One Piece Demon Dragon

Chapter 108 2nd gear start

Chapter 108 Second gear launch
The Bridge of Hesitation on Judiciary Island, inside the first pillar pier:

Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hats, and the ship doctor are fighting against Rob Lucci of CP9. Luffy has tried his best to contain Rob Lucci in order to let Chopper pass here smoothly.However, because Rob Lucci's strength completely suppressed Luffy, Chopper was beaten back by Rob Lucci without leaving.

"Chopper, are you alright?" Luffy didn't expect that the two of them would be unable to contain Rob Lucci together. The enemy in front of him was really too powerful.Unlike those enemies in the past who relied on fruit abilities to suppress them, people like Rob Lucci were opponents who could not be defeated by luck.

"It's okay!" Although he suffered some injuries, Chopper tried his best to avoid fatal injuries.Looking at Rob Lucci, who didn't even come out in the form of a beastman, Chopper said helplessly, "But this guy is so strong!"

Although Chopper didn't want to admit it, the fact that Rob Lucci's strength far exceeded their imagination.In his eyes, Luffy is already a strong and terrifying master, but the current Luffy is not worth mentioning in the hands of Rob Lucci.Rob Lucci's six-style paper painting can easily evade Luffy's attack, and his six-style iron block can hold down Luffy's rubber bazooka without moving at all, even his six-style shaved and Six Styles Moon Steps are too fast for people to see.

But in order to save Nicole Robin, Chopper must pass here, and Chopper has quietly taken out the rambo ball in his hand.He knew that even if he ate the rambo ball, he would not have the strength to fight Rob Lucci, but his purpose was to get out of here.Although it is very dangerous to hand over such a terrifying opponent as Rob Lucci to Luffy alone, isn't each of them working hard to save Nicole Robin?
But Rob Lucci's speed is really too fast, Chopper only has one chance, as long as Luffy can barely restrain Rob Lucci even for a second, Chopper can use "foot power strengthening" to rush forward The doorway to the Bridge of Hesitation passage.Although the chances are a little slim, it has to be done.

"Strengthened Arm Strength - Carved Hoof!" After swallowing the rambo ball, Chopper used his strongest stunt "Strengthened Arm Strength - Carved Hoof" to blast towards Rob Lucci, but it didn't land on Rob Lucci Leaving a trace of traces, and was blown away by Rob Lucci.

If it wasn't for Chopper's timely use of "fur strengthening" to strengthen his defense, he might have been seriously injured by Rob Lucci.

"Chopper, let me do it!" Seemingly understanding Chopper's intentions, Luffy hit Rob Lucci indiscriminately.

"Get rid of it, Luffy! Strengthen your feet!" While Luffy distracted Rob Lucci's attention, Chopper immediately transformed into a "strengthened feet" and went back to the door of the bridge of hesitation at the highest speed.

"It's really good that you can come here!" However, Chopper's plan seemed to have failed. Rob Lucci sensed Chopper's intention in an instant, and immediately moved to the entrance of the passage to stop Joe Ba said very bluntly: "However, I will not let you pass!"

"Finger gun!" Rob Lucci unceremoniously penetrated Chopper's body with a finger gun, and there was a sense of enjoyment in his heart.

I don't know if Rob Lucci himself enjoys this kind of fighting fun, or because the bloodthirsty habit of the cat cat fruit in his body makes him enjoy this feeling.

"We will definitely rescue Robin!" Chopper forced out a sentence before falling down.Even though he knew he couldn't win, he never gave up the idea of ​​rescuing Nico Robin, his companion.

"The Demon Slaughter Order has been activated, I don't have time to continue playing with you guys!" Looking at the fallen Chopper and the embarrassed Luffy, the only thing Rob Lucci cares about is the Demon Slayer Order.

Although he could easily avoid the bombardment of the Demon Slaughter Order with his strength, but since the judicial island was about to be destroyed, there was no need for him to ask for trouble to stay.Rather than expending energy to avoid the bombardment of the Demon Slaughter Order, wouldn't it be more exciting to watch the destruction of Judicial Island?

"We don't have time to play with you either! Big cat with pigeons!" After arriving at the bridge pier according to the instructions left by Chopper, William found Chopper who had fallen in front of Rob Lucci, kicking Rob Lucci angrily. Qi was kicked and flew out.

Although William was kicked by the basic strength and power under the "mind enhancement" of the human form, Rob Lucci was also kicked by surprise in the human form.Still vigilant, William squatted down and picked up the orc-shaped Chopper, and was relieved when he found that his injuries were not life-threatening.

"William!" After realizing William's sudden appearance, the injured Chopper and the embarrassed Luffy shouted excitedly.

As long as one of them can pass here, Nicole Robin can be rescued. In their eyes, that Spandam is nothing more than a small person.Although he is the chief of CP9 in terms of status, but without these masters of CP9, he is not even as good as a fart.

"It's you!" Rob Lucci was not surprised after seeing that the person who kicked him was William.In his eyes, William had seriously injured him twice in the two fights, and it is not difficult to kick him away by surprise.

"And the super me!" Carter French, who was following William, ran over and immediately posed and shouted.But obviously he didn't see the scene where William kicked Rob Lucci away. After all, William's speed just now was beyond his comparability.

"Franky!" Luffy saw that Franky had come here, and knew that as long as he restrained Rob Lucci here, he could successfully rescue Nicole Robin.Luffy suddenly said confidently: "Go first, I will restrain this guy!"

"Do you think you can pass through here?" Seeing that Luffy was overwhelmed and wanted to restrain him alone, Rob Lucci immediately transformed into a beastman and stood in front of them.

Until now, he still looks down on Luffy, thinking that his strength is nothing more than that, and the only person who really excites him is William.As for Carter French on the side, in his eyes, it was nothing more than that.

"Who knows!" Looking at Rob Lucci who turned into an orc, William knew that he was serious this time, but William didn't intend to do it, but reminded Rob Lucci: " But my captain is very strong!"

Although Rob Lucci's strength is so strong that William dare not say that he will be able to win, but he also has great confidence in Luffy's strength.William hugged Chopper and led Carter Franky to run directly towards the entrance of the passage, ignoring Rob Lucci who was standing in front of them.

"Jet bazooka! Don't get in the way!" After realizing that he was being ignored, an angry Rob Lucci appeared in front of the three of William with a shaved head, ready to strike, but was instantly sent flying by an unknown force.

"What's the matter with the straw hat?" Carter Franky asked curiously looking at Luffy who was all red and steaming.

At this time, Luffy looks like a steam engine. This is Luffy's upgraded power-rubber "second gear".Although Luffy in the rubber "second gear" state consumes a lot of himself, his speed and strength have been greatly improved by a level!
"Leave it to Luffy here! Trust him!" Seeing that Luffy had already used "second gear", William knew that Rob Lucci was going to be beaten.If Luffy is facing Rob Lucci in his prime, William may still be worried, but unless Rob Lucci is already a devil fruit awakened ability user, otherwise he should not heal from the serious injury he was injured by himself.

"Okay, Nicole Robin, let me be a superhero!" Seeing Luffy's strange appearance and seeing William's confident expression, Carter French's self-confidence also skyrocketed.

As long as Nicole Robin doesn't pass the gates of justice, they can definitely save Nicole Robin from Spandam.And he had to beat Spandam violently to avenge the murder of his mentor, Mr. Tom.

"Don't forget we're still here!" Chopper shouted angrily after hearing this.Although he was injured, he still has a certain fighting capacity. Nicole Robin is their companion, and Chopper will contribute anyway.

"Jet rubber whip!" After starting the second gear, Luffy temporarily caught up with Rob Lucci in terms of strength and speed, even half a point stronger than Rob Lucci.Although it is difficult for Luffy's second-stage attack to cause greater damage in the face of Rob Lucci's six-style iron block, it is not completely ineffective.

"Is the move upgraded?" Rob Lucci stood up and asked doubtfully.Since he didn't have time to use the six-style iron block for defense just now, he was still hurt by Luffy's jet rubber whip.

"When I met that man, I knew that if I didn't become stronger, I would not be able to protect my companion!" Since Luffy was easily defeated by the young general in Long Island, Luffy knew that his strength was in front of the world's top strong Not worth mentioning at all.

That was the first time he felt hopeless, knowing how weak he was.In order to protect his companions, Luffy has been working hard to develop his fruit ability and physical training.And the mysterious power that suddenly appeared in the first battle of the island became the key inspiration for Luffy to develop the "second gear". After many repeated practices, Luffy finally successfully developed the "second gear" of the rubber fruit. .

(End of this chapter)

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