Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 25: Fighting Against Two Mutant Zombies

The Armored zombie rushed forward next, attempting to body check Lynn with its formidable mass. Sidestepping the heavy creature, Lynn struck out with his sword, hoping to test the defense of this zombie against the zombie slaying sword.

Instead of cleaving through the armored exterior, the blade only managed to leave a deep dent in the bony plate, exposing the warped muscles beneath.

Lynn clicked his tongue in annoyance as he remembered the description of the sword saying it could cut through their flesh and bone with ease, as if slicing through butter.

"Maybe because the grade of this sword is only uncommon, it can't work effectively against mutant zombies," Lynn muttered.

The brawler zombie roared and charged at Lynn again while he was distracted. With lightning reflexes, Lynn spun and slashed his sword diagonally, leaving a deep gash across the creature's chest. Dark blood gushed from the wound.

"At least it can still cut these big brutes," Lynn said with satisfaction, seeing the brawler stumble back.

Lynn knew he couldn't rely solely on brute force to break through the armored zombie's impenetrable hide. He would need to outmaneuver it and find a weak point.

The armored creature rushed forward again, trying to tackle Lynn with its heavy frame. When it drew near, Lynn nimbly rolled out of the way, allowing the creature to barrel past him and into the wall.

There was a resounding crash as the zombie smashed into the concrete surface. To Lynn's dismay, when it turned back around, its armor didn't have a single scratch.

"This thing really is a living tank," Lynn muttered.

Just then, the brawler swung a meaty fist at Lynn's head. He barely ducked under the blow, feeling it whistle past his ear.

Lynn attempted to counterattack, but the brawler was keeping him at bay with its long reach. Meanwhile, the armored zombie was charging toward him again.

Lynn was being pressed from both sides. He needed to act fast.

When the armored zombie drew close, Lynn feinted left then dashed right, causing the creature to overshoot him. As it stumbled past, Lynn lashed out with his sword, delivering a focused strike right at the creature's knee joint.

The blade sliced deep into the gap between armored plates, cutting through warped sinew. The armored zombie let out an unearthly shriek as its leg gave out, sending it toppling to the ground.

"Got you now!" Lynn yelled. "The joints aren't as protected."

But just as he moved in to press his advantage, the brawler zombie rushed at Lynn, forcing him to divide his attention.

Lynn ducked under its swing and delivered a spinning heel kick to the creature's knee, causing it to stumble.

Seeing this opportunity, he quickly moved in, his sword ready to deliver a lethal strike.

To be sure to kill the brawler in one hit, Lynn was ready to utilize his only class skill for the first time in battle - [Cell Proliferation].

He was inspired by some of the experiments detailed in the confidential documents, realizing he could potentially stimulate cellular growth to temporary strengthen different parts of his own body during a fight.

As Lynn activated [Cell Proliferation], he could perceive the intricate biological structures of his body.

He concentrates on visualizing the cells and tissues in his arm gripping the sword. With precise control, he directs most of his energy on the muscle cells to push them to rapidly divide and grow.

Lynn could feel his arm swell as the muscles expanded far beyond their normal limits. Veins bulged under his skin from the sudden growth. To an outside observer, it would appear Lynn's right arm was mutating, the muscles bulging to anormal proportions. But he kept perfect control over the process thanks to his medical knowledge and skill.

Lynn gazed down at his overgrown arm, he could feel the tremendous power contained within. He then rushes at the stumbling brute, and discharged all the power in his mutated arm.

His sword hand violently stretched out, veins bulging along the freakish muscles. With a mighty roar, he brought the blade down towards the brute's neck with all his strength.

At the last second, the brawler crossed its thick arms together to shield its neck. But it was futile. Lynn's powered-up blade severed flesh, tendon, and bone with ease, decapitating the massive zombie in one blow.

The head toppled to the floor amidst a fountain of dark blood. The massive body remained upright a moment longer before crashing down.

The armored zombie released a bone-chilling shriek upon seeing its ally slain.

Lynn's eyes narrowed as the creature attempted to clamber to its feet, the mangled leg slowing it down.

Without any hesitation, Lynn rushed to face the armored zombie. With one of its legs unable to move, the zombie was just an immobile target.

Lynn used his agility to avoid the zombie's clumsy attacks and delivered powerful strikes with his strengthened arm and sword, aiming for the unprotected joints and gaps in its armor.

The blade sliced through warped sinew and bone, causing the creature to howl in rage with each precise blow. Lynn ducked and weaved with ease, preventing the zombie from landing any counterattacks with its limited mobility.

After unleashing a series of attacks, Lynn reared back and plunged his sword straight through one of the eye slits in the creature's helmet-like skull. The blade pierced deep into the brain, finally felling the monstrosity.

The armored zombie thrashed violently for a few moments before falling still. Lynn wrenched his blade free from the creature's skull.

"Damn... pushed too far..." Lynn gasped. His swollen muscles spasmed painfully and his right arm hung limply at his side.

Lynn stood panting over the remains of the two mutant zombies, his distorted arm still pulsing as it slowly returned to its normal size. Using [Cell Proliferation] in this way allowed him to temporarily exceed his limits, but it was also extremely taxing.

A sudden wave of exhaustion hit Lynn as the side effects of his reckless cellular manipulation set in. His legs buckled, causing him to drop to one knee.

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