Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 18: Cell Proliferation’s Potential

Lynn sat quietly in the corner of the room, still feeling the potent energy from the zombie core coursing through his body. He could sense his physical capabilities had reached a new level.

During that time, Alice, who was next to him, observed the changes happening to Lynn. She noticed how he seemed to grow subtly stronger before her very eyes.

She could sense the sudden change in his body, becoming stronger. In her eyes, the man called Lynn was becoming increasingly mysterious.

Just who or what was he? Alice pondered this question silently, not taking her eyes off Lynn.

Seeing the strange eyes of Alice looking at him, Lynn could guess the doubts in her mind. To dispel her suspicions, he just said casually: “I had an inspiration, and my abilities improved a bit.”

Alice just nodded, not fully trusting what he had said. But she also knew better than to pry at this point. There would be time later to unravel the mystery of this young doctor. For now, ensuring their survival took priority.

"In any case, I believe I've recovered enough to get moving again," Alice said, deftly changing the subject. "We cannot linger here indefinitely. Our best chance is to keep pressing forward."

Lynn agreed with her assessment. Their resources were limited, and the longer they remained hunkered down, the greater the risk of being cornered if more zombies congregated.

"You're right, we should get back on the move soon," Lynn said. "But before that, let me check your injuries one more time. I want to ensure you won't reinjure yourself out there."

Alice nodded in assent. Though she hid it well, she could still feel lingering pain and stiffness from her injuries.

Lynn carefully unwound the bandages around Alice's chest and examined the surgical incision site. He was relieved to see the wound had closed properly and showed no signs of infection. There was no bleeding or seepage - just a thin pink line indicating healing tissue. Lynn gently pressed along Alice's ribs, checking for any pain or instability.

Lynn murmured. "It is healing cleanly with no complications."

Alice listened calmly as Lynn assessed her condition. She made no reaction even as he examined her bare skin.

Lynn carefully re-wrapped the bandages around Alice's chest to protect the healing wound. He then turned his attention to her previously broken left arm.

Taking her arm gently, he rotated it at the shoulder, flexed the elbow, and manipulated the wrist to check her range of motion. Though she winced slightly at the residual pain, Alice displayed a normal level of mobility.

"Your arm has healed excellently as well," Lynn remarked. Upon closer inspection, he could detect subtle signs of the previous break - a slight bulge in the ulna bone, and traces of bruising. But functionally, the limb had been restored.

"Still, I want to stimulate accelerated healing before we head out," Lynn decided. "I will use my ability, bear with me a little."

Alice simply nodded in acknowledgment, curious to see this ability Lynn had mentioned.

Lynn took a seat next to Alice and placed his hands just above her chest and arm. Focusing his mind, he activated [Cell Proliferation]. At once, he could perceive the intricate biological structures under his palms - the woven threads of muscle fibers, the branching networks of blood vessels, the rigid lattices of bone.

Drawing on his newly expanded medical knowledge, Lynn visualized each anatomical structure in detail and precisely manipulated the cells within them.

He stimulated the rapid division and growth of connective tissue cells, weaving the damaged muscle strands back together. He regulated the replication of bone-building osteoblasts, reinforcing weakened areas.

Most importantly, he jumpstarted the proliferation of stem cells, a special human cell that is able to develop into many different cell types, which then differentiated into whichever cell types were needed to regenerate the wounds.

Like a conductor leading a symphony, Lynn orchestrated a cascading series of cellular events that accelerated the healing process. Where his previous uses of the skill had been crude and rudimentary, this time he could direct the process with refined mastery.

As he did so, Lynn felt a now-familiar sense of vital energy draining from his body. But thanks to the cores he had absorbed, his stamina reserves had expanded, allowing him to maintain the cell manipulation longer.

After five continuous minutes, Lynn dropped his hands, catching his breath. A thin sheen of sweat glistened on his face from the effort and concentration required.

Alice flexed her previously injured arm, feeling no more pain or stiffness whatsoever. Her chest wound had faded to little more than a faint line. She regarded Lynn curiously.

"That was... quite impressive," she admitted.

Lynn nodded, checking his experience bar again:

[+10% experience]

[Player: Temporary Number F0001]

Class: [Doctor lv3] (92%)

The repeated use of [Cell Proliferation] had pushed him closer to the next level threshold. But there was still work to be done.

"We should gather our things and prepare to move out," Lynn said, standing up.

As Lynn and Alice prepared to leave the area, the two swiftly gathered their meager belongings and supplies, equipping themselves for the trials ahead.

Lynn strapped on his sword and slung his backpack over his shoulder.

Alice raised an eyebrow at the gruesome severed limb but said nothing. She hefted the crowbar that had served as her main weapon thus far.

"Are you ready?" Lynn asked. Alice responded by striding past him towards the door.

Lynn nodded and followed behind her.

The floor was still littered with dismembered zombie corpses and dark, dried blood stains from Lynn's earlier slaughter. Alice observed the carnage with an impassive eye.

"You've been busy, I see," she remarked flatly.

"Just trying to secure a safe location while you recovered," Lynn replied.

Stepping over the mangled remains, they continued down the hall, moving steadily in the direction of the central stairwell that would take them up to the 6th floor.

Lynn remained alert, his senses primed to detect any movement or noise. But for now, the floor seemed devoid of the undead.


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