One Piece Demon Dragon

Chapter 4 My Name Is Luffy

Chapter 4 My Name Is Luffy
The navy on the splint thought it was just a test, and if any danger occurred, Colonel William would definitely take action.Because if the warship is destroyed, not only them, Colonel William himself will be in big trouble, especially this warship is still on mission.

But they didn't know that even if the warship arrived at Chambord Island unscathed, their mission would be impossible.After all, the escort had already been eaten by William. Although there was only a small bite, the fruit had lost its original value.

"The ammunition keeps up!" The navy methodically attacked the sea kings in front of them.These navies all hope to make meritorious service. If they perform well, and if they can get the personal guidance of Colonel William, their own strength will definitely be improved, and promotion or anything will not be a problem.

"Shoot!" Cannonballs shot out from the artillery and exploded on the opposite Sea King.Although one or two cannonballs do little damage to Neptunes, such a number of cannonballs is another matter, and even the smallest damage will be magnified.

But what about Colonel William himself?He had already hid and was about to run away, because all this happened so fast that he was not ready for anything.Although it is a very dangerous thing to escape under the eyes of Neptunes, this is a rare escape, and William doesn't want to miss it.

William sneaked into the place where the lifeboat was stored, cut the ropes that tied the lifeboat with a knife, and prepared to abscond.Since the entire navy is concentrated on the bows of the warships to fight the sea kings, there is not even a single soldier here, and absolutely no one would think that a captain of the navy would be a deserter.

Boom!The entire warship shook again, and William's body fell into a lifeboat in embarrassment because he couldn't stand still.

"It hurts~!" But William hadn't finished talking about the word "pain" when he found that the bottom of the warship was leaking. Obviously, the sea kings were irritated by the shelling of the warship and pierced the bottom of the warship.

If this continues, William feels that even if he gets on the lifeboat, he will soon be swallowed by huge waves.However, the sailors on the warship were even worse. Many sailors were injured or fell into the sea due to the previous violent shaking. All the soldiers were calling for help to their Colonel William, but at this time William was also a mud bodhisattva. The river itself is hard to protect.

But there was no time for William to consider the choice. Huge cracks had appeared on the side of the naval warship that had been violently hit by the Sea Kings again. William could even see the badly injured Sea Kings from the inside through the cracks.

Now it will be a matter of time before this warship sinks into the sea, but as long as the sea kings in front of them strike again, there is almost no escape for everyone.

"Not good!" William found that the sea kings were desperately trying to hit them again. Although the sea kings were more seriously injured after colliding with their injured bodies, everyone on the warship would die in the sea.

Regardless of whether the sea king can overturn the naval warship in the end, the waves caused will inevitably overturn the lifeboat.

"There is no unparalleled road!" William's eyes fell on an empty wooden box, and he was not allowed to think too much, he had no other choice.

William jumped into the wooden box with a pale face, but was stuck by the two knives pinned to his waist, unable to close the lid of the wooden box at all.

"Fire!" The soldiers on the warship were not stupid, they knew that the Sea Kings were going to die with them.

"Colonel William!" Many soldiers called for help in a panic.But no matter how they called, their powerful boss never showed up.

Now that everyone is injured and the warship is damaged, why hasn't Colonel William appeared yet?But they didn't know that William would never appear, and they didn't have the strength to fight Neptunes.

However, William had long been paled by the desperate actions of the sea kings. He jumped into the wooden box in a panic, only to find that the two knives pinned to his waist were stuck outside, preventing the wooden box from closing.

Under the continuous bombardment of the navy, the Neptune, which had only one breath left, also lost its vitality, but the huge body showed no intention of stopping.

Boom!Due to the effect of inertia, the bodies of the sea kings who lost their vitality hit the warship heavily. Although the impact force and weakened a lot, the navy warship was not divided into two, but the warship was knocked over.The huge inertia made most of the navy soldiers do a trapeze at the last moment of their lives.

Click!The overturned naval vessel toppled over and broke through the cracks, splitting in two and slowly sinking to the bottom of the sea.

700 Years of the Sea Calendar:
The world government was established, and the 20 kings who established the world government moved to the holy land of Mary Joa on the red earth continent as world nobles (actually only 19 went there), and their descendants regarded themselves as "descendants of the creator" and called themselves " Tianlongren".

At the same time, the world government also erased all historical records in the 100 years before its establishment for some reasons. This period of history was called "the blank 100 years" by later generations.But this period of history was eventually left inscribed on indestructible materials, which historians call "historical texts".

1496 Years of the Sea Calendar:
After Gol D. Roger was told that he was suffering from an incurable disease, Gol D. Roger decided to lead his gang of pirates to conquer the great route, and went to the island of the end to find the legendary Big secret treasure one piece.

1499 Years of the Sea Calendar:
After Gol D. Roger's three-year adventure on the great route, the Roger Pirates finally succeeded in conquering the great route and arrived at the island of the end-Lavrud.

He became the first person to arrive in Loverud since the establishment of the World Government, but at the same time that Gol D. Roger won the title of "One Piece", he disbanded his own pirate group this year.

1500 Years of the Sea Calendar:
One Piece Gol D. Roger suddenly surrendered to the World Government.In order to warn pirates and criminals all over the world, the world government decided to publicly execute One Piece in Rogue Town, the birthplace of One Piece King Gol D. Roger.

"Do you want my treasure? If you want it, I can give it to you. Go to the great route to find it! I put everything there." This is the pinnacle figure who once possessed all the wealth, fame and power in the world, One Piece Gore D. Roger's last words before he died.

At the same time, it is also because of the words of Gol D. Roger that all adventurous people set sail and head to the sea, and the whole world has thus entered the "Era of Great Pirates".

1520 Years of the Sea Calendar:
After Gore D. Roger was executed for 19 years, Roger left the only bloodline, 17-year-old Portgas D. Ace, on his own pirate ship (actually, it was just a small boat with the pirate flag on it) Start your own pirate adventure.

"Luffy, I will wait for you on the great route!" Portgas D. Ace proudly said to his brother Luffy when he set sail.

"Ace, goodbye!" Standing on the shore, Luffy waved his hands to bid farewell to his righteous brother Ace. He believed that the two brothers would meet somewhere on the great route soon.

1522 Years of the Sea Calendar:
Two years after Portgas D. Ace went to sea, the 17-year-old Monkey D. Luffy also went to sea on his own pirate ship (or a small boat with a pirate flag).

"Ace, I'm here to find you, hee hee!" The rookie pirate Monkey D. Luffy, who can't swim or navigate, just "drives" his own pirate ship to go out to sea for adventure. .

"Huh? What is that? Could it be a treasure?" Luffy, who had just been out to sea for a long time, suddenly found a wooden box floating in the sea, and immediately became excited.

"Rubber, the rubber stretches!" Luffy's arm suddenly stretched out and grabbed the wooden box and dragged it over. In Luffy's eyes, salvaging floating objects at sea is also an adventure, thinking that this is what pirates must do.In fact, except for pirates, almost everyone who sails at sea has this habit of salvaging drifting objects.

"I don't know if there will be meat in it?" Luffy said excitedly as he carried the box onto the boat.When a normal pirate sees a box floating in the sea, the first thought is treasure, but for Luffy, treasure is not that important, as long as there is meat and adventure is enough.

"So it's not meat?" Luffy opened the box and found that there was no meat in it, with a disgusted and disappointed expression on his face.But normal people wouldn't put meat in treasure chests, would they?
"Who?" A weak voice came from the box, and there was actually a sallow and emaciated man curled up inside, and it was unknown how long the man hadn't eaten before he became so hungry.

"Me? My name is Luffy, a pirate!" Hearing the weak question from the man in the box, Luffy answered with a smile and asked, "Who are you? Why do you live in the box?"

However, the man in the box apparently didn't hear clearly and passed out. Judging by his sallow and emaciated appearance, he hadn't eaten for a long time.
Pirate knowledge: Luffy's last name is Monkey, which happens to be the same as "monkey" in English.
(End of this chapter)

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