One Piece Demon Dragon

Chapter 40 Whale

Chapter 40 Whale
"Ask me here and there? You have trespassed on my private place." Cola Cass said angrily, "Do you bastards think this is the stomach of a mouse?"

"We~ were eaten by a whale!" Usopp said in a panic.

"I don't want to be digested!" Kerra said.As the deputy murloc karate master of the Revolutionary Army, she still has her own mission, and she doesn't want to just explain it here.

"Since the old man can come in, there must be an exit!" William hurriedly stopped him.Cola Cass was the former ship doctor of One Piece, and they are now in the belly of the pirate island whale. If they offend Cola Cass here, they will really be digested.

"The exit is here!" Cola Cass suddenly pointed to a huge iron door and said.

"Can you go out? Why is there a door in the whale?" Everyone looked in the direction pointed by Cole Cass, and suddenly felt that their brains couldn't keep up.Although there are rumors that all kinds of strange things can happen on the great route, but they have just entered the great route, and they can't keep up with the rhythm before sailing.

"This whale is very similar to William!" sisters Mary and Anne said suddenly.

"Where does it look like?" William scolded angrily.

The castle space in his body is the decoration of a luxurious castle, which is incomparable to the simple drawing in the whale's belly. What does it mean for the twin sisters to compare the island whale's belly with the castle in his body?Do you want to say that the belly of the island whale is "luxury"?Or do you want to say that the castle in his body is very simple?
"What's going on?" All of a sudden, the gastric juice shook violently. If one was not careful, it would not be falling into the gastric juice, but the whole ship would capsize and sink.

"It's started!" Cola Cass said very sadly.

"Hello? What started? Hurry up and explain clearly!" Sauron shouted very rudely.

"This whale is starting to headbutt the red land!" Korakas said.

"What?" Everyone was shocked.They didn't expect that this huge island whale would hit the red earth continent with its head. Why?

"Speaking of which, this whale does have a lot of scars on its head!" Nami said what she had noticed before that the island whale had scars on its head.

"The shaking is so violent that we can't reach the exit!" William said.Although he can accommodate everyone into the castle inside his body, and then escape to the exit with moon steps.But what about the Golden Merry?If there is no ship, how are they going to venture on the Great Line?
"If we don't hurry up, we'll be digested!" Sanji yelled.Unexpectedly, even as a chef, he would have a day when someone would eat him and prepare him for digestion.

"The uncle jumped into the gastric juice!" shouted Usopp who found that Colakas suddenly jumped into the gastric juice.

"Does he want to commit suicide?" Nuo Qigao asked.

"It's out of control, we have to get out of here before this whale gets even crazier!" William knew that Cole Cass would be fine, they just needed to take care of themselves.

"I can only paddle through!" Alrita and Sauron grabbed the oars and started to paddle towards the exit.

"It seems that two strange people fell in?" Sister Flower pointed to the two people who jumped into the gastric juice from the exit.

"I don't have time to worry about this!" William had already guessed who the intruder was, but he couldn't care less now.Although one of them is also very important, William believes that they will climb into the boat by themselves.

Sure enough, after the gastric juices calmed down, the two mysterious people climbed onto the Golden Merry by themselves. One of them was dressed up as a king and the other was dressed up as a princess, but they just curled up aside, as if they didn't intend to say anything.

"The whale seems to have calmed down?" After a while, the originally turbulent gastric juice also returned to calm, and everyone was relieved at this time.

"Who are you?" Facing the mysterious man who suddenly broke into the whale's belly and climbed onto the Golden Merry, the Straw Hats naturally couldn't ignore it.

"During my lifetime, you don't want to move Rab a finger!" Korakas suddenly shouted standing at the exit.But the Straw Hats who didn't know why were all stunned, wondering what Coke Kass meant!
"Who is that uncle?" Luffy, who was knocked unconscious by William, finally woke up, and his eyes were directly attracted by the strange clothes of Cola Cass.

"But we are already in the whale's stomach." The two mysterious men actually took out the bazooka behind their backs while the straw hats were stunned and said, "Even if we make a hole in this stomach, it's not a problem."

boom!Two rocket launchers were fired from the bazooka in the hands of the two mysterious men, but they did not hit the stomach wall of the whale, but were blocked by Korakas with his body.

"That old man actually blocked the shell with his body!" The Straw Hats were shocked to see Cola Cass who hit the rocket launcher. They didn't expect that the old man would use his body to block the rocket launcher in order to kill the whale. It's not good, but it will become cannon fodder.

"Moon step!" Before Cola Cass fell into the gastric juice, William used the moon step to move over and rescue Cola Cass back to the shore.Although he knew that Cola Cass would not be digested by gastric juice so easily, but he didn't mind letting him owe him a favor.

"I couldn't help but beat them up!" Luffy said angrily.Although he didn't know what happened, he definitely wanted to knock these two unknown strangers unconscious.

"It's come out, it's the real blue sky and white clouds!" After getting out of the whale, Luffy shouted: "Sure enough, it's exactly the same body as William!"

"It's the same there?" William punched him, but it didn't knock Luffy unconscious.William thought very unhappily: Does the castle in his body look like a whale's stomach?
"What about these two guys?" Nuo Qigao asked Cole Cass, pointing to the two mysterious people who had woken up.After all, their goal is this whale, and it has nothing to do with them. It is most suitable to hand it over to Coke Cass.

"Just find a place to throw it away!" Cole Cass didn't mean to execute the two mysterious people, but he didn't want to keep them either.

"What is this, did they drop it?" Luffy picked up a bracelet and said to himself.On the top of the bracelet is a spherical compass. If it is William or Kerla, they will definitely recognize this thing as a recording compass used to determine the route on the great route.

"Aren't you afraid that they will miss this whale?" Nami asked.

"If you kill them, there will be other helplessness!" Colekas had already looked away, and these two mysterious people were not the only ones who were thinking about the whale.

"This whale is an island whale, and it only lives in the West Sea. It is the largest whale species in the world, and its name is Rab!" After returning to the Twin Gorges, Korakas began to tell the story of this whale with the Straw Hats. , said: "It keeps bumping its head against the red earth continent, thinking that there is a reason for the roar of Mount Livas. That happened a long, long time ago."

"One day 50 years ago, I kept guarding the lighthouse as always. A group of pirates who were as friendly as you came down from Mount Livas. Behind that pirate ship was a little whale. That little whale It was Rab when he was a child. Originally, the island whale was a social animal, but for Rab, those pirates were Rab's partners."

"At that time, their ship had a problem and needed to be repaired, so they stayed in the Twin Gorges for a few months, so I became good friends with them. However, the day before they set off on the great voyage, their captain told me : Can you help me take care of it for two or three years? We will definitely come back here after traveling around the world for a week!"

"Raab also understands that the next journey is extremely dangerous, and he can't continue sailing with his companions, so he waited here with me. That's why it roared up to the sky and hit the red earth continent with its head. Because it Always believe that its partner is still alive..."

When Colekas and the Straw Hats finished talking about Rab, the two mysterious people actually returned to the Twin Gorges and appeared in front of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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