One Piece Demon Dragon

Chapter 47 The Birth of Longquan

Chapter 47 The Birth of Longquan
"No, my sword-making skills can't compare with Grandpa's. If this continues, the knife here will be useless." Halfway through the sword-casting process, Lin suddenly said decadently.This last process determines the quality of the knives here, if it fails, the highest grade of knives here will definitely not exceed the good and fast knives, basically it is no different from being scrapped.

"Aren't you going to give up at the last moment?" Seeing the decadent Lin, William could only choose to encourage him and said, "Haven't your Ouzhi family always been famous swordsmiths?"

"That's already in the past tense!" Lin said very decadently: "Since my grandfather, the Ouzhi family has never forged a big sharp knife, let alone a supreme sharp knife!"

"So what?" William said, pointing to the knife on the stove, "Did you hear that? The knife is crying!"

"What?" Lin looked at William with incredible eyes.Although she had seen such records from the notes left by her ancestors, she didn't think it was true at all. Even now that William said that she could hear the knife crying, she didn't think it was true.

"Can't you hear? I said this knife is crying! It wants to come to this world, but you are the only one who can do this kind of thing now." William didn't say this to encourage Lin, He did hear an unknown voice, but he couldn't confirm what it was.On a whim, he deliberately said that the knife was crying, but William didn't know that what he said was the truth.

"This is also the only way to save your grandfather!" At this time, Baozi also encouraged him: "Only he can help you, and only you can help him!"

"I understand! But it's definitely not going to work like this. There's not enough flame to forge the sword." Lin cheered up and said, "If this goes on like this, the quality of this knife will decline! It may even be abolished!"

"Then use all the things that can be burned!" Baozai immediately gave advice, and he could only give this kind of advice.When there is not enough carbon to use, you can only choose to use other things that can burn to heat the stove.

"Don't be so troublesome, just leave it to me!" William turned into an orc. Fortunately, the roof of Ouzhi's blacksmith shop was high enough, otherwise he would really be pierced by his head.

"Are you a devil fruit capable user?" Lin saw the orc-shaped William and immediately took a step back in fright. Although she lived on the great route, she had never stepped out of the island of weapons, and she had never seen the real one. devil fruit ability user.Even if there are devil fruit capable users who come to the island of weapons to buy weapons, very few outsiders will find the "Ouzhi blacksmith shop", and the ability of devil fruit capable users is not for performance, so it is not surprising that Lin has not seen it with her own eyes. .

"Being dazed, we don't have much time left." Baozi shouted.If they want to rescue Ou Zhi IV, they must finish casting the knife before noon tomorrow, otherwise they can only choose to save people with bare hands.

"Just keep the fire going!" Lin said to William who was breathing fire.At this time, the temperature of the flame sprayed by William is very suitable for casting swords.

"Lin, what's wrong with you?" But when the sword casting process lasted until midnight, Lin's body suddenly softened and almost fell down.If it weren't for Baozi, who was afraid of fire, to find out in time, Lin might really fall into the stove.

"Is it because of exhaustion?" Since William had to breathe fire continuously, he could only ask in ventriloquist.In fact, the continuous fire-breathing also has a great impact on his physical strength, but this kind of wear and tear is also constantly tempering William's body and strengthening his ability.Originally, women's physical strength is not as good as that of men, but for a swordsmith like Lin, her physical strength has already surpassed most men.It's just a few hours of continuous sword casting next to the high-temperature stove, and the consumption of physical strength is not 01:30.

"I'm fine!" Lin stood up reluctantly and said, "I can't stop at this time, someone must be responsible for beating the blade!"

Clang!Clang!Lin waved the hammer in her hand and started to forge again and again.Since Baozi's body is a furry bear, if he is too close to the stove, it will easily catch fire. He can't wrap his whole body with armed domineering arrogance to help forge the blade.At least William learned one thing from Lin, that is, the forging process of beating the blade can be temporarily handed over to other people for help, as long as she is there to give pointers.

"As long as someone helps, it's all right?" William immediately said to everyone stationed in the castle: "Come out and help too!"

"Where did they come from?" Looking at the women who suddenly appeared, Lin was really frightened.But knowing that the people in front of her were not enemies, Lin didn't ask them about their origins, and directly began to instruct them to help forge the blade.

"Although they are all women, they are quite strong!" William said in ventriloquism while breathing fire.To be honest, none of these women is a fuel-efficient lamp, otherwise William would not have chosen him as a member of his direct army.

"Aren't I a woman?" Lin pursed her lips and said unhappily.But she also knew in her heart that William didn't mean to discriminate against women, at least he didn't have the guts to offend them in front of so many women.

"Then let me help too!" Seeing so many beauties appearing, Baozi immediately showed his hospitality, but he forgot to do a good job of fire prevention: "Oops, it's on fire!"

"Don't cause trouble here!" Alrita threw an iron rod, just extinguishing the flames on Baozi's body.Fortunately, Baozi is a plush bear, otherwise it would not be a joke to be attacked by such an iron rod as Alrita.

The sky is getting brighter, and the coastline has revealed a gleam of brightness, and then renders the end of the sea and sky.The residents of the small town also began to appear on the street or open their doors to do business one after another. However, today's "Ouzhi Blacksmith Shop" was closed and temporarily closed.

In the "Ouzhi blacksmith shop", a furnace that had been shut down for an unknown number of years was on fire again for forging.

"Leave the rest to me!" Near the end of the sword casting, Lin also recovered her strength, and this was a crucial step, which absolutely cannot be done by someone else.Whether this knife will become the supreme fast knife or the second-level big fast knife depends entirely on this last step.

"Let us see your forging technology!" Everyone looked at Lin with anticipation, which made Lin, who was shouldering a heavy responsibility, feel a little nervous.This was originally the unforged supreme sword of his grandfather Ouzhi IV, and it may also become the fourth supreme sword forged by Ouzhi's family.If because of her mistakes, the grade of this knife is lowered by one level, Lin will not only ruin her grandfather's hard work, but also become a sinner of Ou Zhi's family.

"It's finished, it's a supremely fast knife!" Looking at the perfect blade in her hand, Lin finally said with a sigh of relief.Afterwards, he installed the guard and handle, etc., and a truly supreme sword was born.

"Let me cut them all with this knife!" After receiving the knife, William couldn't help admiring: "It is indeed the supreme sharp knife!"

"Wait, I haven't given this knife a name yet! A knife without a name can't be called a famous knife." Lin immediately stopped William who was about to leave and said, "Only when you give this knife a name can it be considered a real knife." The supreme sharp knife!"

"Let's call it 'Devil King'!" The injured Baozi immediately jumped up and suggested.

Wouldn't it be better to be called 'Invincible'? "Kerla stuck out her tongue cutely when she put forward her suggestion.

"The name already exists!" Lin said the name her grandfather gave this knife: "The name of this knife is 'Longquan'!"

"Longquan? It's a good name, I like it!" William said excitedly to everyone. "You guys rest in the castle first, I'll try the knife!"

"Then we will be waiting in the castle! After a busy night, we are exhausted!" After a whole night of busy work, the girls were also very tired.

"Wait, I'm going too!" Lin said with a strange hammer on her back.

"What kind of weapon is this?" William asked curiously.It was also the first time he saw a hammer with a trigger. Obviously, this was not an ordinary hammer, but a special weapon.

"This is the hammer forging weapons that our Ouzhi family has used for generations!" Lin said proudly, "If we don't have a certain fighting power, how can we protect the sword we forged!"

"That's right! Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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