Nowhere to Run

Chapter 2: A Score to Settle

Chapter 2: A Score to Settle


“You have never lived until you have almost died. For those who choose to fight, life has a special flavor that the protected will never know”

-Old proverb.


  Nina woke up after hearing the door knocking, her senses slowly coming to life and suddenly being filled with the noises of the world outside the room. She gently slapped her face trying to get rid of the little voice in the back of her head that prompted her to remain in her bed a little longer and quickly jumped out of the bed, still with a heavy head, only to find the room empty, and her mentor Verkan who slept in the same room the night before, nowhere to be seen. She figured it was probably he who woke up early and knocked on the door to give her a bit of privacy while she changed from her simple nightgown into her priestess garments.

  She took some time in doing her hair into a long, elegant braid as she always used to, put on her white linen tunics, and a simple leather coat over them, the signature Field Priest uniform, similar to the one Verkan also wear albeit much smaller. She opened the door after she was finished and walked outside the house to wash her face, and teeth at the water trough. She found Nana’s employees working tirelessly to dismantle everything they had prepared yesterday.

  She located Verkan on the other side of the central square, talking with a group of people she didn’t see last night at the party. They seemed important with their long robes and ceremonial armor and so decided not to bother them until they were finished.

  Nina walked around the house and found the perfect spot to sit in the wooden fence behind it. She watched a group of warriors riding their bulls some distance away; they were easily recognizable for their reddish lamellar armor. They must be getting everything ready for this trial thing Verkan talked about last night, including security.

  She pondered for a moment, comparing these Clan warriors with the Imperial Knights from the romantic tales she used to read when she was younger. She always found the chivalrous elegance of the knights from those tales more appealing than the tribal ruggedness of the highlanders.


            They were better looking too.


-“Good morning, princess” her old friend found her sitting by herself on the fence, interrupting her thoughts.

-“Good morning, sir” she greeted back, feeling a bit embarrassed by his endearing choice of words.

-“I have spoken with the Elders, everything is ready” Verkan commented.

-“For the trial you talked about?” she asked.

-“Exactly, a ‘Trial of Position’ to be precise, it is an ancient clan ritual, they must appoint a new Lord since the previous one has passed” he replied.

-“What will they do?” Nina asked.

-“They will let the Gods decide” was the old man’s response.

-“Remember that man from last night? He has claimed lordship,” he said, signaling toward Nero. The warrior was sitting on a bench not too far away, his eyes were closed and he looked like he was in deep meditation.

-“And what gives him the right to claim the lordship?” she asked again.

-“Just his combat prowess, the Clans do not believe in royalty or nobility, just in merit. If he thinks he's worthy, he can lay claim” Verkan replied.

-“Is he the only one who can claim the lordship?” Nina asked yet again. She felt a spark of curiosity about this trial thing, it was the first time she heard something like it and her old friend proved to be very knowledgeable about them.

-“Certainly not, but all the other possible contenders gave up their claim in favor of him” he replied.

-“Why?” she asked again.

  Even though the old priest felt a bit exasperated by his young apprentice’s questions, he had all the patience in the world. She was a quick learner, and he, a well of knowledge he was happy to share.

-“You'll see dear, a warrior's sense of honor is everything. He is their very best; they won't dare to claim lordship without having bested him first” Verkan replied.

-“That’s why you don’t see succession crisis around here; they don't do things like in the Empire. They don't hold grudges and don't backstab each other. At least not in public that’s it, that would be extremely disgraceful”

-“If you are a warrior and you have a grudge with someone, you solve it in combat” he explained.

-“In a Trial?” Nina asked again.

-“Indeed! Just like this one, by giving up their claim they are saying they respect and support him” Verkan replied.

-“They respect him that much?” she asked again.

-“They do, they don't let petty rivalries get in the way” he replied.

-“Just like the Imperial Knights!” Nina said matter of factly.

-“Only the ‘knights’ of those romantic tales you read” his mentor accused with a mischievous smile.

  Nina’s heart skipped a beat, and her face turned even redder after hearing him saying that. How did he know about that book?! She tried to come up with something; anything but she knew there was no point in hiding it from him if he knew already.

-“Bu-bu-bu-but... You knew?!” was all the girl could say after being busted, bumbling with her words in embarrassment.

-“Of course! Did you really think I didn’t? There is nothing wrong with that, child. But you should be more careful where you leave your books, especially those that happen to be specifically forbidden. Others may not be as forgiving as I am” Verkan replied as calmly as he could.

-“Y-yes sir!” she replied, calming down a bit, and with the feeling she just dodged an arrow.

-“Anyway, the Trial will begin soon. Come with me, I want you to see this,” the old man said.

-“Yes sir!” Nina replied.

  The pair walked towards the central square where the Trial would soon take place, but Verkan was suddenly approached by some of the townspeople. They seemed concerned about something important but didn’t want to bother the warriors or the Elders that were busy with the preparations for the upcoming Trial.

  The villagers talked about food that was stolen from the kitchen during, or after the dinner last night, but that was only discovered this morning when there was enough sunlight. Apparently, Nana’s employees were too busy to notice the theft, or perhaps they did but didn’t want to spoil the evening. Either way, the theft went unreported until now. But what really concerned the villagers was the culprit; they led Verkan to the house used as a kitchen last night, while Nina followed close behind them, they showed him the footprints they had discovered. It belonged to somethingsome kind of animal they haven’t seen before.

  Verkan was about to tell them it was probably something not important, and certainly not worthy of the Elder’s attention when he noticed something rather unusual. He recognized the footprints as the tracks of a ground dragon, a beast from the old world that was supposedly extinct, and judging by the size of the footprints, probably a big one. If this thing could sneak during the party, and steal food unnoticed, it was certainly worth worrying about.

  A ground dragon! No way! Nina thought excitedly. She recalled reading a book about dragons; various species were still used as mounts and beasts of burden in the far corners of the Empire. The herbivorous ones were quite docile and could carry heavy loads. The predators, however, were quite dangerous, a small number of them were used as beasts of war but most of them were hunted down to almost extinction. They could argue for hours about the dragon thief but Verkan suggested letting the new Lord decide the best course of action, the trial was about to start and the Elders didn’t want any more delays. He left through the main door and walked towards the central square after reassuring the townspeople he would touch the matter with the higher-ups later. Nina followed him as he instructed.

  The Elders gathered in the middle of the square, they welcomed Verkan as he joined them but launched a stern look at Nina when she approached the group. She felt unwelcomed, and a little disheartened but didn’t want to let her mentor down, so she remained next to him while they discussed the last details before the ceremony started.

-“The trial will be at first blood” Verkan commanded.

  The Elders gasped in surprise at this affirmation, some of them discussed it in whispers she wasn’t able to hear. Nina herself didn’t understand what it meant but before she could ask, the eldest of them replied.

-“For generations, our Trials have been to the death!”

-“That's how I have decided it” Verkan replied calmly.

-“That's preposterous!” the elder countered, visibly infuriated.

-“Your Clan has fewer and fewer warriors each day, elder. They die pointlessly for the sake of your traditions” the priest replied as calmly as he could.

-“And you dare to bring this little girl to a sacred trial! You know well that only warriors can attend!” the irritated elder lashed out.

  Nina was taken aback by the elder’s response; she didn’t imagine her presence could bother them so much. She turned toward Verkan for support but before she could say anything, her mentor quickly went to her defense.

-“This little girl is a Priestess! She is above you and you owe her due respect!” Verkan replied raising his voice just slightly but with an undeniably fierce tone. The elder was furious, but after pondering for a brief moment, he conceded.

-“Pardon me, sir, I did not know” the Elder apologized, lowering his head.

-“Now you do” the priest replied.

  She was speechless. This has been probably the first time she saw her mentor and friend Verkan losing his composure. The old man has always been cool under pressure, though this time; it wasn’t him who was under attack. Nina couldn’t help but smile. Who would have thought that Verkan of all people could be the overprotective type?

  The Elders retreated inside one of the many houses to discuss, and make the final arrangements. They summoned the warriors sitting outside; one of them also raced to inform Nero, the challenger warrior that was sitting on the other side of the square.

-“Don't let them intimidate you, Nina, you just have to be a little stern sometimes, and firm, remember that” Verkan turned towards her and shared some of his wisdom. She could only nod her head in affirmation, unable to hide her admiration. He’s so cool!

-“Now come with me” he commanded.

-“But! The Elders said only warriors could attend!” she protested.

-“I decide who can attend, child, now let's go” he replied.

-“Yes sir!”

  Both of them walked towards the central square to take their positions around it, Nina glanced behind her one last time, she saw the challenger Nero stripping off his armor to grab his greatsword. The warrior turned his head towards her, and just for a brief instant, their glances met once again. She quickly turned her head away, she didn’t want to think about it, but she was concerned for the fate of that man.

  Verkan took notice immediately. He probably has seen that same look too many times but reminded his young apprentice that the odds were probably in Nero’s favor rather than against him. He knew the man well; he is a great warrior that earned his position on his own merits during and after the war. Still, you never know with these trials.

  Nina was a girl that worried about complete strangers, and her mentor knew that. Many people might see it as a fault but the old man thought differently. Much like her mother, he knew she would make a fine priestess someday.

  The last of the Elders took his position next to where Verkan and she were standing; one of them looked at him and nodded, signaling they were ready. Finally, the five Wardens walked into the square that would double as the arena for the occasion, all stripped from their armor from the waist up, showing off their naked torsos, and formed a semi-circle in the center, facing the challenger. Verkan then motioned his hand towards Nero, who also walked towards the arena. Nina watched him walk slowly, and couldn’t help but stare at his muscular body covered with scars. His long black hair covered his back, and his eyes emanated absolute determination.

  If this was an ordinary trial, the many pretenders would face each other in single combat, until only one stood. The winner then would face the current Lord who could either concede defeat without fighting, if he was too old to fight, or otherwise proceed with a mock fight. Some of the old Lords would follow tradition, and ask for an honorable death, while others would only step down to continue giving advice to the new Lord, but this trial was far from ordinary.

  Of course, this only applied if the Clan Lord was deemed a worthy leader, if the Lord showed incompetence in his position or disgraced himself with dishonorable conduct; it wouldn’t last long without being challenged by ambitious warriors. It was considered disgraceful to try to challenge the current Lord if he was loved and respected, but a tyrant or incompetent one was free game. That was the reason why Nero waited until Lord Burgan’s passing to bid for the Lordship, despite his faults, he was loved by his people, and the warriors respected him, even his rivals and enemies from other clans held him in high regard. He was a war hero after all.

  But a new Lord must be selected since, unlike in the Empire, the position cannot be passed down to an heir. The current pretender is required to fight his elite guard instead. The Wardens were chosen from career warriors by the last Lord and renounced any claim to Lordship to become honor guards, the highest position a warrior could achieve without getting involved in the obnoxious politics that comes with the position of Lord.

  Verkan decreed that this Trial would be at first blood. That means the warriors only need to make the other bleed to win the fight instead of outright killing their opponents. Still, the tension between the wardens and the challenger was high, the wardens were incredibly loyal to the late Lord and would gladly follow him in death if they didn’t have to defend his position.

  To say there was animosity between contenders, if not outright loathing, was a huge understatement. Nina could feel the sheer hatred in the air; the combatants stared at each other in silence for several desperately-long minutes until the silence was broken by the sound of swords unsheathing.

-“I claim this Trial of Position against the warriors of Clan Irfis! Who stands in opposition to this claim?!” the challenger called loudly, raising his greatsword in the air with one arm, throwing away its sheath outside of the arena.

  Immediately, the wardens followed suit, unsheathing their swords in response, also rising them in the air.

-“I, Higen, the fifth warden bid my sword in defiance of your claim!” the fifth warden exclaimed loudly in response.

-“I, Izar Irfis, bid my sword in defiance of your claim!” the fourth warden replied.

-“I, Zekk Irfis, bid my sword in defiance of your claim!” the third warden replied.

-“I, Hann Irfis, bid this great sword in defiance of your claim!” the second warden replied.

-“I, Mando Irfis, bid this sword in defiance of your claim! I will crush you like the unworthy vermin that you are!” the first and final warden replied, without even bothering to hide the bad blood.

  The warriors lowered their swords and just stared at each other, patiently waiting for the signal to finally begin with the trial. Nina could see the sheer determination in their eyes. As much as she wanted to indulge her eyes with their well-built, muscular bodies, she couldn’t bring herself to do it.


  She knew there would be blood spilled soon.


-“I am Field Priest Verkan of the Church of the Seven. I will oversee this Trial. May the wisdom of the Great Father be made evident in battle” the old man replied, giving the warriors one last blessing before they carried on with the Trial.

-“This Trial of Position has begun”

  The wardens retreated a few steps back, spreading out the semi-circle they were previously formed in, except for one, the fifth warden Higen, who stood patiently facing the challenger for a few seconds until the arena was clear.

-“Come, warrior. Let us see the color of your blood” the warden declared calmly, perhaps too calmly for someone whose life was at the stake. Both warriors slowly approached each other with their swords at the ready.

  They finally clashed their swords with a loud metallic clank and locked themselves face to face. The warden wielded a sword known as Khalet. It was a traditional great sword and the signature weapon of the Highland Clans, its blade was more or less the length of an arm, plus the hilt and the guard, it was single-edged and slightly curved. At the end of the hilt, there was a weighted pommel that helped keep the balance of the weapon to be used also while riding. It was very well balanced overall.

  The challenger, however, wielded a very different sword. It was a giant piece of metal taller than the man who wielded it and with double the range. Every warrior carries one while riding their bulls in the case the animal needs to be put down, it was designed to easily behead a wounded animal rather than to be effective in combat. It was long, heavy, unwieldy, difficult to master, and more of a hindrance than actually useful. It was not unheard of, however, that some warriors would wield it in battle to stand out, and show off their prowess. It certainly required no small amounts of strength and skill to compensate for its heavy weight and lack of balance.

  The two combatants struggled for a few seconds before they unlocked their swords and backed again. Even though the challenger was younger and clearly stronger than the older warden, he was no less experienced. Nina saw the warden probably also realized this for his terrified expression.

  The warden launched a couple of swift swings that the challenger deflected easily. Nero then countered with a powerful swing of his own that the warden evaded just barely by jumping back out of his reach. Despite the size of his blade, the challenger maneuvered his weapon with grace and precision.

  Higen launched another swing at him, although this time instead of using his blade to deflect it, Nero dodged it by moving his head to the side. He swiftly positioned his blade between him and his attacker, and with a violent turning motion, he dragged his sword behind him, and across the warden’s chest and left arm. The warden fell to his knees in excruciating pain.

  Although the wound was not deep enough to be a threat to his life, it was enough to draw first blood.

-“The fifth warden has fallen. Izar Irfis, begin” Verkan proclaimed.

-“Sometimes luck favors the foolish, your skill is lacking” the fourth warden exclaimed in defiance as he walked into the arena.

  Nina watched the battle with her heart filled half with awe and half with dread as it was the first time she witnessed an actual duel. Some of the elders rushed to aid the defeated warden and help him walk out of the arena, and she felt relieved that nobody ended up seriously wounded, but her heart sank again with a sudden rush of uncertainty after Verkan reminded her that the Trial has just begun.

  Nero wiped some sweat from his face and then turned towards his next opponent. Both of them stood still for a few seconds, just staring down at one another before rushing into combat once again. The warden tested his opponent's defenses with a barrage of attacks to his legs that the experienced warrior easily deflected, but the challenger knew that an elite warden wouldn’t be so predictable if he wasn’t planning something. The warden, on the other hand, had to take into account the challenger’s weapon, it was a dangerous gambit; he wouldn’t fight with such an unwieldy weapon if he didn’t know how to fight well with it.

  Unlike his opponent, however, the challenger couldn’t afford to throw blows wildly for his sword was way too heavy for that, and his adversary too fast. He would be left completely exposed if one of his attacks missed, in order to win; his movements would have to be fast, deliberate, and precise.

  For someone not knowledgeable about combat; the duel would look like two amateurs trying to figure out how to properly use a sword, or so thought Nina, but after looking at the others around the arena, the look on their faces made her realize that was not the case. They just weren’t making unnecessary acrobatics or flashy displays of swordsmanship, the two warriors were in fact overly cautious for only a small cut on the skin could mean the difference between victory and defeat.


  And the stakes were high.


  The warden charged again, attacking with a stabbing motion, forcing the challenger to the defensive. Nero stuck his giant sword to the ground between him and his attacker, jumping from side to side, successfully dodging the attacks the warden made around his sword. With a swift move, the challenger dashed around his sword that was still stuck on the ground, and both warriors clashed violently by the shoulders. The warden suddenly found his weapon trapped between the giant sword and his own body, forcing him to back off or risk being cut by his own blade.

  This gave Nero enough of an opening to attempt a powerful strike against his foe. He contorted his body, preparing to swing his heavy blade, a movement the warden had fully anticipated. He expected either a blow against his legs, which he could avoid jumping, or against his upper body, that he could duck easily. If the challenger missed his attack he would be left completely vulnerable to a counterattack.

  But what happened next took him completely by surprise, instead of attacking him; Nero struck the ground in front of him and used his sword as a pole to propel himself towards him. The warden tried to defend himself, blocking the attack with his sword but couldn’t resist the sheer momentum of a full-grown warrior jumping at him with all his might. The warden struck himself in the face with the guard of his own sword, breaking his nose that began to bleed profusely. Even though it was a minor wound that could normally just be ignored in the heat of the battle, this time, however, the fight was over.

-“Izar Irfis has fallen. Zekk Irfis, proceed” Verkan spoke, motioning his hand towards the next contender.

  The next warden walked slowly into the arena, staring deeply into the challenger’s eyes, he pointed his sword towards him, standing still for a few seconds before entering the fray.

-“Your determination is admirable, pretender, but that alone is insufficient! This trial will be your funeral!” the warden declared loudly, making evident his desire to kill his opponent.

-“No, Zekk Irfis, it will be yours!” the challenger replied calmly to the warden's threat.

  Nina’s heart sank. The previous fights were somewhat exciting to watch, as although the danger was real, nobody got seriously injured. But now the two combatants just made clear their intent to kill each other as if there was an old score to settle. The warden didn’t waste much time and charged toward his adversary, yelling his lungs out. She was left awestruck by the sudden outburst, as the two warriors clashed violently with such force that each time their blades collided it send sparks flying.

  But the gentle touch of Verkan’s hand over her shoulder calmed her down immediately. Her heart was still racing, however, pounding violently against her chest as she watched the warden taking the initiative; the old warden moved incredibly fast and fierce for someone his age, somewhere around his late forties. No wonder why he was chosen among the elite. Nero was no slouch either, it was clear, even for someone without experience like her, that the challenger had seen too many fights in his lifetime. Verkan mentioned that the entire Clan Irfis fought as the vanguard during the Imperial invasion fifteen years ago and that Nero, who was just a boy then, the wardens, and the late Lord Burgan were all not just duel fighters, but also battle-hardened war veterans.

  The warden tried to press his advantage to the fullest. He knew he had to finish the fight as quickly as possible, for his opponent was, as much he hated to admit it, faster and stronger than him. On the other hand, Nero knew the barrage of blows was just a distraction. The warden certainly wanted him to drop his guard just a bit to land a killing blow, or at the very least to make him bleed and deny him of his chances to become the next Lord.


  He wouldn’t have any of it.


  The challenger parried the warden’s last attack and both warriors locked their swords face to face again, the older warden realized he was stuck in an unfavorable situation. Throughout most of his career he used to overcome stronger foes with superior skills and technique, but this time, however, he and his opponent were evenly matched. Unwilling to concede, the warden leaped back out of the strife but still inside the range of his adversary’s weapon, the challenger took a step back and contorted his upper body for a powerful strike. Everyone present was in awe at how easily the pretender was able to swing the gigantic sword over his head, and towards his enemy.

  The warden, however, fully anticipated the attack. Despite the outstanding velocity, he quickly ducked in the nick of the time, feeling the sword pass right over his head and hit nothing but thin air. The challenger was now showing his back and completely vulnerable to a counterattack. He positioned his sword with a swift movement for a horizontal cut aimed at his opponent’s lower body and charged.

  But that proved to be a fatal mistake. Nero took advantage of the momentum from his previous attack and completed the turn before the warden could strike his back. The challenger parried the attack right on his tracks with the iron sole of his boots in a breathtaking display of both skill and fearlessness, with a movement akin to a roundhouse kick. He dragged his opponent's blade to the ground and stood over it, stuck between the iron-reinforced wooden heels, and with the same motion, twisting his upper body, launching yet another blow at the warden that was now defenseless, and completely at his mercy.


  Nononononono, please no!


  She gasped loudly, quickly covering her mouth with both hands, as the challenger’s sword cut through the warden’s neck, killing him instantly. Blood squirted from the warden’s neck a couple of times before his body fell lifeless at his feet while his head rolled a few feet away. She felt Verkan’s comforting hand over her shoulder again; he looked back at her for a brief instant before turning again towards the victor.

-“Alas poor Zekk, I knew him well” she heard Verkan mourn quietly.

  Nina couldn’t help but weep loudly. She never ever imagined watching someone die right in front of her, and a violent death no less. She felt her mentor’s hand gently clenching her shoulders again which she interpreted as a clue to remain silent as everyone’s head seemed turned towards her. She shut her mouth immediately, covering her face with her clasping hands, and closed her eyes tightly, desperately trying to stop crying but unable to do so. She silently made a short prayer for the recently deceased warrior.

  But the trial was not over yet, a group of lower-ranked warriors gently removed the warden’s body, severed head, and sword from the arena, they put him aside near one of the houses and then returned to their spots around the central square. He would be mourned, honored, and buried later after the Trial ends.

  Such was the way of the Clans.

-“Most impressive, Hann Irfis, begin” Verkan proclaimed loudly.

-“Aye” the warden replied, walking into the arena.

  Verkan commented that Nero only needed to win three of the five fights to earn the place as the next clan lord. Technically, he already won the trial, but he would face serious opposition from the wardens that he didn’t yet defeat and would lose face in the eyes of the warrior caste. The next warden waited patiently his turn; his fellow warden made it clear prior to the trial that he would submit to the pretender, and support him if he made it far enough to face him. He realized he would throw the fight in the challenger’s favor. He was no match for the younger and stronger warrior anyway. The fight would a mere formality at this point, no matter the outcome; Nero would become the next Lord.

  Unless he was killed, of course. But that would be his last resort, as a warrior must declare his intention to kill the other before the fight, or it would be seen as an underhanded, disgraceful, and dishonorable move otherwise.

  The previous warden continued as expected. Both warriors only sparred in a mock fight for about a minute to show proper respect to traditions and then proceeded with the actual fight, which ended rather quickly. After a couple of blows towards the challenger, he countered with a powerful blow of his own, the warden parried the attack but was thrown off balance by the sheer power of the strike, and was finally knocked down with a kick at his chest. Nero stood over the defeated warden’s sword and placed the edge of his at the warden’s throat. He sliced through his opponent's skin with a small motion, just enough to cause the wound to bleed a small drop. The fight was over. He then offered his hand to the defeated warden lying on the ground as a sign of goodwill and helped him stand.

  But before anyone could speak a word, the challenger pointed his sword toward the remaining warden.

-“Only you and I remain, Mando Irfis! Pray that you have not bid your doom, as have your fallen brethren!” Nero yelled out loud, leaving the crowd in shock.

  The arena went completely silent, even Verkan was in shock. The pretender disregarded protocol to openly challenge the last remaining warden and old enemy, leaving him with no choice but to respond.

-“Do not address me familiarly, you dirty scum! This mockery ends now, and your remains will be scattered upon the highland winds!” the warden replied, visibly enraged at such boldness.

  The warden charged into the arena and immediately engaged in combat with his adversary, launching a barrage of powerful strikes in quick succession. Nina could barely watch, knowing the fight would end with only another death, but Verkan whispered to her that it was considered disrespectful not to watch a warrior’s final moments. She forced herself to keep watching the duel.

  Both warriors clashed fiercely, despite being almost twice the age of the challenger, the warden moved just as swiftly, but Nero has been enduring five fights in a row and was now clearly exhausted. Nina just overheard some of the warriors murmuring behind her, if what she heard was true, Mando killed Nero’s father in a duel many years ago, when he was still a child. That explains why they yearned to kill each other, the warden obviously saw him as unworthy, and Nero desired a vengeance that was long overdue.

  Nero was by now visibly exhausted, he was breathing heavily, sweating profusely, and taking every pause in the battle to catch his breath. Brandishing that gigantic sword and keeping his opponent at bay also proved to be increasingly difficult by now, let alone hitting him. The warden, on the other hand, was fresh, rested, and didn’t show his age at all. Nero trained since his adolescence, like his father did, his grandfather, and every highlander before him. He passed his Trial of Position at age of thirteen and became a warrior just in time to fight when the Empire invaded. Through blood, sweat, and tears, he overcame every obstacle, every trial, and every foe. With every battle, he grew stronger, increased his skills, and rose through the ranks, and by the time the war ended and the Empire was beaten out of their lands, he was probably the best warrior Clan Irfis had. He was often chosen as a champion, to fight in trials against other clans, and gained the respect of those above him, and the admiration of those below him.

  Then suddenly the warriors started cheering at Nero, chanting his name. Nor Nina, neither Verkan, the elders, nor the rest of the guests couldn’t believe their eyes, watching in disbelief the crowd breaking protocol to reach out and cheer at their champion. The Elders tried in vain to calm the crowd down, the surviving wardens, the Lords, and warriors from the other clans could only watch in astonishment. The somber atmosphere that previously clouded the trial vanished; there was now joy and hope in the air. Even Nina who was deeply affected by the death of the previous warden couldn’t help herself and secretly cheer at him too.

  He had already defeated four of the five wardens and victory was within his grasp. His whole life was reduced to this very moment, his resolve remained unwavering through the whole ordeal, but hearing his people suddenly cheer at him at the most important moment of his life gave him the strength he so hopelessly needed. Nero remained confident in victory and smirked at his adversary.

  The warden saw this as the ultimate insult. One could say by looking at his face that he finally realized his chances of defeating the challenger were rather slim. Perhaps he could somehow win the duel, and maybe even kill him, but Nero already won over the hearts of their people. Winning or losing didn’t really matter anymore; the warden decided he wouldn’t live with this humiliation. As much as he hated to admit it, the younger warrior had already proven himself in his eyes. Whatever grudge they were holding would end today, perhaps it was a selfish decision but he would rather die a glorious and honorable death, and follow his Lord to the grave.

  He charged toward his opponent with all his fury and all his might, for one last time. Nero saw the perfect opportunity and ran him through the chest in one quick, powerful strike. The warden let a gush of blood out of his mouth along with his last dying breath before falling on his knees first, and then to the ground.

  The arena went dead silent. Nina covered her face with her hands at the last second but couldn’t help taking a quick peek through her fingers. She saw Nero removing his sword from the warden’s body, standing quietly with his eyes closed. He spoke a few words to himself that she was unable to hear. He then turned to face the crowd.

-“I stand to claim my rightful position as the Clan Irfis Lord!” he proclaimed loudly, raising his bloody sword in the air.

-“Selah, this trial is concluded, the new Lord has spoken” Verkan replied.

  The crowd exploded in celebration. The warriors raised their swords in the air, chanting their new Lord’s name as he walked out of the arena. Nina let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding and looked at her mentor who smiled in return and placed a hand on her shoulder. It was now time to attend the wounded and veil the death, Verkan would let her recite the funerary prayers for the fallen wardens soon enough. With a new Lord chosen, their mission also concluded.


  They would have to depart very soon.



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