One Piece: Holy Cult

Chapter 58

Chapter 58

A total of 3000 divine powers were violently poured into the divine art, just like fifty tons of explosives stuffed into a finger-thin detonator, producing a big explosion effect.

One hundred and eight thousand double-helix golden light bands constructed by divine power, each with the width of half an alley, and the length can make a football roll over its head.

After unfolding with Uriel as the center, the magical scale of the light belt flying is so huge that half of Wuqian Island is illuminated by golden petals.

The light belt flutters like one hundred and eight thousand pieces of golden silk, unfolding in the void, wrapping more than a thousand reformed bodies into the light belt, rolling thousands of layers, turning from a golden mummy into a round Golden cocoon.

The more you upgrade Uriel, the more you can feel the mystery of divine power.

If the divine spell template is used step by step, then a life restoration divine spell is required for each modified body restored.More than a thousand reformers need tens of thousands of divine power, and Uriel's divine power reserve for several days has to be poured into it to be sufficient.

But the nature of divine power is very wonderful. Injecting a large amount of divine power into a divine spell, just like what he is doing now, the effect of divine power will increase explosively.

It's a bit like nanotechnology.

Once the size of many substances is reduced to the nanometer level, their physical properties will undergo incredible changes, and various wonderful applications will be developed.

The same is true for divine power, the effect power is related to scale.

3000 divine power is like a dividing line, which will make the effect of divine magic leap exponentially.

It's like the difference between wearing a bikini and a prostitute. The former is called a sexy photo-real celebrity female worry, while the latter is a prostitute who devours toilet paper. The former is a glorious taxpayer who collects a lot of money and shines The latter is a woman who has lost her footing and needs to be fined and jailed, reformed and a new life.

There are only a few pieces of cloth between sexy and eroticism, and this is how scale determines nature.

Uriel winked at the flying princes and princesses.

How many do you want to see me recover?

OK, I'm all back.Now you are satisfied.

Facing the four of them, he moved his waist vigorously back and forth.

Don't think wrongly, this is to accumulate strength for the fist, not to deliberately wretch the 13-year-old little loli, and start the criminal action of the upper limit of the death penalty in three years.

He put his fists at his waist, and after pressurizing his waist, he kicked and punched the four of them forward, backward, left, and right with the wind pressure that penetrated the air.

Four kicks in four punches.

The huge force was transmitted along the arms to the ground under Uriel's feet. The hard stone slab cracked open and sank deeply. Most of Uriel's two calves sank into the soil under the stone slab.

The four of Yiji were not much better.

Under the force of Uriel's fist, he was blown away to a distance of more than ten meters, and he managed to stabilize his figure with the help of the airflow from the bottom of his boots.

Uriel pulled out his feet and jumped onto the ground.Smoker came to his side, and the two stood side by side, facing the four of Yizhi.

"Okay, now everyone is a bare-handed commander, and the soldiers have cleared the field. Next, boys and girls, what do you want to do?"

The four of Yiji frowned.The curly eyebrows frowned, and they got together, a bit like two snails playing with each other.

Hit again?The four looked at each other.

Can't beat it.They shook their heads helplessly at the same time, knowing very well that in a four-on-two battle, at the end of the battle, the winner would definitely not be the younger self and others.

Uriel and Smoker spent a lot of time watching the interaction of the four of them, and the tension since preparing for the battle finally relaxed for a moment.

At this moment, both sides have forgotten that outside of the Moon Sea Fjord, there is another decisive force that has not appeared since the start of the war.

People far away in the port felt a slight tremor coming from the sea.

There were waves on the sea surface, and the waves kept hitting the port, spreading countless pure white foams on the stone wall.

The six people in the confrontation looked into the distance in astonishment. In the fjord that shrunk to the size of a finger in the distance, large rock walls were collapsing.

The rock walls on both sides of the fjord are like crispy cheese, constantly crushed and cracked under vigorous rolling.

The rock wall collapsed layer by layer and continued to extend backwards. The tips of the crescents on both sides seemed to be violently bitten by invisible big mouths, and they continued to disappear and shatter.

The Moon Sea Fjord is getting wider and wider.

The huge figure of the city ship appeared from between the rock walls that were filled with gunpowder smoke and continued to collapse.

Under the continuous bombardment, the Moon Sea Fjord was forced to expand several times by Germa 66, and the city ship swaggered, dragged by the giant phone bug, and drove towards the port with full force.

Crazy smiles appeared on the faces of Yizhi and the others.

Smoker grimaced.

Uriel covered his face speechlessly at the changing plot again, thinking to himself, why can't people stop for a while?
A giant ship the size of a small town approached Kirizen Island, but before the ship arrived, the entire port was completely darkened, surrendering to its shadow.

Looking at the thousands of cannons lined up on the city ship, Uriel and Smoker were helpless.

The two of them who had tried their best to this point, faced with such a huge monster and such destructive firepower, felt exhausted and helpless.

Under the orders of the four of Yiji, all the cannons on the city ship turned around and aimed at the entire Wuqian island.

Soon, Kirizen Island will be bombarded even better than the Demon Slaying Order, and will be wiped off the world map forever.

With Uriel's current strength, it was impossible to prevent the tragedy from happening.

Booming, the sound of artillery salvos sounded, like countless giant thunders rolling and exploding in dry weather.

There was no light of fire on Wuqian Island, only water jets blasted by countless shells into the sea, rising and falling around the city ship.

It was not Germa's troops that were firing, but someone attacking their city ship from the rear.

Everyone was shocked by the sudden change.

Behind the eyes of the six people who were obscured by the huge figure of the city ship, ten navy warships with blue bodies and white sails, with "M"-shaped naval logos, rushed towards them.

There are hundreds of cannons on the warship, and the lingering smoke from the muzzles is obviously just fired.

There was a panic on the city ship, and nearly half of the artillery turned its muzzle, pointing at the naval warship coming from behind.

But he didn't dare to open fire immediately.

The naval warships spread out and formed a semi-circular formation. Although the size of the ships was huge compared to the city ships, the intention of encircling and suppressing them was obvious.

Nine warships surrounded and blocked the rear of the city ship, and an apparently flagship warship bypassed the city ship and headed for the port.

The shadow of the boat approached, and the figure standing on the boat was clearly visible.

The six people at the port paid attention.

In Uriel's sight, a tall figure wearing a navy "justice" cloak slowly walked up to the bow, condescending, watching everyone coldly.

He has a rough face with scars on his face, a copper-colored helmet embossed with double dragons, a pure black suit and a pure white "justice" cloak.

The most striking thing is the long black hair that hangs behind his back, reaching knee length, wide and thick, as thick as a second cloak.

This is..., the celebrity of the navy in the original book, Vice Admiral Ghost Spider.

Uriel narrowed his eyes and looked at the person coming, quickly recalling the character design of the ghost spider in the original book.Character, strength, style of work.

Smoker didn't think too much, and let out a long breath of smoke, purely happy for the arrival of reinforcements.

 What are you most afraid of when writing?stand-alone!Thanks to Maomao r for the recommendation ticket, let Lao Liang get rid of the terrible illusion of stand-alone.Lao Liang asks for recommendation and collection, so that the interaction will be more intense!Third watch.


(End of this chapter)

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