One Piece Demon Dragon

Chapter 106 The Demon Slaying Order Launched

Chapter 106 The Demon Slaying Order Launched

In front of the Gate of Justice, in the channel of the inner pillars of the Bridge of Hesitation:
"Hurry up!" Spandam, who was going up the stairs to the Bridge of Hesitation, shouted against Nicole Robin's rough urging: "Why are these pirates chasing here?"

He was really scared. Originally, he was full of confidence in the powerful CP9 members. Even if he couldn't get rid of all the members of the Straw Hats, at least it would be no problem to contain the Straw Hats and live in the Judiciary Tower. .

And even if there is such a fish that slipped through the net, it is impossible to know the route he left with Nicole Robin, besides, the gate of this passage is actually three meters thick!In Spandam's eyes, even if a fish slipped through the net and was not caught by CP9, it still couldn't pass through the three-meter-thick gate.

But when Spandam heard Rob Lucci say that someone was following, he almost peed on the spot.For his own safety, Spandam left Rob Lucci behind to stop the enemy, but this was exactly what the warlike Rob Lucci wanted.

"Hey! All members of CP9, do you hear that?" Spandam, who was frightened, quickly took out a phone bug, and immediately began to blame and shouted: "Why did a pirate come here? Hear No, answer quickly?"

"Wait a minute, the one in your hand is..." Seeing that the phone bug Spandam took out was actually golden, Nicole Robin wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

Because the Hailou Stone was still cuffed in his hands, not only was Nicole Robin temporarily unable to use the power of the Devil Fruit, but his own strength was also suppressed to a very low level, so he couldn't use much strength at all.

"Hey~!" Seeing Nicole Robin's terrified eyes, Spandam turned his gaze to the golden phone bug in his hand.Spandam, who found himself taking out the phone bug, changed his face and shouted quickly: "Quickly cancel the request! Cancel the request!"

The golden phone bug in Spandam's hand is not actually a phone bug for communication, but a special phone bug that only sends out a certain special signal that only the silver phone bug can receive.

The signal sent by the golden phone bug is the signal to launch the Demon Slaying Order. The Demon Slaying Order is an armed force composed of five vice-admirals, ten high-configuration warships, and thousands of naval elites.Once the silver phone bug received the signal, the Navy Headquarters would immediately summon five vice admirals near the golden phone bug that sent the signal, and indiscriminately bombard the location where the signal was sent.

It's just that even in the navy, only the admiral and the three admirals of the navy are qualified to master the golden phone bug with the authority to launch the demon-slaying order.Although Spandam did not have the authority to launch the Demon Slaying Order, the golden phone bug in his hand was given by Admiral Qingzhi, and the purpose is unknown.

"Hey, sir!" Kalifa's voice came from another ordinary phone bug, but Spandam didn't seem to notice that this phone bug had been connected at all, and the nervous Spandam didn't notice at all. Hear Kalifa's voice.

"Oops, I activated the golden phone bug! How could I be so careless?" Spandam, who was still holding the phone bug in his hand, shouted to himself in fear, "I actually activated the demon-slaying order!" Already!"

Perhaps most of the navy soldiers don't know what the Demon Slaying Order is, but as the chief of CP9, everyone including CP9 is very clear about what it means to launch the Demon Slaying Order.Even if this is Judiciary Island, one of the three major institutions of the world government, Tu Demon Order would choose to bombard without hesitation.

"Do you know what you did?" Although it was an accident that Spandam launched the Demon Slaying Order, it still reminded Nicole Robin of the Demon Slaying Order launched 20 years ago.Since 20 years ago, O'Hara, the hometown of Nicole Robin, has disappeared from the map because of the Demon Slaying Order. The island of O'Hara cannot be found on the current map.

Because Spandam didn't notice at all that the ordinary phone in his hand was still on the phone, and it was still connected to the broadcast of the entire Judiciary Island, so the content of the quarrel between Spandam and Nicole Robin was covered by everyone. heard it.

The navy soldiers and ordinary government officials who didn't know what the Demon Slaughter Order was at first were stunned when they learned the truth. They were sure that the voice of the man on the radio was the voice of Spandam, the chief of CP9, and the arrogant tone It is exactly the same.What is even more frustrating is that this arrogant Spandam completely ignored the lives of everyone on Judicial Island, and planned to sacrifice everyone here for his own future.

All of a sudden, the navy on Judiciary Island lost its morale and fled in all directions.The Frank family and the three boatmen of the Carrera Company in Barry, who were already at a disadvantage, could no longer hold on, but they did not expect that things would save their lives in a dramatic way. The appearance seems to be a big deal.

Otherwise, why should the navy of these judicial islands be afraid?From the broadcast just now, it can be heard that the Demon Slaughter Order should be the armed force of the navy, a force that even their own people fear, let alone show mercy to enemies like them.

Great Route, Naval Headquarters Marin Vendo:

"The silver phone worm has received the signal! It is General Qingzhi who requested to launch the demon-slaying order!" In the office in charge of the demon-slaying order at the Navy Headquarters, the silver phone worm suddenly rang.This is the first time a signal has been received in 20 years, and it has been confirmed that it was sent with the authority of the golden phone bug in the hands of General Qingzhi.

But these are not what they need to care about. Their job is to immediately arrange the armed forces needed for the Demon Slaying Order to go to the place where the golden phone bug sent the signal.Although their work for the past 20 years has been to guard the silver phone, perhaps some people will never encounter such an opportunity in their lifetime, but once it rings, it is time for them in charge to start working.

"Location?" The person in charge quickly asked his subordinates to report the location where the golden phone bug sent the signal. For them, this was a matter of utmost urgency.

"It's Enies Judicial Island!" The subordinates quickly confirmed that the place where the golden phone bug sent the signal was actually near them, and it was their own territory, Judicial Island!
"Call the five lieutenant generals near the destination immediately!" The person in charge hastily offered an invitation.Although he was also very puzzled why the place where the signal was sent was Judiciary Island, but his first job was to form the armed force of the Demon Slaying Order.

If the Demon Slaughter Order this time was really a misunderstanding, Admiral Qingzhi would naturally find a way to contact them and request the Navy Headquarters to cancel the Demon Slaughter Order.However, as long as General Qingzhi did not request to cancel, even if the target was Judiciary Island, the Demon Slaughter Order would continue to bombard without mercy.

There are only two situations for wanting to stop the bombardment of the Demon Slaughter Order: The first is that the initiator of the authority of the Qingzhi General should come forward and request to cancel it!The second type will stop shelling only when the target Judicial Island Enies is completely sunk!
"It would be faster to go directly from the headquarters!" The person in charge directly dialed the phone bug in the Gate of Justice control room and shouted: "Open the Gate of Justice on the headquarters side and let the warship pass!"

It would be faster to summon five vice admirals from the vicinity of Judicial Island than to summon five vice admirals directly from the headquarters, and then use the special current to go to Judicial Island through the Gate of Justice.

Each of the three major structures of the world government has a door of justice. As long as one of the doors of justice is opened, the vortex near the door of justice will disappear, and then the ship can quickly reach the next organization through special ocean currents. door of justice.

"Immediately call five lieutenant generals and dispatch ten warships!" The person in charge immediately went to the headquarters to request five lieutenant generals to participate in the implementation of the demon-slaying order.The naval warships dispatched are all of the highest level, and even a huge human like the Giants can take several of them at the same time.

Because the naval headquarters has many vice-admirals and naval warships on standby, it is faster and easier to summon five naval vice-admirals at the naval headquarters than in other places, and it is more efficient and powerful than other places.

"How long will it take to reach the destination!" The five summoned vice admirals quickly boarded the warships, and after taking over the command of these ten high-configuration naval warships, they immediately set sail and passed the Justice Road at the Naval Headquarters. Door!
"The target can be bombarded in 30 minutes!" The person in charge of the naval headquarters quickly replied.This time is exactly the time it takes for warships to reach their destination through the Gate of Justice using dedicated ocean currents.

This also means that 30 minutes later, Judicial Island Enies will become a hell on earth.

(End of this chapter)

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