Nuwa System

Chapter 38 – Introspection

The next morning, the group looks at Aang who seems to be lacking sleep in his upright underground earthen prison. Aang complains with a pitiful expression on his face, “What am I supposed to do? How do I feel the earth? Please.. Just a few hints!”

The group look towards a yawning Toph who’s scratching her bum. She seems no worse for wear despite losing her virginity last night. Then again, Nuwa did feed her life energy imbued breast milk.

Toph looks down on Aang’s head and seems to admire its bald shine for a bit. “Of course, you should be getting a feel for the earth and learning how earth works. All of this was to let you relate to a rock. Now you can imagine yourself as a rock.”

Toph pulls out Aang from the ground and he shakes off the rigidity in his body.

“If I throw a fast stone at you now, your instinct is to deflect its movement or dodge it. That’s pussyass airbender philosophy! You’re a rock now! You imagine yourself as a rock and face that stone head on, like this! Obviously, you can’t do that yet. Let's try moving a rock instead.”

In her demonstration, Toph jumps onto a huge boulder, lands on it with her head, but somehow her head cracks the entire boulder into smithereens. Aang looks at Toph in horror and amazement. Nuwa chuckles, “You really put the hard in hard-boiled.”

Toph shows the earthbending stances to push a small rock to Aang. It involves a horse stance emphasizing stability and exaggerated palm motions that look like punches. Earthbending also emphasizes foot motions that look like stomps.

Nuwa also gets into stance with her imbued [Vibe]. She feels the [Vibe] emulate Toph’s chi flows and pushes chi into it. She levitates a small rock and throws it.

Toph looks over befuddled. “Oi, you shifty snakebitch! How can you possibly be an earthbender!”

Nuwa ignores her, closes her eyes, and connects to her Root chakra. She feels a small connection to the Earth.

Nuwa thinks, ‘Root chakra emphasizes energy and stability.’

Nuwa imagines her parents and noncombatant sisters are behind her and Ozai is in front of her. There’s no longer any way to talk out of the situation. She can only be stubborn like a rock and block everything he throws head on! Maybe throw some stuff back at him!

Nuwa’s demeanor changes entirely, causing earth to crack around her feet. The imbued [Vibe] transforms into the form of a dildo bo staff and fills with phenomenal chakra as she stabs the base of it into the ground and spires of rock 10m tall turn the 100m field in front of them into an earthen spike trap.

Nuwa detaches the staff from the ground and slams the head of it onto the ground in front of her with as much chi as possible. The entire spike field disintegrates into pebbles and dust is everywhere.

Aang blows the dust away with airbending while Nuwa breathes heavily and the rest of the group is dumbfounded.

Nuwa puts on a smug grin and glances at Toph, “I can be just as stubborn as you if I need to be.”

Aang seems to have a revelation, “So earthbending is about being stubborn?” He tries pushing the rock again without any other thought on his mind except stubbornly pushing the rock. It moves.

Aang jumps in joy, “I DID IT! I can finally earthbend!”

Azula slaps him on the back, “You got a long way to go, buddy.”

Katara cheers him on, “You made the first step though! Good job, Aang!”

Aang scratches his head with a goofy smile, “Thanks, everyone.”

Toph is still befuddled at Nuwa’s feat, “Didn’t I hear you weren’t a bender? You told the truth that time!”

Chuckling, Nuwa nods, “You can think of me like a sexbender. I can start bending the element of whoever I have sex with through this dildo. I’m most attuned to water and earth. Fire and air doesn’t come as easy for me.”

~ ~ ~

Nuwa is most attuned to water because of her charisma with people, ability to find the paths of least resistance in combat and strategy, and balanced outlook at human nature. These have to do primarily with unblocking the Throat chakra, which is responsible for communication and creativity. Also involved is the Sacral chakra which is responsible for sensuality and pleasure.

Nuwa is second most attuned to earth because of the strong love she feels for her family. She didn’t have a particularly close family relationship in her first life, so she appreciates her current family much more in this life. She feels she will always have a home to go back to in her mother’s arms if she ever needs to stabilize.

Nuwa would have been most attuned to fire, because she has so much sex, but it is instead third ranked. The reason it is lower ranked than the others is that the love and sincerity aspects of her Heart chakra are blocked. She is deathly afraid of having to do her Main Mission of getting impregnated by Iroh and letting down Azula.

Nuwa started out in this world simply seeking thrills and sex. This was beautifully aligned with the philosophy of airbending, to be free and do whatever you wish. But now, with her family, relationships, quests, and other burdens she willingly took on weighing her down, she unconsciously gave up that freedom that she valued.

Of course, she partially makes up for this by luring and fucking whoever she wants, but the fact remains that she’s been tied down. If she really only cared about becoming a Goddess of Sex and nothing else, she would have sex with random strangers all day. However, if she does this for an extended period of time, this would be in violation of True Dao, since spreading Dao of Sex ripples rampantly in a mortal world will cause civilization to slowly degenerate into sin.

The context does matter though, because if she has sex with random strangers in a world lacking in the Dao of Sex, it is considered nourishing the world. Examples of this would be a Record like the movie “Wall-E” where people consumed so many resources off the planet that they turned it into a wasteland. Then they became so fat off of further consumerism that they could hardly move. There is a distinct lack of sex and natural life in the world of Wall-E where all Daos have been ignored other than the Dao of Devouring.

~ ~ ~

Toph screams indignantly, “Admit it! You stole my bending!”

Nuwa casually says, “Yes, I did. You were the first earthbender I’ve had sex with.”

Toph humphs and blushes a bit, “I guess that’s pretty impressive coming from a slut like you. Your bending was also not too shabby.”

Nuwa glomps her and hugs her face to Toph’s cheek, “Aww, thanks Toffy baby!”

Toph deadpans, “You really are my sworn enemy.”

Aang meanwhile, is practicing his stubbornness by pushing the 10 kg rock 1m at a time.

Nuwa doesn’t give Aang her method of earthbending though, since she’s not sure he has the mental fortitude to calm down and handle the extreme thoughts that could arise. He might even go into Avatar Mode just from the thought that Katara was with him facing off against Ozai.

~ ~ ~

Excerpt from Mai’s Magic Paper:

~ I miss you, Zuko.

> I miss you more, Mai.

~ I miss you more more.

> I miss you more x3

~ I miss you.. Did you really do x3 instead of more more more. Am I really worth that little to you in your heart? Fuck you Zuko! Baby and I will do just fine without you!

> Are you having a mood swing dear?

~ Fuck you x69

~ Write something!

~ Please respond.

~ Sorry Zuko, I can’t live without you.

> I went to get a snack.

~ You’re a snack.

> You’re so cute babe.

~ ~ ~

+15k LEE, Total: 1154k LEE

Nuwa feels bored the next day. She feels like she’s never had a decent combat experience since she easily resolves everything with wits, sneak attacks, and chi-blocking. Honestly, she’s never been in any prolonged combat besides sparring.

Lately, she’s been practicing her bending dance forms. She gets instruction from Katara and Toph since she prefers earth and water bending for now. Her [Vibe] is a dildo-shaped bo staff when she does earthbending. When imbued with waterbending, it detaches into the form of a small dildo in her left hand and small onahole in her right hand. Nuwa figures it has to do with the push and pull aspects of waterbending.

Nuwa is not that good at precision bending since she is new. She can do wide-scale destructive bending easily enough with her large chi reserves though. The reason she has so much chi is because she has many chakras unblocked.

~ ~ ~

1 . Sacral chakra - Fully opened when Nuwa first had sex. As the chakra point of sensuality and pleasure, it’s impossible for Nuwa not to gain enlightenment in it given the nature of her Dao Seed.

2 . Throat chakra - 90% unblocked. Chakra point of communication and creativity. Nuwa spent most of her first life acting and training her communication to become a master manipulator along with reading fiction. She’s naturally charismatic and solves most problems by talking her way out of them. She’s creative when it comes to understanding the intentions of others and seeking balanced compromises that appear to be in the favor of both sides.

3 . Crown chakra - 70% unblocked. Chakra point of knowledge and consciousness. As a highly rational person, Nuwa has a high-level understanding of the world as a whole. She understands the role of sin and dao in determining power. She understands that helping people too much can cause them to rely on you and be detrimental in the long run. She also understands that even if she establishes a powerful organization, it will inevitably fall to corruption in the long run potentially causing more sin than it helped reduce. She even understands that her mortal body is temporary and she may lose her loved ones in this world when she moves on. She’s just ignoring that for now.

4 . Root chakra - 70% unblocked. Chakra point of energy and stability. Nuwa has established the Pea family as her “home.” This allows her to feel unconditional love for them and generates a wellspring of energy to protect them and better their lives. Family and home are concepts of stability that ground an individual within the mortal realm and allow them a strong defensive power.

5 . Solar Plexus chakra - 50% unblocked. Chakra point of strength and determination. Nuwa’s determination to become a Sex Goddess goes up and down often. She acknowledges that it is her ultimate path, but her motivation is grinded by the distrust she feels towards her [System], her quests, and other responsibilities that take greater priority like her loved ones. She has an intuition that becoming a true Sex Goddess is to transcend mortality and potentially any mortal attachments.

6 . Third Eye chakra - 35% unblocked. Chakra point of intuition and lucidity. Nuwa’s intuition and awareness is only good when she’s enlightened. Her senses and awareness of her surroundings is mediocre outside of it. She hasn't had enough true combat experience to develop it. She recognizes both of these as weaknesses of her unenlightened self.

7 . Heart chakra - Fully blocked. Nuwa’s Heart Chakra was actually 100% unblocked when she took Azula’s virginity, but Nuwa has been tortured over anxiety regarding the Main Quest [Solve Iroh’s Regrets] of getting impregnated by Iroh over the past month. She understands that this is something she has to do to progress as a Sex Goddess, but she doesn’t know why or how to do so without sacrificing her Love and Sincerity towards Azula.

~ ~ ~

+20k LEE, Total: 1174k LEE

Tonight Nuwa fell asleep with Azula’s dick inside her womb. She wants E-Nuwa to find a solution to her Heart chakra. However, the only solution that E-Nuwa offers is to detach herself from mortal attachments and follow the path of power. Although E-Nuwa felt pleasure and other emotions fine, her thought processes are so mechanical and cold-blooded that Nuwa feels a strong disconnect between herself and her enlightened self.

Nuwa gradually falls asleep cursing E-Nuwa for being as helpful as her fucking backstabbing [System]. ‘Ok, maybe that’s too far. E-Nuwa hasn’t done anything wrong at least.’

Nuwa dreams of Toph calling her “lying snake bitch” over and over again. Nuwa just sits there and takes it while Toph calls her that for hours until, all of a sudden, she squints her eyes and regains lucidity. Nuwa sees blank whiteness in every direction except for Toph calling her “lying snake bitch” on repeat.

Her eyes shrink. Nuwa has never remembered any dream in either of her lives. She thought that maybe she didn’t dream at all. Now, she finds herself in a dream. What’s more, it seems to be some sort of hint. She already knows she’s a lying bitch. What could the dream be telling her?

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