One Piece: Holy Cult

Chapter 43

Chapter 43
"First of all, the first question, how much memory do you have of your past experiences?"

After all the onlookers were overwhelmed with emotion and relished talking about it, they left.

Uriel followed the little Baduo mother and son, who had settled down emotionally, and entered the small courtyard of Baduo together with the old police officer on the island.

After changing clothes and settling down, several people sat around the sofa, and Uriel asked the first question to Little Bardo.

In the previous turmoil, it was easy to see that it wasn't just the body that was damaged, but the whole person was in a rage all the time, which shows that the rationality and spirit also suffered huge damage.

Xiaobaduo's eyes were blurred, and he fell into memory.

"I don't have a lot of memories after that. I just remember that I was fascinated by money and got on a treasure hunting ship and entered the foggy area under the introduction of a few friends."

"When we first entered the foggy area, everyone on board was very excited and felt that we would be able to salvage the legendary treasure of the sunken kingdom."

"In the first half hour or so, it was very calm, but the fog was a bit thick, and it was not easy to discern the direction."

"Then we heard faint singing and laughter from deep in the fog. That's when the whole thing went wrong."

"After hearing the sound, everyone on the boat gradually seemed to lose themselves, and just drove the boat in the direction of the sound."

"The further you go, the thicker the fog. It's like walking in cotton."

"The misty voice is in front of us, never far or near, like a cable formed by singing and laughter, pulling our boat forward."

"Then, we saw Ghost Crying Island."

Uncontrollable fear appeared on his face, and his face became slightly distorted.Grandma Baduo held his hand tightly from the side.

He smiled reluctantly, trying to calm himself down.

Then he said: "It's very strange, everything is very clear around Ghost Crying Island, and there is not even a trace of fog."

"Just thinking about it now, I'd rather it be wrapped in thick fog as well, so that I can think of everything as a nightmare, instead of waking up to experience everything after that."

As if incomparable pain hit him again, his body curled up involuntarily, and he clenched his hands tightly.

"There are people on Ghost Crying Island, and there are many people."

He spoke with horror, "No, no, they are not human, they are devils in hell. Ghost Crying Island is hell."

"The moment we appeared in front of Ghost Crying Island, a large ship sailed directly from the port that had been built on the island for an unknown amount of time and surrounded us."

"The shore guns guarding many building complexes on the shore fired directly at us without any warning or forecast."

"Our ship was shattered to pieces by artillery fire, and the entire crew was captured by the larger ship that followed."

"We found out later that this was just the beginning of our hell of despair and pain."

"Those huge buildings on the island are actually all kinds of laboratories."

"A laboratory for human modification."

Xiaoba Duo gritted his teeth, countless muscles on his body heaved and jumped uncontrollably under the skin.

He didn't care about it, but insisted on continuing to tell his experience.

"Have you ever seen a human body being divided alive, and each part weighed on a balance?"

"In these labs, this is routine research that happens every day."

"Those experimenters wearing white coats and masks covering their faces will select suitable targets from the countless captives and slaves on the island and bring them into the laboratory."

"Then first the blood would be drained from his body, weighed, and then sent to some sort of instrument for analysis."

"The next step is to saw off his limbs, his head, open the skull and take out the brain. Remove even the tiniest bone of his body."

"Categorize, weigh, store, and make specimens for research."

"All blood vessels will be picked out one by one and become materials for experimental research."

His description made those who listened carefully tremble, as if they saw countless blood and limbs being tossed and studied in the laboratory like parts, and then ruthlessly discarded.

"However, what happened to these people is actually considered lucky."

Just when everyone's faces were turning blue and they felt nauseous for a while, Little Bardo suddenly changed the subject and told even more terrifying facts.

"In those laboratories on Ghost Crying Island, being able to die immediately is really something to be thankful for."

"The scarier thing is to be alive."

"Alive, and watched myself being disembowelled. Belly, fat, flesh and blood were cut several times, then clamped with metal clips, pulled to both sides, and the whole internal organs were exposed."

"Under the restraint of the operating table, under the infusion of countless unknown drugs, you will be in pain, but you will not be able to move, and you will not die. You can only watch the experimenters randomly rummaging through your internal organs, and the sliced ​​​​observations vary. "

"Then they will inject various unimaginable medicines into the muscles, heart, bone marrow, and even the brain of the experimental subjects."

"After everything is completed, the internal organs of the experimental subject will be restored, the muscles and skin will be sutured, and an unknown drip will be hung. The almost dissected experimental subject will survive."

"But surviving often means more continuation of pain."

"Under the effects of the medicine injected into the body, the body of the experimental subject quickly underwent various changes."

"There are experimental subjects who grow extra limbs from their bodies like me."

"There are also experimental subjects that have grown or been transplanted with other animal organs in addition to human organs."

"I have seen experimental subjects with wings, claws, tails, and even bull-like upper bodies."

"Of course, I'm not much better than them myself, an eight-legged monster, uglier than a spider."

When he said this, he closed his eyes in pain, and the pain and abuse he had suffered in the experiment were vividly recalled before his eyes again.

Listening to his story, Grandma Baduo couldn't hold back her tears. She couldn't imagine how inhuman abuse her son had suffered.

The old police officer clenched his teeth angrily, bleeding from his lips and teeth.

The more Uriel listened, the more indifferent his face became. The sunlight in his eyes disappeared, but the darkness deepened. In the depths of the darkness, boundless flames were roaring and burning, wanting to soar into the sky do everything.

Then he spread out his palm, put it in front of little Bado, and said, "Then you must not know that they buried this thing in your flesh and blood besides modifying your body."

Everyone took a closer look and saw a small metal structure, approximately oval, the size of half an egg.

"What is this? It was taken out of my body?" Little Bardo asked suspiciously.

"If I'm not mistaken, this thing is a bomb. Buried in your heart, connected to your heartbeat. Once your heartbeat stops, it will bang and explode."

Uriel said lightly, but his tone was filled with cold anger.

 It is rare to have a good character in acting, and it is rare to have a ticket in writing a book.Thanks to the book friend 218****66 for the recommendation ticket.Send it at the third watch, and Lao Liang asks for a recommendation for collection.


(End of this chapter)

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