One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Bickering of Rosalina’s Arrival

'I still can't believe this, what's the connection here? Which one of my theories is right, or are all of them wrong? I hope I'm not right on this though, otherwise, I'll be dead.'

In the room that the Napoleon-esque clothed people were in, they were sitting around a round table, which was 15 feet in diameter, all on chairs that had an eight foot tall back to each of them, as if this was an important meeting place they had.

The oldest three all had their hands clasped together, either having their hands in front of their mouth or flat on the table. These three all had white hair, and their uniforms all were well fitted to each of them, being in perfect condition as if they had never had any type of wear. The oldest one looked like a professor, having a handlebar mustache and hair on the sides and back of his head with a monacle on his left eye, who was sitting in the tallest backed chair. The one to his right was ever so slightly younger, but not by much, having no hair except for a short mustache and a goatee, with some eyes that could pierce a soul by a simply glance, who was sitting in a chair that was slightly shorter than the tallest one. The third chair with the third highest height was occupied by another guy, who had hair on the top of his head, and his sideburns going into a beard, but no hair on the back of his head or over his ears, this one had a clear look of evil, but it was only conveyed through the shady eyes that looked black.

The next three were very different. While I think that the chairs indicated something like their age, it was a little surprising to see very different people. The one seated next to the evil looking one was extremely chill looking, leaning far back in his chair, nearly falling off of it. This one had the front of the uniform open, and a couple chains connecting to his pants. His hair was long ln every side of his head besides it being shaved on one side. He also didn't have any facial hair, which gave him a young look, but he was definitely one of the older few of the group.

The next one was a woman that looked to be in her mind thirties, having a different look and still having the same asthetic. She wore a pencil dress that matched the uniform coat, along with a white dress shirt under the uniform coat, which rested on her shoulders. She had a look to her that gave off a feeling of being a teacher, yet not at the same time.

The third of this set of three was a younger guy this time, being a late twenties age. His hair was completely gone, but he was growing it back, and some already had grown back. He wasn't bald, but his hair was extremely short. His uniform, which has been bleached, had the sleeves ripped off, as well as some shorts that were originally pants, but both of the legs were cut unevenly and turned out wonky. He had a rock in one of his hands that he tossed up and caught, then repeating the process over and over, and partnered with his face of somewhat anger, he gave off a feeling of being a delinquent.

There were two more chairs left, and the one in between the delinquent and the last person was empty, as if someone would normally sit there.

The last person though, had a weird mixture of feelings. Her clothes, which were made up of the uniform, which was cut into pieces to make a jacket that was definitely a bit big on the smaller girl's body. There were little trinkets made up of tiny pieces of what seemed to be electronics and beads hanging off of the girls jacket too, adding to the many different paint colors on the sleeves of the jacket itself. Under the jacket was just some white baggy clothes, which didn't have any paint on them despite having paint on the uniform jacket. Her hair itself was long, and in a ponytail, and she was comfortable, laying on her arm while doing what seemed to be trying to sleep. She failed however, and couldn't get to sleep. She had the shortest backed chair, being only a couple feet taller than her.

And then, all of their faces perked up a little, as if noticing something.

"She's here." The oldest one said.

Several of them nodded, except for the long haired young looking guy that was old, the delinquent, and the youngest.

"Yes, Rosalina is back. I do wonder if she's in the same form though." The teacher looking woman said.

"I do not care if she is back. She will not be here very long, and then we can go along with HIM after she leaves." The middle oldest spoke.

"Perhaps we should experiment a little more before we do anything? I mean, apparently there's stronger people than HIM out there, so maybe we should just have HIM become stronger than em." Said the older guy next to the teacher-like woman.

She then turned to him and said "You know, brother, you may be an idiot sometimes, but you can always come up with a good idea." She put her hand up to her mouth to hide a smirk while she looked at him.

He looked and smirked back while speaking "And you, my dear younger sister, are always an idiot. How else would you explain this teasing you try to use on me?"

"You should have gotten over these antics long ago you two."

They both looked at where the voice came from, and it came from the evil looking of the group. Both of their faces went to being a blank expression.

"We are sorry about that, big brother, we were trying to fill the empty time with some friendly banter."

"Yes, as he was saying, it was all friendly banter to take up time."

The evil looking guy stared at both of them. "Don't forget that again. I know we have the plan to leave, just don't take up too much time with it, as the timing has to be perfect. Do you understand?"

They both shook their heads in recognition.

"Good. Now, we should welcome Rosalina, before anythi-"

The youngest girl interrupted by quickly getting up out of the chair, pushing it backwards. She then slammed her palms on the table, and smiled.

"Ro-Ro's back!" She yelled, and then ran out of the doors that were behind her, keeping them open and letting light in. What could be heard from the ever extending hallway was "RO-RO! I WANNA GET A HUG!" Several times.

"Should we...?"

"No. Just let Rem go. She won't do anything harmful, just let her be." Said the evil looking older guy.

I was still somehow hanging out on the ceiling, and still not seen by Rosalina.

'I don't know how I've not been noticed at all. It's weird, even when she turned around to look for me, she at least noticed me. There's no way she's just walking without checking, I mean, she must know, right? RIGHT? Unless it's too obvious she knows, that could be it, but I don't know! I am getting way too many questions stuck in my head today, why can't they just stop appearing and things stop happening? Sometimes I truly hate my ability to overthink.'

As I was sneaking down the straight hallway, the girl from the room of people I noticed left the room. I could tell she was happy, but I didn't know why. But down the long corridor she came, skipping with her arms sticking out to her sides. I actually took a look at her for a second, which left me with even more piling questions.

'Why is there a little girl with a sewn together jacket made of that uniform the others had coming directly towards Rosa? What connection.. do I know who she is? I don't remember ANY of these other people either, so is the world already changing from when I entered? This could literally be anything, what is it?'

Rosalina then finally noticed her, and stopped in her tracks. I could tell with observation that Rosalina smiled at seeing the girl.

'Wait, is that one of her family members? She smiled at just the sight of her, so what is the connection? Could it be that she's a connection to a bigger power?'

I could hear the girls voice, which was very childish in nature, especially how she talked.

"Ro-Ro's back~! Ro-Ro's back~! Ro-Ro!"

'Ro-Ro? No, that could still be a front. I remember there were spies that were world government or something that could act really well, so I can't just let my guard down. There is still a full picture I need to see, and I can't get it from a child.'

Rosalina shouted back "Rem! How is it going?" And her whole face was brighter than normal, possibly due to seeing a maybe family member after a long time.

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