One Piece: I’m Mihawk’s Son

Greedy Darkness

I spent some more time with Mom under the deck, and she told me many things... about how she stopped being a knight of god, how in fact there had been two knights of god at that place and not only one. I knew from Gion that they had fought the 7th Knight and although they didn't manage to defeat him, they managed to 'retain' him due to Robin's powers being stronger during the night, and also, because Primrose finally showed her trump card. 

Primrose had told me two years ago that she wanted to eat a devil fruit. I was initially against it. She was very strong already without having a devil fruit, her Haki was fierce and she could give an admiral a run for his or her money. Even Gion who is already an Admiral, can't defeat Primrose. 

But she told me she wanted more to be able to 'keep up' with me. We had two devil fruits in our power at that time. 

The rotting fruit from the fallen Kight of God, Leonidas Dorotialis... and the Xolotl mythological zoan from the diseased CP0 member, Guernica. For me the most common choice had been the Xolotl which is an Aztec God, a deity... she would become a Goddess just like Gion, but I had an issue with that. 

I didn't want Primrose to have a weakness for water. I have my own ways to subvert this weakness but it wasn't the case for Hancock, Sandersonia and Marigold. They were extremely strong but once water was involved in the picture... it was a deadly weakness indeed, sadly... it was already too late for them. But I knew from Mom, that the rotting fruit that Leonidas had was very 'rotten' in the sense of the powers that it could provide. 

In simple terms, the fruit gave the user the ability to 'decompose'... on its awakened form, it had nearly no limits to what the user could decompose. So aside from training Primrose's body with my tongue for two years, I also trained her in the concept of 'decomposing' or at least what I knew of oxidation.

I also made incredible discoveries in the art of awakening devil fruits, basically... the more a person has knowledge of their fruit in a fundamental level, the more likely they are to awaken if they're a paramecia.

The more a user has compatibility with the animal they represent, the more likely they're to awaken if they are a zoan.

As for logias, it is the more they can 'merge' with their element. Those fruits are quite tricky. To say: a Logia user can 'create' the element they represent, for example... me. I can create lightning from my body. But I can't control lightning that wasn't produced by me... many didn't notice that aspect, but I did mostly when I studied Robin and Crocodile, and to this day I'm still confused as to how her devil fruit works. 

For example: she can't store physical objects in her darkness. She can take them with her, but the moment she releases them, they're gone. Her darkness, unlike the Blackbeard I saw in the manga, can only be used as a transport, not as storage... similarly, I also never saw Blackbeard move someone in their darkness from one place to another. 

But back to the topic, the awakening of a logia user is to be able to control the elements external to their body. In Robin's case, her awakening allows her to become a nearly undefeatable opponent during the night, because during the night is the moment where there is more darkness. 

She even went as far as to tell me once 'I wish there was no moon!', I shivered a bit but understood. 

Similarly with Crocodile, he could control sand, but he went even further. He could use the 'dry' properties of sand with his awakening to extract the moisture out of everything... I remember I even taught him how sand entering someone's lungs can produce lung cancer, a mortal disease and in even more quantities it can produce asphyxia... it didn't how strong the opponent he was facing was, this was a deadly weapon.

To this day I don't remember why I even taught that to him... but it is fair to say after the fellow worked for me for a whole year and built my workshop I kinda started feeling sympathy for him and taught him plenty of things to the point he began calling me 'boss'. 

In any case, Primrose's awakening allows her to decompose the sea energy, which allows her to swim, although she can't produce oxygen... at the very least she won't be weak inside the water and that's what I wished. 

Now that I think about it, this inner monologue drifted all the way from what my mom had been telling me, if you may excuse me... when I watch big round things, I tend to get distracted. 

"What are you doing, Veyron?~"

"I'm just watching..." 

Robin was in front of me, checking the ship's radar, she is not a navigator, but due to the ship's advanced technology, she can manage. My mom reunited with everyone in the deck and for a while, I didn't know what face to put to them, especially Viola who I hadn't seen for long but I imagine she didn't see me as someone who could torture other people. 

"What are you watching?".

"I'm watching you..."

"You're watching me, or my a*s?~".


"Naughty boy~" She giggled and started giggling even harder. I walked forward to cup a feel and she yelped. She was wearing a skirt, so I could feel everything, the shape contorted to my fingers. 

"No restrain whatsoever, huh? You're not a kid anymore..." She said with mock sternness, even if her voice sounded a bit aggrieved, her body didn't lie, instead, she plucked her back out, allowing me easy access while she kept checking the radar. 

"Does it bother you?".

"... No, you can touch as much as you want".

"Why did you never call?".

She stopped and turned around, looking at me deeply. 

"Why did you never call?".

This woman, she returned the question back to me!

"You know I'm busy! I-"

"I lock away at my workshop all day" She finished my sentence, crossing her arms. 

"You know so why do you complain?" I crossed my arms too, unbudging. 

"You lock yourself at your workshop all day. I spend my whole time translating ancient books..."


"So if none of us put our head away for a while... when do we call and check up on each other? You're a married man, Veyron. There are many girls getting your attention, do you even have time for me? Did you even remember me all these years? Because I did".

"What are you saying, Robin...?" I was starting to get upset, I'm busy indeed and there is always a girl wanting my attention at any given time, but that doesn't mean I don't pay attention to them. 

She sighed and turned around, still checking up on her radar, "Forget it..."



Fed up with her attitude I picked up both of her hands and pinned her to the table where the radar was, "You've been talking to me quite harshly for someone you haven't seen in three years".

"..." She bit her lips and evaded me.

"I'm not very perceptive... I don't understand women as much as you'd like me too. So I can't see the problem, maybe if you tell me we can work it out instead of continuing to ignore each other. I like you, Robin".

"I don't feel like you care about me..."


"I feel there is too many already and there is no space for me".

"I never-"

"You never called me..."


"I could have died or disappeared... like Hancock. Or I could have crossed someone like Sugar, and you would have forgotten me. If that had happened... would you have gone for me like you did for her? Would you have ever realised?".

She was crushing me with every word. It is the truth, but not for the reasons she thinks. I know I changed the story quite a bit already, but she's one of the main characters, I never thought anything could happen to her and hence, I never really worried. I know at some point she's going to meet the straw hats, but I ignored the fact that maybe I already changed the story so much... that may not happen, but dying? I don't think many can actually kill the current Robin. 

"You're the almighty lightning god... I don't have to worry whether you are safe or not. I know you will be okay, always" She grimaced.

"I'm really sorry if you felt that way. But how doesn't that apply to me? I know you're strong Robin... you told me that you wanted to go and read all the poneglyphs, and I gave you the strength to achieve it... do you expect me to worry about you at all times? You can even give my lightning god form a good fight during the night!".

She remained silent, it seems that I got her there. If she can give me a good fight how the hell does she expect me to worry for her? someone who can give trouble to her is also someone who's likely to give trouble to me. And many people like that don't exist. 

"I just wanted you to call me once..."

I sighed and lifted up from her body, walking away from the room. Nevertheless, darkness engulfed the whole room, stopping me. 

"We haven't finished".

"Are you going to keep me locked here?".

"I haven't heard the words I want to hear".

"I already apologised!".

"Not those..."


If it is not an apology then what else is it?! I have no idea!

"E-Eh... I just told you I'm not very perceptive".

"..." She tapped her finger, glaring at me straight in the eye, I hadn't seen Robin like this in years, "Should I give you a hint?"

"Please!" I begged, damn I'm so bad at this 'boyfriend' thing. I know all the girls are different... my wives tend to be more... submissive... in this regard. But Robin, Gion and even Stussy can be quite demanding when she has 'behaved'. 

"Here is the hint: You always tell Hancock you love her, but you said to me just now that you like me".



Women are complex individuals indeed. 

"Ah well... isn't it the same?".



I felt a cold breeze sweep through, I'm sure that was a dark sword just now flying past my head. 

"I love you, Robin!~".

"I love you too, Veyron... very very much".

Although a smile didn't pop up on her face, she still walked up to me and hugged me, "I loved you... for a long time. When I left I wanted you to chase after me... when you didn't I hoped you'd at least call me. But you never did neither, it really hurt".

This was her official confession to me, she never told me she loved me until now. She just kissed me before leaving. I hugged her waist and sighed, I guess I'm just not a good lover. 

I have been married for five years. But I haven't taken any of them on a date. It is so bad that I can count with two hands the amount of times in the last five years we ate together at a table. 

"I'm sorry... I will do better".

She finally smiled and looked at me, "Now that's a genuine apology~".

"..." I laughed a bit and rubbed my nose against hers; our lips approached like magnets, I tasted Robin's lips again after three long years. This time, for as long as I wanted instead of a brief peck. I hugged her against me and she placed her arms on my chest.

"Back then I had to lower my head a bit to kiss you... now you're taller than me" She remarked with a giggle, playing with my hair.

"I love you so much... please pay more attention to me, I have my ambitions and you have yours, but we can surely coincide every so often... it is not that I didn't want to visit you. I just thought I was unnecessary..."

"Robin, stay with me for a while" I want to spend more time with all of them. I know soon is going to be the time of our promise and I want her to be included there. I want to make Robin mine as well. 

She blushed a bit, aware of what I meant, she's aware of the 'promise'. 

"... But I have to return to Alabasta. Crocodile and I, we're fighting each other".

"Ah?" I thought they were deep friends unlike in Cannon, how come they're now fighting each other?

"He thinks the ancestral weapon Pluton is in Alabasta. I read the poneglyph and told him otherwise, but he didn't believe me, now he's convinced the weapon is beneath the city and is digging, he's also using his position as a warlord to stop the marine from getting involved and is trying to take the throne of Alubarna... we have been fighting for two years now as I research the ancestry in Alabasta, he also used these years to form a group called Baroque Works... but I'm on my own".

She explained the situation to me, it seems that Crocodile was being headstrong. But it is curious to me that no news of this has spread. 

"Is he also stopping the news from reaching out of Alabasta?".

"I believe so... I haven't left Alabasta in two years so I can't tell" She mumbled and I carried her to sit on an iron seat nearby, placing her on my lap. I can see Moby Dick in the distance, we're about to reach it. 

"Why are you two still fighting, I thought you were stronger than Crocodile?".

The two are very strong in all aspects, they were trained by me after all. Crocodile is more experienced in combat, but Robin makes up for it with her devil fruits. The Yami Yami no Mi is just too powerful. 

"Alabasta is a whole island made out of sand. Crocodile's fruit is not weak either and it is awakened, you should know even for me he's not an easy opponent as long as he's there... I'm only able to match him during the night, during the day I can barely keep up, and he has a group of mercenaries too which although they're not top shots, I can't deal with them and him at the same time. I'm allied with King Cobra and Nefertari Vivi, the princess but the King's army is weak, all that picture together... you should Imagine why we have been fighting for two years".

I frowned and pinched her butt.

"Ha?! What is that for?!".

"What aren't you telling me? Since when do you care so much about the Alabasta Royal Family? Even if you can fight for that long period, I don't imagine you doing it out of your goodwill".

"... exposed huh..."

"Who do you think you're talking to?~" I kissed her again until we were both breathless.

"T-That... I'm only interested in the ancient registries of Alabasta, they're concealed deep into a gigantic underground structure right under Alubarna right beneath the palace. This gigantic structure used to be there back during the void century, I believe it is the old palace. For the last two years, the Nefertari Family has helped me dig into it to discover their records. I have learned a lot of valuable information".

"What is it?".

"I discovered that the Queen of Alabasta during the void century was called Nefertari Lili... and also, she was a member of the D clan".

"Eh? A member of the D clan that belongs to the world government?" I knew a fair bit after everything she had explained to me years ago. Those two are supposed to be enemies. 

"That's right, it confused me as well... I thought the Nefertari were traitors, but then I recalled something. Nefertari Lili is also the first Empress of Amazon Lily. She never returned to Alabasta, but she also never became a member of the celestial dragons living in Marie Geoise... instead, she became the first empress of an unknown empire in the calm belt".

"Sounds to me like she fled or something..."

"That's what I think too and that means that the current Nefertari Family are her descendants and members of the D clan. That's the only reason I'm helping them, Veyron".


"Yes... because they're related to the 'Boa' lineage of Amazon Lily and I respect them, that's the reason I'm helping them. You should know now. Primrose, Hancock, Sandersonia and Marigold are also members of the D clan, descendants of Lili who changed her name from Nefertari to Boa, perhaps in hopes of fleeing from her assailants".

'This story is becoming more and more intricate...'

"You will stay with me for a week... then I'll fetch you and your companion back" I held onto her tightly.

She nodded meekly and snuggled against me, but we wouldn't be able to stay like this for long. Moby Dick is right there, we have to drop Whitebeard. 

"I have many other important things to tell you... about the ancient weapons..."

"We will have a long time to deal with that, cuttie pie~".

"Don't call me that... you really suck at coming up with nicknames!"


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