Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 172: Crazy Frenzied Bloodbath

Lynn kept his senses sharp, his mind running over every detail picked up so far. The shooting was fierce, with a constant barrage of gunshots and anguished screams echoing through the abandoned district.

Even from the relative safety of the protective circle formation, a growing unease stirred in his chest. The noises of the confrontations were deafening, and the chaos permeated every corner of the area.

Suddenly, his extraordinary perception noticed something—the sharp sound of feet scraping against concrete, the barely audible growls. His gaze shifted quickly to a nearby alley where a group of gang members emerged.

They burst forth from hiding places, charging the defensive lines with reckless abandon, their faces contorting in a feral, animalistic rage, eyes wide and bloodshot with tattered clothes and bodies covered in grime.

“Watch out!” he shouted, his voice cutting through the din. The soldiers reacted, raising their weapons, but even their quick reflexes were not enough to stem the tide of the berserk assailants.

Clutching an assortment of firearms and edged weapons, they unleashed a hail of bullets, spraying indiscriminately across the streets. Officers and civilians alike were caught in the crossfire, some falling to the ground before taking cover, victims of the unexpected onslaught.

In mere seconds, the bodies of the fallen rapidly littered the streets, staining the ground with crimson. Yet, the mobs showed no signs of hesitation, continuing their frenzied assault with an enthusiasm that bordered on suicide.

Stunned by the sheer madness of their actions, Lynn observed in disbelief as the gang members swiftly suffered more severe casualties than the Special Investigation Bureau.

But it was not because they were just overwhelmed – no, the thugs seemed to have lost all instinct of self-preservation, exiting their shelters in a crazed fever and rushing the enemy, regardless of the consequences.

Meanwhile, the military forces fought back valiantly, their disciplined responses contrasting starkly with the chaotic charge. Raising weapons, they opened fire with deadly coordination and precision.

With the barrage of ammunition, each gang member was brutally torn into pieces, crumpling to the ground in a tragic display. "This is too abnormal!" he murmured, perplexed by this unfolding scene. "When did they become so crazy?"

If it had been just one or two individuals acting in such a behavior, he might have been able to chalk it up to carelessness or poor judgment. But the fact that the entire group had exhibited this level of frenzy was alarming.

"There are even some wild people charging with swords and knives," he thought, his eyes fixed on one of the fallen, gunned down effortlessly. His brain struggled to comprehend the nature of this odd spectacle.

Their actions defied all logic and sensibility, driven by an overwhelming compulsion that seemed to be more than just adrenaline. "It is certainly not normal. Are there external factors at play?" Lynn mused. That could explain a lot of things.

While his thoughts continued to wander, connecting the dots, the counterattack was swift and merciless. The rapid reaction from the soldiers ensured that the unanticipated assault ended quickly and decisively.

Leaning against a nearby collapsed wall, the expression of the unit leader darkened, a mixture of anger and sorrow etched into his features. His mission of escorting civilians had turned into a bloodbath.

Without hesitation, he activated his communicator and started reporting their dire condition with clear, precise details in a steady voice despite the chaos around him. In the end, he requested reinforcements and medical assistance.

Then, he took the lead in securing the immediate area, ordering his subordinates to apprehend the few surviving criminals whimpering on the ground. Numerous corpses littered the scene, dyeing the street a deep red.

The blood formed sinister rivulets and patches as if the very earth itself were bleeding from the brutal clash that had erupted just moments before—a grim testament to the ferocity of the clash.

The battle had begun so suddenly that it was almost unreal, catching them completely off guard. Most of the injuries sustained happened in that initial instant. Without the opportunely shout, the situation could be more severe.

Later, when the soldiers took positions behind cover and mounted a swift and decisive retaliation, the desperate charge still claimed its fair share of casualties. It was a tragic scene to witness.

With the remaining thugs neutralized, officers, some limping or clutching hastily bandaged wounds, moved to secure the perimeter. Their faces were a mixture of exhaustion and grim determination.

However, despite their swift actions, Lynn was sure this was not the end but simply the beginning of something far more sinister. He felt that a big conspiracy was gradually unfolding around him.

Although the shooting had stopped here, unrest still plagued other areas. The entire abandoned district had descended into chaos, with pockets of violence erupting in every corner and the crackle of fire lighting up the night sky.

While they were preoccupied with securing the area and tending to the injured, he remained in the crowd of civilians. His heightened perception noticed something in the distance, prompting him to minimize his existence further.

There, amid the rising smoke and debris of the confrontation, he caught a faint blur of movement—an imposing figure rapidly approaching through the haze with extraordinary speed and agility.

The silhouette alone was enough for him to recognize the distinctive and unmistakable presence of the person, and he could not help but feel misfortune. It was Simon, the head of the Special Investigation Bureau in H city.

Lynn ducked lower into the mass, avoiding the golden eyes that quickly scanned the area. Stepping over the motionless bodies of the gang members, the calm expression of the captain hardened.

"Sorry, I am late!" his voice boomed, cutting through the tension. His tone, though apologetic, held an undeniable authority. The officers and civilians alike seemed to straighten up, their morale bolstered by his mere arrival.

The leader of this unit stepped forward, wiping sweat from his brow, his uniform stained with dust and blood. "Sir, reinforcements are on the way with vehicles from the logistical team. They will be here within minutes."

Simon nodded curtly. "Good. Have the wounded and civilians follow them to the temporary base. I want them out of here immediately." The man saluted and quickly relayed the orders to the rest of his group, sparking a flurry of activity.

After adding a few more directives, he turned, ready to leave the scene and continue his pursuit of more pressing threats. But just as he was about to depart, an unexpected sound reached his ears, causing him to freeze in place.

Even Lynn, who was about to let out a sigh of relief, was shocked when he heard the sudden exclamation from the young woman he had been escorting to safety. "Uncle Simon!" Izzy called out, stunning everyone present.

The strong figure of the captain paused mid-step, his gaze sweeping across the scene until they landed on the trembling girl. A flicker of surprise crossed his stern features as he recognized her.

Still sheltering behind the back of her savior, she stepped forward, her face a mix of relief and worry. "Please, you have to help me!" she pleaded anxiously. "My dad is missing! I cannot find him anywhere."

"Izzy?" he questioned, shifting from an authoritative tone to a concerned one. "What are you doing here? It is not safe! Your father is fine and was helping me with some business. He should already be at the refuge by now.”

When she finally received a response to her plea, a weight seemed to lift from her shoulders, and she nearly swayed on her feet. Instinctively, Lynn reached out to provide support. Because of that, the sharp eyes immediately focused on him.

An awkward silence suddenly enveloped the space, and for a brief moment, Simon strangely glanced between him and the girl before he casually asked. “Is he your boyfriend?” Izzy instantly turned beet red.

"W-What? N-no, not at all!" she stammered, her words tumbling over each other in her haste to refute the implication. "He is just a kind person who helped me.” The person concerned could not help but raise an eyebrow at the question.

His first genuine interaction with the captain of the Special Investigation Bureau was truly surreal. "Sir is mistaken," with no other option, he interjected. "I am simply a doctor who happened to be in the right place at the right time."

But before he could elaborate further, the golden pupils lit up with a glint of interest at the mention of [Doctor]. The previous attacks had left multiple officers severely injured, with some of them barely clinging to life.

Medical professionals were always a vital resource in situations of crisis like this, and with the existing medical staff already overwhelmed, any additional helping hand would certainly be beneficial.

“Very well,” Simon announced, a happy smile gracing his face, though it carried a hint of seriousness that did not go unnoticed. “If you are a doctor, then you are just what we need right now. Follow us and help save lives.”


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