Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 05: Zombie Core

Having finished testing his talent, Lynn decided to focus his attention on the surroundings. Subconsciously Lynn's attention was drawn to the backpack at his feet.

He picked up the backpack and examined it carefully.

The backpack in his hands is not big. Otherwise, he couldn't grab it so easily in front of the zombie earlier.

The entire thing is only the size of a regular school bag. It was small and compact, but it seemed sturdy enough to withstand harsh conditions.

Lynn opened it, eager to see what was inside.

However, the result was disappointing Lynn. He found some basic survival necessities, there were a few cans of food, two bottles of water, and a small flashlight. Useful items, but nothing extraordinary.

Lynne sighed, but it was expected. It is impossible to get a piece of strong equipment in the first hours of the trial dungeon.

Just to be sure, he decided to use his [Evaluation] skill to assess the food and water, making sure it was edible

Lynn focused his attention on the canned foods and water bottles.

[Canned Food]

[Evaluation: Can of preserved food in good condition. It can prevent you from starving]

[Water Bottle]

[Evaluation: Standard water bottle filled with clear, potable water. It can help you stay hydrated]

Lynn repeated the process with the other can of food and the bottles of water, using his [Evaluation] skill to assess their safety and suitability for consumption.

" I won't have to worry about food anytime soon" He sighed with relief as he saw that everything was safe to eat and drink.

The skill [Evaluation] is really useful. Although the information provided was basic, it was enough to make a significant difference.

Lynn wondered - Could he use it on himself? He decided to find out.


[Evaluation: Human male, a young doctor, in good health]

"It can guess my class, but it seems like it can't provide any detailed information about my abilities." Lynn thought to himself. "Maybe the skill is too low level."

Seeing that this skill provided useful information even when used on himself and was able to guess his class. His eyes drifted to the corpse of the zombie he had killed.

Lynn wondered if it could provide some information about the zombie.

He focused his attention on the zombie's corpse and activated the [Evaluation] skill.


[Evaluation: Low-level undead creature. Maybe you can find something useful inside its body.]

Lynn's eyes widened at the information provided. "Something useful inside its body?" he thought to himself.

Lynn's eyes fell upon the zombie's body, which lay crumpled on the ground before him. It was a horrifying sight - the creature was covered in dark, clotted blood, with body parts broken and some internal organs exposed. The zombie's head, in particular, was in a truly gruesome state; it had been so severely damaged that it was impossible to tell what it had once looked like.

" I gave it my all when I was fighting," he muttered to himself.

He crouched down and examined the zombie's corpse more closely, paying special attention to the deep axe wound across its chest.

Peering into the jagged gash, he noticed something small and white peeking out from within.

"Is that… the thing?" Lynn's heart raced with anticipation.

Realizing he would be rummaging through the zombie's body, and since he is in an operating room, he reasoned there may be medical stuff he could utilize.

Methodically, Lynn searched through drawers and cabinets, gathering anything that looked potentially helpful. He found some basic medical tools - scalpels, tweezers, scissors, clamps, gauze, tape, needles, and thread. He also located a couple of unopened packs of disposable latex gloves.

"Since I'm a [Doctor], this stuff may be useful one day." Lynn carefully gathered the medical tools and supplies, putting them into his backpack.

In front of him, he left a simple surgical scalpel and a pair of latex gloves.

He decided to use his [Evaluation] skill on these items before proceeding further.


[Evaluation: A sharp and precise surgical instrument. Can be used as a light weapon.]

[Latex Gloves]

[Evaluation: Disposable gloves made of latex that protect against contamination.]

Seeing that the items were in good condition, Lynn put on the latex gloves.

"I'm starting to act like a doctor now," he muttered.

Scalpel in hand, he approached the zombie's corpse. Lynn observed the deep axe wound across its chest, noticing the small white object peeking out from within. Based on the position, it seemed the object was located in the zombie's hearth area.

Lynn took a deep breath and carefully inserted the scalpel into the wound, cutting through the tough, rotting flesh.

With delicate precision, he used the scalpel to enlarge the axe cut across the chest, exposing more of the mysterious white object.

Upon closer inspection, it appeared to be a small crystal, emitting a faint white glow. Lynn carefully cut away the surrounding flesh around the object before extracting the crystal from the zombie's body.

As he was about to use his Evaluation skill to inspect the object, he suddenly heard a ding in his mind.


A notification appeared:

[+5% experience gained]

Lynn was stunned. Where had this experience come from?

His mind as he tried to make sense of this situation, he thought through all the possibilities, because the answer to this question was tied to his improvement.

"Act like a doctor…" muttered Lynn.

Then it hit him - the rules of Nightmare Paradise state that players must play according to their assigned class. As a doctor, working with dead bodies is a part of the role.

"To gain experience I have to play and act as a doctor." Lynn nodded to himself, feeling like he had just unlocked a valuable insight into the game.

Returning his focus to the crystal, Lynn activated his Evaluation skill:

[Zombie Core]

[Evaluation: Contains the essence of the creature's power. Can be used to strengthen oneself]

Lynn stared at the glowing crystal, confused about how to use it.

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