One Piece: I’m Mihawk’s Son

Those we Lost & Those we Met

Veyron's arms couldn't embrace all his sobbing lovers together. The atmosphere in this world was cold and depressing. He had to use his powers to dispel the looming rain clouds, which threatened to make this already sorrowful night even more melancholic.

In the cleared area of the Upperyard before him, hundreds of corpses smouldered. Standing beside him were two leaders from different factions in Skypea: the Skypeans and the Shandians.

Shawty's body wasn't the only one ablaze; Enel's invasion had brought immense loss to this civilization. Sobs and lullabies served as a farewell to the departed souls, and Veyron regretted not taking this world more seriously. This was not the fictional world of One Piece; this was the harsh reality.

He had told Primrose that it may have been better to do Shawty's funeral in Amazon Lily, but she said there was no place for her to rest than high in the skies, as free as she could ever be. 

The Empress sobbed the most; Shawty had been her best friend. What made it even more painful was the recent revelation that the vice chief was Gloriosa's granddaughter. Veyron wasn't looking forward to the granny's reaction. Primrose and Shawty had been inseparable since childhood, training together, competing, and eventually assuming the roles of captain and vice-captain of the Kuja Pirate ship after Primrose defeated Shawty in a battle for the position of Hebihime. Both of them had ancestors who were Empresses of Amazon Lily, with Shawty's being Gloriosa and Primrose's mother, Boa Paletulip, who was the Empress before Shakky. Despite the fierce competition for the throne, Primrose's Conqueror Haki determined the winner. Shawty graciously accepted her defeat and became an indispensable figure as vice chief on the ship.

Losing such a central figure in her life left Primrose in shock and void. 

Tsuru and Gion stood to the side, their heads lowered in shame for their failure to prevent this catastrophe. What made it even worse was that the organization they were supposed to protect, the World Government, had been the main cause of this disaster.

Stussy's face was conspicuously absent from the area; she dared not show herself to the Shandians and Skypeans. While her hands hadn't directly taken any lives, her presence would forever be associated with those responsible for this catastrophe.

"No words can express our gratitude. If not for your presence here, I shudder to think how bleak our future might have been," Gan Fall, the old man whose body was bandaged from injuries, was the first to express his gratitude, followed by Wyper from the Shandians. Both of them were severely injured and only survived the invasion due to the help of their subordinates who sacrificed themselves for that opportunity. 

"For centuries, our tribes have been enemies. We united against a common foe and failed miserably."

"You don't need to thank me. Our friend was kidnapped and brought here against her will. We came here only to save her. If anyone deserves your gratitude, it's her," Veyron said, emphasizing that his main goal had been rescuing Shawty from Peter.

The ritual continued into the late night before the grieving Skypean souls retreated to their camps. They needed rest and time to mourn their losses.

"I hope you'll allow us to extend some hospitality. Please don't leave right away." Gan Fall requested, although his mouth concealed his true intention, there had to be a new God. 

"We won't. We'll explore the island for a while before departing. Have a good night."

"Thank you."

Gan Fall and Wyper returned to their respective tribes, promising to return the next day to discuss important matters. Veyron was left with his sobbing lovers, whom he levitated back to the ship.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help," Robin said, avoiding his gaze.

"It wasn't your fault, Robin. Let's rest for now; it's been a long and challenging day."

"That scar…" Robin noticed a deep black burning scar running from Veyron's left side of his torso down to his waist, a result of the threatening explosion of darkness that had occurred high in the skies. "Don't worry about it; it doesn't hurt anymore."

The Kuja Pirate ship was anchored at the southern edge of the Upper Yard, where Veyron had left it previously. Stussy was already there, accompanied by Gion and Tsuru, who had departed earlier. When Veyron reached the ship, he took the beauties to the main quarters and put them to sleep.

"Baby..." Primrose grabbed his wrist before he could leave.


"Thank you for being there for us."

"Always. I love you all. Tomorrow will be a better day, promise." Veyron gave each of them a kiss and covered them with a few quilts to protect them from the cold. His departing back was stared at by all of them, warm feelings welling up. 


When he came out to meet Tsuru, Gion, and Stussy, his expression had completely changed.

"You seem like you've made up your mind, kid."

"I'll shatter the World Government, from both the outside and the inside."

"I'm with you," Gion approached him and extended her hand.

"Are you going to be my ally, or just another Marine?"

Gion frowned and shook his hand herself. "You're not a pirate, at least not like the ones I know. I won't let my sense of justice compromise my morals again. I'll become a Marine admiral and change things. We Marines are a symbol of justice that must exist in this world; I hope you understand that."

Stussy then approached and did the same. Veyron looked at her with complex emotions, a part of him still doubted her loyalty, but she was useful due to her position, there was no doubt in that. 

"I understand you might be angry with me, but I swear I didn't order the killings. My role as a member of CP0 is to remain as an Empress of the Underworld. From the start, my job was to deal with Skypean goods in this market and profit the World Government. I couldn't stop them. I know it doesn't excuse my inaction, but you must understand I could never commit such inhumane acts."

"It will take time for me to trust you, but for now, you'll be my tool." He declared, little did he know, the lady intended to follow his orders to the tee. 

Stussy knelt down in front of him. "I don't mind being your tool, as long as you understand that Dr. Vegapunk is my creator, and my loyalty belongs to him. If I have to choose between you or him, I'll choose him. But in any other scenario, I'll do whatever you order me to as my life belongs to you."

"If I ordered you to betray CP0, would you do it?" He tested the grounds, although he'd naturally not order that, her use lay precisely in her role in that organisation. 

Stussy bit her lips and declined, "I wouldn't. Dr. Vegapunk's only order to me has been to infiltrate the World Government and send him valuable information. Therefore, I can't accept an order from you that goes against his, I'm sorry..."

"Then, if I order you to provide me with key information on the World Government's movements, or even Vegapunk's movements?"

Her gaze brightened up.

"I can naturally do that for you. Moreover, if you ever need anything, I can obtain it for you. As an Empress in the Underworld, there's nothing I can't get my hands on – a Devil Fruit, a weapon, materials – anything you need, just say the word, Master."



He didn't know how to react, being labelled like that. Stussy looked up at him, and she found the boy blushing. It was uncertain what he was thinking, but she giggled and took the back of his hand before kissing it.

"That's right. Since you spared my pitiful life and declared me as your tool, how else would I call you other than my Master~"

Veyron sighed and rubbed her chin. Even his thumb traced along her lower lip, which was covered in lipstick.

"So, you're loyal to two Masters? How naughty."

"I'm sorry, Master... this unworthy tool of yours can't resolve her fickle heart".

He didn't know yet what she was or how her role came to be, why was she loyal to Vegapunk? those answers he'd get in the future, but for now... there were many ways she could be of use. 

"Very well. I don't know what I'll ask of you in the future but for now..." He took out a Devil Fruit – it was the white and black fruit with sparks of white lightning in it – and handed it to a surprised Gion.

"You want to become an Admiral, don't you? Although I have no doubt that you are strong and can train your Haki to a high level, I'll feel more confident if you take this... I understand that marines are necessary and that's why I'm trusting you on this".

The woman took a deep breath, accepting the fruit was the same as accepting an alliance with a criminal, but after spending a while with him and even seeing how he acted, she didn't doubt the boy was capable and he'd go places. 

"Mythological Zoan, Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Byakko... Are you sure you want to give this to me?"

Veyron nodded, it was indeed a very powerful fruit, a divine beast. He recalled from the manga only two Mythological Zoans. Marco the Phoenix and Sengoku the Buddha. Now, Gion was about to become a Divine Tiger, but she too would have her uses in the future. 

'Maybe if it's you helping me, I could really do it. It is not like I don't know how difficult it is to become an admiral, but thanks to you, this dream is now possible. You're not a bad kid, Veyron'.

She thought and divagated a bit before eating the fruit, she knew how disgusting it was. 

Veyron knew she was strong, but he also understood how formidable Aokiji, Kizaru, and Akainu would become in the future. If she aspired to become an Admiral, she would have to surpass one of these three.

"You can have it. If Grandma has such high hopes for you, then I'll believe in you, Gion."

"Who are you calling Grandma, brat!?" Tsuru snorted from the side, observing the formation of a new alliance with complex emotions. 'This boy is causing quite a stir.'

Gion nodded, "Then I accept this gift from you. But don't expect me to kneel down like her. I'm your partner, not your slave."

"Partner, huh?" Veyron teased.

"Don't get any strange ideas, you perverted brat! YOU'RE TOO YOUNG TO BE THINKING THOSE THINGS!"


She took a bite of the fruit in irritation, only to spit it out immediately, struggling to hold back her urge to vomit. "Gross!"

Eating a Devil Fruit was as revolting as the tales suggested, if not worse. Nonetheless, she ate the entire fruit just to be sure and then fell to her knees.



A surge of white lightning erupted from her body, and the growl of a new deity resonated throughout the Upper Yard. Gion's long black hair sprouted several white strands, and her eyes turned yellow with slit pupils for a moment. She would never be the same again.

'In Japanese mythology, Byakko is a deity beast that represents wisdom and controls both blue fire and lighting. It would have been good to give this fruit to Noir or any of my pets, but I know Gion can make better use of it...'

He crossed his arms and regarded her, happily inspecting herself and thrilled to test her new powers. 

'Show me what your path will be, Gion'.


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