Nowhere to Run

Chapter 16: A Rendezvous with Death

Chapter 16: A Rendezvous with Death


“The longer the vengeance is drawn out, the more satisfying it will be”

-Nord proverb


-“Are you sure about this?” Kira said, the question echoing through the stables. A funereal silence had taken over the entire outpost since their last battle planning deliberation just a few minutes ago, being disturbed only by the distant, constant shrieking of sharpening stones grinding against the Clan warrior’s blades in anticipation of the imminent clash. She sighed, her warm breath forming a cloud of moisture in the gelid night air. -“I have a bad feeling about this,”

-“You have a bad feeling about pretty much anything,” Kuro said, just as he finished preparing her mount for the trip. -“Tala is a great bull. He’ll take good care of you. Please be gentle with him, ok?”

-“But I’m good with the sword! I can help defend the outpost! Why can’t you send someone else instead?!”

-“I know you’re good, Kira, but you are the only one who knows that trail besides Arkan,”

-“He talked you into this. Didn’t he?!” she said, visibly annoyed.

-“No,” Kuro said, firmly tying the last knot to the bull’s reins. -“This is just me worrying about a friend,”

-“I don’t need your ‘worrying’, Kuro!” Kira lashed out fiercely. -“I’m sick of people trying to ‘save’ me all the time!”

-“I know, and this time we’ll be the ones needing saving, Kira. We’re counting on you,”

-“It’s not fair. I just want to help,”

-“And you will,” Kuro said, placing a hand over her shoulder, trying to reassure her. -“We’ll need any help you can bring. Besides, he might try to hide it but you got Arkan pretty worried. It’ll ease his mind if you’re not here when the Northmen attack,”

  His reply shook her, giving her pause. Arkan, worried? She shook her head violently trying to clear her mind. Yeah, right. -“That cunt is always trying to undermine me just because I’m a woman!”

  Kuro chuckled, smiling fondly in return, much to her chagrin. -“I’m pretty sure that’s not the case. He cares about you, you know,”

-“If that’s his ‘caring’ I would’ve preferred he didn’t,”

-“We don’t know if we’ll pass tonight, Kira. That’s really how you want to leave it?”

  Her heart sank, his words echoing through her head, and shaking her to the core. Although her womanly instincts begged her to tear up and run to Arkan for comfort at a moment like this, her body remained stoic. A pair of stubborn tears leaked through the corner of her eyes. She’s always been a strong-willed woman, having made it this far as a blacksmith, and might even have made it as a full-fledged warrior if only Clan Aureon allowed women in its ranks, having passed her Trial of Position with flying colors disguised as a man, only to be unmasked before everyone.

  But it was different now. If there was something she wanted more than beating Arkan to the curb, it was him finally giving her the time of day, and the thought of anything happening to him tore her heart. She shut her eyes and sighed. Damn it! For the first time in her life, Kira cursed becoming so tenacious. -“If he cares SO much, why doesn’t HE come to send me off?!”

-“You know he’s always been a pussy,”

  Now it was her turn to chuckle. Kuro’s right. He’s always been like that. It was terrifying how easily he could read people. -“Fine! I’ll talk to him, but I’m only doing this for you!”

-“Sure you are,”

  She took a deep breath and went on her way, bracing herself for what was coming. Nina opened the stable’s wooden door just as Kira walked past her; completely ignoring her, her mind fixed on what she was about to do but still unsure about what she was supposed to say. Her heart pumped wildly, and cold sweat ran down her face as she walked to where the warriors were readying their weapons near the armory, the sound of steel being sharpened filling the air, being louder with each step.

  A knowing Kuro put a hand over Nina’s shoulder, who remained clueless about the exchange. However, the look in his eyes immediately let her know what her intentions were. Oh, shit! She wasted little time, racing to the armory, finding Kira facing Arkan in front of all the other warriors, just in time to witness the conversation.

-“Why are you still here, woman?! You should leave at once!” Arkan said.

-“Urgh! Why are you always so damn difficult?! I just came to say goodbye you bloody moron!” Kira replied, her temper blaring.

-“Goodbye?! Of course! We will be facing the bloody Northmen and you come to remind us of that?!”

   Damn. Nina spotted Ekto among the warriors, awkwardly looking away, unable to keep a straight face, looking obviously uncomfortable. Even the warriors couldn’t hide their embarrassment, being compelled to witness such an unbearable scene. Ekto looked at her with strained eyes and just shrugged. It was painfully obvious that the sight of them arguing wasn’t rare.

-“Would you listen to me for once?!”

-“Speak quickly then, woman! I don’t have time for your riddles!”

-“I have a name, you asshat! If you are going to call me ‘woman’, you might start by treating me as one!”

-“I just might! If only you looked like one and weren’t so freaking obnoxious!”

-“Obnoxious?! I wouldn’t be so ‘obnoxious’ if only you treated me a bit nicer!”

-“Shut up you two!” Ekto yelled, interrupting them. -“This is stupid! The Northmen are coming but you keep arguing like babies! You are not helping anyone! Why don’t you put your disagreements aside for once and just make up?!”

  The pair stopped immediately. It seemed that Ekto’s outburst got through their thick skulls, looking down ashamed. Ekto sighed loudly. -“I didn’t mean to yell at you but you need to stop this. Now,”

  An awkward silence took over the courtyard, disrupted only by the wind’s powerful howling. Kira shook her head, looking at Arkan's eyes, and taking a deep breath to compose herself before speaking. -“Stay safe, you bloody moron. I would hate to dig your grave,”

-“Bah! You will probably let the crows feast on me,” Arkan joked.

-“That’s not true and you know it!”

  Arkan thought about countering with another quip, but looking into her teary hazel eyes burning with a fiery determination immediately let him know about the seriousness of the situation. Ekto is right. He shut his eyes, sighing powerfully. -“Watch your steps out there, woman. That trail is dangerous,”

-“I will. Good luck,”


  They nodded decidedly, there was nothing more to say, glad that they could part ways on slightly better terms. Kira raced to the stables, leaping onto Tala’s back, and took off violently. Reinn pushed the cart blocking the gate just enough to allow the bull to pass through, leaving the outpost at full tilt and promptly disappearing into the forest.

  Nina could only gape in complete disbelief. Watching the pair’s bickering brought back fond memories of Verkan and his constant yet playful teasing. Although she would dare to say that their ‘bickering’ was anything but playful, being outright hostile. If that was what they call a lover’s quarrel, it was the strangest one I’ve ever heard! The warriors promptly continued with their business and the sound of steel being sharpened filled the air once again. Nina looked up, spotting Ekto who smiled broadly in return, nodding at her before focusing his attention on his weapon too.

-“Those two are a real pain to watch,” Kuro said, as he walked from behind Nina.

-“Are they always like that?” she asked.

-“Pretty much. It’s a long and complicated story,”

-“I thought you’d make some fun out of it,

-“Nah, it's not funny anymore, it's sad,”

-“I see. I should be sending Rudo too,”

-“Let me call the expert first,” Kuro said, taking a deep breath to yell at the top of his lungs. -“Kastus!”

  A youthful, tall and imposing, yet modest and gentle-looking man rushed from behind the barracks, coming to a halt in front of them. His short, greyish hair and green, gleaming eyes immediately caught her attention. -“Yes! Kuro! My lady!”

-“We need your help, buddy,”

-“I need the dikes’ floodgates open, Kastus. How do I do that?”

-“The mechanism is simple, my Lady,” Kastus explained. -“It’s like a giant corkscrew that pulls the floodgates up when it’s rotated, but you will need a special wrench for that. I’m certain because I helped my father build them, and we made them that way at the request of Lord Euron himself so any potential intruders couldn’t just open them. The wrench is normally left in the care of the garrison. It should be stored somewhere in the armory,”

-“Then go look for it, genius!” Kuro said.

-“Y-yeah… At once!”

  Nina looked over her shoulders, spotting Rudo now between the Clan warriors, sniffing them up and down and paying close attention to them as they finished their preparations diligently, submerged in funereal silence, so focused on their business that he went seemingly ignored. Nina couldn’t help but wince with embarrassment. Damn it, Rudo!

  A powerful whistle knocked her out of her thoughts, making every head turn toward its source. Nina watched ‘Tracker’ making hand signals to which Kuro instantly responded with a set of his own. It could only mean bad news. A dreadful feeling took over the courtyard immediately. She waved at Rudo, who wasted little time to meet her, grabbing his arm instinctively once he stood by her side, her body shivering, and her heart racing, beating wildly against her chest, wondering how in hell he remained so calm.

  Raznak emerged from the barracks, finding ‘Tracker’ on top of the stable’s roof on the lookout, pointing at the edge of the forest. -“There they are, Boss! I can see them!”

-“Are you sure?!” Raznak asked back, wishing that ‘Tracker’ could be wrong somehow. -“How can you see anything through the dark?!”

-“I see a pair of riders behind the tree line! Most probably scouts! Definitely Northmen!”

-“They don’t call him ‘Tracker’ for no reason,” Kuro quipped.

-“Damn it!” Raznak cursed. -“How much time do we have?!”

-“Not much, Boss! Half an hour, maybe! Maybe a bit more but not by much! They are assessing our position and still need to report back!”

-“There’s no time to get Nana’s girls to the forest! Lady! We need that dragon going, and fast!”

-“Y-yes, sir!” Nina replied.

-“G-go-going where?” Rudo asked, concerned.

-“To the dikes,” Nina said, looking at him, still holding his arm. -“We need you to open the floodgates. You know what you have to do, right?”

-“Yeah, it’s like one of those machines we used in the mines,”

-“Oh, of course! You’re the industrialized one,” she said with half a smile on her lips, fondly recalling their first exchange. Her smile swiftly vanished, however, as her mood took a nosedive. -“Rudo… I know I’m asking too much but this is important. The lives of everyone here will be in your hands,”

-“I know, but… I don’t wanna leave you,”


  And why did that make her heart skip a beat?


  Rudo! Nina felt her face warming, immediately releasing his arm, hitting him with a barrage of awkward punches, and suddenly feeling embarrassed, to Rudo’s complete dismay. Maybe you’re just overthinking it, Nina! He’s not even aware that what he’s saying may be interpreted as… something else. -“I-I’ll be here waiting for you, ok? Meanwhile, Kuro and the others will protect us,”

-“Fine,” he said dejectedly, turning to Kuro who stood just a few feet away. -“Please take care of Nina!”

-“Don’t you worry, buddy! I got you covered!” Kuro said, grinning, making a thumbs-up gesture that Rudo awkwardly mimicked. -“I’ll take care of your cute little girlfriend while you’re out there saving the day,”

  What?! Kuro! No! Cut it!

-“Gurl… frend…? Wat’s dat?”

-“Err… you know, buddy, it isn’t funny if you don’t get it,”

-“H-he means a friend who happens to be a girl!” Nina lashed out, giving Kuro a fierce glare that only amused him even more. Seriously! What’s wrong with him?!

-“Oh, dat!”

-“Here!” Kastus said, interrupting, bringing the large iron wrench with him. -“You will need this uh, mister... dragon?”

-“I’ll bring it back!” Rudo said, taking the wrench. -“Promise!”

-“What’s the matter?” Kuro asked, turning to the blacksmith apprentice. -“Never seen a dragon before?”

-“Well, yeah. But never talked with one,”

-“I know, right? It’s incredibly weird the first time,”

  She turned to Rudo who looked back at her expectantly with that giant pair of black-filled, bright yellow eyes that she had come to care about, patiently waiting for her command in a sight that tore her heart. She didn’t even notice it, but Kuro’s banter made her feel so mad and so embarrassed that the hopelessness that previously took over her heart vanished almost completely, at least momentarily.

  Nina sighed. She turned to Rudo again, taking a brief moment to just look at him, now clenching her teeth and on the verge of tears, fearing this could be their last moments together, trying her hardest not to cry but losing the battle horribly. What if this is it?! If the Northmen win?! If I don’t see him again?! She didn’t want to think about that possibility, recalling the last moments with Verkan with heartbreaking lucidity. I’m barely holding the tears back and he’s not worrying in the slightest!

  Nina wiped her eyes with her sleeve, now feeling the desperate urge to squeeze Rudo with a tight embrace before sending him away. She was about to do just that but hesitated in the last instant since everyone was looking at them now, and an awkward atmosphere, plus the angst of possible humiliation ultimately persuaded her. Damn it! She shook her head, wiped her tears, and took a deep breath before speaking. -“Please, take care, Rudo,”

-“I will,” Rudo said, wasting no time, leaping over the wall, and finally taking off, tearing through the grassland, braving the unknown, leaving the meadow at a breathtaking speed, this time unhindered by Nina’s weight. He was gone in the blink of an eye, and uncertainty took over her heart once more.

  Please, Gods, protect him!

  She shut her eyes just briefly, sighing powerfully, uncertainty now turned into rightful anger, turning to Kuro with her hands clenched into tiny fists. -“What the hell was that, Kuro?!” Nina growled, livid. -“Rudo doesn’t know those things and doesn’t need to know!”

-“It’ll be a hard night, Nina,” Kuro replied immediately, his previous smile turning into a frown. -“And who knows? Maybe even our last. We can use a few laughs while we still can,”

  Nina’s heart sunk, seeing in his eyes the same fear that engulfed her heart. He did an amazing job concealing it until now. Kuro’s been joking, quipping, making small talk, and generally doing his best to lift everyone’s spirits, but not even his best efforts could change the fact that the Northmen were coming.


  And he was awfully aware of it.


  Raznak closed the barrack’s reinforced wooden door behind him, walking down the dark, narrow aisle with his heart in his throat, fearing the imminent face-off with his client and acquaintance as he yet again turned into the bearer of bad news. Shit! Nana’s not going to like this!

-“Excuse me, Lady Nana, I bring grim news,” he said nervously, closing the wooden door after inspecting the room and making sure only Nana and her grand-granddaughter Lily were within earshot.

-“You came to tell me that you won’t be able to get my girls to safety, didn’t you?” Nana said with a calm tone, holding Lily’s hand, which remained silent.

-“I’m afraid so. We just spotted Nord scouts. We would be easy prey if we leave the outpost now,”

-“I see,” she said, closing her eyes and lowering her head. -“So this is how it’s going to be,”

-“Lady Nana, you and your girls must stay inside,” Raznak said, with a lump in his throat. -“Lock the door behind us,”

-“Before that, I have a favor to ask, Raznak. It’s important,”

-“Of course,”

  Nana frowned, looking at him with an ominous look that unsettled him deeply. -“If the worst comes to worst, and you and the Clan warriors cannot stop the Northmen, I want you to kill my girls,”


-“I cannot think of a worst fate than what the Northmen will put them through,” she continued. -“Delivering a swift, painless death shouldn’t be difficult for… someone with your expertise. Please, don’t let the Northmen take them,”

-“Luckily, we won’t come to that, Lady Nana,” he said nervously.

-“Promise it!”

  He sighed loudly. -“You have my word,”

-“Good. Thank you,”

  Lily squeezed her grand-grandmother with a thigh hug, weeping silently as Nana stroked her hand in return in a futile attempt to calm her. That was all. Raznak quickly composed himself and left the room, gently closing the wooden door on his way out, and walked down the dark, narrow aisle with a heavy head, with one less burden weighing him down but with an even heavier responsibility now. Damn it!

  Nina watched him leaving the barracks with his face twisted in a grim frown, and couldn’t help but feel deeply grieved for him, recalling the conversation she overheard earlier, in which they agreed to give up the reward on her to protect everyone in what was essentially a suicide mission. For mercenaries, they’re actually a decent bunch.

  Kuro sensed her uneasiness, placing a hand over her shoulder to help her calm down as the imminent clash with the Northmen did a number on her. Nina shut her eyes and sighed powerfully, stroking his hand in return. Reinn walked to them after watching from afar, having just finished the defenses, wrapping her in a tender embrace which she immediately returned, burying her face on Reinn’s ample bosom, finally breaking down in tears. Ekto rushed to join them after watching his childhood friend weeping, a sight that tore his heart.

  But their moment was cut short by an unexpected yet lovely chant coming from the barracks, making every single head turn towards it. Nina stopped crying immediately, being captivated by the joyful song and angelic singing voices. Even the usually impassive warriors were drawn by it, getting closer and removing their helmets to better hear it.

Shay muh lay mah gil-ah mear
Shay moe hay suh, gil-ah mear,
Son nawh shayn nee voorags hayn
Oh cooig egayne mah gil-ah mear”

  The mysterious chant continued, mumbling solemnly at first, then changing to a more cheerful tune. -“What’s that noise?” Nina asked, intrigued.

-“Those are Nana’s girls, they’re singing,” Kuro said.

-“That’s a lovely tune! If only I could understand that language,”

-“Err… that’s Kaeltic,” Ekto pointed out. -“It’s the ancient highland language,”

-“You understand it?”

-“Yeah, a little,”

-“Really?!” Nina asked, jumping excitedly, the previous hopelessness vanishing instantly. -“Where did you learn it?”

-“Verkan taught me. Kuro would’ve learned it too if only he had paid attention,”

  His response made Nina recoil. Of course, Ekto is still unaware of Verkan’s death. Kuro noticed her heart sinking again, and immediately changed the subject. -“What does the song say?” he asked.

-“Err… It’s a very melancholic song,” Ekto replied.

-“Please, Ekto! I want to know,” Nina begged, pouting so adorably that Ekto found it impossible to resist.

-“Ok, ok, just let me listen for a bit,” he said, paying close attention to the lyrics.

Beem-shay booin aer booerch gawk loe,
Ekay guh kreweh seg toor nah noyar,
Mar shaylah ooig aun bookall byo,
Snah rivtar toorisk ooig, mah boyar,

-“This part says: I am increasingly unhappy every day, grieving sorely, showing signs of tears. As the lively lad was sent away from me, and my sorrow has no end, no news is told of him,

-“Well, that’s… depressing,” Kuro said.

-“What did it say earlier? In the chorus,” Nina asked.

-“The chorus seems a bit happier. At the beginning of the song, it says: My gallant darling is my hero, he's my hero, my gallant lad. I found neither sleep nor happiness since my gallant lad went far away,”

-“Any more songs like this and the Northmen won’t have to kill me; I’m just going to slit my own wrists!”

  The group burst into sudden, powerful laughter in response to Kuro’s remark, even Nina couldn’t help but giggle. She had read about gallows humor and how it made the prospect of imminent death a little easier to bear, but never thought she would actually experience it first-hand.

-“Hell of a time for humor, Kuro,” Ekto said, chuckling.

-“It was about time he had been actually funny,” Reinn countered, wiping away the giddy tears.

-“I think it’s a beautiful song! Thank you Ekto,” Nina said, smiling broadly.

  My Gallant Hero… Nina thought briefly about the dreamy Knight from the stories she had read, finally realizing how absurd it really was. Real people would never behave like that! If anything they are like this, anyone willingly facing the Northmen should earn a medal or something! She sighed loudly, her warm breath forming a cloud of moisture in the cold night air, her mind slowly wandering to Rudo. She wasn’t sure of what would happen, she didn’t want to even think about it, but if there was someone able to pull off the impossible, it was him. My Gallant Hero… huh? Figures.

  A second whistle brought her back to reality, interrupting the song instantly. Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! This is really happening! She began to shake, her heart pounding powerfully against her ribcage. Arkan stood up immediately, instantly followed by his warriors, quickly assembling in an orderly formation. Kuro and Reinn looked at each other briefly and nodded, standing up, and racing to the barracks where Raznak awaited, leaving poor Nina. Everyone seemingly knew exactly what to do but her. Her mind went to Rudo again, dreading he might not reach the dikes in time. Please, Rudo! Hurry up!

  One by one, Nord riders emerged from the forest, stopping atop a distant hill a few hundred yards away, quickly forming a line facing the outpost, in plain view of everyone. The mere sight sent chills down her spine. It was downright terrifying.

-“Boss! There they are!” ‘Tracker’ shouted, pointing north.

-“By the Gods… they’re countless!” Reinn said, shivering.

-“So much for subtlety,” Kuro cracked.

-“They’ve come too soon!” Raznak said, despairing. He then turned to Nina. -“What’s taking that dragon so long?!”

-“H-he went just a few minutes ago! Maybe he needs more time!” Nina said, just as nervously.

-“He’d better hurry or we’ll be all dead before he can even reach the dikes!”

-“They don’t seem in a hurry, though,” Kuro calmly pointed out as the Nord riders remained in close formation, motionless.

-“Kuro’s right!” Reinn said. -“But what are they waiting for?!”

-“I don’t think they’ll attack before regrouping,” ‘Tracker’ replied.

-“That’s a relief," Raznak said. -"Every second we get is priceless,”

  Kuro grabbed a spare sword from one of the carts and rushed to the stables, finding a terrified Kastus hiding inside. He sighed, pained by what he was about to ask. -“Kastus!”

  The blacksmith apprentice emerged from his hiding spot, shaking. Kuro couldn’t help but take pity on him. -“Take this,” he said, handing him the spare sword which Kastus hesitated to take.

-“A-A sword? What for?” he asked.

-“To defend yourself,” Kuro replied coldly. Normally, he would speak with an added dose of sarcasm for good measure, but not this time. -“You know how to use it, right?”

-“K-Kira showed me a little,” Kastus said nervously. -“A-Am I going to fight too?”

-“Isn't that what you always wanted?!”

-“Well, yes! But… But I’m just a blacksmith! I’m not supposed to fight!”

-“Listen, buddy. Remember the raid from last year? When those warriors from Clan Kano challenged Arkan and his warriors to a Trial of Possession over Greentown?” Kuro asked.

-“Yes! I recall! It was a great battle! Arkan and his warriors fought very well!”

-“Well, now is different, buddy. It’s the Northmen who are coming and these guys are NOT like the Clan warriors,”

-“W-What do you mean?”

-“They will NOT exercise restraint just because you're not a warrior,” Kuro said, his face now sporting a menacing frown. -“They will KILL you if they get the chance. Don't give them that chance,”

-“Boss and Reinn will be by themselves and I need you to cover their backs. I’ll be on the roof with ‘Tracker’ so I need you to stay alert if someone needs help,” he continued, handing him the sword again. -“Kastus, I'm counting on you, buddy,”


-“I'm COUNTING on you,” he repeated, shoving the sword against him, which he finally grabbed with trembling hands.

-“B-But… I'm not a warrior!”

-“You will be. Very soon,”

  Kuro sighed loudly and left, closing the wooden door behind him, leaving poor Kastus alone with his thoughts. He had always dreamed of joining the ranks of the prestigious Clan warriors but his gentle and good-natured character became an encumbrance during his Trial of Position. The Clan would never allow his towering, muscular frame to go to waste, however, and immediately assigned him to his father’s care as a blacksmith, something incredibly rare among the Clans.


  But he never imagined his dream would end up becoming true. Not like this.


  The Northmen inspected the landscape from the hilltop, watching over the meadow, waiting patiently for their chieftain’s command. The Nord warlord scanned the Clan outpost thoroughly, recalling his words with the wizard earlier. There they are, just as that damned Mage said they would. Until now, his words had proven true: the road led straight to the outpost, being manned by just a handful of warriors they vastly outnumbered, and the carts full of luggage suggested the presence of civilians, with their prize most likely among them. Exactly as the Mage said! That cock-sucking bastard!

  But he wasn't happy in the slightest. Something's off, I can feel it! It can't be this easy! He sent a single rider to parley. He would have gone himself if he didn’t suspect the mage had set him up. It was unlikely, but if he could just bargain the girl from the clanners without fighting, he would. The Nord emissary walked his mount collectedly, only making the defenders all the more cautious. He unfastened his scabbard from his belt, sword still inside, raising it above his head in the universal sign of parley, to which Raznak responded in kind hesitantly. Fuck it!

-“Attention! Clansmen! And also mercenary scum!” the Nord rider yelled, instantly earning everyone’s attention. -“Our Krigsherre, Lord Warrior Prince Kortan Blodhund demands your compliance! We came for the priestess and we know she is hiding here! Surrender her, and we will allow the rest of you to live! You have five minutes to decide!”

  Every single head turned toward Nina. She could only cry silently and pray. She could hardly breathe, a lump in her throat impeded her speech, and her body quivered uncontrollably, her legs threatening to collapse under her at any moment. Why?! Why this has to happen to me?! She turned to watch the small crowd gathered behind her. Arkan and the warriors looked expectantly while Kuro and Reinn exchanged anxious glances. Ekto placed a hand over her shoulder, standing next to her trying to comfort her, shocked at the Northmen’s demand, just learning now about the magnitude of her predicament.

  Raznak took it just as well as Nina. His mind was racing, his heart beating wildly, his breathing laborious, feeling increasingly overwhelmed by the sheer responsibility bestowed upon him. He looked around frantically as if the people around him might somehow give him the answers to his dilemma.

-“Sir! They are trying to put us against each other!” Reinn said.

-“Even if we hand them Nina, there’s no guarantee they will spare us,” Kuro pointed out.

  He heard the door’s hinges creaking behind him, looking over his shoulder, and found Lady Nana standing firmly at the barracks doors with a fiery look in her eyes. -“Lady Nana!” he reached out to her.

-“I will NOT barter the priestess’ life for my girls’!” Nana growled, making her way through the courtyard to where Nina and Ekto stood, placing a hand over her shoulder. -“What will you do?” she asked, expectantly.

-“We are here to fight, commander,” Arkan reassured him, donning and strapping his helmet to land the point home. -“To the last man,”

  Raznak turned to look at his motley crew, seeing in their faces the same fear that reined his heart but also the resolve to fight to the very end. He turned to the Clan warriors, their eyes staring back with fiery tenacity. He then turned to Nina, her big, sky-blue eyes moist from the shed tears pleading him for clemency.

-“What is your response?!” the Nord legate yelled, interrupting his thoughts.

  He shook his head and sighed loudly, fully aware of the outcome his next words would bring; cursing the Gods, his luck, his morals, and the moment he accepted this enormous responsibility.

  But there was no turning back, and he had made up his mind. For fuck’s sake! He took a deep breath before speaking. -“Tell your Lord Prince to fuck off!”

-“Heh,” the Northman chuckled. -“We will kill you all, mercenary!”

-“You will try, Northman!” Raznak countered fiercely, watching the Nord legate riding away. It is done. He then turned to face the crowd gathered behind him, donning his sallet helmet and strapping it tightly. -“To your battle stations! Prepare for battle!”

-“YES, SIR!” the group replied in unison.

-“Kuro! I need you on the roof with Tracker, raining them with arrows! Look for targets of opportunity!”

-“Got it, Boss!”

-“Arkan! I need you and your men to cover each side of the walls! My team will take care of the front entrance! You and your men protect the other sides!”

-“Tha, commander!” Arkan replied.

-“Rain! To the gates! With me!”

-“Yes, sir!”

-“C-commander!” Kastus yelled, emerging from the stables with a sword in hand, fumbling his way through the courtyard, standing at attention before him. -“I-I-I’m here to help!”

-“Good! We’ll need every man! Grab a shield and come with me!” he replied, then turning to Nina. -“And you, Lady… Now we’ll see if your little plan works,”

  They raced to their positions, leaving them behind. Nina then felt the firm grasp of Lady Nana pulling her, much to her dismay. -“You are coming with me, young lady! Things will get ugly!” she growled.

-“Lady Nana, please wait!” Ekto said, rushing to catch up with them. -“Please, look after her!”

  Nana just nodded in return. This is it? Nina pondered as she was forcefully dragged away by the tenacious old woman. She looked over her shoulders, looking at Ekto one last time before he too went to take his place among the warriors. -“Please, take care!” Nina yelled.

  Ekto gave her a sad smile before donning his helmet and walking away, preparing his heart for what they knew would be a rendezvous with death. Damn it, Ekto! Why didn’t you say something else?! He cursed; wishing that his last words to Nina could have been more meaningful.

  Reinn hastily put on her trusty mail hauberk, fastening her leather vest, and belt tightly, donning her armored gloves and strapping her kite shield on her back, sheathing her captured Nord sword on her way too short scabbard. She was about to put on her helmet when something stopped her. Her hands trembled in dreadful anticipation, and her heart pounded vigorously. She's been through this countless times before and was already used to it. Heck. She had almost died to the damned Northmen at the swamps just a few hours ago. Her body was ready for combat.

  But her mind just wasn’t. A harrowing feeling took over her heart. She turned, looking over her shoulder, spotting Kuro a few yards away also getting his gear ready. She felt the need to say something, anything, to get his attention, and finally say the words that she always meant to say but never found the courage to actually convey. What if this is it?! What if some of us die?! I’ll never forgive myself if I leave things... unresolved! Reinn took a deep breath, knowing there was no turning back now. She walked to him, her eyes burning with resolve. -“Kuro, l-li-listen…”

  He turned immediately, his handsome face sporting only half his usual smile, melting her heart as he always did. -“Yeah, what is it?”

-“Listen! If we don’t make it… I…”

-“We will. Trust me,” Kuro said confidently, taking her aback, placing a hand over her pauldron-covered shoulder to reassure her.

-“But I… I-I just wanted to say…!”

-“I know,” he said, now tenderly stroking her face, taking her breath away, in a gesture that she instantly returned. They just stared into each other eyes’ for what seemed an eternity, his beautiful hazel eyes gazing into her teary, emerald-green ones. -“Me too,”

  Reinn smiled sadly in return, letting out a single sob after finally hearing the words she always wanted to hear. There was nothing more to say. Kuro climbed to the barracks’ roof while Reinn scrambled to the outpost’s gates to face the imminent assault.

  Arkan assembled his two Fists of Clan warriors in formation, being immediately joined by Ekto, who looked exceedingly troubled in stark contrast with Arkan who didn’t seem bothered in the slightest. He did an outstanding job looking impassive in the presence of his men. The pair stared at each other. -“Any ideas?” he asked.

-“I recall Clan Irfis’ warriors running Fists of four,” Ekto commented. -“We can form an extra Fist if we pair Sitka and Denai with one man from my Fist and another from yours,”

-“Those two? Are you sure?”

-“How lowly you think of them is not important, they are warriors still!”

-“Glè mhath!” Arkan said, begrudgingly. -“But who will lead them?”

-“Regar can do it. He’s ready,”

-“Very well,” Arkan said, taking a deep breath to cry out at the top of his lungs. -“REGAR! GOBEI! SITKA! DENAI!” The four warriors assembled immediately.

-“Sithkan Regar at your command! Sire!”

-“Sithkan Gobei at your command! Sire!”

-“A-tkan Sitka and Atkan De-denai reporting! Sire!”

-“Can't he speak on his own?! Did he lose his tongue or something?!” Arkan growled.

-“Denai fell from his bull and bit his tongue off last month, sire!”

-“Very well. Regar! I am promoting you to the rank of Serkal! This battle will also serve as your Trial of Position! Take Gobei, Sitka, and Denai under your command!”

-“Tha, sire! I will not fail!”

-“Gobei! You are under Regar's command now! You are my finest warrior and he will need your help! Do not let him down!”

-“Aye, sire!”

-“Sitka! Denai! Arkan growled. The bumbling pair stood still, shivering in dreadful anticipation of yet another scolding, but being greeted with an almost serene pleading instead. -“Think of this as a chance to redeem yourselves! Do not let Regar down! Do you hear?!”

-“Aye, sire! Thank you, sire!”

-“Alright, listen up! Ekto! I need your fist to watch the South wall! Regar! I need your fist on the West wall! My fist will watch the North wall and the mercenaries will watch the gate! Call upon the others if you need help, and if you are being overrun, pull back to the barracks! We will form a circle in the courtyard, our backs to one another! We will make our last stand there! Understood?!”

-“AYE, SIRE!” the warriors replied in unison, racing to take their posts at the walls. Arkan finally let his guard down, relaxing around his trusty second-in-command while his men were out of earshot, suddenly looking increasingly anxious. Ekto tried to ease their nerves with a bit of small talk.

-“You know, you don’t look half bad, Arkan,”

-“You’re the one looking troubled!” Arkan lashed out, avoiding his glance stoically, promptly changing the subject. -“That girl got you awfully worried, did she not?”

-“Well, I could say the same about you,” Ekto replied, chuckling. -“I just hope that dragon can get those floodgates open in time,”

-“I hope the same, Ekto. Our lives are in his hands,”

  Nina watched from the barracks’ windows as the Nord messenger rode away with her heart in her mouth; said organ pounding violently inside her chest in anticipation of what was coming. A quiet, persistent whimpering filled the small, dimly-lighted room while Lady Nana’s girls held each other tightly, having long fallen prey to despair. Only Nana herself remained silent, sitting on a small wooden chair, and stoically crossing her arms.

  The Nord rider returned to the formation atop the hill, wasting little time to report what had transpired. He also took the time to carefully count the number of defenders and identified a weak point in the front gate, which seemed hastily reinforced. Charging straight through it with their bulls and overwhelming the defenders shouldn’t be difficult. The Nord chieftain stroked his beard, pondering briefly. Everything turned out as the wizard had predicted. So the wizard was telling the truth after all. It pissed him off immensely.

  But he had come a long way for this moment, and he wouldn’t let his prophesized destiny be taken away from him by a scheming, self-serving imperial. He would take the girl himself, and beat that stupid wizard in his own game. After all, it was fated.

-“Blod för blodet Gud! Döskallar för skalletronen!” he yelled at the top of his lungs, raising his mighty battle-axe in the air, his battle cry being instantly echoed by his men.


  It has begun.


  The Northmen charged towards the outpost at full tilt, closing the distance promptly. The harrowing sound of the bull’s galloping as they got closer combined with their riders’ wild howling quickly filled the air, sending chills down Nina’s spine who kept watching through the small barracks’ windows with her heart filled with sickening dread as time itself came to an almost halt in what it felt like an endless midnight, not wanting to even look at what was about to happen but unable to look away either. Please, Gods! Protect us!

  The warriors rushed to the gates to meet the charge, blocking the entrance, and unsheathing their swords in a magnificent display. They stood next to Raznak and Reinn, side by side in a tightly packed formation, bracing together to withstand the impending charge as the deafening galloping pandemonium grew in intensity.

-“FOR CLAN AUREON!” Arkan roared, being instantly echoed by his warriors with even greater eagerness, their hearts racing, their teeth clenching, shoulder to shoulder, pulse nigh to pulse, and breath to breath. So this is it! This is where we make our stand! There was no turning back now but remaining true to their pledged word to resist to the very end, on this disputed barricade, ready for their rendezvous with death.

  And they shall not fail that rendezvous.

  But the charge was brought to a sudden halt when a massive wall of mud-filled water emerged from the woods, leveling everything in its path, splashing down violently against the outpost’s walls which held out against its assault expectedly. The flooding quickly spread through the meadow, engulfing it with a waist-deep, murky overflow, ramming against the Northmen who were barely able to withstand it.

  The Northmen turned tail instantly; rushing back to the hilltop they had just left to escape the flooding’s reach. They struggled against the tides; a few unfortunate riders were knocked down from their mounts and dragged away by the waves, and many others ended up bogged down although most of the Northmen managed to retreat to the hilltop, soaked and battered but alive and well.

-“He did it! That ugly son of a bitch did it!” Reinn yelled in relief.

-“I thought we were done for!” Kastus commented.

-“Is not over yet!” Raznak countered. -“The dragon just saved us but the real battle is about to come!”

  Nina let out a powerful yelp as relief washed over her. Thanks the Gods! He made it in the nick of time! She couldn’t help weeping all over, being promptly surrounded by Nana’s girls who raced to aid her, believing something had happened to her, joining her with a powerful embrace.

-“My Lady! Are you alright?!” Lily asked, concerned.

-“I’m fine,” Nina said, returning the embrace. -“I’m just SO relieved he could make it!”

-“Err… who could make what… exactly, My Lady?” Lily countered, confused.

-“It has just begun,” Lady Nana interrupted before Nina could reply. -“It is us we should be worrying about now,”

  Nana’s right. Nina thought. Rudo did his part, now is our turn.

  The flooding lasted only a few minutes, however, as the overflow gradually dispersed, leaving a soaked, muddy landscape littered with large pools and streams. A shadowy figure waited patiently at the edge of the forest, overlooking the outpost now surrounded by a wet, muddy marshland. The high ground kept him and his men out of reach from the sudden flooding.

   Well thought, girly! White Feather thought, concluding this could only have been the girl’s idea since the clanners would never resort to something like this. It also meant someone had to carry out her plan, and that someone would have to be incredibly fast to reach the dikes and open the floodgates in time. There was only one someone that the girl would trust. A wicked grin formed on his lips. The dragon isn’t here. Perfect.

  He would let the Northmen fulfill their part, however, as he needed the diversion. The Nord chieftain descended from his mount, grabbed his shield, strapped it on his back, and marched toward the outpost, being promptly followed by the rest of his men. Their march was hard, even downhill; the now muddy soil bogged them down considerably.

-“Dubbel linje! Lyft upp dina sköldar! Förskott!” he commanded. The Northmen complied immediately, adopting a lengthy double-line formation, each man grabbing the shoulder of the man in front of him with one hand, and interlocking their round, wooden shields over their heads with the other. The formation resembled a long, colorful wyrm moving at a snail’s pace through the muddy field, gaining ground at a slow but steady pace. -“Framat!”

  Kuro and ‘Tracker’ fired a handful of arrows, impaling their shields with little to no effect. Damn it! The Northmen reached the gravel road, its firm surface allowing speeding up their advance, closing in toward the gates in seconds. They made it to the gates unopposed, pushing powerfully against them in an attempt to force them open. The carts’ heavy weight added to the defenders’ efforts, keeping the gates firmly closed.

  White Feather watched the battle unfold from afar. Now is the perfect time! He assembled his men, quickly sneaking their way through the muddy field, under the cover of darkness, determined to push his advantage while everyone’s attention was focused on the Northmen.

  The situation seemed controlled until a single Nord warrior raced atop his comrades’ shields that now formed a ramp, covered only with a feathered hide and armed with an ax in each hand. Kuro and ‘Track’ fired volleys of arrows which the Nord warrior dodged effortlessly. What the hell?! He leaped over the gates and the carts, howling like a wild animal, landing in the middle of the courtyard, swinging his weapons at everything in sight. -“Var är draken?! Visa dig själv!” he growled, spitting white foam.

-“You GOT to be kidding me!” Kuro cursed, firing yet another arrow which the Northman deflected. -“A fucking Drakenirr! Track! Cover me! I’ll take him down!” he commanded, drawing his scimitar, and jumping down to the courtyard.

  Suddenly, a deafening blast echoed through the outpost, dazing defenders and attackers alike. What was that?! Nina wondered as thick, greyish smoke engulfed the small room into complete darkness. She began to cough up immediately. What the hell is this?! Hopelessness promptly took over her heart. She heard loud footsteps all over the place as a powerful grip pulled her up and quickly covered her face with a cloth. -“I got her! Leave the others!” she heard a familiar voice say.

  She felt her hands and feet restrained, someone had roped them tightly. A tall, imposing man pulled her over his shoulders. -“Please, help!” she managed to cry out before someone tied her mouth too. The world around her was a blurry, colorless mess. Her eyes were still recovering from the dense smoke but a man with a unique hat caught her attention immediately. He sported a white feather on his hat. Her heart stopped. She began to cry. His emerald green eyes stared back with frightening intensity. You!

-“NINA!” Kuro yelled, still recovering from the blast, watching in utter horror as mysterious men dragged her away. Kuro raced to the walls, drawing his bow, and firing his last remaining arrows, striking the last Northman in the back, the unfortunate man falling facefirst in the mud, never to rise. He aimed at the man carrying Nina but the fear of striking her prevented him from firing. Damn it!

  As mysterious men took her to an uncertain fate, she could only think about the battle that was transpiring, Nana and her girls, and the only person who could possibly save her now.


  He was her only hope now.



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