One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Across The Grand Line

'No! I can't think about going to see Crocus right now! I need to get a doctor from this place I didn't ask Rosalina about, and then I need to get to Batarilla! Ace and his mother's life depend on this working! If I change anything about this world, besides the character I am, I will do one little thing right now!'

Yes, the whole reason I was going to the South Blue, the whole reason as to why I was passing through the Grand Line, was because I wanted to make sure Rouge was alive and didn't die. I did have another thing I wanted to do as well.

While I did get closer to Alice and Mariga, I couldn't just take them on a journey that they could die on if I didn't pay attention for even a minute. I do trust them, but Mariga is too young, and Alice, who can take care of Mariga, would have to stay with her. Since I had trust that Taki could very well defend herself, especially with her devil fruit, alongside the promise of bringing her to Zou, it was out of the question to leave Taki.

I was hoping to drop both Alice and Mariga off with Rouge, in hopes that Alice could help out a little to take care of both Mariga and Ace, when he was born, and take some stress off of Rouge, if even a little.

Since Alice wasn't originally a part of the plan, having her take on a mission of helping Rouge had become my plan with her, especially if she didn't have any way to fight, which she couldn't. It was more of an assumption that she couldn't fight, since I had an idea of who I needed to join me later on.

'Since I'm thinking a lot here, I might as well make a mental list of people I will need once I actually leave to become a pirate. I obviously need a navigator, I can't have Nami, she's not even born yet, and I don't remember any others, so I will seriously have to find one at the start of my journey. I'll also need a scientist or engineer or something, and pretty quick, the faster I have someone, the longer they can take to test some of my theories or build things for The One. I also can't just have me and Taki as the fighters of the crew, most of them should be able to fight, but I'm gonna have to steal from how Luffy did it and just go around to find them.'

Coming down from the absolute insanity that was my last couple minutes of talking with Rodon, I then started to freak out.

'Oh crap. When is the Ohara incident? I can probably to one more thing than just save Rouge, and still have a near intact timeline. But.. what do I do with a saved Olivia and Robin? I mean.. 79 million, and probably more for Olivia if she stays alive.. but what do I do with them? I don't have a need for the Poneglyphs, and at most, if I ever did want to know the locations, it would be to see if something that I created with the help of some people who actually know what they're doing, could stand up to an ancient weapon. So... What would I do? I don't wanna change the timeline too much, the actual Joyboy will end up being Luffy, and I kinda wanna see that happen, and ugh..'

I winced as my head hurt for a second.

'Ow. The implications of messing with the timeline is too much.'

Putting my hand on the back of my head, I then said out loud "I need to think on all that later. Now, what was I doing before I.. unexpectedly let Rodon go?"

I looked over the whole ship that now belonged to me and Rosalina, and then looked on each level of the ship, and even looked at the outside. That whole process took a couple minutes to do, but I couldn't remember. Until I looked up, at the flag blowing in the wind.

With a face that showed what I remembered, I continued to speak out loud "OH! That's right! I never asked about what I could do with their flag, but I really don't want to go back on what I did, and since the ship is now mine, I might as well take it, another one can be made, it's not that hard."

I pulled the flag, looked around just in case I missed anything, wandering through the tied up ex-crew members of the Slippery Pirates, and didn't find anything else.

Taking that flag, I then put it in my room, and nothing else happened, besides Rosalina waking up and completely flipping out on me when she heard I let Rodon go. I couldn't explain anything while she was yelling at me, so I had to wait until she was done to tell her we had the ship, the money, and most of the crew left, which quelled her anger considerably, but not entirely.

Once Rosalina was a little better the next day, we decided to find a place to sell the pirate ship, and jest get the money from it, alongside let the Marines take care of the pirates.

We pulled our ship along behind the giant ship, until we found an island, which was hard without a Log Pose, but doable. The nearest island, I didn't care about the name, since I would go through the Grand Line at some point, happened to have both a Marine base and a shipyard. I took the pirates to the marine base, and both Helven and Aphra had bounties, 'The Queen of Blades' Aphra at 12 million, and 'The Force' Helven, at 10 million.

I nearly choked on air when I heard Helven's name, mostly because it reminded me of Star Wars too much, and I nearly couldn't hold back the laughter of thinking that he, Helven, could use the force. It was a little too much, but I left with 22 million berri and met back up with Rosalina at the harbor of this island I didn't care about, and waited for a few minutes before she got back.

I saw Rosalina was frustrated, and asked "What's wrong? Did you not find a place to sell the ship?"

An irk mark appeared on her forehead.

"No, I did find a place to sell it, and sold it for 17 million Berri."

"So, why are you angry? No, wait, it sold for THAT much?"

"Yes, it was in very good condition, perhaps it was brand new, but I left as soon as I was handed the money. Also, I do not know, perhaps I am angry because you let FIFTY-TWO MILLION BERRI out of your sight."

I scoffed. "Okay, Rosa, I am going to tell you straight. I have gotten and brought in more money, by MYSELF may I add, than 52 million. While it would be great to be up an extra 52 million, sometimes it's not always gonna work out that way."

We just stared each other down before Rosalina changed to her normal expression, then saying "Well, now that that is out of the way, mayhaps we should get going to the South Blue again, then head for the Torino Kingdom, where we can get that doctor you need for something on a.. different.. island?"

"Yeah, let's get going, my thing is kinda time sensitive, and taking an extra day is a setback, but not that crazy a setback. We should probably get going through."

While getting back on the ship, I asked myself 'Where do I remember that kingdom name? What was it? Doctors? An island.. full.. of.. doctors. That happens to be in the South Blue. My freaking memory, why can't you just be perfect for a moment? I really can't remember.'

While taking the steps away to set sail, I thought 'You know what? Maybe actually seeing the island will help. At least if I know what island it is, if I don't, then oh well, it would be an island that wasn't talked about before.'

We then set sail, heading back on our journey.

For the next while, we didn't even run into any other ships, but we had to get back to the Red Line to finish crossing, since that was the only way Rosalina had to get to the South from the East. It was slightly flawed in the fact that we had went to the nearest island, which took a while to find, and then the fact that we had to go back to the Red Line, and then follow it the rest of the way took more time than it should.

After a few weeks of essentially just floating around, almost aimlessly, we had ended up hitting the Calm Belt, and that was where I finally got excited, since there was something to do other than sit around and go into Chillax Mode.

Although it was labor intensive, I still rowed the ship out of the Calm Belt.

'Man, it's great to have a Seastone coated ship. I'll need to get one for myself sometime.'

After I had finished rowing, we had finally reached the South Blue.

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