Nirvana In Fire

Chapter 88: A Test of Swords

The Xie manor was both the residence of a first-ranked marquis as well as the imperial residence of the Emperor’s brother-in-law, and so it was even grander than the manors of other officials of similar ranking.  Aside from the usual facilities such as the meeting hall, the guest hall, the reception pavilion, and the side hall, there was also a pavilion beside the lake separating the inner and outer courtyards, called the Rain-Chime Hall.  The number of guests arriving today was neither too large nor too small, but fit its size perfectly, and so Grand Princess Liyang had purposely chosen to hold Xiao Jingrui’s birthday banquet in this hall.

When the last guest, Xia Dong, had arrived, Xie Yu sent messengers to inform the women in the inner courtyard and led his guests to Rain-Chime Hall.  Almost everyone there knew each other from regular encounters, and it was only Mistress Zhuo who was not familiar with many of the guests, and so the time spent on greetings did not last long, and soon, everyone was standing at his or her place.

Because it was a private banquet, the seating arrangement was not too formal.  The Xie couple took the host’s position, with Zhuo Dingfeng and his wife beside them.  Xia Dong and Meng Zhi spent a long time politely declining the right-most guest’s seat until Meng Zhi, who was senior in age, finally took the honoured position, with Xia Dong across from him.  On Meng Zhi’s right was Mei Changsu, and on Xia Dong’s right was Yan Yujin.  In order to avoid Xia Dong jiejie’s habit of pinching his cheek, Yan Yujin carefully moved his seat backwards by about a foot.  The rest of the young people took their places according to their respective ranks and seniority, although Gong Yu insisted on taking the last seat, and no one could convince her otherwise.  Zhuo Qingyi, who liked this jiejie very much, took the seat beside her at the same table.  Xiao Jingrui looked around for Fei Liu, meaning to find a place for him, but there was no shadow of the youth anywhere in sight.  Mei Changsu smilingly told him not to bother.

Today, the birthday boy was wearing a brand new robe handmade by Mistress Zhuo.  Although the craftsmanship of a jianghu woman warrior could not compare to that of a true seamstress, the care and love she had put into her work was evident.  The collar and sleeves were traced with delicate circular patterns, the hem was lined in gold thread, and the waist was decorated with jade pendants and pearls.  It was fortunate that Xiao Jingrui naturally had a bright and scholarly air, and so even in all this finery, he still managed not to look like the typical spoiled son of a rich noble family.  Still, the first time Yan Yujin saw him trying on the robe, he commented tactfully, “Jingrui, when I see you willingly putting on something like this, I know you are truly a filial son.”

Before the banquet began, the presents were brought forward.  His elders gifted him with clothing and shoes, Zhuo Qingyao and his wife gave him a jade flute, Xie Bi’s gift was a high-quality ink stone, and Zhuo Qingyi had handmade a new tassel for his sword.  Yan Yujin gave him an exquisite new harness, Xia Dong and Meng Zhi both brought elegant new playthings, and Gong Yu’s gift was an elaborately embroidered standing screen.

Slipped in with this set of gifts, Mei Changsu’s heart-protection pills did not draw much attention initially, and if Yan Yujin had not peered over curiously and then exclaimed loudly in astonishment, the others likely would not have noticed what a precious gift he had brought.

“No fair, no fair, Brother Su is too biased, such a wonderful gift is wasted on Jingrui!  You’ve never given me anything like this, and you clearly like me better!”

As Yan Yujin protested laughingly, a jade hand reached over from the side and unerringly grasped the thickest part of his cheek, giving it an expert twist, and his face flushed immediately.

“What are you fussing about?  It’s not the middle of July yet, is it?  Who’s to say Mister Su won’t give you something good when the time comes?”  Xia Dong laughed.

The son of the Imperial Uncle clutched his face as he said resentfully, “My birthday isn’t the middle of July, it’s the seventh of July, Xia Dong jiejie, don’t get it wrong!”

“Oh, the Double Seventh¹…”  Xia Dong glanced over at him.  “Well, it’s not that different from the middle of July², what are you getting all worked up for?”

Yan Yujin glared at her balefully.  Please, dajie, the Double Seventh and the middle of July are vastly different not only in date, but also in meaning….

“Alright, alright,” Xie Bi intervened with a smile.  “You really will fight about anything.  Heart protection pills may be rare, but they’re not meant to be taken every day.  One day if you find yourself spitting up blood or running out of breath, I’m sure dage will give you a pill….”

Yan Yujin immediately turned his furious gaze onto the Xie second brother.  You’ll be the one spitting up blood and running out of breath!

With this little quarrel between the younger ones, the reserved atmosphere of the banquet finally loosened up a little, and even Grand Princess Liyang was smiling as she said, “Yujin used to come crying to me saying you two were bullying him, and I didn’t believe him, but from today, it really seems as if you do like to bully him….”

“Alright,” Xie Yu was smiling as well.  “How can you treat guests like this, Rui’er, come and pour  wine for everyone.”

Xiao Jingrui stood and picked up a silver and black flask, pouring from it until everyone’s wine cups were filled.  Xie Yu lifted his cup, bowed to everyone, and said, “We have troubled you all to attend our son’s humble little celebration, it is an honour.  I lift this cup as a tribute to you, please accept this offer of my respect.”  He raised the cup to his lips and drained it in one go.  Everyone followed his example, but Mei Changsu only touched the cup to his lips before putting it down.  Xiao Jingrui knew his health was poor and so did not insist, and instead quietly ordered a servant to bring hot tea.

“Come, come, this is a private banquet, there is no need to stand on courtesy.  I have never been a very capable host, so please feel free to consider yourselves at home, and do as you please.”  Xie Yu laughed, then gestured to a servant to begin bringing in the dishes as he sat down at his place.

After a few rounds of wine, Xia Dong brushed her hair back behind her ears, propped her chin on one hand and turned slightly misty eyes towards her host, as she said, “Marquis Xie said we should consider ourselves at home, was this a true statement?”

“Certainly, it was the truth.  What does Officer Xia mean by this question?”

“I only wanted to be sure.”  There was a sweet but impish smile on Xia Dong’s face as she said lightly, “In my home,  I am often willful and impetuous, I trust the Marquis will not take offense at any rude impulses of mine?”

Xie Yu laughed loudly as he answered, “Xia Dong has always had the temperament of a boy, how could I take any offense?”

“Good.”  The corner of Xia Dong’s mouth curled as she nodded slowly, her mischievous smile suddenly turning cold as ice as her gaze swept past Xie Yu and halted on Zhuo Dingfeng sitting beside him.  Her voice rang out in the hall as she said, “Xia Dong has long admired Chief Zhuo’s martial skill, it is our fortune to meet today, and I request an opportunity to learn from him.”

As the cold words left her lips, Xia Dong leapt into the air, a chopstick held in her hand like a sword, and plummeted straight for Zhuo Dingfeng’s throat.

This abrupt change of mood left everyone staring blankly, and before they could react, the two were already exchanging blows.  Although they were only using chopsticks as swords, each stroke was dealt ferociously, and the wind that had whipped up in their wake stole the breath of the spectators.

By this time, more than ten strokes had been dealt.  Xia Dong threw herself back and ended the fight as suddenly as it had begun.  She lifted a hand to smooth the hair at her forehead until it lay flat again, and her robes settled down around her once more.

To most of the spectators, Xia Dong looked no different from her usual appearance, and only a very few present saw the hint of confusion that flashed across her eyes.

A cold smile drifted across the lips of Xie Yu, the Marquis of Ning.

Xia Dong was truly a person of dedication.  The case of the murdered guards had already cooled, but she herself had not given up the investigation.  But of course, since he had dared to invite her here today, he had certainly made the necessary preparations, and if this lady Xuanjing Officer wanted to compare Zhuo Dingfeng’s martial arts with the wounds inflicted on the dead guards, he feared it would not be so easy.

“How exciting!”  Meng Zhi was the first to break the silence.  “Although only a dozen strokes were exchanged, the moves were exquisite to behold, and the inner strength and swordsmanship of each competitor was obvious, it is truly my fortune to witness this today.”

Xia Dong smiled.  “Fighting before Commander Meng, this must look like child’s play to you.”

Zhuo Dingfeng added modestly, “Officer Xia was too kind, in another few strokes, she would have had me begging for mercy.”

“Where experts cross swords, wine must follow, come, let us drink another round.”  Xie Yu took up the flask and filled a cup himself, then brought it to Xia Dong, seemingly wanting to put an end to the action that had begun so abruptly.  Xia Dong stared at him unmoving for a long moment, and then slowly lifted a hand and accepted the cup, lifting her head and draining it in one go.

Zhuo Qingyao came over with his wife and raised his fists in a salute.  “Officer Xia is truly formidable.  Let me take this opportunity to raise a cup to you, and if we meet again in jianghu, I pray you will do me the honour.”

Xia Dong smiled but didn’t say anything as she accepted the cup.  Xie Bi and Zhuo Qingyi, under the subtle urging of their elders, also came over to lift their cups in respect, and even Mistress Zhuo accompanied her husband forward as they raised a second cup in toast.  Yan Yujin, who was talking quietly with Xiao Jingrui in a corner, thought this was a bit strange, and asked him in a quiet voice, “What are they doing?  Are they trying to get her drunk?”

Xiao Jingrui answered in a voice just as low, “I rarely see Xia Dong jiejie drinking, how is her tolerance?  Should I go and drink a few in her place?”

“I seldom see her drinking too…look, her face is all red, you had better go and take a few for her, I’m afraid she’ll come torture me when she’s drunk….”

Meng Zhi, who was walking past them, couldn’t help smiling when he overheard these words and turned his head to reassure them.  “Don’t worry, Xia Dong’s face gets red like this after a single cup, but even after a thousand cups, she will still only suffer from a red face……what were you two discussing just now?”

“Not discussing, I was just reminding Jingrui, this is the perfect time to ask Miss Gong Yu to serenade us with her music.”  As Yan Yujin spoke, he turned his gaze towards Gong Yu, who was sitting quietly to the side, and when she lifted her head to return his gaze, his face immediately broke out in a huge grin.

Xiao Jingrui laughed as he kicked him gently with one foot.  “Alright, wipe the drool off your face, I’ll go and ask Mother.”  Just as he was about to get up, he saw the Grand Princess’ personal attendant hurrying over to Xie Yu’s side and whispering something in his ear.  Xie Yu nodded and then turned to the crowd and said in a loud, clear voice, “There can be no feast without music, and as we have Miss Gong Yu of Miaoyin House here with us today, shall we not invite her to play for us, and cleanse away our worries and burdens with her elegant music?”

His suggestion was met with enthusiastic agreement.  Gong Yu stood up slowly and bowed, then said in a gentle voice, “The Marquis is too kind.  Gong Yu has no talent, but she will do her best.”

A serving girl hurried over and set down a zither and a stool.  Xiao Jingrui glanced over and recognized it for a particularly treasured instrument of his mother’s, which even her children were not allowed to use normally.  If she was willing to bring it out today for a stranger to use, that showed that she admired Gong Yu’s skill very much indeed.

As a gifted musician, although Gong Yu could not have known that this was the Grand Princess Liyang’s most treasured instrument, she was of course even more astute than Xiao Jingrui when it came to appreciating the worth of this zither, and after she had sat down and examined it for a few moments, she stood up again and knelt down in a bow to the Grand Princess.

Grand Princess Liyang’s expression was as cool as always, but from her slight bow back, one could see the extraordinary courtesy this sister of the Emperor was showing to Gong Yu, and even Xie Yu, who knew his wife’s nature very well, was astounded.

After she had sat down once more, Gong Yu lifted one hand slowly and tested a few notes.  The pitch was perfect, and the notes rich and golden in the cool evening air.  The jade fingers fluttered delicately, and the winding melody of the famous composition, ‘Phoenix Seeking Phoenix’, drifted through the room.  Usually, musicians strove to match their performances with the mood of their environment, but for talents like Gong Yu, no one cared about such trivialities.  And therefore, no one seemed surprised that she had chosen such a passionate piece for a birthday banquet.  As the song rose into the night, it painted the picture of a golden phoenix soaring over the ocean, questing over the seas for its companion, its wings spread wide as it glided over the wind.  It stirred up a fierce sense of longing in its audience, and before the song was over, many were staring silently, caught up in its trance.

Although Xie Yu was an educated man, he knew little about music, and at most thought the song was beautiful and pleasant to the ear, but did not understand the mystery of its appeal.  But when he turned and saw the look in his wife’s face, and the shine of tears in her eyes, an unhappiness stirred in his heart.  When the song was over, he coughed lightly and said, “Miss Gong Yu’s talent is truly unparalleled.  But this is a joyous occasion, pray favour us with a happier selection.”

Gong Yu murmured, “Yes,” and began playing once more.  A bright, quick tune emerged this time, the well-known ‘Fisherman’s Song’.  The melody was light and the notes playful, and it seemed to its audience as if they stood in the warm glow of the setting sun as fishing boats docked after a hard day’s work, the fishermen singing cheerfully together as they drew in their nets.  Even to someone who could not appreciate the finer nuances of music, the joy within the music was unmistakable.  But Xie Yu was not paying attention to this.  Instead he sat listening quietly, keeping one eye on Princess Liyang’s face.  Only when he saw the furrow in her brow relax and a small smile spread across her lips did he finally let out a sigh of relief.

Applause and shouts of praise broke out when the song finished.  Yan Yujin waved the cup in his hand as he urged loudly for a third song.  Gong Yu smiled, but before she could reply, one of the man-servants of the Xie residence suddenly ran into the hall and fell onto the ground in a bow before Xie Yu, his expression panicked as he said, gasping for breath, “For…forgive me, Marquis…there are, are guests outside….”

Xie Yu frowned.  “What guests?  Didn’t I order you all to close the gates and turn away all guests for tonight?”

“Your servant couldn’t stop them, they have, have already entered….”

Xie Yu raised an eyebrow as a cold voice sounded from outside the hall.  “We made an agreement long ago, so why is Brother Zhuo turning away his guest?  Could it be that he is staying in the residence of the Marquis of Ning in order to hide from this challenge of mine?”

¹July 7: the ‘Double Seventh’ festival (wiki)

²July 15: the ‘Ghost festival’ (wiki) – yeah lol, agree with Yujin, totally different….

Translator’s Notes:

By the way, I just counted, and this party lasts until Chapter 94.  So buckle in.

(Also, I hate Xie Yu more than anyone in the drama except maybe Xia Jiang, but I have to admit, his love for Liyang in this was kind of sweet.  It makes him more human, that he loved his wife, whatever else you say about his morals and actions and MURDER.)

(P. P. S., XJR and YYJ’s worry over Xia Dong is adorable.  She drank everyone under the table at her own wedding, pups, so you just worry about yourselves, k?)

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