One Piece: Holy Cult

Chapter 34 The Angel Descends into the World

Chapter 34 The Angel Descends into the World

The light and shadow stopped, and the lottery draw was completed.

In the end it freezes in one frame.

Holy white little angel.

Uriel's consciousness withdrew from the spiritual world, and there was a crystal clear statue of a little angel in his hand.

I lost an angel statue in the battle, and got another angel statue in the lottery. Is this considered an exchange?Uriel was speechless.

The moment the angel statue was in his hand, a lot of information about it entered Uriel's mind, making him understand the role of the angel statue thoroughly.

Miracle props, statues of holy angels.

Ability of Holy Angel Statue: First, it does not require divine power and is a miracle prop that anyone can use.There are two basic abilities, the first is to heal injuries, and the second is to get rid of diseases. As for the others, everyone with good thoughts outweighing evil thoughts can pray to the holy angel statue, and if they can be realized, they will help to realize them.The wishes that can be fulfilled increase with the increase of Uriel's rank.

Second, after ordinary people accept the help of the Holy Angel Statue, it can collect the user's gratitude and thanks, which can be converted into Uriel's faith points.

Third, holy angels have the ability to perceive despair, can move independently, find desperate people, and then use their own abilities to give hope.

Uriel was inexplicably shocked.

The true god-level reward is really extraordinary.

Judging from the introduction of the holy angel statue, it is a prop specially given to ordinary people.The function is simply equivalent to a weakened version of the gods that can satisfy any wish.

Those who obtain the image of a holy angel can be said to carry the wish spell with them.

For Uriel, the statue of the holy angel is equivalent to his avatar, and he can solve problems for others and gain faith points for himself without his presence on the scene.

Moreover, he also has the ability to move freely and provide help, which is sharper than Uriel's long-standing mode of waiting for customers to come to his door. He can be called the best hope salesman in the world.

All in all, with the holy angel statue, Uriel can collect faith points thousands of miles away.

Fortunately, it's great.

Then he remembered the special theocracy he had obtained when his rank was promoted, and he felt nostalgic.

The ability given to Uriel by the theocracy of nostalgia is to allow him to use Faith Points to create any miracle props he has ever owned.

In other words, after obtaining the holy angel statue at this time, he can use his faith points at any time to create more holy angel statues and send them around the world to collect faith points for himself.

He seemed to see a happy future where his faith points exploded and his rank rose sharply.

As soon as he thought of it, he immediately used the nostalgic heart of theocracy.

The brilliance flowed, and there was an identical holy angel statue in his hand.At the same time, among the remaining 5 faith points, another 1000 points were reduced.

The divine power floated and poured into the crystal-white holy angel statue, and the palm-sized holy angel statue shone with golden light all over, flying like a flame.

Under the light of the flame, the angel's face is clear, delicate and beautiful.

Kindness and compassion overflow from the eyebrows, the folds of the robe, the clasped hands as if praying, and the wings of hope, making people feel that they can be relied on, trusted, can tell everything, and have The great power that pulls people out of the darkest abyss.

The divine power stretched into a burning line between Uriel's palm and the statue of the holy angel, like a bowstring full of elasticity, a stream of light flashed, and the statue of the holy angel seemed to be ejected by the bowstring, like a shooting star, disappearing into the sky.

Without doing anything, Uriel continued to use the theocracy of nostalgia, consumed 9000 faith points in a row, and made 9 more statues of holy angels, connecting the first two, a total of 11 statues of holy angels, across the sky, like Fly all over the world.

In the Holy Fran, where Uriel had just left, and the king's capital full of open guns and secret power struggles, people are panicking at the moment.In the already poor and dark Zamao Street, under such chaos, people died in pain all the time.

In the short and airy thatched hut, the skinny young beggar looked at his mother who was in critical condition, with tears streaming down his face, his voice hoarse, helpless.

Death is like a noose, tightly wrapped around their throats.

Suddenly a light flashed, and a small, beautiful statue of an angel landed by the little beggar's hand.

He picked it up subconsciously, and the moment his palm touched the statue, a warm light illuminated his mind, allowing him to instantly understand the magical power of the statue of the holy angel.

He hesitated, tried, and made a wish to the holy angel, "Please heal my mother."

The radiance is like water, pouring on the dying woman.Her pale face returned to rosy, her intermittent breathing became even, and her complexion was visibly healthier every second than the previous second. Then, she opened her eyes.At a loss, I don't know what happened, but I clearly feel that all the pain and discomfort in my body have disappeared.

The little beggar held the statue of the holy angel in his arms and wept bitterly.

On a small island away from St. Freya Island, far away from the city of France, a woodcutter with a machete in his hand was lying down in the shade of a forest with a black look on his face. At his feet, a blue poisonous snake was burrowing into the grass , run away quickly.

The toxin invaded from the wound on his ankle, grabbed his heart, and his blood gradually became coagulated.

10 seconds countdown to death.

At this time, the light flashed, and the holy angel seemed to come to the woodcutter, was caught by him, and made a wish.

The blackness faded, the wound bleeds red, and it healed in a blink of an eye.In less than 5 seconds, his wish became a reality, and he escaped under the watchful eye of death.

In a more distant part of the world, there are nine other people who, like the two of them, met the holy angel statue, made a wish to the holy angel statue, and were saved by the holy angel statue.

A rich lady who was robbed by robbers suddenly became invisible and disappeared from the robbers under the protection of the holy angel statue.

Some travelers who were about to be buried by the avalanche escaped from the snow under the shield-like light of the holy angel statue.

A merchant ship was besieged by vicious pirates and was about to be murdered and stolen, and just before it became a dead soul under the knife, the glittering holy angel statue in one's hand was like a light, attracting a giant sea king beast from nowhere, and wiped out all the pirates After that, he left leisurely, and the entire merchant ship escaped.

Those who fell off the cliff were fully recovered from their injuries because of the statue of the holy angel.

There are those who are afflicted by the plague, because of the image of the holy angel, the plague is completely eradicated.

Someone was saved from the flames by the holy angel statue.

Some were carried to the shore by the light of the holy angel before they drowned.

Before someone committed suicide, he was protected by the warmth of the holy angel statue and cherished his life again.

Some people are wandering in the endless darkness full of poisonous insects and beasts, and holy angels seem to illuminate the escape path for him.

Each of them is a desperate person who is favored by bad luck and is about to fall into the abyss. The arrival of the holy angel statue makes them grow wings of hope and escape from the pursuit of bad luck.

Everyone, of course, is not stingy to express their gratitude to the statue of the holy angel.

Uriel, who was far away from each of them, smiled from ear to ear seeing the sudden rise in faith points.

 Acting is rare in a good word, writing a book is rare in a ticket, thank you book friend 3559****43, book friend Maomao r, book friend Dream of Joyful Song for recommending tickets.Send it at the third watch, and Lao Liang asks for a recommendation for collection.


(End of this chapter)

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