One Piece Demon Dragon

Chapter 85 Login to Long Island

Chapter 85 Login to Long Island
"Hey, Robin, haven't you seen any islands?" Usopp asked Nicole Robin, who was the lookout.

"I've seen the island a long time ago!" Facing Usopp's question, Nicole Robin replied lightly, as if she didn't have much interest in the island she discovered.Her idea is very simple, as long as there is no danger, there is no need to remind, and as long as she sails according to the instructions of the recorded compass, she will be able to land soon.

Hearing that Nicole Robin said that he had discovered the island a long time ago but kept silent, Luffy and Usopp both complained and accused: "Why didn't you say it earlier! You should be excited to say that you discovered the island." !"

For Luffy and the others, discovering a new island is an adventure, and it takes immediate and loud excitement to feel it. In their eyes, this is the only way a pirate should live.

After the Golden Meili docked, Luffy was the first to disembark and land on the island, and shouted excitedly to the endless prairie: "So it's the prairie! What a good place!"

This is the "Long Island" of the Great Route, and all the species on the island are surprisingly long.And this "Long Island" is not a single island, but a ring-shaped island divided into ten islands by rising sea water.Only when the tide is low, "Long Island" will reveal its true colors.

"There is nothing here!" After logging in, William found that there were only a few sparse trees except for the endless prairie.However, for the Castle Legion who have lived in the castle space for a long time, the environment here is still very good. After they came out, they all said excitedly: "Finally landed!"

"Hey, is this a human?" Chopper shouted in surprise at a strange-looking humanoid creature passing by in front of him.

"Idiot, how can a human have such long hair! That's obviously a bear!" Luffy and Usopp said with contempt.Although Chopper's hair was a little long when he transformed into a human form, but Chopper himself is a reindeer that ate the human fruit, which is naturally different from normal humans.

"This bear's body is so long!" Kerla also noticed the upright bear that Chopper mentioned. If she didn't look carefully, she thought it was a human wearing a sweater!The body of this bear is really ridiculously long. This long and thin body really looks like a human figure.

Alrita looked at the appearance of the surrounding animals and plants, and found that the animals and plants here all have the same characteristics, and then concluded: "Look carefully, the plants here are also long!"

"Look, this apple is so long! It's really delicious!" Foodie Luffy picked a few long apples from the tree and ate them, and he kept praising the taste.The fruit trees here are all tall, and all the fruits on the trees are long.

"Don't eat indiscriminately!" When he found that Luffy was eating food of unknown origin again, Chopper, the ship's doctor, hurriedly stopped Luffy from continuing to eat.If Lu Fei accidentally ate any poisonous food, it would be a big trouble.

The island didn't look dangerous, and there was nothing worth exploring.Apart from the fact that the animals and plants growing here are particularly long, they really don't think there is anything special about this island.But since the recording compass brought them here, they can only leave after the recording compass has refilled the magnetic field, otherwise they don't know the route to the next island.

"Everything here is so long!" Baozi riding on Lasu curiously surveyed the surrounding environment, and found that the length of all the animals and plants here is beyond common sense.

"What kind of strange island is this?" Sanji asked puzzled looking at everything here.Trees are long, fruits are long, and animals are long.They really don't know what else here is not long. Is it possible that after living here for a long time, it will become like this?
"Look, there seems to be a residential house over there. I don't know if there are people there!" Usopp pointed to a building similar to a yurt in the distance, and it was the only place that seemed to be inhabited.

Following the direction of Usopp's finger, everyone found the house that looked like a yurt. Luffy asked expectantly, "Will there be a ship repairer there?"

"Let's go and have a look!" William always had a feeling of uneasiness in his heart after making suggestions. After thinking about it, William still felt that he should recall all the members of the Castle Legion, and said to them: "Wait a minute, you guys Let's go back to the castle first!"

"Is this a giraffe?" Zoro asked curiously, pointing to a white horse with a long neck.But Chopper, who can communicate with animals, explained after asking: "It's not a giraffe, it says it's a long white horse! And it's a female!"

"He has a saddle on his back. There should be people living here?" William said, pointing to the saddle on the back of the long white horse.But his heart became more and more uneasy, as if some danger was about to happen.Since the awakening of the fruit ability, he has become more sensitive to the dangerous aura.

Luffy found a bamboo that was too tall to see the top in the clearing, and shouted excitedly: "Usopp, there's a bamboo growing there!"

"This bamboo is really tall! Wow~ did the bamboo move?" Usopp followed Luffy curiously to see what happened, but the bamboo actually moved and hit Luffy directly in the front.Luffy, who was attacked, broke the bamboo with one foot and shouted: "This must be an animal that looks like bamboo!"

Although the bamboo was broken by Lu Fei, an old man also fell from the sky at the same time.After some questioning, everyone knew that the old man was originally a resident of this island, because his partner (that is, the white horse) was injured. While taking care of it, the sea of ​​Long Island rose again, and the ring-shaped The island was divided into ten again, and the rest of the villagers were already on their way to the next island.

Since the distance between the ten islands is not short, and the magnetic field between the ten islands is the same, the recording compass cannot be used in this case.All the old men can only catch up with other villagers after a low tide.

The old man found that although the Straw Hats claimed to be pirates, he found that the Straw Hats were very good-natured and enthusiastic, so he decided to treat them well.

After all, here now, he is a loner. Could it be that he meets someone who talks to him.But when he was about to enter the house, he didn't know what he hit and suddenly fell down.

"What's going on? Is this a human?" Finding that the old man had bumped into something, the Straw Hats found a tall man standing at the door and fell asleep.

Seeing this man who suddenly appeared out of nowhere, everyone became nervous. They chatted with the old man here for so long, but they didn't find that there was another person here, and everyone didn't know when he appeared.

Seeing that there was only a sleeping man standing there, Chopper breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I thought it was a pillar!"

"Who are you?" The mysterious man woke up and asked, taking off his blindfold. People who didn't know thought he was the owner of this room.

Faced with the mysterious man's question, everyone asked back in displeasure, "We should be asking you this question, right?"

"William, Robin, what's the matter with you?" Usopp, who found that William and Nicole Robin's faces were wrong, and there was fear in their eyes, asked curiously.This was the first time he saw this kind of expression from these two people, and Usopp also had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Oh, you've grown into a big girl! Nicole Robin!" After the mysterious tall man glanced at Nicole? Casually said, "There is also Dorag D. William!"

Full of doubts, everyone felt that the matter was not so simple, and they still maintained their vigilance against the mysterious man, and asked William and Nicole Robin at the same time: "Do you know this guy?"

"I used to know each other!" Before William and the others could answer, the mysterious man spoke first.He just said that they knew each other before, but he didn't say how they met. Is it an enemy or a friend?

And because when William saw the appearance of this man, some memory fragments reappeared in his mind, and he soon knew his identity.It was precisely because of this that William had a sense of fear for the person in front of him, and this fear almost made William unable to suppress the demonic nature in his body.

(End of this chapter)

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