One Piece: Holy Cult

Chapter 60 Battle Royale

Chapter 60 Battle Royale
Intense flames suddenly rose from Uriel's hand, engulfing the ghost spider's body.

Uriel left behind the last few life-saving divine powers, and injected all the remaining divine powers into the holy fire. With the explosive impact of the holy fire, he let his body escape from the ghost spider's hair sword and fell deeply into the sea behind him.

His figure fell into the sea, and there was still a desperate counterattack smile on his face.

All the marines on the shore did not expect such a response from him at all, and they were caught off guard when they saw him flying backwards.

He could only look at the huge wound and broken heart on Uriel's chest. After a flash of light, he healed and recovered, and the heart beat completely again. The wound was smooth and smooth, without any signs of injury.

"Hahahaha, goodbye spider. When we meet next time, the ghost spider will probably become a bald spider." Uriel laughed and fell into the sea.

The figure of Sanhuang appeared quietly, entrenched on Uriel's shoulders, and the moment his body touched the water, he puffed up his cheeks and spit out a huge pillar of wind.

As a hellhound, Sanhuang has always fed on souls. After following Uriel, of course Uriel can no longer let him wantonly hunt for souls. He uses his own divine power as a substitute for feeding.

The quality and taste of divine power is much stronger than that of ordinary souls. Sanhuang is very satisfied, and because of this, he and Uriel have a connection.

The moment Uriel yelled, it already understood Uriel's intentions.

Driven by the wind pillar, Uriel was half submerged in the water, lying flat on the water surface, his body turned into an assault boat that cut through the waves, cut through the long water trail, and left the port in an instant.

And under Sanhuang's continuous exhalation, the speed became faster and faster, and in just a moment, the naval warship was far behind, sighing at the ocean, unable to catch up.

This sudden change was as quick as lightning, and no one had time to react. It was not until Uriel escaped from the sky that the golden fireball that had devoured the ghost spider disappeared, revealing the ghost spider inside.

Three of the eight-strand braids were burned by the holy fire.Only a small half of the Ssangyong helmet was still on the head, and most of it disappeared under the erosion of the holy fire, exposing a large area of ​​scalp covered with burn marks.

Unexpectedly, half of the top of his head was burned bald by Uriel's holy fire.

The ghost spider's disgusting justice and fierce pursuit finally aroused the hidden murderous intention in Uriel's heart. At the last moment of the battle, even if his heart was pierced, he wanted to leave an indelible mark on the ghost spider.

This baldness is the imprint.

The ghost spider's armed arrogance has not been cultivated to cover the whole body like Virgo's. The arrogance of the scalp is extremely thin, and it has been completely damaged by the holy fire. The scalp that makes the ghost spider bald will lose the ability to grow hair in the future. Hair sword lost half, and left a semi-bald look forever.

All the members of the port navy were silent, and even their eyes were deeply drooped, not daring to stay above the ghost spider's head.

Ghost Spider's eyes were bloodshot, and his body was filled with an unprecedented killing intent, "The whole army is chasing after me, I will offer a reward for this bastard's corpse!"


The sea breeze is coming, the water waves are slightly turbulent, Uriel is sleepy, he yawned with his mouth open, and took a deep breath of the fresh morning air, which is moist and cool, with a slight salty smell, which makes people clear and refreshed .

The long fishing rod in his hand fluctuated up and down with the water waves, and the fishing line floated out along the current to a very far distance from the ship's side.

San Huang remained asleep on his shoulder, shrinking to the size of a fist.

Uriel was sitting on the side of a merchant ship, enjoying fishing.

This boat is extremely rare for him to come across in the past few days. It is a place where he can rest quietly and relax comfortably.

Since he escaped from the siege of the Wuqian Island navy with the help of Sanhuang, he chose the route of breaking through the fog area, which is the best route to hinder the navy's pursuit.

With the help of Sanhuang's ability, one person and one dog quickly walked out of the foggy area and reached the other end of the foggy wall.

It was already a day later when they finished their drifting across the sea physically and landed on an island town.

Uriel was extremely tired, but he couldn't even eat a full meal.

He managed to wait until the food was ready, and when he picked up the knife and fork, at least twenty swords were unsheathed, and the loaded bounty hunters were threatening to come and take his head.

That's right, in a battle on Wuqian Island, the famous ghost spider lieutenant general in the navy was burned half bald, and he was able to retreat completely. His record has spread to most of Beihai in just a few days, "White Priest" Uriel's title spread like wildfire, and the reward on the arrest warrant increased, reaching 3500 million Berry.

Afterwards, I don't know who spread the news that after the battle with the ghost spider, Uriel was seriously injured and was weakening.

Many bounty hunters in the North Sea are ready to move. Those with or without strength, like sharks big and small in the sea smelling blood, rush towards the nearby waters in large and small groups.

It can be said that this is the best time to kill people and get rewards.

Most of the news in the rumors came from speculation, or it was a smoke screen released by the world government, but it hit Uriel's current situation. These bounty hunters were wrong, and he could only smile wryly.

The heart pierced by the ghost spider healed on the spot, but the divine power pool under the heart was completely shattered under the domineering attack, and it no longer had the function of growing and recovering divine power.

So now Uriel is really in a state of serious injury without any divine power.

Fortunately, there are Sanhuang around.

A gust of sickle weasel spit out from the plain mouth, turned into countless extremely sharp wind blades, killing more than 20 bounty hunters who attacked in a short time.

Then thirty more followed.

The meal is completely out of reach, and I have to run away in a hurry.

Under the protection of Sanhuang, Uriel snatched a boat from the bounty hunter and embarked on the escape journey again.

The hunt lasted for two days. After paying the price of the boat and killing several waves of bounty hunters, Uriel had no choice but to swim away with Sanhuang.

After being rescued from the sea by the merchant ship I am currently on, I can live a peaceful life for two days.

Days of fighting made Sanhuang unable to make ends meet, his soul power was greatly weakened, and he had no choice but to fall into a deep sleep.

This is Uriel's weakest moment since crossing.

After cultivating on the boat, his physical fitness gradually recovered from the weakness of crossing the sea physically, so that he would not be as weak as an ordinary person.

Uriel carefully inspected his body, breathed out the system in his mind, and checked the attributes.

Name: Gregory Ulay.

Rank: True God tenth level.

Mana pool: 0/0, broken.

Faith points: 44850.

Uriel plunged into the sea with his pole, but his mind was not on fishing.Instead, he was reminiscing about the experiences of the past few days.

If it is said that seeing the modified body on Ghost Crying Island caused his mind to change, then his heart was pierced to the point of death, and the continuous pursuit after the divine power pool was damaged brought about drastic changes in his mind.

He finally understood that the reward hanging on his head was not as described in the original book, as if it was just a status label that could be ignored, but the real shackles of death.

Nothing brings out a man's latent nature and changes his view of the world more than death.

 The sea of ​​books is vast, and only book friends are sails, which can be relied on to cross the other shore.Thank you Mao Maor, ya*ya for the recommendation ticket, Lao Liang please bookmark and recommend, I only hope that bosom friends will meet each other often, and the sea of ​​books will be a breeze.One more.


(End of this chapter)

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