Night of apocalypse

Chapter 1101 Melee

The command room of the Star Bridge in the City of Stars.

Artificial intelligence Cerny constantly gives the latest battle situation tips and feedback.

"Tip: City Lord Shen's mechanical legion joins the battlefield from the wasteland behind the enemy."

"Tip: Our own mechanical corps carries out a saturation attack on the rear of the enemy's mechanical corps."

"Tip: Enemy siege weapons are damaged."

"Tip: The enemy begins to divide their forces."

Exciting news keeps coming back one after another.

General Hebika and others were very excited and said with very excited expressions.

"Chengdu Shen's hand was beautiful!"

"The timing is perfect!"

"Now the enemy is under attack from both sides. What will they do?"

Speaker Oroko watched the latest evolution of the situation, with a look of relief on his tense face. It turns out how important it is to have a good teammate who can step forward to turn the tide of the battle at critical moments.

"Send me the order for everyone to counterattack and defeat them!"

Speaker Oroko Council issued the order solemnly.


Artificial Intelligence Cerny responded.

Inside the main palace of the Twin Cities.

Yun Xiaoxi and others looked at the real-time battlefield effects and said with great joy.

"Yaheng and the others launched an attack!"

“It’s really timely!”

"Of course it was timely. I personally commanded it remotely, how could it not be timely! That is why my troops were able to avoid the enemy's detection in such a short period of time, and the group detoured to the enemy's rear to carry out a saturation strike!"

Angie said very proudly.

"Well done, but don't be careless. The enemy has begun to divide his forces to target us."

Shen Qiu smiled and touched Anji's head and said.

"Don't worry, Yaheng can definitely beat them until they come back!"

Angie replied very confidently.


Shen Qiu nodded slightly and responded.

At this time, behind the right side of the battlefield, the floating knight Yaheng watched a large number of mechanical troops turning towards him, and then issued an order.

"Adjust the bombardment coordinates!"

The Chihuahua and others received the order and immediately made trajectory corrections.


Dense barrages fell towards the enemy's attacking mechanical troops!


Violent explosions continued to rise, but the effect was not particularly good. This group of troops was very elite. There were a large number of LV4 atomic warriors inside, and they were directly carrying the attack forward. After all, the damage effect of ordinary artillery shells on them was very limited.

Levitating Knight Ya Heng looked at this scene and immediately issued an order.

"Replace the crystal blast shells!"

When the Chihuahuas heard Ya Heng's words, they were all very happy and began to replace the red shell shells one after another.

These crystal blast shells were made by Anji using the unstable energy crystals from the Giant Kingdom, and their power can be imagined.

The ammunition was soon replaced.

In fact, Yaheng issued an order with a wave of his hand.



Countless cannonballs rose into the sky again, and then rained down on the incoming mechanical legion.

In an instant, explosions rose into the sky one after another. The loud noise of the explosion was deafening. The light of the explosion photographed the entire area, setting off billowing smoke and dust.

Even if the Atomic Samurai is bombed, there is no way he can survive unharmed. He will either be disabled or destroyed.

At this time, MX119·Shadow Demon·Fikas, who was taking the lead, was also extremely angry. It couldn't figure out how the opponent could have such powerful artillery shells, but now it had no good solution. It could only lead the troops to charge forward with the bombardment. .

Seeing that the enemy was still advancing rapidly, Yaheng immediately raised the red mechanical spear in his hand and issued the order solemnly.

"All close combat personnel, form a formation!"

Following Yaheng's order, a series of blade mechanical guards, Ji Xiaofu, and LZ-02 enhanced war guardians, Wolf Spiders, all came out to form a neat formation.

Levitating Knight Ya Heng proudly led his troops to stand in front of the artillery position, quietly waiting for the enemy troops to rush over with the artillery fire.

Soon the enemy mechanical army rushed to three kilometers away. At this time, the leader MX119 Shadow Demon Fekas made a low synthesized sound.


It didn't take Ya Heng and the others seriously at all. In its eyes, these mechanical corps were inferior weapons. No matter how many there were, they couldn't compete with them.

In just one turn, it can kill the enemy commander and overwhelm its artillery position!

However, at this moment, the whole world suddenly seemed a little darker.

MX119·Shadow Demon·Fikas was startled and subconsciously raised his head to look at the sky.

It saw the huge floating fortress Alofas reflected in its eyes. The cannon barrels of the huge fortress rotated and aimed at them, and at the same time rows of launch ports opened!

"Floating Fortress Alofas!"

MX119·Shadow Demon·Fikas roared in shock and anger.

Bang bang!

Countless streams of light fell.


For a moment, the charging troops were baptized by terror, and the charging mechanical regiments were killed in pieces!

MX119·Shadow Demon·Fikas was also frightened and angry, but it had no way to defeat the floating fortress, so it could only keep issuing orders.


The entire mechanical corps rushed towards Yaheng and the others despite the attack.

At this time, Yaheng waved his hand, and the mighty troops also launched a charge. It even held a spear in its hand and rushed straight towards MX119 Shadow Demon Fekas.

When MX119·Shadow Demon·Fikas saw the attack on Yaheng, he didn't take it to heart at all. The black lines on his body lit up, the atomic fluctuations surged, and he tore towards Yaheng with a sharp claw!

"Shadow Kill!"

The two collided together.

The terrifying impact swept across, and at this moment MX119·Shadow Demon·Fikas slid backwards.

"How can it be?"

MX119·Shadow Demon·Fikas's scarlet electronic eyes are constantly flashing, and the mechanically synthesized voice is full of incredible.

At this moment, MX119·Shadow Demon·Fikas suddenly found a very shallow logo·MX98 branded on Yaheng's neck, and it suddenly said in shock.


"Suffer death!"

Yaheng's power surged explosively, directly sweeping away MX119 Shadow Demon Fekas.

In fact, if it were changed to the past, Yaheng would definitely not be the opponent of MX119·Shadow Demon·Fikas. But Anji repaired the body of the MX98 Atomic Warrior that Shen Qiu gave her, and transplanted Yaheng's smart chip into it, so the combat effectiveness changed drastically.

On the other side of the main battlefield, the defensive forces of the City of Stars launched a crazy counterattack!

Mechanical warriors were killed one after another.

The troops that had originally made a sudden advance were not only blocked in their attack, but were retreating steadily.

"No, Lord Moratu, if we continue like this, the probability of our defeat is as high as 90%."

Tierraken reminded Moratu.

Moratu's scarlet electronic eyes lit up, and it gave orders in a hoarse mechanical synthesized voice.

"A group of inferior beings, since they want to resist to the end, then we will fulfill their wishes and destroy them!"


Tierlaken and Ayueli responded immediately.

At this moment, Moratu and the other three were finally about to take action. Ah Yueli took the lead. The complex white lines on her body lit up, and countless light points gathered together to form dazzling wings on her back.


Ah Yueli turned into a white stream of light and cut into the left side of the central battlefield at an extremely fast speed. Along the way, spider tanks and storm tanks exploded in succession while fighting the enemy.

One by one, the soldiers and awakened people were cut in half before they could react, and blood splattered everywhere.

The faces of the fallen soldiers and awakened ones maintained the stunned expressions they had before they were alive. They didn't even know how they died.

As for MX60 Tierlaken, he jumped into the sky, and then fell towards the center of the battlefield like a black meteor, with the mechanical blade in his hand penetrating into the metal ground.


The entire ground sank first, and then shattered like destruction.


Within the affected area, both soldiers and awakened people were directly swallowed up.

For a time, the area on the right side of the central battlefield was cleared into an open area.

Seeing this scene, Nosa Vega burst out with black flames all over his body and turned into a demonic form burning with black flames. He rushed towards MX60 Tierraken and slashed down with the huge burning blade in his hand.

"Hell Flame Slash!"

Atomic Samurai MX60 Tierlaken raised the mechanical blade in his hand and easily blocked General Nosaviga's slash.

Nosa Vega tried his best to explode with power, but Atomic MX60 Tierlaken remained motionless.


Atomic MX60 Tierlaken raised his foot and kicked Nosa Vega sharply!


The burning flames on Nosa Vega's body were immediately extinguished as if they were being swallowed up. His whole body degenerated into a normal state and flew straight out.

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared and caught Nosa Vega with his bare hands.

Atomic MX60 Tierraken raised its head and looked over, and then saw General Bekas appearing on the battlefield, and it said hoarsely.

"Another ant!"


Becas said coldly.

As the words fell, General Dominfus, General Alfades, General Luo Fuan and others all rushed to the battlefield. In addition, there was also a master with ten titles, all of whom were carrying mechanical coffins. .

A Yueli, who was currently killing everyone, saw that the situation on Tierlaken's side was not very good, and immediately turned into a white light and rushed over.

At this moment, a white light suddenly struck at an extremely fast speed. Ayueli immediately raised the white mechanical blade in her hand to block it!


Following the violent collision, Ayueli directly intercepted it and stepped back with its whole body. It turned its head to look at the uninvited guest who blocked it.

The person who came was none other than the free and easy Ogesa.

"This road is blocked! Your opponent is me."

Ogesa said to Ayueli confidently.

Ayueli looked at Ogesa, raised the white mechanical blade in her hand, and then spoke.

"I was looking for you, but I didn't expect you to come to my door yourself."

Ogesa heard that Ayueli actually replied to him. It was completely different from the world of Terran. He immediately realized that this guy downloaded personality data, so he said with a smile.

"Don't rush to do it yet. I don't know what your name is yet. Introduce yourself. My name is Ogesa!"

"Brilliant Messenger Ayueli!"

Ayueli replied coldly and arrogantly.

"What a good name. Miss, your voice and behavior reveal a unique charm. If I guess correctly, you were definitely a graceful beauty before. I am lucky enough to meet you across time and space. It's really true. It’s a blessing in three lifetimes.”

Ogesa decisively complimented and flattered her, trying to win her favor.

If the other party has a male personality, he really can't do anything about it, but it's easier for girls. After all, the ones he has the most contact with are female fans, and he has experience in this area.

"Flattery words, extra crime, execution on the spot!"

When Ah Yueli heard Ogesa's compliment, not only did she not put down her hostility, but she seemed to be offended.

The complex white lines all over its body lit up, and the atomic fluctuations surged.

The next second, Ayueli rushed towards Ogesa at a very fast speed, waving the white mechanical blade in her hand.

"Glory Slash!"

The smile on Ogesa's face suddenly froze, and he hurriedly raised his sword to block.


As the terrifying impact spread, Ogesa retreated wildly. His expression was extremely exciting, and he kept complaining about Shen Qiu in his heart, giving him some bullshit advice that had deceived him.

Not only did he fail to extract any information, nor did he cause data confusion to the other party, but he actually angered the other party, causing the other party's combat power to soar.

"Hey! I don't like doing things with girls the most, but I can't help it. I'm sorry!"

Ogesa sighed and said helplessly.

The moment it finished speaking, Ogesa's pupils turned golden, his body was densely covered with golden lines, emitting bright golden light, and his power surged into the sky!

At this moment, Ogesa stopped retreating forcefully and shocked Ayueli hard.

Ayueli's scarlet electronic eyes flashed with incredible light. She didn't expect Ogesa's power to more than double in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Ogesa tried his best to shake Ayueli's white mechanical blade away, and swept it across with a swift sword.

Ah Yueli jumped back, dodged gracefully to avoid the attack, and leaned forward the moment she landed.

The two were entangled again and started fighting fiercely.

At this time, Atomic Samurai MX55 Moratu saw Tierlaken and Ayueli was intercepted. His scarlet eyes lit up, his body was filled with black aura, and he pulled out two black mechanical swords.

Just when it was about to take action to kill it personally.

Suddenly Atomic Warrior MX55 Moratu sensed danger and raised his head suddenly. I saw a giant metal ball condensed from countless mechanical debris, crashing down like a meteorite.

Atomic Samurai MX55 Moratu raised his right hand, holding a mechanical sword, and slashed towards the falling metal ball.


The metal ball with a diameter of one kilometer was cut directly, split in two, hit the ground on both sides, and exploded with a bang!

Countless mechanical warriors were smashed.

After Atomic Samurai MX55 Moratu smashed the falling metal ball, he raised his head and looked forward.

I saw Elvis standing proudly in front of the Atomic Samurai MX55 Moratu.

"Just you?"

"Hmph, who said it was just me?"

Elvis snorted coldly, and saw Asis, Zhuo En, Yvel, Zhem, Jago, Otes and others walking out.

Similarly, they were followed by a master of ten books. These masters of ten books also carried a mechanical coffin on their backs.

At this time, these ten masters unloaded the coffin behind them and slammed it vertically on the ground!


All the lids on the mechanical coffin slipped off, and bursts of cold air leaked out.

The next second, a pair of eyes lit up inside the mechanical coffin, and all the lids were blown away.

I saw silhouettes coming out of the mechanical coffin. These people were all wearing black windbreakers and had metal masks of different colors on their faces.

Atomic Warrior MX55 Moratu glanced over and found that as long as people wearing masks of the same color had exactly the same atomic fluctuation values, it was as if they were engraved by a mold, so it said in a deep voice.

"It's amazing. I didn't expect you to be able to create artificial humans, but it's a pity that you are all a bunch of scum!"

"Really? Then we'll show you how powerful Zezha is! Come on!"

Elvis sneered back.

As Elvis finished speaking, the eyes of the experimental subjects wearing metal masks of different colors lit up one by one.

An experimental subject wearing a crimson mask, with blazing flames burning all over his body, rushed towards the Atomic Samurai MX55 Moratu.

Atomic Samurai MX55 Moratu stomped on the ground and rushed forward violently. It swung the mechanical sword entwined with black aura and slashed at an experimental subject wearing a red metal mask.

The experimental subject raised his flaming sword to block!


The entire long sword was cut off, and the mechanical sword brutally cut the experimental subject in half.

As a result, the body of the experimental subject was chopped into two halves, red lines lit up on the split body, and the special bomb embedded in the body was activated.


The explosion swept through the sky and directly engulfed the Atomic Warrior MX55 Moratu.

At this time, accompanied by angry sounds, countless black auras of resentment burst out, directly pushing away the explosion.

However, at this time, Atomic Warrior MX55 Moratu's feet suddenly sank, and two experimental subjects wearing red metal masks emerged from the ground, grabbing its feet and the entire ground turned into a swamp.

"Super suppression!"

Drawn used his power on Atomic Warrior MX55 Moratu from a distance.

"Red Thunder Lock!"

Otus waved his hand, and strips of red thunder formed thunder locks and struck towards the Atomic Samurai MX55 Moratu.

"Spear of Blood!"

Ashis tapped her toes on the ground and circled around the Atomic Warrior MX55 Moratu. At the same time, she controlled the blood-soaked ground to form blood-red spears and shoot them towards it.

Zhem and others also launched attacks from a distance.

Atomic Samurai MX55 Moratu swung the mechanical sword in his hand and swept across violently!


All incoming attacks were violently destroyed and disintegrated.

At this time, Elvis held the cursed gun in his hand, burst out with all his strength, rushed forward extremely fast, and shot through the Atomic Samurai MX55 Moratu.

"Curse Piercing!"

Before Atomic Samurai MX55 Moratu could react, he was hit in the chest by a sneak attack.

The scarlet spear pierced his chest, and the atomic magic armor covering it suddenly dented.

Atomic Warrior MX55·Moratu's scarlet electronic eyes locked on Elvis, and the atomic reaction value exploded.

Elvis retreated decisively and did not continue to attack greedily because he was well aware of the strength gap between himself and Atomic Samurai MX55 Moratu.

Just as Atomic Samurai MX55 Moratu was about to explode and catch up, the two experimental subjects holding its feet turned into rocks, connecting Atomic Samurai MX55 Moratu with the earth.

"court death!"

Atomic Samurai MX55 Moratu's body was filled with countless black resentments that exploded and swept away.

The two experimental subjects instantly had black cracks all over their bodies, but the next second, the bombs inside the two experimental subjects were activated.


Two sky-high explosions sounded again.

When the explosion ended, Atomic Samurai MX55 Moratu's body was surrounded by black gas, and his feet were partially scorched.

Although self-destruction cannot kill it, it will cause some damage.

Elvis and others looked at the Atomic Samurai MX55 Moratu, who was doing nothing, with serious expressions.

They knew better than anyone how powerful the bombs contained in those experimental subjects were. If they were bombed at such a close range, there would be no chance that nothing would happen to them.

"Stupid and inferior creatures, their methods are also inferior and dirty, which makes people disgusted and disgusting! But I like it very much. Let you feel it together, the realm of God is open!"

The complex black lines on Atomic Samurai MX55 Moratu's body lit up, and then terrifying black resentment swept across, covering everything around him.

Elvis and others' hearts tightened in vain. They felt extremely dangerous, and each of them felt as if they were facing a powerful enemy.

At this time, Atomic Samurai MX55 Moratu, who had launched the God's Domain, suddenly felt unstable fluctuations in power, and the God's Domain almost collapsed.

"what happened?"

Atomic Samurai MX55 Moratu was also surprised.

Then he lowered his head and scanned his whole body, and found that his body was contaminated with a large amount of tiny magnetic black ring powder. If there were no accidents, it should have been contaminated by the experimental subject who died.

"You actually know how to use this thing?"

"Isn't it a surprise? Although your body is made of machinery and there is no way to completely suppress your power, it is enough to cause some interference."

Elvis asked with a smile.

"Despicable enough, I will make you pay the price!"

Atomic Samurai MX55 Moratu became completely excited at this moment. His whole body strength exploded again, and he stamped on the ground and rushed forward violently.

Elvis and others' smiles suddenly froze, and they scattered to avoid the attack.

On the other side, Bekas had cold eyes, rushed up very quickly, and slashed at him with a sharp silver sword.

"Super Gravity Slash Tiger!"


Atomic Samurai MX60 Tierraken raised the mechanical blade in his hand and blocked it easily.


Atomic Samurai MX60 Tierraken penetrated the past with his left claw.

General Alfades waved his hand, and the invisible wind wrapped around Bekas and pulled him back.

For a moment, Atomic Samurai MX60 Tierraken's attack failed. At this time, Dominforth, who had transformed into a golden man state, rushed forward and punched him hard.

Atomic Samurai MX60 Tierlaken's face directly hit it.


The terrifying fist hit Atomic Samurai MX60 Tyrlaken right in the face.

As a result, the body of Atomic Samurai MX60 Tierraken was motionless, and nothing happened to the face that was hit.

Dominfus was stunned, as if falling into an icehouse, feeling extremely dangerous.

At this time, the people from Jubon also released a number of experimental subjects. One of them was flashing violent lightning experimental subjects, and rushed straight towards the Atomic Samurai MX60 Tierraken from the side.

Atomic Samurai MX60 Tierraken then slashed down with his sword. Dominfus' right hand was cut off directly, and blood spurted out.


Dominfus let out a scream of pain and backed away, covering his arms.

The expressions of Becas and others changed greatly.

At this time, Atomic Warrior MX60 Tierlaken turned around and penetrated his left hand directly into the chest of the experimental subject on the side.

The pierced experimental subject raised its head, and its eyes became bloodthirsty. It roared, and the raging thunder arcs around it instantly transformed into a terrifying thunder and lightning vortex, and converged towards its body, and the thunder marks all over its body lit up.


The experimental body suddenly exploded, and a terrifying thunderstorm swept across.

At this time, the black sun pattern branded on the chest of Atomic Warrior MX60 Tierlaken lit up, and he shouted in a deep voice.


The terrifying thunderstorm was directly absorbed.

Bekas and others looked at this scene and their faces darkened. This atomic warrior was so strong that any attack had almost no effect, and was absorbed to enhance its power.

However, at this moment, the atomic warrior MX60 Tierraken, who had absorbed the thunderstorm, suddenly flashed a strange thunder arc, and the atomic fluctuations appeared abnormal.

"what happened?"

Atomic Samurai MX60 Tierlaken himself was stunned.

Bekas and others frowned and looked at the experimental subjects in Shibon. It was obvious that these experimental subjects must have done it.

These experimental subjects were more vicious than imagined, but they didn't say anything. After all, the more powerful these experimental subjects were, the better.

"Let's go together and solve it before it causes problems."

Bekas gave the order in a cold voice.


Nosa Vega and others responded one after another.


At this time, a voice called to stop Becas and others.

Becas and others turned to look over, and the person who spoke was a middle-aged man with scars on his face and fierce eyes. This man was Warhammer Heavy Industry Guard Captain Ankenda.

He said to General Bekas and others.

"My lords, don't be impatient. Let our people be used up first. After all, our people are not worth anything!"

Becas and the others frowned, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Atomic Samurai MX60 Tierraken spoke hoarsely.

"Stupid, do you really think these ants are useful? There are not enough for me to kill."


Ankenda clapped his hands and saw thirty more subordinates carrying mechanical coffins walking out. They smashed all the mechanical coffins upright on the ground.


The coffin lids fell off one by one.

One experimental subject opened his eyes and walked out.

Although these experimental subjects are not very perfect and have various defects, such as extremely short lifespan and short life span, they are enough to serve as consumables for a short period of time.

"Ten books are such a big deal! It seems like a lot of money was spent this time!"

Nosa Vega was also surprised. Although the experimental bodies could be mass-produced, the price was not cheap. It was obvious that they had spent their capital in this battle.

General Bekas said coldly.

"Okay! Let your people come up and we'll wait for the opportunity!"


Ankenda then waved his hand.

A famous experimental subject's eyes lit up and he rushed towards the atomic warrior MX60 Tierraken at extremely fast speed.

At this time, there is an area on the other side of the battlefield.

Ayueli attacked Ogesa as fast as a stream of light and slashed across with one sword!

"Light flash!"

Ogesa disappeared like golden light!

A Yueli slashed the air with her sword, and the terrifying white sword energy split the ground.

At this time, Ogesa appeared in the sky and waved her hand at Ayueli!

"Bound by Light!"

Ogesa snapped his fingers.

Countless golden light spots around A Yueli formed golden chains and swept towards her.

Ayueli didn't panic at all when facing the golden chains coming from all directions. She stepped on the ground and waved her light wings. Like a ray of light, she passed through the golden chains and headed towards Ogesa.

Ogesa frowned and raised his left hand.

"The Sanction of Light!"

Tens of thousands of bright golden lightsabers suddenly appeared behind him.

Then Ogesa waved his hand, and the lightsaber covering the sky hit Ayueli like raindrops.

"Shield of Purity!"

Ayueli's whole body erupted with a milky white halo forming an all-round shield. The incoming golden lightsaber touched the milky white shield and was completely melted.

Ogesa frowned.

At this time, Ayueli had broken through to him, and the white mechanical blade in her hand penetrated Ogesa's body directly.

But Ah Yueli, who succeeded, seemed to feel something was wrong, and her electronic eyes flashed.

The next second, Ogesa's body suddenly collapsed and disappeared.

Ayueli turned around and looked around, only to see Ogesa split into clones at some point and surrounded Ayueli from all directions.

Each Ogesa spoke to Ayueli at the same time.

"Miss Ayueli, why do we have to fight you to the death? Is there anything that we can't sit down and talk about?"

"Aren't you ashamed that you are so glib at such an old age? You really thought you could deceive me with this little trick."

Ayueli suddenly turned her head and looked at Ogesa on the right.

"Depend on!"

Ogesa couldn't help but shudder at this moment, as his true identity was seen through.

Ayueli raised the white mechanical blade in her hand, and countless white lines on her body lit up. Dazzling photon particles gathered in the sky, and a pair of light wings grew on Ayueli's back.

At this moment, the atomic fluctuations of MX70 Atomic Warrior Ayueli soared explosively, reaching their peak in an instant, and the whole person was like a dazzling white sun.

Ogesa suddenly felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy. He raised the sword in his hand and stood it in front of him. He used all his strength to activate his body. A bright golden light burst out from his whole body. A golden wheel appeared behind him. He was like a god and could not be looked at directly.

He poured all his power into the sword in his hand, and the whole sword buzzed and glowed with brilliant golden light.

MX70 Atomic Warrior Ayueli raised the white mechanical blade in her hand and turned into a bright white stream of light and rushed towards Ogesa.

"Secret Technique: Breaking of Glory!"

"Awakening Skill·Purifying Light!

Ogesa used all his strength, swung the sword in his hand, and swung a devastating sword towards the attacking Ayueli.

The two collide together!


The terrifying power swept across!

The entire area, both our own and the enemy's, was cleared, and the entire night turned directly into day.

Everyone was also frightened by the terrifying movement, and turned their heads to look over.

At this time, Ogesa flew out of the dazzling explosion and hit the ground heavily.


A huge crater was made in the ground.

He got up immediately and raised his left hand to wipe away the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth. His chest was heaving and panting, and he raised his head with difficulty to look at the sky.

I saw Ah Yueli floating in mid-air, looking down at Ogesa.

Ogesa gave a wry smile.

"What a pervert!"

City of Stars, Star Bridge Command Room.

Artificial Intelligence Cerny presents real-time battle images of MX55 Atomic Samurai Moratu, MX60 Atomic Samurai Tierraken, and MX70 Atomic Samurai Ayueli.

Warhammer Avabek, Bix and others all looked very ugly.

The experimental subjects they sent were like paper mache, being killed one after another!

If it weren't for the fact that the experiment body was filled with self-exploding bombs and magnetic black ring powder, which could still play some role, this time it would be a huge disgrace.

You must know that they had previously made bold promises to kill these MX atomic warriors.

Artificial Intelligence Cerny reports.

"The main battlefield is gradually gaining advantage, but the three major commanders are at a disadvantage in encircling and attacking, and our personnel continue to suffer casualties."

Oroko's expression keeps changing, which can actually be seen from the battle images.

Whether it is Elvis or Becas, they are relying on experimental subjects to die, desperately trying to contain the enemy.

As for Ogesa, although she blocked Ayueli single-handedly, her stamina was obviously starting to run out.

If this continues, once the experimental subjects die, they will begin to collapse.

Thinking of this, Oroko slowly stood up from the command chair.

"Master Councilor, what are you doing?"

General Hebika asked in surprise when he saw the Oroko Council leader standing up.

"I'll leave it to you to take command here. I'll go out and stretch my muscles."

Oroko replied in a deep voice. (End of chapter)

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