Nirvana In Fire

Chapter 145: Reinforcements

”The commander of the Qingli army, Xu Anmo?” Meng Zhi’s pupils contracted. He looked at Prince Jing. “That’s the one….who was late for battle without reason, that Xu Anmo who was almost court martialed by Your Highness? But he’s the Crown Prince’s cousin. I remember, back then, Your Highness and the Crown Prince had a big argument when the Crown Prince came to his defence. How did he get involved with Prince Yu?”

“Where’s the Crown Prince now?” Mei Changsu smiled ironically. “In good times, one is favored; in chaotic times, one is forgotten. Someone like Xu Anmo would be easily persuaded by someone of rank.”

“So do you believe Tong Lu then?”

Mei Changsu let out a small sigh. “Rather than say I believe Tong Lu, it’s better to say that I believe that Prince Yu has reason to make such a desperate choice. His Majesty has now put him back to where he had originally started. To make a comeback would be extremely challenging, and more importantly, he doesn’t have another ten years to defeat Prince Jing like he had with the Crown Prince. Having lost Xia Jiang, his cronies and His Majesty’s favour, Prince Yu seems to have been pushed into a corner. When he can no longer bear it, he would either sink into despair or act recklessly. There is no third option.”

“Mister Su thinks that Prince Yu would choose to act wildly?”

“It would be fine if he had remained in the mansion. But if he couldn’t help himself and went to see Xia Jiang, that Xuanjing Bureau director has plenty of ways to instigate him to act recklessly. After all, Xia Jiang is at a dead end. It would only be natural for him to want to burn his boats.” Mei Changsu turned to look at Tong Lu and coldly said, “Tong Lu, you’re avenging Junniang, aren’t you?”

Tong Lu knocked his head hard upon the floor, bleeding from his forehead.

“But you’ve betrayed me once. Why should I trust you? If Prince Yu had forced you here and His Highness reports Prince Yu’s plan to rebel after hearing your words, only to discover later that there was no such plan, then wouldn’t His Highness have brought false charges against Prince Yu?”

The blue veins stood out on Tong Lu’s neck, but he remained silent, unreplying. Suddenly, he leapt towards the sword hanging on the wall of the tent, drew it and put it against his neck. Meng Zhi immediately wrest it away from him.

“There’s no point demonstrating your sincerity by dying.” Mei Changsu’s voice was still cold. “What if you truly care so much about Junniang that you are willing to die in her stead?”

“Junniang is dead…..” Tong Lu couldn’t hold back any longer and burst into tears, sobbing loudly. “Her…her body is still buried in Wu Feng Po….Chief can….can send someone to check….”

Mei Changsu looked quietly at his former subordinate for a moment. Then he stepped forward to help him up, and gently said, “Alright. We will verify this information. But you must still be held under custody. You must have no contact with anyone or speak to anyone, understand?”

“Tong Lu understands. I don’t care about anything else as long as I can avenge Junniang…..” Tong Lu continued to kneel down, unwilling to rise, still lying at the feet of Mei Changsu, unable to stop sobbing.

Catching Mei Changsu’s meaningful glance, Prince Jing immediately summoned two of his trusted soldiers. He instructed them to give Tong Lu a change of clothes and a meal, and keep careful watch over him. As soon as the tent flap closed, Meng Zhi looked around and asked, “What are we going to do next? Do we believe it or not?”

Prince Jing said succinctly, “I think we should be prepared, on the basis of believing him.”

“I agree with Your Highness’s suggestion.” Mei Changsu nodded and said, “This is both an unexpected problem and an opportunity. How to respond, how to take advantage of it, these must be carefully considered.”

“Don’t tell me Sir thinks that Prince Yu’s actions are unexpected?” Prince Jing raised his eyebrows.

“Does Your Highness think I can really predict everything? Although it occurred to me that Prince Yu would find a way to meet with Xia Jiang, I never expected him to seize control of the imperial guard, nor did I expect Xu Anmo to be in the picture.” Mei Changsu’s expression was grave. “If what Tong Lu said is true, then I have underestimated Prince Yu this time.”

“When a person is in a desperate situation, his burst of strength is always terrifying.” Meng Zhi frowned. “It seems like Prince Yu is intending to risk everything with this move…..”

Mei Changsu was just about to speak, but stopped suddenly and looked at Prince Jing saying, “Does Your Highness have any ideas?”

“Let’s analyze the situation first.” Prince Jing drew his sword* and drew on the sand, “This is the capital, this is Jiu’an Mountain. Qingli camp is stationed on the west side about three days’ travel from the capital, and five days’ travel from Jiu’an Mountain. But one thing to note is that Qingli is not a Xingtai army. When it’s not wartime, the commander has no authority to act on his own initiative. With more than ten cavalry units, without a military seal, how would Xu Anmo be able to mobilize all 50,000 men?”

Mei Changsu frowned as he looked at the sketch on the ground. “He would probably have no choice but to produce a fake imperial edict and military seal…the person examining the military seal is Xu Anmo. He could always cover it up.”

“But the other five Qingli commanders also have the right to examine it. If Xu Anmo were to refuse them, his colleagues have the right to refuse to mobilize their troops. I don’t believe all five of these commanders would revolt,” Meng Zhi challenged.

“Two or three willing to revolt are enough. Those who object can be killed.” Mei Changsu glanced at Prince Jing. “Your Highness should probably have a clearer understanding of the state of affairs in the army?”

Prince Jing’s face sank. He silently sheathed his sword. He knew that Mei Changsu’s words were not unfounded. The army was no longer what it used to be. Apart from the Xingtai armies guarding the four borders, the rest of the armies in other places had long ago lost the loyalty of their soldiers due to low military pay and deterioration of military discipline. It wasn’t impossible to buy off a few military officers with the lure of profit.

“The men Your Highness had arranged to remain in the capital will not be completely blind to Prince Yu’s movements. There’ll probably be news two days from now. Then we can confirm Tong Lu’s words.” Mei Changsu narrowed his eyes, his finger touching his chin lightly, “But….all this may just be a ruse set up by Prince Yu. If we act blindly without thinking and no rebellion happens, the trust you have recently earned will quickly disappear, and you’ll fall into the same situation as Prince Yu.”

Meng Zhi burst out saying, “If that’s the case, then even if we get news in advance, even if we can believe what Tong Lu said is true, isn’t it the same as not having any information? In any case, we can’t say anything to His Majesty now…..”

“It’s different. We can try to make some predictions and formulate multiple pre-emptive plans in advance. It’s better than being caught off-guard.” Because Mei Changsu was thinking rapidly at the time, he unconsciously reached for Prince Jing’s sword, drew it and began to draw on the ground, his movements so natural that the onlooking Meng Zhi broke out in cold sweat and Prince Jing couldn’t help but look at him dumbfounded.

“Look at this,” Mei Changsu continued, unaware of what had just happened, “While the Emperor is travelling, sentries are placed in all directions. Between the capital and Jiu’an Mountain are two sentries. Prince Yu would definitely take out the one closer to the capital, but the one closer to Jiu’an Mountain is occasionally inspected by the imperial guard stationed here, so Prince Yu can’t do anything about it. For the Qingli army to attack the hunting party, they would first have to pass through several towns, so they won’t be able to conceal themselves for long. What’s critical is that in order to get here fast and save time, they cannot bypass this sentry and take another route.”

“You mean, once this sentry sounds the alarm, we can confirm that Prince Yu is truly rebelling and that it isn’t a ruse?” Meng Zhi did some calculations. “But wouldn’t that be too late? The Jiu’an sentry is only 50 (Chinese) miles away. If we wait for the warning before escorting the hunting party off the mountain, we would definitely meet the oncoming army head on.”

Mei Changsu didn’t reply but glanced at Prince Jing again.

“Jiu’an Mountain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Once the warning comes, I would prefer to defend the mountain rather than descend.” Xiao Jingyan understood Mei Changsu’s meaning at that moment, and frowned as he did his calculations. “Assuming Xu Anmo manages to mobilize the full 50,000 Qingli troops. With a strength of 3,000 imperial guards, we would probably only be able to resist them for at most two to three days?”

“You underestimate our imperial guards,” Commander General Meng said with dissatisfaction. “Since we now know that they’re coming, we can make some advanced preparations. Five days shouldn’t be a problem, but…..three or five days, what’s the difference?”

“The access to Jiu’an Mountain is limited. Whether 30,000 or 50,000 Qingli troops arrive, there won’t be much difference. But five days is the limit.” Mei Changsu looked at Prince Jing profoundly, “Can Your Highness make it back?”

The corners of Xiao Jingyan’s lips curled into a resolute smile. “Mother and all of you are on the mountain. I will make it back even if I die.”

Meng Zhi stared at the map sketched onto the ground for a long while before finally responding, “Is Your Highness going to mobilize the Jicheng army in the north?”

“This is one of the reasons why I have to wait for the warning to come.” Mei Changsu sighed. “His Majesty is overly suspicious and indecisive. Even if we took the risk and reported this to him now, he may not completely believe us. It’s only when it is confirmed that the rebel army is approaching that he would hand over the military seal to mobilize the army. Therefore, we have no choice but to sit quietly and wait.”

Meng Zhi felt there was something wrong with this reply and it took a long while before he figured it out. “Mister Su, you only asked His Highness if he will make it back in five days. Why don’t you wonder if he will make it out? Once the warning arrives, we will still need to spend time requesting for the military seal. The rebel army will adopt surprise attack tactics, and immediately cut off all routes off the mountain. It won’t be so easy to leave then!”

Mei Changsu was rendered speechless by his question. It’s not that he had no answer but rather, he could not answer. All he could say was, “This was my oversight. To break through a siege to ask for outside help….perhaps we can only rely on His Highness’s dauntless courage.”

Meng Zhi quickly said, “I know that Prince Jing is unequalled on the battlefield. But….how can we be certain he will manage to break through? Getting reinforcements is our last resort. If His Highness doesn’t succeed, aren’t we all just waiting for certain death?”

Mei Changsu lowered his head, apparently deep in thought, but he peered secretly at Prince Jing from the corners of his eyes.

Fortunately, Prince Jing very quickly took the initiative to reply to Meng Zhi’s question. “Commander Meng doesn’t need to worry. I can descend via the northern slope.”

“The northern slope is an overhanging cliff. There is no path!”

“Yes there is. There’s a dangerous and steep little path which is completely covered with weeds. Xiao Shu and I discovered it way back when we were wandering around Jiu’an Mountain. Apart from the both of us, no one else knows about it.”

“Really?” Meng Zhi was elated. “This is heaven sent!”

“Then it’s settled,” Prince Jing also smiled and made the final decision. “We will not inform His Majesty first. Commander Meng will organize the defence of Jiu’an Mountain and make sure there’s no confusion. No matter how dangerous the future situation is, His Majesty and the Imperial Consort must be kept safe.”

“Yes!” Meng Zhi obeyed solemnly, but then couldn’t help glancing at Mei Changsu. At that moment, the latter didn’t realize that he hadn’t been included in the list of people who must be “kept safe” because he had just realized that he was holding Prince Jing’s sword, his expression a little awkward.

Prince Jing briefly followed Meng Zhi’s gaze, then realizing his oversight, he hurriedly added, “Although Mister Su has accompanying guards, you still need to ensure his safety.”


“Please forgive me Your Highness. I wasn’t paying attention just now…..” Mei Changsu handed the sword back with both hands, looking embarrassed, and bowed humbly.

“It’s alright. We were discussing important matters. There’s no need for such courtesy.” Prince Jing said lightly, replacing his sword back into its sheath.

Meng Zhi concluded other matters pertaining to defence then got up and immediately took his leave. Mei Changsu didn’t want to be left alone with Prince Jing in case he was interrogated further, so he left immediately after.

Foya was just outside the tent, and seeing Mei Changsu, it immediately threw itself on him, wanting to lick his mouth. Meng Zhi chuckled as Mei Changsu stood helpless against it. Fortunately the flap of the tent behind him remained tightly closed so Prince Jing didn’t get to witness it.

“I heard from Zhanying that you’ve been keeping away. I thought you were feeling unwell again, but it turns out that you’re hiding from Buddha’s Tooth.” Meng Zhi approached them. “Why don’t you just kill Foya to silence him?”

Although Foya didn’t understand human speech, it immediately wailed in protest. Worried that Prince Jing would hear it and come out to investigate, Mei Changsu ignored Meng Zhi and hurriedly led the wolf away with him to his tent.

Two days later, Prince Jing received a secret report from the capital as expected. Although it did not contain the inside story mentioned by Tong Lu, it reported that the imperial guard was too quiet, their shifts different from normal, and that Prince Yu repeatedly visited Xia Jiang in Sky Prison. According to the secret report, his visits lasted for very long and because he pulled rank, not even the Minister of Justice Cai Quan could prevent him from visiting. But other than this, the capital still appeared calm, the Capital Patrol was still guarding the four gates and there were no major movements.

Because the actual movements didn’t happen within the capital.

The Emperor had long since moved into the hunting palace, but apart from the royal princes, the rest of the hunting party continued to remain outside in their tents, maintaining the formalities of the ceremonial hunt. Meng Zhi was the busiest and most highly tense person these past two days. On the one hand, he had to organize Jiu’an Mountain’s defences, on the other, he couldn’t allow anyone to think that anything was out of the ordinary, so his nerves were stretched taut the entire time.

Fortunately, they only had four days of looming crisis when the shocking news arrived.

The soldier who brought the report was blood-soaked and speechless when he was brought before the Liang Emperor. He cut a sorry figure, and looking at him, one could tell that the rebel army was closing in.

The entire Jiu’an Mountain trembled. Meng Zhi narrowed the scope of the imperial guards according to what he had planned earlier, quickly laying down several peripheral defense lines and trenches along the mountain roads and surrounding areas. Fortunately, this was the royal hunting ground, and all the small roads were closed off to pedestrians. Mountains and streams surrounded the grassland on which the hunting palace sat, with suitable slopes, dense forest and a quarry. If the rebel army wanted to avoid the road and climb up to attack, they wouldn’t be able to withstand the rolling logs and stones. In this way, they would be able to create a tighter defence and put the enemy at a disadvantage.

“What? What are these traitors clamoring about?” As he listened to the sentry’s report, it was hard to tell if the Liang Emperor was angry or frightened. His whole body trembled. “You….say it one more time!”

Prince Jing stood calmly by his father’s side and said, “The rebel army banner says that your son has rebelled and is holding Father Emperor under duress, so they have come to Father Emperor’s rescue.”

“When have you held me under duress?”

“The rebel army needed a reason to plan the rebellion. In the future, they can then say that when they came to your rescue, the situation was chaotic, that even though they managed to kill your son, your son had already killed Father Emperor. Then, in the absence of a crown prince, they will demand the imperial order to establish a new heir.”

“What delusion!” The Liang Emperor bellowed. Then taking control of himself, he looked at the son by his side and said, “Jingyan, the rebels are approaching. What solution do you have?”

“Your son feels that leaving Jiu’an Mountain now is a suicidal move. The only thing we can do before the rebel army surrounds us is to prepare to resist them, while at the same time, send for reinforcements.”

“Good! Good! I’ll immediately write an edict for you…..”

“Father Emperor, the Jicheng army cannot be mobilized without a military seal.”

“Why do we need to mobilize the Jicheng army? The closest reinforcements should be the imperial guards in the capital!”

“Father Emperor, the rebel army is coming from the west. Do you still think there’s any use in sending for reinforcements from the capital?”

The Liang Emperor used his hand to stave off the cold sweat breaking out on his forehead, slumping weakly in his chair. Concubine Jing, who had been sitting beside him all this time took this opportunity to say, “We can send for reinforcements from both the capital and Jicheng, and see who arrives sooner. Isn’t that better?”

“That’s a good idea.” Prince Jing nodded and said, “In order to avoid arousing suspicion, your son should not go to the capital. Your son requests Father Emperor to bestow the military seal. Within five days, your son will lead soldiers back to protect Father Emperor and Mother. As for the capital, please arrange for a trusted official to send for reinforcements. If reinforcements arrive from the capital, then regard it as your son’s error in judgment, but if not, then Father Emperor will be able to see the truth a little more clearly.”

The situation was critical. At this time, there was no room for hesitation. Besides, Concubine Jing was by his side, so the Liang Emperor wasn’t worried that Prince Jing wouldn’t rush back. After briefly muttering irresolutely to himself, he personally went to get the military seal and solemnly gave it to Prince Jing. “Jingyan, the fate of the country now lies with you. Remember there can be no mistakes en route!”

“Yes! Your son will not fail.” Prince Jing knelt to pay his respects, then got up, grabbed his cloak from the attendant, shook it out, tied it to his shoulders and strode out of the hall.

At this moment, there was panic outside the palace. Many ran around at a loss, as if they wanted to escape but could not, hide but could not. Prince Jing’s face was cold like iron, and he walked by like the wind, totally unaffected by the situation around him. After his upright and firm silhouette disappeared, those around watching him felt a little more calm.

Bypassing the large platform outside the hunting palace, he caught sight of Mei Changsu and Meng Zhi standing shoulder to shoulder on side of the mountain road, one pointing at the terrain ahead while saying something, the other nodding in agreement. When they sensed someone approaching, Meng Zhi turned his head first followed by Mei Changsu. When they saw that it was Prince Jing, both of them immediately greeted him.

“I’m setting off now.” Prince Jing said solemnly. “I am entrusting the mountain to you, Commander Meng.”

“Don’t worry, Your Highness!” Meng Zhi cupped his fist, his words direct.

Prince Jing then glanced at Mei Changsu with intensity, saying, “Even though Mister Su said that that you studied military methodology from veterans, from the way you gave instructions for military defence just now, even a military leader like Commander Meng deferred to you, so you must have had another great teacher. When I return, I shall consult you. Sir, please take care of yourself in the meantime.”

“Just now, we weren’t…..” Mei Changsu wanted to deny it, but for one, Prince Jing had guessed correctly, for another, they were in a perilous situation and it wasn’t appropriate for the two of them to have a conversation by the mountain road, so he was forced to keep silent.

Fortunately, Prince Jing was preoccupied so he didn’t think too much about it at that moment. Turning around, he strode towards the northern slope. At the foot of the mountain, water for the horses had already been prepared, and the five elite guards accompanying him, who had descended the mountain the day before, were waiting for him at the crossroads. Without a word, they all got astride their horses, turned around and made their way with speed.


*According to the novel, it should be a “waist knife” instead of a “sword”, but I’ve kept the sword to be consistent with the drama. Plus a waist knife to me is short and I can’t imagine it reaching the ground unless they were seated, which would make MCS drawing the knife very awkward.


This is probably the longest chapter I’ve translated. Phew! It’s a lot of details that I’m not sure I got all right, but I’ve tried my best and supplemented the descriptions with inference! Also, there’s a lot of “Imperial Order” that makes me think of Star Wars! I guess it just refers to all the rules, regulations and customs that guide the imperial administration under the Emperor at the time!

What amused me most in this chapter was how they placed Foya somewhere in there to break the tension. I wonder if Foya slept with MCS that night!

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