One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 14: Clockwork Island

Ben had told Avlida about the quest the system gave him. She immediately wanted  to start on the 1st condition. Ben chuckled and declined for the moment. They needed to keep on track and head to Syrup village as soon as possible. 

As Ben was watching in the ship's deck, he was the floating island. 

Clockwork Island was known for its advanced technology and its unique architecture. The island is said to be home to a powerful engine that keeps the island afloat. The island is shaped like a gear, and it is covered in cogs and gears.

Ben read One Piece before, so he knew who will be facing. He thought logia types will be tricky to deal without haki. However, they need to know how to use it.

As he was approaching the Island, he saw a few rocks and a  boy drowning or rather pretending to drown. Ben smiled and said “You can stop pretending Akisu and Borodo.” 

The boy stopped struggling and said, “They know us, attack Borodo, they look like they have alot of loot.”

A ship appears from the rocks. A man jumps on the Miss Love Duck, at the same time the boy boards as well. “We are the Thief Brothers and hand your loot,” they say together while posing. 

Alvida did not look impressed and charged in. She used her  Sube Sube no Mi to create a slip on slide which made Akisu fall down. Then she swung her Kanabo and hit Borodo directly on the face, knocking him out. 

“You don't have to bother with them my love,” Alvida said. 

Ben sighed, they could have been useful against our fights here in the future but oh well, he thought. 

“Good job,” Ben walked to Alvida and gave her a light peck. She blushed back. 

Another change, although this movie was not considered canon. 

Akisu was still slipping and struggling to get up. Alvida walked to the boy and tied him. She then tied Borodo up. 

We sailed toward their ship. It looked like a large raft. There were some boxes on the ship stacked up.

Ben and Alvida then noticed a  dozen ships appear from their right. 

“It's going to get crazy,” Ben said. Alvida picked up her weapon and rested the handlebar on her shoulder.   That is a big weapon, he thought. 

From the top of the ship, he could see a blonde woman bathing naked. 

“She is sexy,” Ben said.

“So she will join. Good choice, she is beautiful, my love” Alvida replied. 

“Who do we have here?” said the blonde woman.  

“Join our crew, blonde women,” Alvida shouted.

“The name is Honey Queen and I am already part of a crew but you are beautiful. My brother Bear King will like you as his bride.” Honey Queen said. 

“Is that so?” Ben asked. Honey Queen stared at the man. He looks interesting, she thought.

A white spikey cannon ball then appeared from behind Honey Queen and said, “Who will be the pirate king?”

Ben shouted back, “Me of course!”

The white spiked ball laughed and said, “You fool think you can become pirate king. Only Bear King will be the Pirate King and he will take your women and marry her. There is nothing a weakling like you can do.”

Ben felt a vein pop in his head. 

“Calm down Ben,” he muttered to himself. 

“Get them and bring the woman alive,” Honey Queen ordered. 

From the dozen of ships, pirates started jumping, shouting and swinging towards Miss Love Duck. At the same time the white spike ball started turned into a cannon ball and was heading towards us.

“Alvida, protect the ship and take care of the spike ball, ill take care of the fodder and get our third crewmate,” Ben ordered.

“Sure, my love,” replied Alvida.

Ben transformed into his hybrid form. His black wings and tail were all to see. This was the first time Alvida had seen his hybrid. She was wet.  He didn't need to use it against a  dozen soldiers. However, given their numbers could be around 600 (a ship can look like it had 50 pirates) and he wanted to get through them quickly.

The ships had sailed closer. Ben then jumped and attacked and punched a few pirates mid-air swinging towards the Miss Love Duck. He landed on the pirate ship. The pirate all had a suit on their clothes. Some had diamonds, some had hearts or spades. 

Ben in his hybrid form started to kick and punch the pirates. They all went down in a single hit. He saw the pirate focusing on him instead of going after Alvida and the Miss Love Duck. That made things easier for him as they were coming to him. 

He fired his Demon Beam at the ship. As soon as the beam hit the ship. There was an immediate explosion . The pirates were knocked back and the ship was missing a big portion of its upper haul. This move is pretty strong, Ben thought. 

A pirate tried to hit however, he could vaguely feel him coming towards him and used his tail to knock him off the ship. 

Ben then powered his Demon Beam to the maximum power. He jumps and gets an angle.  He aims lower in the ship and fires. The beam hits 10 ships. Some are taking water and sinking. Others are heavily damaged. The pirates on the ship are badly injured or thrown into the sea, The beam had ignited some of the cannon powder in the ship, instantly destroying a few. The men on the pirate ship he was standing were shocked to see this level of destruction. They dropped their swords and jumped into the water. There was one ship which was un-damaged and that had Honey Queen on board.

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