One Piece: Holy Cult

Chapter 118 The Secret of the Pirates

Chapter 118 The Secret of the Pirates
Everything in the world is often cherished only when it is lost. Willie feels deeply about this sentence at the moment.

He never knew that his soul was filled, and the feeling of being a complete male murloc would be so beautiful, as if his life had been redeemed.

This kind of comfort made him almost unable to keep his loyalty, and he was about to bow his head and surrender to Uriel.

But he finally resisted.

Uriel patted him on the shoulder, expressing his admiration for Willy with eyes that "didn't think there were such warriors in the world".

Then... "Ah!"

Amid Willy's unbelievable screams, Yixiao's stick knife cut the bird again, and the freshly baked murloc chicken flew away again.

Blood and tears flowed from Wei Li's eyes, he never expected that the same punishment would be more heart-wrenching than the first time.It's like being torn open a new wound on a wound that has finally scabbed, the pain is more than twice as painful.

Uriel didn't stop in his hands, showing amazing magic skills and equally amazing sword skills.

Poor Willy's male pole was dropped by Uriel with a knife, regenerated, cut again, regenerated, cut again, regenerated, cut again, and the cycle continued, wreaking havoc on Willy's increasingly fragile defenses. door.

Some people say that the more the pain, the more numb it will be.Willie just wanted to slap the person who said this sentence with his palm as big as a cattail leaf fan. He is so numb, the newborn bird will only become more and more sensitive, and the pain of the broken bird will only become more and more collapsed.

Finally, after Uriel went crazy and cut off 55 fish intestines, Willie's will completely collapsed, surrendered with his guns, and it was like a dam flooding. He knew everything about Uriel and talked endlessly. All the old things about him were revealed at once.

"Hmm... According to you, your Black Sun Pirates were originally the Sun Pirates led by the murloc hero Fisher Tiger a few years ago?"

What Willy revealed surprised Uriel.

"Yes", after being completely broken by Uriel, Willie collapsed to numbness, telling the history of the Black Sun Pirates.

"Including the captain and me, the original members of the Black Sun Pirates were all slaves hunted by humans and sold to the Celestial Dragons. Ge Boss established the Sun Pirates together."

Willie looked confused, lost in memory, and narrated the past.

"It's a pity that Boss Tiger soon died under the filthy informants of human beings." He continued with resentment on his face, "After that, the Sun Pirates fell into division."

"Some of the crew agreed with Boss Tiger's idea that 'peaceful coexistence with humans is the real way out for murlocs', such as the current Shichibukai Jinpei, they either return to Murloc Island, or start a new business. The anger is even worse, thinking that the most drastic means should be used to retaliate and destroy human beings, these crew members formed several other pirate groups, and our Black Sun Pirates are one of the several pirate groups that uphold this philosophy."

"At that time, in the Sun Pirates, besides the boss Tiger, there were also several powerful murlocs. Among them, Fisher Kuger, who was able to rank in the top three, led us to form the Black Sun Pirates and became our leader. captain."

"So that's it!" Uriel rubbed his chin, and finally had an understanding of his new enemy.

But he was more concerned with another matter.

"I heard from the sea dragon warriors on the island that your Black Sun Pirates have a way to escape from this sea area. Is this true or false?" he asked Willy.

"It's true," Willie said.

"Actually, we didn't enter this sea area by accident, as we claimed to the outside world, but Boss Kuge accidentally obtained a box of historical texts. After interpretation, it recorded the chart of this sea area, and the correct entry and exit. The method of this sea area, and more importantly, the text records the great secret treasure of the God of the Ocean hidden in this sea area."

"We are here for this great secret treasure, which will allow us to have the great power to subvert the entire world and wipe out all human beings."

Having said that, Willy's fish eyes began to burn with a strong fire of ambition again, which was extinguished by Uriel's slap.

"Bah! There are bad guys clamoring that they have the power to destroy the world all day long. I have never seen any successful ones. You boasted so much about that big secret treasure. Did you get it? If you got it, I Why didn't I see you wipe out all these Hailong people?"

Uriel pours cold water on Willie's ambitions.

"Hmph! Of course we found the big secret treasure, and we also discovered the great power that can tame the sea king beast from the big secret treasure. In time, wait for our pirate group to obtain enough and powerful sea king beasts. Once activated, we will Become the king of the whole sea!"

Like a ghost soldier who was dazzled by the police during World War II, Willy raised his voice like shouting a slogan.

"My lord!" Uriel stretched out his hand and slapped Willy again, "Continue to answer my question. Since you can even control the sea king beast, why haven't you taken down these sea dragons on the island?"

Being slapped with staring eyes, Willie couldn't help shrunk and said, "The reason why these sea dragons are kept and not wiped out is because we want to use them as slaves. According to the secret treasure In the process of domesticating Sea King Beast, a very special food is needed——Hermi.”

"Hyme needs to be grown in a certain environment on the seabed, and planting requires a lot of manpower, so we keep attacking the islands of the Sea Dragon people in order to make them give in completely, become our slaves, and grow sea rice for us."

"The environment in this sea area is also the best environment for sea rice to grow."

Hearing this, Uriel smiled, and Naqi, the sea dragon girl who came to deliver food, and Naxi, who hated her cowardice and returned, all opened their mouths wide open. Such a big secret.

"By the way!" Uriel slapped his forehead. "I just remembered that there is one more important question you haven't answered. How can I get out of this weird sea?"

Like a mechanical search engine, Willy answered Uriel's question, "According to the records in the Great Secret Treasure, the reason why this sea area is full of illusions is because it is shrouded by the power of the sea god, so I want to escape. The only passage here exists in the temple of the God of the Sea, but... now the entire temple has become the base camp of our Black Sun Pirates."

Willy explained in detail the power configuration of the Black Sun Pirates entrenched in the Temple of the God of the Sea.

"The temple is now not only our stronghold, but also our most important field for growing sea rice, so it is guarded by the pirates at all times, and it is impossible to smuggle there."

 Thanks to Zhujiu Fenghou, Forever Big Belly, Xiaoyao え Xiaoshuai, Yang Liuqi for their recommendation tickets.Update sent.It seems that everyone hates the original work that deviates from the original work, well, Lao Liang will come back as soon as possible.


(End of this chapter)

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