Night of apocalypse

Chapter 1096 Sky Lord

High in the sky.

Rabbit Qing, Banka and others saw the floating fortress Altais falling rapidly towards the ground with billowing black smoke, and they were all very desperate.

"It's completely over this time. The floating fortress has been sunk."

"We have no hope."

The command room of the floating fortress.

A piercing siren sounded, accompanied by flashing red lights.

"Warning: The fortress is falling fast!"

"Warning: Area A7 of the fortress was hit and damaged."

Chen Ye, Qi Dong and others were thrown away by the huge inertia of the fall.

Shen Qiu steadied himself, but his face was also very ugly. He shouted to An Ji.

"Angie, hurry!"

"Stop rushing me, I'm increasing the power! Quick! Stop it!"

Anji was also very anxious.

I saw red prompts popping up one after another on the console screen.

"The power of the floating device is increasing."

"30%, 40%!"

"Hurry! Otherwise we're going to crash!"

Shen Qiu's heart was also in her throat.

"I know, don't rush me!"

Anji was also extremely anxious.

Fortunately, the power of the floating device finally reached 60% again, and the entire floating fortress Altais suddenly stopped falling.

Chen Ye climbed up from the ground in pain. He was hit hard by this solid fall.


"Huh~ I was scared to death, but luckily I was able to hold myself still."

Anji patted her chest and said with lingering fear.

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, the entire fortress shook violently, and red prompts popped up again.

"Warning: K42 area armor damaged!"

"Warning, the armor in area F11 is damaged!"

Dense artillery shells and missiles continued to fall on the surface of the fortress and exploded, causing the damage to the fortress to skyrocket.

Shen Qiu asked with a dark face.

"Anji, are you still sure? You can even break the barrier!"

"No, haven't you seen how advanced that fortress is? Let's not mention that its firepower is stronger than ours. Just because it has an energy barrier and a main gun, we have no chance!"

Although Anji was very reluctant, she really had no choice.

Shen Qiu's expression changed, and then he said to An Ji.

"It's okay to contain it, right?"

"No problem. Although our fortress is not as good as the other's, we are thick-skinned and thick-skinned. We can carry it for a while without any problem!"

Anji is quite confident about this.

When Shen Qiu heard this, he picked up the communicator and shouted into the air force's public channel.

"Everyone, I am City Lord Shen Qiu. Who is sure that they can approach that fortress and send me up?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard Shen Qiu's words, and no one dared to say a word for a while. Although they all considered themselves to be highly skilled, the firepower of the enemy fortress was obvious to all. It was extremely difficult to get close to it, let alone send the city lord up. This was no less difficult than dancing on the tip of a knife.

But just when everyone was dull, Rabbit Qing said firmly.

"Lord City Lord, I can do it!"

"Very well, come pick me up!"

Shen Qiu said to Rabbit Qing without hesitation.

"Yes! Lord City Lord."

Rabbit Qing replied in a loud voice.

At this moment, Banka and others were also touched, and they all shouted passionately.

"Lord City Lord, we will cover you!"

"That's right, we are willing to risk everything."

"Very well everyone, I'm proud of you! Victory must belong to us."

Shen Qiu replied passionately.

"Must win!"

Banka and the others roared passionately.

Shen Qiugang hung up the communication.

Yun Xiaoxi and others looked at him and said.

"Chen Qiu, take us with you!"

They were all ready to go together as long as Shen Qiu agreed.

Shen Qiu said to them with a faint smile.

"No need, you just need to take care of the fortress and wait for my good news!"

When Yun Xiaoxi and others heard Shen Qiu's words, they all fell into silence. Bei Kailun said with a self-deprecating smile.

"Captain, it's such a great opportunity for a personal show, but you want to eat alone again?"

"Haha, I will definitely play with you next time, I'm leaving!"

Shen Qiu waved to Bei Kailun and others, and walked out casually.

In the Xingqiao command room.

Oroko and others have been paying attention to the confrontation between the two floating fortresses.

Everyone had seen the floating fortress Altais falling, and their hearts were in their throats.

Although the floating fortress Altais is now stable again, the situation is still very bad no matter how you look at it.

General Hebika said anxiously to Speaker Oroko and others.

"Lord Oroko, the situation is not very good. Lord Shen's fortress is no match for the opponent."

"I knew from the beginning that there was nothing to panic about."

Oroko replied coldly.

In fact, a discerning person would know at a glance that the enemy's fortress was more advanced than Shen Qiu's, and it was very normal for it to be defeated.

"However, if the enemy destroys Lord Shen's fortress, they will be able to attack us."

Hebika is getting more and more anxious, and now the situation is really precarious.

Speaker Oroko didn't reply to General Hebika's words, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

At this time Ogesa suddenly shouted in surprise.


Hebika and others were startled, and then looked at the optical image captured by artificial intelligence Cerny.

Shen Qiu was seen holding a 150-centimeter-long silver metal cylinder with a black danger symbol branded on the surface in one hand, appearing on the floating fortress Altais.

"Chen Qiu, what are you doing? What is he holding in his hand?"

Everyone was also shocked.

Artificial intelligence Cerny zoomed in on the captured image very thoughtfully and gave accurate responses.

"The Lord of the City holds in his hand the tactical nuclear mine, the Sound of Silence."

When everyone heard Cerni's words, everyone looked extremely wonderful.

At this time, Shen Qiu was standing on the surface of the floating fortress holding the tactical nuclear mine Sound of Silence, with violent explosions rising from time to time around him.

The two fortresses now entered into confrontation again, pouring out firepower.

Shen Qiu's eyes scanned the sky around him, and soon he saw a special Silver Wing fighter jet approaching quickly.

Rabbit Qing in the Silver Wing fighter's cockpit also saw Shen Qiu holding the nuclear mine, and her eyes showed an expression of extreme shock.

At this time, Shen Qiu gestured to Rabbit Qing, telling her to fly directly in front of him without having to make an emergency landing in the floating fortress.

Rabbit Qing suppressed the shock in his heart, then adjusted the flight angle of the fighter plane and began to slow down at the same time.

Shen Qiu narrowed his eyes as he watched the Silver Wing fighter approaching at great speed, activated the atomic magic suit and immediately covered his body.

Just as the fighter plane passed by, Shen Qiu's body flashed with purple lightning arcs, and then he jumped up and jumped to the top of the Silver Wing fighter with great precision.


The entire Blade Fighter shook violently, but Rabbit Qing stabilized immediately.

"Lord City Lord, is this okay?"

Rabbit Qing asked nervously on the public communication channel.

Shen Qiu leaned over and responded.

"Okay, from now on you don't have to worry about me, just fly the fighter plane how you want! The first thing you need to do now is to fly the fighter plane over the enemy's fortress!"


Rabbit Qing responded neatly.

Immediately afterwards, Rabbit Qing pushed the power lever violently, and the entire Silver Wing fighter accelerated to the limit, and began to raise the nose of the aircraft, raising the flight altitude, and headed straight towards the floating fortress Alofas.

Just as Rabbit Qing was approaching, the jet-black gun barrels on the huge body of the floating fortress Alofas moved to lock on Rabbit Qing.

Bang bang!

Intense barrages came.

Rabbit Qing was highly concentrated, staring directly at the incoming dense rain of bullets, and controlled the fighter plane to avoid it at high speed.

However, as Rabbit Qing approached, the defense mechanism of the floating fortress Alofas was directly triggered, and the launch ports opened one by one.


Missiles were fired one after another.

Seeing that he was locked by the missile, Rabbit Haru bit his lip and decisively controlled the fighter plane to release the decoy bombs, and then forcibly turned away from the approaching floating fortress Alofas.

Shen Qiu did not urge Tuqing, but stood quietly on the fighter plane, leaving professional matters to professionals.

At this moment, Shen Qiu's bracelet suddenly vibrated.


Shen Qiu looked down and found that it was a video call from Wu Di, so he picked up the call.

In the video communication image, there was a deafening explosion and Wu Di's angry roar.

"Knock them off for me!"

Shen Qiu watched the communication image carefully, and then saw the tragic scene of Xiguang No. 1 underground city being bombed by the enemy.

Heavy bombs and ground-penetrating bombs were dropped one after another.


Sky-high explosions continued to rise all around.

Almost all the anti-air weapons in Xiguang No. 1 Dungeon have been pulled out, and now they only rely on primitive anti-aircraft guns set up by manpower to fight back, but those things are almost useless.

Therefore, it can be said that the entire Xiguang No. 1 underground city is now a target, constantly being bombarded by the enemy.

Wu Di was also jumping up and down anxiously, but he had no choice at all.

At this time, Shen Qiu shouted.


Wu Di reacted immediately. He lowered his head and saw that the communication was connected, and then shouted anxiously to Shen Qiu.

"Brother, do you have an air formation over there? Come over and provide support. I really support you here."

Just as Wu Di was mid-sentence, he suddenly saw a missile whizzing past Shen Qiu, and he was startled and asked.

"Brother, where are you?"

Shen Qiu immediately distanced his bracelet and showed it to Wu Di. At this moment, he was standing on top of the fighter plane.

At this time, Wu Di also saw the nuclear thunder held in Shen Qiu's hand, and his eyes widened and the boss asked.

"Why are you holding a nuclear mine?"

Shen Qiu pointed his bracelet at the floating fortress in the distance, showing that he was going to be a heroic bombardier.

"What do you think?"

"excuse me!"

Wu Di decisively hung up the communication.


Shen Qiu sighed helplessly.

As soon as he finished sighing, he heard Rabbit Qing's urgent reminder.

"City Lord, be careful."

Shen Qiu came to his senses and raised his head to look over. He saw swarms of drones and hunting shadows sweeping towards the Rabbit Qing fighter plane. He then said to Rabbit Qing.

"Don't be afraid to rush over!"

Rabbit Qing decisively believed that Shen Qiu rushed over, and Shen Qiu immediately raised his left hand and waved.

Purple thunder and lightning swept over, and the unmanned fighter planes were directly destroyed.

Seeing that the drone was destroyed, Rabbit Haru was overjoyed and rushed towards the floating fortress Alofas again.

As she approached, the floating fortress Alofas once again turned its guns in large numbers to prepare to destroy Rabbit Haru.

However, at this time Banka's roar sounded from the communication channel.

"Come on, brothers!"

I saw fighter planes desperately attacking the floating fortress Alofas from all directions.

At this moment, the firepower of the floating fortress Alofas was immediately attracted, and a large number of gun barrels and launch ports were deflected to attack the incoming fighters fiercely.


Fighter planes were hit one after another and exploded.

But even so, Banka and the others did not give in. They were like moths rushing to the flames, completely disregarding safety and continuing to rush forward.

Rabbit Qing's eyes turned red when he saw this, and he raised his flying altitude and sped forward.

At the same time, the floating fortress Altais, which was riddled with holes, launched a fierce attack on the floating fortress Alofas. Countless shells landed on the energy barrier and exploded, causing ripples throughout the barrier.

"Let's go!"

Shen Qiu was also encouraged and shouted to Rabbit Qing.


Rabbit Qing took advantage of the gap where the enemy's firepower was attracted and charged forward at full speed.

At this time, dense barrages were coming towards Rabbit again, but this time she had no fear and only had one belief in her heart, that is, to move forward bravely and rush to the top of the fortress.

So Rabbit Qing controlled the fighter plane to deflect 25 degrees to the left, accelerating through the dense shells.

Shen Qiu was also extremely surprised. He had already prepared to destroy these shells, but he didn't expect her to pass through them. It was really wonderful.

"Lord City Lord, we have flown over the enemy!"

Usagi Haru suppressed her excitement and shouted.

Shen Qiu looked down at the floating fortress Alofas below, turned on the safety device of the tactical nuclear mine Sound of Silence, pressed the activation button, and threw it towards the huge floating fortress Alofas below, and then shouted at Rabbit Qing.


Rabbit Qing directly turned on the power overclocking device modified by the Blade Fighter.


The tail flames ejected by the Silver Wing fighter skyrocketed, and the entire fighter jet shot out like a stream of light.

The tactical nuclear mine, Sound of Silence, hit the energy barrier of the floating fortress Alofas without any accident.


A dazzling sun exploded, and a destructive shock wave swept across.

In the command room of the floating fortress Altais, Anji and others looked at the exploded nuclear mine and shouted excitedly.


At this time, Banka and others were also in the communication channel, roaring excitedly.

"It exploded!"

"The city lord is mighty!"

The fortifications on the western outskirts of the City of Stars.

Everyone who was working hard was stunned by the sudden explosion of the sun in the sky and the thunderous explosion. Everyone involuntarily raised their heads and looked at this shocking scene.

Lei Jing roared very excitedly.

"Well done!"

"It's amazing."

Nosa Vega was also too surprised to say a word.

However, when the dazzling sun gradually faded, everyone was dumbfounded.

The floating fortress Alofas was actually intact. Although the energy barrier covering it was violently deformed, it did not shatter.

"How could this happen?"

"Did you carry it down?"

Banka and the others said in a daze.

In the floating fortress Altais, Chen Ye and the others also stamped their feet in annoyance.

"How strong is the barrier of this fortress, and it hasn't been destroyed yet?"

"This is too unscientific!"

"After all, it is a tactical-grade nuclear mine. It is mainly lightweight and has a slightly lower yield. Moreover, this fortress is very advanced, so the energy barrier is extremely strong. It is not surprising that it was not destroyed, but it is really a pity."

Anji said very regretfully.

Yun Xiaoxi and others also sighed after hearing Anji's words.

Just then Anji suddenly shouted in surprise.


Bei Kailun and others immediately looked over carefully.

After the explosion, Rabbit Qing drove the Silver Wing fighter plane and returned with Shen Qiu.

Shen Qiu stood on the fighter plane and unleashed all his strength, his whole body flashing with violent black thunder and lightning.

Then, under everyone's gaze, Shen Qiu jumped down from the fighter plane holding the strange sword Longzheng, transformed into a black thunder dragon, and roared towards the floating fortress Alofas below.


The violent black thunder dragon hit the energy barrier of the floating fortress Alofas.

With the huge impact, the energy barrier of the floating fortress Alofas shattered and turned into light spots all over the sky, which was very beautiful.

Then Shen Qiu transformed into a black thunder dragon and bombarded the surface of the floating fortress Alofas.


A huge explosion swept through, shaking the entire fortress.

When the explosion shock wave ended, a huge crater was seen on the surface of the floating fortress Alofas.

Shen Qiu pulled out Long Zheng, with a very surprised look on his face. Although there is an energy barrier blocking it, taking away most of one's power, it still causes so little damage?

The armor layer of this fortress is really not that hard.

But after all, Shen Qiu had seen all kinds of wind and waves, so he made a decision in an instant, activated the Instant Thunder Shadow, and ran as fast as lightning on the surface of the floating fortress Alofas, rushing towards the main gun.

He must first destroy the main gun of the floating fortress Alofas, otherwise he only needs to charge it once.

The floating fortress Altais must be destroyed.

At this moment, the floating fortress Alofas also seemed to sense the crisis, opening the release ports one by one, and released densely packed Falcon drones.

These shadow-hunting drones launched suicide attacks one after another and crashed towards Shen Qiu.

Shen Qiu ignored these drones and accelerated towards them!


One after another, the shadow-hunting drones lost their target and hit the surface of the fortress and exploded.

In the blink of an eye, Shen Qiu rushed to the main gun of the floating fortress Alofas, and he could see the charging main gun from a distance.

Shen Qiu then accelerated towards the main gun.

At this moment, square gaps opened on the surface of the fortress in the distance.

Atomic warriors and mechanical warriors rose up from the gap, and they rushed towards Shen Qiu with red eyes.

Shen Qiu's eyes flashed, turning into a black light and deflecting, trying to avoid these obstructing enemies as much as possible.

But too many mechanical warriors and atomic warriors came out, and they moved to block Shen Qiu's path.

Seeing that he could not avoid it, Shen Qiu raised the dragon in his hand and charged forward, slashing cleanly to kill the mechanical warrior in his way.

Time passed by second by second, and Shen Qiu kept approaching the main gun, seeing that the distance was almost close.

"Thunder Spear!"

Shen Qiu raised his left hand to accumulate a violent black lightning spear, and threw it from a long distance.

The violent black thunder spear rushed straight towards the main gun, and at this moment an Atomic Warrior jumped up.


The entire Atomic Warrior was instantly penetrated by the black thunder spear, which had no effect at all.

But the next second, he was blocked by atomic warriors again.


In the end, the black thunder spear was blocked.

Shen Qiu's face suddenly darkened. He didn't expect that the opponent would use his body to block the attack. It seemed that it was unrealistic to destroy the target with a long-range attack.

Thinking of this, Shen Qiu immediately rushed forward with all his might.


The mechanical warriors and atomic warriors fell unwillingly one after another. They could not stop Shen Qiu at all. At this moment, Shen Qiu was like a god of death.

However, it looked like there was still less than a thousand meters to reach the main gun.

Shen Qiu suddenly stopped.

I saw a 2.3-meter-tall Atomic Warrior with MX80 branded on its chest. It was riding a skateboard-shaped mechanical centrifugal levitator under its feet. It floated in front of Shen Qiu and blocked his way calmly and confidently.

This Atomic Warrior has a huge cyan electronic eye on its head, and its whole body is covered with a shimmering cyan metallic luster, with complex bird and animal circuits on it. MX80 is branded on the chest, and each joint and shoulder area has sharp protrusions. spikes, holding a cyan mechanical spear.

Shen Qiu stared at the MX80 Atomic Warrior, feeling the strong danger and couldn't help but secretly thought.

"There's trouble this time!"

At this time, MX80 Atomic Warrior, Sky Lord, Akasol, locked his scarlet electronic eyes on Shen Qiu, and made a low mechanical synthesized sound.

"Inferior creatures, interesting!"

Shen Qiu's eyes kept changing. He didn't have time to waste time with this MX Atomic Warrior here. The main gun of the fortress was almost fully charged.

He must go up and destroy it, otherwise his fortress will definitely be knocked down, and Anji and the others will be in danger.

Thinking of this, Shen Qiu decisively activated the Instant Lightning Shadow and turned it into a black light. He ran towards the right side very quickly, trying to go around in a roundabout way.

As a result, the MX80 Atomic Samurai Akasol swayed on a mechanical skateboard!

He disappeared instantly and appeared in front of Shen Qiu.

Shen Qiuxin was also startled, and immediately turned around and turned into a black light to break through to the left.

As a result, the MX80 Atomic Warrior Akasol leisurely stepped on the mechanical skateboard, disappeared again, appeared in front of Shen Qiu, and blocked his way.

Shen Qiu frowned slightly as he looked at the mechanical skateboard that the Atomic Warrior was riding on. He didn't expect this thing to be so fast.

There was no way to break through in a roundabout way. Shen Qiu's heart changed, and he raised the strange sword Long Zheng in his hand and poured power into it.


The entire dragon was flashing with violent black lightning, and all the lines on its surface lit up.

Shen Qiu rushed forward and slashed at the MX80 Atomic Samurai Akasol.

MX80 Atomic Samurai Akasol raised the cyan spear in his hand and jerked forward.


The shock wave of destruction swept across, and all the surrounding metal spikes shattered.

However, when the impact dissipated, Shen Qiu's slash was easily blocked by the MX80 Atomic Warrior Akasol.

Shen Qiu was also stunned at this moment, with a look of disbelief on his face. How could this atomic warrior be so strong? The feeling of oppression given to him is even stronger than that of MX60 Tierlaken?

At this time, MX80 Atomic Warrior Akasol suddenly showed an anthropomorphic smile and spoke to Shen Qiu.

"Are you surprised?"

Shen Qiu was even more shocked when he heard the MX80 Atomic Warrior Akasol speak.

"Are you conscious?"

"Of course, I will introduce myself as Akasol, known as Sky Lord."

MX80 Atomic Warrior Akasol introduced himself elegantly.

Shen Qiu suppressed the shock in her heart and replied.

"My name is Shen Qiu!"

"I know you, even if you severely damaged the MX60 Atomic Warrior Lord Tierraken, you are considered to be quite capable."

"Lord Tierlaken? Then why do I feel that you are stronger than him?"

"The reason is very simple, because I have a real personality, and the personality of MX60 Atomic Warrior Tierlaken was not downloaded at that time, which means that what you defeated at that time was just a soulless body."

MX80 Atomic Warrior Akasol replied with a smile.

ps: Sorry, I'm in trouble again. I have a severe headache. The update may be a bit unstable. Please forgive me.

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