Off Limit System

12. The City Quest

Being chased by a herd of zombies was an experience Ethan would never forget, despite how horrifying it was. But he couldn't help but smile as they escaped.

"Wasn't it fun?" Miriam quickly glanced at Ethan, and the woman refocused on her steps.

"This is scary!" said Dane. "Miriam, you almost killed me."

"Relax, Dane. You may return to this world whenever you want if you're eaten by zombies," Miriam remarked, "but you'll have to feel the pain just like in reality."

"It is even worse."

Ethan, who wouldn't answer, simply gave Miriam a fleeting glance. He admitted to himself that being within OFF LIMIT was thrilling.

They kept running through the buildings, hoping for a safer place from the zombie herd that was after them. Till Miriam ran into an office complex and into one of the buildings.

"I need something here, quick," she exclaimed.

They raced into the rear door and shut it quickly. The undead's screeches could still be heard from behind the closed door. They rested for a few minutes to catch their breath.

"Damn, I'm thirsty," Dane grumbled.

"If we're lucky, we might find a bottle or two of water," Miriam responds.

"The Casual really doesn't fit the name. What's to relax about?" Dane shook his head in disbelief.

"OFF LIMITS demand that you be a winner. What do you expect to get from the additional game? Miriam cynically asked, "A chess game?"

"At least, not like this," squeaked Dane.

"Dane, the more challenging the game, the better your chances of surviving," Miriam explained.

She walked up to the fire escape with her rifle ready.

"Come on, let's go," she encouraged them.

They proceeded to the third story through the fire escape. Miriam slowly opened the door gap to ensure there were no zombies inside.

"What exactly are you looking for?" Ethan asked.

Miriam answered quietly, "Oxygen supply."

Ethan was taken aback. "Shouldn't you be searching for oxygen at the hospital?"

"I ran out, and the other players took it first. You think I'm the only one going to level 16?" Miriam clucked her tongue.

She walked out, and the corridor fell silent. Ethan and Dane were close behind.

"They were greedy, stealing every oxygen tank discovered. That's why I've been hunting all over The City for several days,” Miriam said.

"How many times have you died here?" Dane asked out of topic.

"Never," Miriam glared, "I've always managed to escape."

"From the zombies?" Ethan asked this time.

Miriam shook her head. "No, but the other players."

Miriam had already walked up the corridor and into one of the rooms, so Ethan and Dane could only look in wonder.

It was an office building, and Ethan was sure there was no way an oxygen supply could be discovered lying around. Ethan finally catches up with Miriam.

"We should seek for the infirmary in this building. We can't possibly waste time checking every room, Miriam," Ethan advised.

"I'm not sure where that room is, Ethan. This is a thirty-story building. And I've only checked three floors," Miriam said.

Then Ethan said, "Usually, the infirmary is on the third floor. Close to the cafeteria or pantry. If the room has oxygen, that is.”

"What is the purpose of oxygen supply? Are you going diving? Isn't there a beach or sea nearby? "Maybe we'll be able to locate one on the ferry," Dane suggested.

Miriam was silent for a short period. "I never thought of that. My God, all I could think of was the hospital."

"You just need an oxygen tank, don’t you?" Dane inquired. "Does it have to be the hospital tube?"

"I'm not sure," Miriam said, "but I assumed it was an oxygen tank."

"Does The City have an ocean or a beach?" asked Ethan.

Miriam said with a shrug of the shoulders. "I need to find a map of The City. I'm never far from the main entrance."

"We had better find a map. Maybe there's one someplace in this building," Dane exclaimed.

Someone leaped on Dane's body when he turned around to leave the room. Dane fended off the hand that would rip him apart with a hungry growl. Ethan was in shock for a few seconds and froze to where he was. He was stunned and unsure of what to do.

Panic gripped the three of them. Dane and Miriam were both screaming. Then, Ethan returned to his wits and tried to seize the zombie's body from behind. Dane continued to avoid getting bitten by the zombie. Miriam yelled as the young man's hand was ready to pick up the gun lying on the floor.

"Don't use the gun!" the woman scolded.

Dane moved his arm beneath the zombie's chin in defense. The zombie was knocked back by a punch Dane struck on the cheek. He pushed the zombie away, and the young guy rolled to the side and tried to flee. Ethan stumbled as well. He crawled out of the zombie's grasp. Ethan leaped out of his body without hesitation to defend Dane. He repeatedly smashed the zombies with the shield in his hand.

The growls of the undead mixed with Ethan's screams as he fought blindly. Meanwhile, Miriam dragged Dane's body behind her as she tried to keep him away from the combat. The zombies' blood splatters spilled on the floor, leaving a nasty odor. Yet, Ethan did not stop smashing until the zombie's head was split open. Eventually, the zombie's body collapsed.

Ethan's breath caught in his throat because he hadn't expected the sudden attack. Ethan immediately turned back, searching for Dane and Miriam.

"Are you OK, Dane?" Ethan inquired. "Did that zombie bite you?"

"Everything is OK," Dane said, nodding.

"Thank God." Ethan seemed relieved.

"What about you? All OK?" Dane made certain that Ethan was not injured.

"Well, I'm lucky. But I need to change my clothes. It's splattered with blood.” Ethan responded, his gaze falling on Miriam. "Are you all OK, Miriam?"

Miriam just casually nodded. "Thanks."

The three of them turned to face the zombie body on the floor. Dane merely gulped, obviously not wanting to stay there any longer.

Dane turned to Miriam. "What if we get bitten by a zombie? Will we become one of them?"

Miriam was stunned for a moment. "I don't think so. It's just a game, Dane. You're going to turn into a zombie and ruin real life? Man, where the hell is your mind?"

"You asked me before, was I bitten? Of course, I had thoughts in that case," Dane retorted.

"No, but perhaps you'll get bite marks in the real world." Miriam scoffs.

Dane looked surprised. "You're kidding."

"Maybe, Dane. I don't know." The woman relaxed her shoulders.

"So what now?" asked Ethan.

"I think we should get out of here," Miriam said.

She carefully stepped towards the door, keeping an eye on the corridor.

"If one finds us, there will be more zombies," she continued.

"Then where do we go?" Dane wondered.

"Look for a supermarket outside the building. Stores sell maps, just like in real life, right?" Miriam said.

Dane concurred. "And a bottle of water, of course. I'm really thirsty."

The three left the room and returned through the fire escape door. They walked down the stairs quietly yet quickly. Miriam listened for the exit as they reached the bottom floor.

She sighed quietly and muttered, "The zombie herd still appears outside. What should we do?"

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