Of Arms and Arcane

Chapter 52

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I managed to get through the banquet mostly unmolested by the prying questions of the adults using their kids as proxies and waited for Dad to finish politely fending off the last of the busybodies trying to strike up a conversation.

When I made it back to my room, I freed myself of the restrictive formal clothes and slumped into bed, my social batteries well and truly drained.

“At least I do not need to dress so formally for a long while.” I mumble into my pillow.

Well, better get to sleep, at the end of the banquet, the Royal Invigilator said there would be a briefing for the new students tomorrow after breakfast. Dad said it was more for the benefit of the scholars, but attendance was still compulsory.

The next day at the briefing, it was as Dad said, Albert, the Royal Invigilator laid out the basic rules of the Royal Academy, what to bring, what would be provided, and that we would be departing to the academy the day after tomorrow. After a short session of Q&A, we were dismissed to make our own preparations.

Before we stepped out of the briefing room, Dad along with a few other nobles and noble’s stewards called the scholars they brought along with them, Dad gave the kids from our territory some money to purchase anything they needed and sent some of our escorts to chaperone the kids to make sure they don't get mugged or cheated.

As we left the room, I could not help but notice around a fifth of the scholars were not called by anyone, “Dad, how come those kids were not called by anyone?” I said as I gestured to the leftover kids.

To this, Dad just sighed, “Son, when me and these other nobles here give some allowance to the scholars that we recommended, it is not a mandated thing, some of the nobles just send their subordinates to drop the children off here and leave.”

To leave a bunch of 8 year-olds alone like that, that is some highly irresponsible shit right there, and it's also saddening. I want to help them, but in the end, it is my father who holds the money, and I do not want to guild him into doing anything.

Just thinking about it makes tears well up in my eyes. As I feel my lips tremble, I hear Dad sigh and walk over the the leftover kids.

He gathers the children, asks them who was the noble who sent them here, then opens his coin purse to give them an allowance and asks them to join the group we sent out.

When Dad comes back to my side, I hold his hand, “Thanks, Dad.” I said while giving his hand a little squeeze. My only reply was a manly grunt.


We spent our remaining time touring the city and shopping, I did not have much I needed to purchase, so we shopped for some souvenirs for the family. We got a nice comb for Mum, some fancy sweets from a famous confectioner for the kids, and some foreign tea leaves for my grandparents.

On the day of departure, after a hearty breakfast, all the students were assembled before 15 identical large carriages, they did not seem to be very luxurious, but it looked like they could fit 10 kids each comfortably. 

Arrayed around the carriages was a platoon of 30 knights baring the Earl’s coat of arms and 2 supply wagons.

After a short speech from the Earl, we were promptly assigned our carriages, and our luggage was loaded up on the roof of the carriages.

As we were about to board the carriage, I noticed something, all the noble and merchant kids had their luggage on the roof of their own carriage, which was to be expected, but the scholars who barely had any luggage with them seemed to have the same amount of luggage as we do.

That was when I saw the last scholar’s carriage roof being loaded up, all their meager amount of luggage was being loaded into the center of the roof, and then surrounded by fancier-looking luggage cases before having a tarp laid over it. So now when I look at the convoy as a whole, all the carriages look about the same.

Seeing this, I begin drawing some parallels to a VIPs motorcade in my previous life, have identical vehicles travel in a convoy so any attacker does not know which car the VIP is in, or in my case, which carriages hold the noble kids.

When we were done and all loaded up, I looked out the window to see a man in fancy armor, who I assume was the lead knight in charge of our security, was passed a cup with sticks sticking out the top.

After giving the cup a good shake, he picks out a stick and shouts, “13, go.” then he picks out another as 1 of the carriages starts to take off, “1, go.” and my carriage starts taking off. “Ah, I see, randomizing the order of the convoy.” I mumbled to myself.

“What?” 1 of the noble kids beside me asked.

“It’s nothing, don’t mind me.” I replied.

I sure hope all this security is just a precaution.


Sometime after the convoy to the Royal Academy left the Earl’s keep, a disheveled man entered a rundown bar in a back ally and made his way to a corner table that was currently occupied by a shady-looking man who was currently being entertained by what most would describe as women of ill repute.

“Friend! What news do you bring?” the shady-looking man said as he copped a feel and squeezed 1 of the women who elicited a playful moan.

The disheveled man, void of any expression, took a seat and eyed the 2 women the shady-looking man had his arms around.

Catching his meaning, the shady-looking man grumbled, “Fine, you girls go get yourselves a drink, me and my friend here need to have a word.”

Once the 2 women sauntered off out of earshot, the disheveled man spoke, “15 identical carriages, 2 supply wagons, and 30 knight escorts. All going to the Royal Academy.”

The shady-looking man took a sip of his drink and said, “Oh, is it that time of year again? I will run it by the boss and see how he wants to go about it. Any other info? How many noble and merchant kids are in that caravan?”

The disheveled man took out a small slip of paper and slid it over, “These are the are just the houses and companies we have confirmed the kids are from, the rest are just commoners.”

The shady-looking man gave the paper a read and released an impressed whistle, “Wow, looks like quite the haul this year, may even be worth the risk.”, he then reached under the table and tossed a small pouch over the table which the disheveled man easily caught.

After checking the contents of the pouch, the disheveled man nodded and exited the bar.

The shady-looking man downed the rest of his drink and stood up, “Well, better go inform the boss.” then he looked at the 2 women he sent to get a drink beckoning him over suggestively, “Maybe after 1 more drink.”

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