Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 280 Who is the chess piece?

The Wen sisters behind them had no idea that the scene in front of them would happen. They originally thought that entering the Yunxiang land would be a fierce battle, but they didn't expect that there was no fighting yet. Lu Yu suddenly changed. Became the Prince Consort...

Even if the two sisters tried to break their heads, they still couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Wang Daxia, when did you become the consort? Could it be that... you have already been engaged secretly?"

Lu Yu glared at the two of them angrily.

The two sisters clearly knew that his identity as Scar King was temporarily fabricated, and even his identity and name were fake. How could there be any secret engagement?

He couldn't help but be confused about this, so he said to Li Qingcheng who was kneeling respectfully in front of him: "General Li, are you sure you didn't admit the wrong person? This joke is too big!"

Li Qingcheng had a sincere expression on his face: "Young Master Wang may not know that all your heroic deeds on your way north have been spread throughout Kyoto and beyond. After His Majesty heard about your deeds, Long Yan was very happy, and he was very happy that our Great Wu Dynasty could make such a great achievement. I am so happy to have such a heroic figure like you..."

"So with a stroke of his royal pen, His Majesty appoints you as Princess Gaoyang's consort. As soon as you and His Highness Princess Gaoyang return to Kyoto, he will immediately announce it to the world and marry you... This matter is absolutely true, and it is a matter of honor for the royal family. , I don’t dare to take a joke casually.”

Lu Yu felt a toothache when he heard this.

He suddenly had an extremely absurd feeling in his heart. Just because he had no scruples along the way and killed and robbed at will, he was hand-picked to be the consort?

Although it is not yet known what the appearance of Princess Gaoyang is, whether it is beautiful or ugly, she is at least a dignified princess. This is a symbol of status and a symbol of royal majesty... I just picked it casually. Isn’t it too hasty to become your own consort?

Is all this because the Emperor sitting in the palace is too casual, or is the Gaoyang Princess too insignificant and a cannon fodder that can be sacrificed at will?

Li Qingcheng continued: "Of course, this matter is indeed a bit sudden. Even the officials in the court were quite puzzled by this. Thanks to the advice of Nian Gong, your Majesty finally accomplished this matter!"

"Nian Gong?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and silently muttered this name in his heart. It seemed that this person was the real mastermind behind it.

"It is the Grand Tutor Zhou Zunian who ranks among the three princes!" Li Qingcheng explained.

"Grand Tutor Zhou Zunian?"

Lu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and a sharp light burst out from them.

Now that he had completely fallen out with the Third Prince, Lu Yu still had some understanding of the composition of the Third Prince's line. He knew that this man, one of the Three Princes, was a strong supporter of the Third Prince's line, and could even be called a leader. Mainstay.

Sure enough, this matter is not simple. Since it is related to the third prince, will he just sit back and watch him become a consort in comfort?

"It turns out it's him!"

Lu Yu said with emotion. At this time, he was 100% sure that there must be something fishy behind this matter. It could never be as simple as it seemed on the surface. Maybe there was something dangerous hidden in it!

"Nian Gong admires the young master very much and is particularly concerned about this matter. In order to prevent other incidents from happening, he specially came to Julu City in advance and has been waiting in the city for several days, just to be able to be in the first place. It’s time to meet the young master so that we can discuss and finalize the details of the wedding..." Li Qingcheng continued.

"Zhou Zunian is waiting for me in the city now?"

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows when he heard this. He didn't expect that Zhou Zunian would be so bold. Now that he is notorious for being bloody, he would even wait for his arrival in Julu City. He is indeed worthy of being one of the three lords. Just for this Courage is not something ordinary people have.

"Then what are you waiting for? Why don't you take me to see him quickly? How can you keep Nian Gong waiting for a long time?" Lu Yu urged Li Qingcheng with a smile.

So Li Qingcheng immediately ordered the cavalry to re-form and escort Lu Yu and others back to Julu City with the highest reception standards.

Lu Yu was not idle along the way, and began to ask Li Qingcheng about the situation of the Gaoyang County Princess, and asked him about the specific decision-making process at the court. He probably couldn't answer it. It would be better for him to ask Li Qingcheng about the Gaoyang County Princess who was used as a chess piece. The Lord’s situation is the most practical.

Li Qingcheng chuckled and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Wang! Princess Gaoyang's beauty is one of a kind. She will definitely not appoint you as her consort because she is too ugly to marry..."

"Her Royal Highness Princess Gaoyang is the daughter of the Duke of Wei. She has been extremely talented and beautiful since she was a child. Every time she returns to Kyoto, young handsome men who want to see her beauty can go all the way from the door of the Duke's Mansion. Line up to the Prancing Horse Bridge... If she happens to go out, stampedes are common, so every time Her Royal Highness returns to the capital, Jingzhao Prefecture Yin is the most nervous person."

Hearing what Li Qingcheng said, Lu Yu had no reaction, but the Wen family on the side showed an expression of interest. Obviously they wanted to see with their own eyes whether the beauty of the so-called Princess Gaoyang was really so exaggerated...

Li Qingcheng continued: "In addition to her impeccable appearance, Her Royal Highness Princess Gaoyang also possesses impeccable skills...Young Master may not know something. Except for the eldest son, other children of the Duke generally cannot inherit the title. , and the title of 'Princess Gaoyang' was completely earned by Her Highness the Princess herself!"

"Seven years ago, the army of the Northern Wei Dynasty invaded our border. The border troops mistakenly fell into the enemy's plan and were besieged in the wind and snow. Bailing Town was broken by the enemy troops. The situation was precarious... At the critical moment, the princess, who was still a civilian at the time, Your Highness was ordered to go north to help, and defeated the enemy army and Liaohe River. This urgent need was solved. "

"It is for this reason that Your Highness was granted the title of Princess Gaoyang, which is comparable to the title of a county king. For a woman to be granted such a high title, this has never happened before since the founding of our Dawu Dynasty!"

"Over the years, thanks to Your Highness the Princess's guarding at the border, the Northern Wei Dynasty's army came back several times without success, and the people of our Dawu Dynasty were able to be prosperous and peaceful!"

As Li Qingcheng spoke, his eyes could not help but show infinite fascination. It was obvious that he was full of admiration from the bottom of his heart for this princess who had made great achievements in battle.

But Lu Yu heard an unusual meaning from his words.

Powerful and powerful, it shocks the master!

Perhaps this is the reason why His Majesty the Emperor personally granted her a marriage...

It turns out that she is not an insignificant chess piece, but that she, the person appointed as the consort, is the chess piece used by the emperor of the Great Wu Dynasty to check and balance her...

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