One Piece: I’m Mihawk’s Son

Kingdom of Dressrosa

"There is another important matter to talk about before you go, Veyron" Gion who had been standing to the side and hearing everything chirped in. 

"You're really not going to put me down!?" Yamato protested but she was ignored, in fact... as a good male friend he gripped her butt tighter just so she didn't fall. 

"What is it, Gion?".

"How should the national tribute be handled? I have been discussing with Mihawk-"

"Isn't my dearest wife handling that matter?"

Mihawk coughed a bit to conceal her blush and exchanged the position of her legs on the chair, "I am... my intention was to keep half of the treasure and give back half to the world nobles. But if you have any input that'd be appreciated…"
"I trust whatever decision you make on that, you know the consequences of that action, right?"

"My intention was to use my status... but since I have resigned, we have to find another way".

"Just do what you must and we will deal with consequences later. I also don't want to give away the tribute just like that after all the girls went through".

"Really, even if chaos unfolds?" Gion's eyebrow tilted, she never thought he'd make this decision, even Mihawk was surprised as he was usually very agreeable. 

"The world government sent two knights of God to finish me off, do you think I'd do anything they want? If the celestial dragons increase the tribute to the affiliated kingdoms then I'll just make sure they have no food to eat, no water to drink and if possible, no air to breathe".

"Can we manage?~" Mihawk giggled, she liked the idea while Gion rubbed her forehead, feeling a huge problem incoming. 

"Marie Geoise is supplied by major public merchants of their affiliated kingdoms. They're requested to pay the national tribute every year. But national merchants aren't forced to deal with Marie Geoise. It is just profitable for them to do so as Marie Geoise is one of their greatest clients".

"Breaking off those deals is going to be difficult. We don't have that sort of influence, even with Stussy. Unless we force them..."

"We aren't going to force anybody. Don't worry... I'll handle it. Gion, you told me Aokiji is waiting for you in Fishman Island, correct?".

"That's right, why?".

"I want you to personally hand over to him a letter from me together with half of the tribute. You're not going back to the G1 though, I'll be flashing back to Fishman Island once everything is settled and you better be there".

She flinched slightly and nodded, with him using that tone there wasn't much she could argue, "Where is the eternal pose to Dressrosa I lent you?".

"I'll be using it again. Viola, you're coming with me, I'll drop you off directly in Dressrosa, it will be more efficient as there are some things I want to speak about with Riku Doldo".

Viola's expression dropped, 'I don't want to separate just yet!'

Nevertheless, she knew her time on this journey was over. She was at the end of the day a princess and although the ambition to join the Kuja Fleet was there, there were still responsibilities. She walked up to him and leaned so hard against his free side that Veyron gulped audibly.

"Please take care of me from now on".

"S-Sure? It will be a quick flight".


"Then Mom, I'm gone... I'm leaving you and Robin in charge. I'm sure Prim and the girls just want to rest. I don't want them doing anything though, alright?".

"Hurry up... we will be waiting".

He levitated his trusty sword Youbi and hugged both beauties against his body before flashing away like a bolt of blue lightning. 


Gion crossed her arms and twitched her tongue, "Damn brat... he could just have them fly next to him instead of hugging them like that".

"If he didn't do it like that, that's not my son..."

"Aren't you being quite permissive of him? You're the number one, if you don't step your foot down who else will?" Gion sat next to her and Mihawk was kind enough to serve her a cup of wine. 

"It is precisely because I'm the number one that I couldn't care any less, Gion. He will always come back to me. If you don't feel confident on yourself-".

"Hmph! I'm confident that I can keep him! Wanna bet?!".


Mihawk put her drink down, things had just gotten serious when the word 'bet' was stated. Not because of the bet, but because Gion actually dared believe she could outclass her at anything. 

"I Fishman Island we're all going to do 'it'~".

"... how do you know?"

"Isn't it obvious? We're all in the same place and he also asked me to stay. The bet is simple... we will see who pleases him more".

"You have more experience in that matter than I do, Gion".

"So you don't dare bet?~".

"What are the stakes?".

"If I win, you have to teach me swordsmanship... the same way you taught Veyron".

"... and if I win?" Mihawk wasn't convinced.

"I'll teach you the arts of the bed~ but don't worry, you're not going to win".

"You sound very confident. Do you dare get Primrose in this bet?~".

It was then that Gion's gaze flinched, she was confident in defeating Mihawk in this department but Primrose was a different matter altogether. Although she didn't know how much experience the woman had in that department, it was undeniable that Primrose had three children while she was childless. 

'Hmph, there is nothing to fear... that woman sees lovemaking as something exclusive for making babies. She doesn't know anything about pleasure...'

"I accept!".

"Good, you better don't back off... I don't need you to teach me any bedding skills, I will learn with Veyron~ if I win I want you and your unit in the marine to start heeding orders from me".

"Ah?" Gion didn't understand what this woman was planning now. Although they were all related, it was widely known that she didn't take orders from anybody, not even from Veyron. 

"You know I can't compromise my authority, Mihawk!".

"Look at the state of the world, Gion. It will soon be time for you to make a decision. But since you're so confident, I guess you don't need to worry, right?~".

'That's true... I don't believe Mihawk is going to win anyway. But I do want to know what she intends to do, is she making moves on Veyron's back?'.

"You all seem to be planning something interesting, mind if I join this bet?~".

A dark silhouette materialised in front of them, taking a seat. It was Robin's second body, her main body was still controlling the course of the Destroyer and starting the process of covering as they were going to go underwater. 

"Robin? Didn't take you for one to have confidence in that department".

"I have my means. So... Mihawk, Gion, Primrose and me... the one who wins can request anything out from the other parties, correct?".

"As long as you don't go overboard with your wish. I heard you have had fun in Alabasta".

"Who told you that? I thought news wasn't reaching out".

"I didn't learn from the news... a friend of mine patrols close to the seas of Alabasta and she is soon going to be promoted to Vice Admiral. Due to Crocodile's status as a Warlord, we can't get involved. But she has kept a tight watch on the situation going on in Alabasta and reporting to me".

"Why haven't you gotten involved if that's the case, Gion?" Robin frowned, she's an Admiral so even if Crocodile is a Warlord she still has the authority to meddle. 

"Why would I meddle in your business, Robin? There are way more islands in this world going through worse. And we don't have you in any of them. As long as you're there I can be reassured that Alabasta is in good hands".

"I thought you didn't trust in pirates".

"If I didn't I wouldn't be sitting here drinking wine with you two. You're not just pirates, you're my family too".

"How cute~ but you're still losing that bet".

"Hmph, I don't even consider the two of you a threat. I'm more worried about Primrose".

"You may be surprised~"


'Viola, if you hug me like that…! Yamato, if you hug me like that…!!!'

I was flying… and it was heaven. I have to control myself. These girls… one of them is a princess from an assailed country and the other is also a princess... but a trans man… trust me she has her issues.

'Don't get swayed Veyron. DON'T GET SWAYED! YOU ARE A MARRIED MAN!'

That's what I'm thinking but here I am purposefully making this flight as slow as possible. Yamato is enjoying herself, as everyone I've taken, this is her first time flying but in her case, her reaction is even more strong as she lived in captivity her whole life. 

In Viola's case though she seems to be worried and mumbling every so often, so much so that she is not even enjoying the fly. 



"I would love to spend more time with you. Now that I'm not a toy anymore" She pressed herself further on me, 'I know Viola. I'm completely certain you're a toy no longer!'

She took my arm and put it at the centre of her chest, thank goodness she didn't put it on her boob. Even Yamato was looking at her oddly.

"The past few days I have learned what true freedom is. I managed to repay my dues and I have met such a delightful man too. I don't want to end this… the way I see it. The moment you take me to Dressrosa and talk with my father. You have no more reason to return there!"

She's right. The situation with Dressrosa is tricky.

I want to offer them my protection in exchange for free commerce. With them, I can't be as brazen because they're affiliated with the world government but at the same time, commerce with them is not that profitable for me as they're on the other side of the world.

My islands are in paradise and they're already well situated, I don't feel like moving them. Everything would be a lot easier if the red line didn't exist. But that barrier makes it extremely difficult for things to reach the other side. 

"Are we going to pass by another country!?" Yamato's eyes were shining with expectations, sadly she was not going to be able to see that country in its whole splendour... it was still wasted after the war against the Donquixote Pirates.

"Yes, we will be passing by my home, I'm looking forward to showing it to you, Oden!~".

"Thank you, see, Veyron? You should learn from her".

'Don't worry Yamato... I'll thoroughly teach you that you are a woman, little by little. 



Modern and royal landscapes, cheerful souls, dancing and passion characterised this territory. Chaos had reigned supreme, but calm seemed to have finally returned to Dressrosa as Veyron looked around before landing.

People sang and danced together even whilst bandaged. It was a completely different atmosphere and he could tell why.



"Royal Father!"


Daughter and father greet each other with the warmest of hugs. Dressrosa seems to be doing a lot better.

The bodies of the fallen Kuja Pirates had already been taken into the Destroyer, ready to be fetched to Amazon Lily where they'd have a proper burial and their families would be compensated. 

There are a lot of marines on the island, medics as well, food and other provisions. The world government can be a group of bastards… but they're quite capable when they propose themselves although I know the reason all of this is happening so efficiently is because of Aokiji using his authority as an Admiral.

Dressrosa is affiliated and always pays tribute in which the clauses indicate that a country in a state of chaos can request help from the world goverment. Normally they'd send Cypher Pol to investigate, but since Aokiji gave the order directly, things are a bit different. 

I know all these things mostly because of Gion who keeps nagging me about them. Thanks to this treaty with the world goverment, those countries have the protection of the marines in almost every scenario... when Warlords or the personal interest of the world goverment are involved the story is different. 

"Has Kuzan left?" I asked the King, we were in the main palace in a field of flowers where we landed, I already knew he was gone, I just wanted to know for how long he had been gone. 

"Admiral Aokiji sailed two days ago when help arrived. He mentioned Fishman Island and the matter regarding the national tributes. Words really can describe how grateful we are to you, to the Kuja ladies and to him... without your help, this catastrophe would have devastated this kingdom beyond repair. Could you please stay for a while and allow us a bit of hospitality towards you?" He bowed down but I tried to reject the best way possible much to Viola's sadness. 

"I'm afraid I can't stay for long. I'm just en route to Wano and came by to drop Viola off and talk to you about a few matters. Yamato, do you want to walk around? I'll catch up with you soon".


I watched her run away like a free soul, even in this devastated land she was still able to cheerfully sightsee. 

Riku took me and Viola inside the palace that was in the middle of being rebuilt. Inside there was a massive meeting room where we sat. 

"I'd like to discuss something with you as well, Veyron" He spoke to me as equals, probably aware that I'm not one to like formalities from our previous meeting. 

"Very well. Please bear in mind we will be leaving in a while as we're in a rush".

"What a convenient power you have truly. It is regarding the Kuja Fleet. We'd like to offer them our patronage. But I see those respectable ladies aren't with you right now" He stated regretfully. It makes me proud to see how far Hancock has reached, truly... even with this small mishap which wasn't really her fault. 

"They're my wives so whatever message you have for them. Please state it and I shall relay it".

"We merely wish for Boa Hancock to know that they shall always have a home in Dressrosa. If we could enter your association. That would be better… it is widely known across the world that Shandora, Vesta, Amazon Lily and Rusukaina are your domains and that although you don't engage in piracy personally, you have no qualms about supporting the Kuja Fleet and some retainers. We'd like your opinion on the matter of Dressrosa joining this alliance as a possible merchant outlet and producer in exchange for protection and technology"

Riku Doldo went straight to business and admittedly left me a bit breathless, it is at times like this when I wish I had my lovable Primrose, but I'm not heartless enough to make her work now. 

I sighed, 'It seems I'm going to have to deal with it this time'.

"It is complex but I shall deal with this as the God in charge of Amazon Lily, Rusukaina and Shandora" When my demeanour changed, they knew things were getting serious. All jokes aside, I can't be irresponsible with those under my protection. 

I genuinely love my islands which I have worked to the bone to modernize and adding another to the list isn't as simple as adding another girl to my harem. 

"Riku Doldo. Your kingdom doesn't hold an efficiently strategic position for me to consider joining you into this alliance". 

Their expressions soured but that was the truth. I can't efficiently mobilise resources or an army from Rusukaina to here if they are needed. The only use I see in Dressrosa is related to selling my products. As I'm an enemy of the world goverment the kingdoms are publicly restricted from doing business with me. 

That's why I'm the Emperor of the Black Market. But the synthesis is that everything I create is produced on my islands and whoever wants to attack me and steal anything from me, will attack any of those islands which at this point I have made into powerful strongholds. 

Dressrosa is different, with this much distance, they'd be vulnerable every time unless I personally moved to the new world. Which I don't want to do.

"The Liberators operate worldwide. But our group is an offensive based in Paradise, not a defensive group in the new world. That's what revolutionaries are. The new world is a volatile playground of Emperors and Pirates which I have no intention of playing a part in," I stated... even now I was FORCED to get in this playground by fighting Kaido and Big Mom and I didn't particularly enjoy it. 

 "I'm well aware that your organisation deals with the Emperor of the Black Market and the Empress of the Pleasure District. I believe our kingdom could serve as an efficient exportation spot for your products to be sold in the new world. And you wouldn't need to pay us any fee".

'The this would be for my personal benefit…'

"You'd be violating the treaty you have with the world government if you trade with me".

"I intend to close the borders of this kingdom. Veyron. We committed a grave mistake and it shall not repeat. But I'd still allow entrance to Amazonians, Shandians and Skypeans. I intend to finish my affiliation with the world goverment soon"

"But doing so would leave you vulnerable against pirates!" I billowed in irritation, him leaving the world goverment just to depend on me for his kingdom's defence was not a deal I was willing to partake in. 

But he proved me wrong, Viola stood up abruptly.

"Veyron, we wish for Dressrosa to become a self-defensive estate... we do not wish to depend on the marines who have failed us once. Although we're currently receiving help from the world goverment. It wasn't the world goverment that saved us, it was the Kuja Pirates... Hancock, Sandersonia and Marigold! We will never forget this!"


"We don't want anything to do with the world goverment, please take us in...! We shall take care of our own defences if necessary, all we hope is that you'd help us stand back up as the proud Kingdom of Dressrosa that we have always been".

I sighed, with conditions like that there was no reason for me to decline. 

I could use this kingdom as my personal outpost. I could store my products here and distribute them through the underworld in the new world without paying fees for traffic. Naturally, I'd have to put something on the table, and so... I'd sell those products in Dressrosa for a discount. Soon this country would be modernized under my patronage. 

"Then on behalf of Amazon Lily, Shandia and Skypea... I accept this alliance".

"Yes! Thank you!" Viola jumped on me and kissed my face a few times much to her father's shock who started coughing and only then did the blushing princess separate from me. 

"*cough!* We have to share drinks over this! Not only has my Dressrosa been blessed today, but our daughter has even found herself the perfect groom! This old man couldn't be any happier with his son-in-law!" (Riku).

"Eh?!" (Veyron).

"Ah?!" (Viola).

"Oh? Could it be that I misunderstood something?" (Riku)

"Royal Father! It is not what you think!" (Viola).


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