One Piece: Accidentally Becoming the King of the World

Chapter 28

After a brief acquaintance on the road, Geer urged Long to give him the meal money first.

Back on the ship, Chef Fit has prepared a feast.

Everyone sat around the dining table and enjoyed the delicious food. There was a good atmosphere of talking and laughing during the dinner.

Whenever he sat down to eat with his family, Geer couldn't help but sigh that it would be great if his life could continue to be so peaceful.

Traveling and having adventures with this group of interesting friends, experiencing different customs and customs, tasting special delicacies, eating when you should, sleeping when you should, and having fun when you grow up, marry a beautiful wife, start a family and have children, isn't this happiness? life?

What else is there to pursue?

It’s just that Geer understands better than anyone else that in this turbulent era, it’s not easy to live a peaceful life.

The weak will eat the strong, and those who fall behind will be beaten. Only by constantly strengthening his own strength can Geer be able to maintain the warmth on the ship at this time.

Long was not polite at all, probably because he had paid for the meal and it would be a loss if he didn't eat more.

The ingredients currently used on Geer's ship are all produced by the system, and their taste is far superior to ordinary ingredients. The gap between the two can no longer be bridged simply by cooking skills.

The top-quality ingredients coupled with the meticulous cooking by Fit, a top chef, can be regarded as a rare delicacy in the world.

Long has been wandering alone for a long time recently and has never had a few serious meals.

At this time, after eating such a delicious meal, he couldn't stop eating. The Munch family's cooking gene was instantly awakened, and Long suddenly felt that the one million Baileys was well spent.

After the meal, Geer bought a can of fine oolong tea and a set of tea sets for making Kung Fu tea from the mall. Soon, a fresh fragrance of tea filled the room.

Long was very satisfied with the meal. The warm, comfortable, relaxed and comfortable atmosphere on the Geer boat made him immersed in it, and he almost forgot what he came for.

"Mr. Geer, I..."

Long finally remembered the business, and when he was about to speak, Geer interrupted:

"No hurry, drink tea first."

Everyone held up the steaming tea cups and drank. Geer squinted his eyes and tasted it, with a kind smile on his face. He thought to himself:

Since the comfort zone is so comfortable, why do you have to jump out?

Then Geer said again.

Biya bought a bunch of snacks and put them on the table to share with everyone.

Uncle Feit frowned while eating, and tried to decipher Weibull's secret recipe. Moriah each had a big bag of spicy strips, and the two of them had a good understanding of each other when it came to eating. Senior took a bag of egg rolls and felt like a boss smoking a cigar.

While drinking tea and cracking melon seeds,

Long was suddenly in a trance. He felt that Geer's whole aura changed after drinking tea, giving him the feeling of a retired old man. illusion

"Bang, bang."

Long took a handful of seeds from an unknown plant that Geer handed over, and started eating them like Geer did.

"Um! So delicious! Well, no, I just want to ask, Captain Geer, what do you think of this world?"

Long took off his cloak after arriving on the boat. He was now wearing a black suit with an orange lining. His black hair was casually spread behind his head, and his expression was extremely serious.

Geer looked at his My face, which had no shoe sole prints, always felt like something was missing. I put down my teacup and said with a smile:

"Haha, what do you think of this world? Of course I see with my eyes! dragon."

Although he knew that the guy in front of him would later become the leader of the revolutionary army that resisted the world government, Geer didn't know whether Long at this time had defected from the navy and was engaged in revolution, or was just a little confused and was looking around for answers.

No matter where he was. In this situation, Geer would not declare his position immediately.

Although Long looked rough, he was a thoughtful person. He soon realized that he and Geer had only known each other for less than a few hours. , it is definitely not convenient for people to answer such a sensitive question.

Long then said:

"Sorry, I was reckless. I wonder if Captain Geer is interested in hearing my story first?"

"OK, please speak."

Ger thought to himself. The tea has been brewed and the melon seeds have been eaten. Aren't I just waiting for you to tell a story?

It's best to gossip about your love story so that I can untie the straw hat in advance. Mystery.

Perhaps because he thought what he was about to say was a bit shocking, Long looked at the foodies next to him with some hesitation.

He understood what he meant and waved his hand.

"There is no need to avoid it. There are no outsiders here. The people present are all my family members who can trust me with their lives. You can say it with confidence."

The people who were eating snacks next to them felt warm in their hearts when they heard Captain Geer's words.

Long nodded, a little envious that Geer had so many reliable companions, and then slowly began to say:

His father Ka Pu is a famous naval hero. Long has been arranged by Garp to undergo various inhuman trainings since he was a child. Garp and a group of navy bosses, uncles and uncles, are very optimistic about him and try their best to train him into a future leader of the navy. The pillar.

Long is also very ambitious. He has been determined to eradicate the darkness in the world and implement justice in his heart since he was a child. He has high talent, coupled with hard training and very serious study, he soon has the strength and power far beyond his peers. Geer thought to himself

: When he was in school, Long was probably the most desperate hard-working genius.

Long devoted himself to the glorious and righteous career of the Navy with passion and longing.

As his position was promoted, the more insider secrets he had access to, the more disappointed he became with the Navy. Long saw the Navy's incompetence and compromise, and found that this was not justice in his mind at all.

"Captain Geer, you know what? The Navy, which represents justice, is actually the lackey of the World Government and the Celestial Dragons. Even if it goes against the orders of justice, the Navy must obey no matter how unwilling it is! How ridiculous!"

The more Long said, the more excited he became. In the end, he clenched his hands and roared angrily.

"The navy that claims to be just is also black! The greatest evil in this world is the group of aloof Celestial Dragons. Only by overthrowing their rule can the world have equality, freedom, harmony, and be full of hope again!"

"Captain Geer, I can feel that you are also a man of justice, so I would like to invite you to join me in overthrowing this corrupt world government and creating a new world together!"

Gerr muttered in his heart:

You can feel it. You can feel it. Are you a time traveler or am I a time traveler? Is this the way you used your rhetoric to trick Big Bear and Ivankov into giving up?"

Geer said calmly. Drinking tea, not in a hurry to speak

"Bah, bah, bah!"

There was silence in the room, only the sound of Weibull chewing spicy sticks was left. He was still young and ignorant, and he didn't know what this man had been talking about for a long time.

Biya was concentrating on eating snacks and not listening at all.

Moria and Senor both looked fanatical, waiting for the captain's order to take the lead in attacking Marigio.

Moria likes to cause trouble, and he wants to participate in the overthrow of the World Government. A big event will definitely be famous in the sea!

But Senior simply thinks that this kind of appalling thing that most people can't even think of sounds very manic! Think about it! I was so excited!

Only Uncle Feite was shocked.

Everyone's abnormal reactions made Feite the only one who had a normal reaction.

He took another sip and confirmed the contents of the cup. It was obviously tea, not wine, and I don’t know why this guy Long got drunk while drinking, and started shouting that he wanted to overthrow the World Government.

Fite quickly went out to check if there were ears in the wall. If his remarks were criticized. If you hear this, report it, and you will see everyone’s new reward order in the newspaper tomorrow.

"Snap, snap..."

Geer held his chin and tapped his index and middle fingers on the table.

Long did not disturb the other person's thinking. It was already very good that he was so calm after listening to his words and did not drive him away. It showed that he was still alive. There was a chance to win over.

Geer spoke slowly:

"Well, you are trying to destroy the lives of Tianlong people!"

Long's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this! He said in surprise:

"right! revolution! This is a good word. As expected of Captain Geer, you have made the decision! The organization I want to establish will be called the Revolutionary Army from now on!"

Ger was stunned at first. It turns out that you have been shouting here for a long time to overthrow the world government. You haven't even thought about the name of the organization. You are just a polished commander.

"Ahem, Long, you are right. The greatest darkness in this world is the World Government and the Celestial Dragons, so it’s okay if you want to overthrow their rule, but why do you think that after overthrowing, there will be a harmonious, equal and free new world? What about the world?"

"Um? Captain Gerr, what do you mean?"

Long was a little confused. After overthrowing the corrupt world government, wouldn't a new world be born immediately?

Geer continued to explain:

"The boy who slays the dragon will eventually become an evil dragon. After your revolutionary army or other organization replaces the World Government, there is a high probability that it will slowly turn into the corrupt appearance of the World Government and the Celestial Dragons."

"I will never betray the justice in my heart!"

Long Yi patted his chest and promised:

"I can believe in your character and conduct, and I have no doubt about your determination. You can do it without asking for anything in return, and you are even willing to sacrifice your life to devote yourself to the cause of liberating the world. But you can do it. How many people can be as selfless as you?"

"For those who are not righteous and willing to contribute to this cause, how can you ensure that they will not betray this great cause midway? Or will he become a new Celestial Dragon after getting the fruits of victory? Even if they don’t, what about their descendants? The Tianlong people were not just a bunch of drunkards 800 years ago."


At this time, Long only saw the incompetence of the navy and the darkness of the world government. He resolutely chose to leave the navy and wanted to overthrow the decadent world government. However, he had no mature ideas, so he was suddenly attacked by a series of Geer. Question asked

"The vested interests currently under the rule of the world government will never voluntarily give up the privileges they enjoy."

Just after saying absolutely, Gal suddenly thought of his good brother Doflamingo, his father and the future second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo, and could only add one more sentence:

"Well, unless there is something wrong with your brain! So the only people who can join you are the people at the bottom who are exploited and oppressed to the point of being unable to survive."

"right! That's right! We can incite those oppressed people to rise up and resist. They are our natural supporters, and there are many of them!"

Long slapped his right hand on the palm of his left hand, looking enlightened.

Geer shook his head and asked:

"These people are so oppressed that they can hardly survive and will not resist. Do you think why?"

Long thought for a while and said:

"Because they have been oppressed for so long, they have become numb and have completely lost their fighting spirit."

"No, that's only a small part of the reason, and the main reason is that they are too weak! If you resist, you will die. If you don't resist, you will not necessarily die. How do you think they will choose?"

"To put it bluntly, even if you unite them and inspire their fighting spirit, they can't help much."

To put it simply, in this world where strength is respected, most of the people who can be oppressed are the weak. No matter how low your status is as a strong person, if you are oppressed to the point that you can't stand it, at worst I will rebel. As long as you have strength, you can go anywhere. Popular and popular, like Barrett and Kaido

"So what if there was a way to improve the combat effectiveness of these ordinary people?"

Long thought about it seriously, unwilling to give up the future direction he had just seen, and asked again.

Geer smiled and replied:

"Then they have changed from the weak to the strong, and their identities have also changed. Before, they resisted because they could not survive and had no choice. Now that they have become stronger and their living conditions have improved, and they have a choice, what other reasons are there for them? Do you have the motivation to keep fighting with your head in your belt?"

Long also felt that Geer was right. He had a headache and rubbed his temples. He suddenly wondered why Geer seemed to know so much about revolution and he looked like a teenager?

Long suddenly stood up. He bowed deeply to Geer and said:

"Captain Geer, you must have a solution! Please teach me!"

Ger was also caught off guard by what he did. He quickly helped him up and then said:

"To be honest, I don’t understand much. I just like you and say a few random words. If you find it useful, you can refer to it. But I have made it clear in advance that I will not join your revolutionary army."

Long nodded vigorously, pretending to be all ears, which made Geer feel a little embarrassed.

Am I teaching the boss how to do things?


"First of all, it is important to arm the mind with thoughts. Organizations that are gathered together for their own purposes are like a piece of loose sand. It is necessary to have common ideals and beliefs to support them. In this chaotic world, the most indispensable thing is the suffering people. After rescuing them, , it may be difficult to change the fixed thoughts of adults. It is recommended to train children and young people"

"A great man once said: Political power comes from the barrel of a gun, so force is also very important, and it must be high-end force."

"Ordinary people can develop, but they are mainly used for intelligence collection and material support. The top combat forces in this world are all comparable to natural disasters. Inciting ordinary people to fight will only increase the sacrifices, and most of the time they will get in the way. It is best to fight. It is better to deal with it in the form of a small elite force."

Long nodded in approval, because he himself is a humanoid natural disaster, and he can understand that no matter how many ordinary people are in front of him, they will not have any effect.

"The focus is on early development, and you should keep at it as long as you can. You should not come to the forefront before your strength is reversed. If nothing else happens, the world government and navy will be busy dealing with the increasing number of pirates. You can just use this time to do your best. Develop and strive to find more like-minded strong people to join"

"Development requires food, weapons, land, and population, so we need to control some countries. My suggestion is to use some means or devil fruit abilities to directly control the rulers and control these countries secretly. If you rely on inciting civilian coups, it will not only increase the sacrifices, but also easily expose you."

"Is this...wouldn't it be a little bad to do this?"

Long asked hesitantly.

"Those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters, but understand that there is no point in being aboveboard. As long as the justice in your heart has not changed, everything you do is just. As long as the conspiracy can achieve the goal and reduce our own sacrifices, then it is a good strategy!"

Ger reprimanded directly. What he hates most are those leaders who, for the sake of their own reputation, clearly have good methods but do not use them, and insist on letting their subordinates use their lives to fill them.

"Been taught a lesson!"

Long said seriously. He didn't care about damaging his reputation. He was just afraid that some upright subordinates wouldn't be able to accept it. He raised it first to see what Geer would say. He wrote it down for later use.

"After secretly controlling these countries, you still need talents who can manage and operate them. Only by developing the economies of these countries so that people can live and work in peace and contentment can they become a stable rear base!"

"��There is another one, science is the primary productive force…"

"Subhuman races such as fishmen, giants, and fur tribes may be your help.……"


"That's probably all I remember."

Ger picked up the kettle and filled his cup with hot water. Long on the side was taking notes carefully with a pen and notebook. The amount of information received tonight was a bit too much. A good memory is not as good as a bad pen. He took out the paper early in the morning. The pen was written carefully.

In fact, Geer could be more irresponsible and tell him the method that Long later understood and implemented in advance, so that he could easily get through.

But Geer really didn't recommend the old method. In this world where personal power can be compared to natural disasters, there is really no point in playing the game of starting a prairie fire with a single spark.

Let’s just talk about the battle between Big Mom, Kaido and Supernova. Excluding the reasons for plot killing, the victory or defeat of both sides depends on their actions. Does it matter how many thousands of pirates there are?

It doesn’t matter at all!

Isn’t it true that as the top combat leader, he is fighting desperately? It's time to commit seppuku

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