One Piece: Holy Cult

Chapter 41

Chapter 41
Campanula bar.

Uriel occupied a seat next to the window, drank a glass of snow wine and ate a piece of barbecue.

Snow wine is pure white and cold, with a unique taste.When it entered the throat, it was as cold as ice, causing the esophagus to constrict and tremble, making it almost like a cold war.

After passing through the esophagus and falling into the stomach pouch, the initial taste of coldness disappears, as if the outer ice coat melts, countless angry flames burst out for a while, and there is a feeling of being burned by flames.

At this time, I ate a piece of honey charcoal grilled water and water meat. The slightly sweet taste and the moist meat that can absorb the flames perfectly neutralized the flames that had no place to rest. The body suddenly warmed up, like soaking in a pool in the cold winter. The hot spring is a supreme enjoyment.

After returning the children to their homes, after three days of banquets and repairs to the damaged pirate ship, Uriel and the navy set out again to find out who was behind the kidnapping of the children.

After sailing for several days, when the big ship stopped at a port for supplies, Uriel disembarked and entered the port, and separated from Smoker and the navy.

The superficial reason Uriel gave was that he had to make some advance preparations for the battle ahead, so he needed to travel alone with the navy.

The real reason is that before Smoker led the navy to the destination on the chart, they first went to a naval branch on the waterway to report the incident and apply for new warships and soldiers.

At this time, it has not been a short time since Uriel was wanted. At various naval bases, his wanted notices have already been posted.

Follow Smoker to the Navy Branch, He Yi is like throwing himself into a trap.Uriel is definitely not so stupid to save people but get killed.

After buying a phone bug at the port, Uriel and Smoker agreed to use the phone bug to communicate with each other, and each headed towards the target on the chart.

Then rendezvous before approaching the destination island.

After bidding farewell to Smoker and the others, Uriel traveled to this island named Mist Front by means of a commercial passenger ship.

The Wind Lily Bar is a small bar, with three three-storey stores that are inconspicuous on the bustling, high-rise main street of the island.

Uriel loves its unique wine and meat, and has made this place his base for several days.

It is not only waiting for Smoker's contact, but also to inquire about the news of the destination island.

Undoubtedly, the charts obtained from Qia Ba Ba are not exhaustive, even rudimentary, missing crucial information.

As stated by the pirates' confessions, the target island is indeed very remote, but it is by no means unknown.

At least in Wuqian Island, many people know the existence of the island, and even named the island, Ghost Cry Island.

Ghost Cry Island, given its name, is because there are really ghost cries on the island.

Many sailors on Wuqian Island, when they went out to sea on a night when the dew was heavy and the wind was howling, they heard frightening voices like ghosts crying many times, which were sent to people's ears along the wind.

At the same time, its name has another meaning.

It is an island that is difficult to reach, and where ghosts and ghosts cry.

The reason is that it is deep in the dense fog that has not dispersed for thousands of years.

The thick fog stretched from sky to sea, like white clouds hanging from the sky, and no one knew its extent.

Thick fog is more dangerous to the sea than the deep mountains and old forests on land. It has always been a weather that ships are afraid to avoid when sailing, and it is on the same level as hurricanes and tsunamis.

Wuqian Island is the last island before the fog, hence the name Wuqian.

After Uriel finished his wine and meat, he ordered a pot of black tea, looked out the window at the thick fog like flowing clouds and white snow, and poured himself a drink.

With the sharp ear power upgraded to the eighth level of the true god, the voice of the chatter of the drinkers came into his ears clearly.

"Have you heard that another salvage ship entered the foggy area a few days ago and never came out again."

"What kind of news is this? What year hasn't some unrepentant gold digger disappeared without a trace in the foggy area?"

"Hey, gold treasure kills people. It is said that in the foggy area, there is an ancient kingdom that sank into the sea overnight. There is a golden mountain and treasure sea that sleeps on the bottom of the sea with the sinking of the kingdom. But all these years, I have only seen treasure hunting ships like grapes. The strings plunged into the foggy area and disappeared without a trace, and there was no trace of gold and silver treasures flowing out of the foggy area."

"That's not it. I don't think anyone who hunts for treasure has succeeded. Maybe it has sunk into the bottom of the sea like the legendary kingdom, and instead added bricks and tiles to the legendary treasure."

"People die for money, since ancient times, and there is nothing to blame. Treasure hunters died on the way to treasure, and they died well. There is nothing wrong with it. Except for treasures, these days I heard that there are people in the foggy area. Make a new move."

"Oh? Tell me, tell me, what's new?"

A group of drinkers have nothing to do, drinking some wine and talking.It's just that topics such as the sunken kingdom and gold and silver treasures are already commonplace, and everyone has long lost interest.

When they suddenly heard something new, they couldn't help being excited, they all listened attentively, and their hearts of gossip were high.

Uriel also pricked up his ears, listening intently.

Seeing the expectant eyes of the crowd of drinkers, the speaker couldn't help feeling elated and very proud. He took a sip of the wine and said mysteriously, "Recently, there are rumors that there are monsters in the foggy area!"


Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and then looked at the speaker as if they were looking at a drunk fool.

A bunch of people were buzzing, expressing condemnation and contempt for his prim nonsense for attention.

They thought it would be more reliable to say ghosts than monsters. Anyway, I don’t know how many ships have disappeared in the foggy area over the years, and it is reasonable to have a few evil spirits who are unwilling to complain.

But what the hell is a monster?

Seeing a group of drinkers scatter like birds and beasts with disdain on their faces, the man became anxious and shouted repeatedly, "I'm really not lying, someone has indeed seen monsters running out of the foggy area."

The nonsense I wrote about you really made up more and more picturesque.

How dangerous is the foggy area, not even half of the big boats have come out, and now you say there are monsters, and they still run out.

You are not grandstanding, you are completely mocking our IQ.

After hearing his outrageous yell, all the drinkers felt that there was no more malicious insult, they all turned around and surrounded him in the middle, saying to themselves, grandson thief, how dare you underestimate the IQ of the grandpas.

I promise not to beat you to death today.

At this extremely dangerous moment, a very shrill scream came from outside the tavern: "There are monsters."

oops!The kid is quite stubborn, and at this time he still shouted that there are monsters, and the drinkers who were a little drunk didn't hear clearly for a while, thinking that the man was still unrepentant even though he was surrounded by the crowd.

As soon as he was about to make a move, the man stood up straight and cursed loudly, "Your sister, it's not me who is shouting." After saying that, he forced his way out of the crowd and was about to run out of the tavern.

At this time, everyone also realized that the cry just now came from outside the tavern.

what on earth is it?

Everyone hurriedly followed the man and rushed out of the tavern together.

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(End of this chapter)

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