Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 09: Survivors

Lynn puts down the sword next to him and looks back at the [Missions] section. The mission "Zombie Hunt" has been updated

[Zombie Massacre]

[Side Mission: Kill 50 zombies, 20/50]

It seems that this mission will continue until all the zombies are exterminated.

Lynn takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, allowing himself to drift away and rest.

He knows that a deep sleep is not an option in this dangerous place. Instead, he enters a state of light sleep, where he is still aware of his surroundings but not fully conscious.

In this state, he can detect any changes in his environment. Even in this light sleep, Lynn's mind remains alert and active.

This is an ability Lynn had unlocked after the increase of his perception stat. In a dangerous environment like this, this kind of ability that helps stay vigilant is necessary.

Lynn suddenly opened his eyes from his sleep, roused by the sound of something heavy hitting a wall. The sound is followed by faint cries and moans - unmistakably those of zombies.

Lynn quietly picks up his sword and wears his backpack.

He opens a bottle cap and takes a big gulp of water. The cool and refreshing feeling spreads down his throat, and his mind quickly wakes up.

Gripping his sword firmly, Lynn opens the door and peers out into the hall. In the distance, he sees a crowd of zombies heading towards the source of noise.

Lynn's senses are on high alert, but he is still perplexed. What is producing these noises? It's attracting all the zombies in the area.

Lynn quickly makes his way towards the source of the noise, keeping a watchful eye out for any potential dangers, and clearing zombies along the way.

As Lynn moves through the dim halls, he turns a corner and finds himself face-to-face with a group of zombies.

Four zombies emerge ahead, blocking his path.

The four zombies standing before Lynn are in varying states of decay. One zombie's jaw is hanging by a thread of flesh, while another is missing its left arm. All of them have bloodshot eyes and a hunger in their gaze.

Their movements are slow and uncoordinated.

Gripping his sword, he feels a surge of adrenaline course through his veins. Lynn dashes forward, he rushes towards the group of zombies, his sword raised high.

With a swift and powerful motion, he brings his sword down in a clean swipe, decapitating the zombie in one fell swoop. The head rolls across the ground, leaving a trail of blood in its wake.

Without missing a beat, before the others can react, Lynn lunges toward the second zombie, taking advantage slow reaction, he plunges his sword through the second zombie's eye socket with a quick and decisive strike, the blade slicing through the soft tissues and penetrating the zombie's brain.

The zombie lets out a low, guttural moan before collapsing to the ground, its lifeless body twitching.

The remaining two zombies continue to advance towards him, their arms outstretched and their teeth bared, they rush at Lynn from both sides but he is ready for them.

He ducks low, avoiding their grasping hands. Spinning around, he kicks out the knee of one zombie while slashing open the belly of the other in a smooth motion. Both crumple to the ground.

Lynn takes advantage of their confusion and strikes again, delivering a swift and decisive blow to the neck of one of the zombies, severing its spinal cord and killing it instantly.

The last zombie scrambles back to their feet, his movements becoming even more erratic and uncoordinated. But before he can continue to advance towards him, Lynn delivers a final, powerful blow to the zombie's head, crushing its skull and killing it instantly.

After dealing with the four zombies, Lynn takes a moment to catch his breath and assess the situation.

He is surprised by how easily he was able to take down four zombies at once. Before absorbing the zombie cores and obtaining his crimson sword, facing even one zombie was a monumental challenge. Now, he killed four with ease.

Lynn mutters to himself with confidence, "If this is the only threat in this dungeon, I can easily clear it."

However, despite this success, Lynn knows better than to become overconfident. The main mission objective being to simply survive serves as a grim reminder - he is likely only at the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the dangers that lurk in this nightmarish hospital.

Lynn swiftly extracts the cores from the defeated zombies. As he finishes, a deafening explosion echoes down the hall, as if a wall has been smashed open. The explosion is followed by a woman's scream, which abruptly cuts off.

Lynn's heart races as he hears the woman's scream. "A survivor!" he realizes, his mind racing as he considers the possibilities. He rushes towards the source of the voice at peak speed, sword ready.

He knows that finding other survivors can mean the difference between survival and death. This survivor can provide him valuable information about the hospital, the localization of other survivors, and the mysterious disease that can transform people into walking corpses.

As Lynn approaches the location of the scream, he hears more commotion - the shuffling of feet, the clanging of metal, and the evil screams of a crowd of zombies.

He slows his pace and approaches cautiously, not wanting to alert any potential threats to his presence.

As Lynn nears the source of the commotion, the scene before him makes him freeze in his tracks. A massive hole has been bashed through a wall into what was likely a barricaded room.

Around the crumbled wall, a crowd of zombies mills about excitedly. But what truly shocks Lynn is the monster at the center of the horde. He's not sure if it can even be called a zombie.

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