” Without another word, she stepped over to the sinks to wash her hands.

“You!” One of the bigot girls said.

“Me,” Michelle said calmly, grabbing a paper towel to dry her hands. She calmly stepped passed the two girls towards the door. “Shall we get going, fellow pervert?” She said to me.

I smiled at her. “Yeah. No use spending our time on these assholes.”

Once outside, Michelle’s calm facade dissipated, and she shrunk in on herself. “Th-Thanks for sticking up for me, Alice.”

I smiled. “Of course. You’re my friend. And those two - they’re just bigots. Don’t pay any mind to what they say about you. You’re better than them.”

Michelle smiled. “Thanks.”

It was nearing Winter break, and I was seriously considering asking Michelle out.

I had no idea if any of my feelings were returned, but I wanted to find out.

The last Friday of term, after classes, Michelle and I went to the usual Timmy’s again. Jacob was on a date with his boyfriend again, so it was just the two of us.

“Hey Alice,” Michelle said. “I’ve been wondering something.”

I put down my donut. “What you been wondering?”

Michelle nervously ran a hand through her hair. It had been getting longer, but it was back to the pixie cut she’d had at the start of term. “Well, you’re gay. And I’m bi, but I think I prefer girls. And uh… I was wondering if, uh-” she cut herself off, fidgeting nervously in her seat.

I felt my heart do a little backflip. Was she asking what I thought she was asking?

She took a deep breath. “I just thought that maybe… do you wanna maybe go on a-”

“Yes,” I said, before she could finish. “I think I definitely want to.”

She let out a sigh. “Ok. Good. Great. That’s awesome. Um- I hadn’t planned this far, I don’t have anything-”

“Do you like ice skating?” I interrupted again.

“I- uh- yes,” Michelle stammered.

“We could go ice skating,” I said.

“Ok,” Michelle said. “I would love to, it’s just-” she ran another hand through her hair. “My skates don’t fit anymore. Um- my- my feet shrunk.”

I blinked. “Your feet shrunk?”

She nodded. “Yeah, uh- a-apparently that can happen on HRT.”

I smiled at my shy, anxious friend (future girlfriend?). “Then you can rent some. Or get yourself new skates. Actually, I might have some older skates that are too small for me now, we could try those.”

Michelle nodded. “O-ok. We can try that.”

“Alright. Wanna come over and try them on today?”

Michelle squeaked. “Like, go to your house?”

I nodded. “Yeah. Come over to my place. Try on those skates, watch a movie maybe. Up to you.”

Michelle thought about it for a bit, chewing on another bite of her donut. “Ok. That would be nice.”

We finished off our donuts, then got up to leave, hand-in-hand.

So, here's a fun fact: I'm working on a prequel and planning a sequel! Both will be going up on my Patreon over the next month, along with multiple other stories with a lot of the same characters! I will also be posting stories that will remain exclusive to my Patreon, so be sure to check it out if you wanna read those!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.