One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Taki’s Ship Experience, Alone

Rosalina lifted her head to look at me with a puzzled expression.

"You were on Little Roger's crew? You were on a PIRATE CREW before becoming a bounty hunter? I do not remember you being on his ship when he came to this island."

"Um.. little?"

'What does that mean? Does it mean they were in a relationship before or..? No, Captain had Rouge, I don't think he had a relationship before then. So.. what?'

"Do you mean to say that Roger is little? Or is that.. a nickname of some kind?"

I was sincerely confused, even more than I was making myself. And I stared at Rosalina while waiting for an answer.

Raising an eyebrow, Rosalina answered my question with "If you must know, I have met him before, it was a while ago, but it was a little saddening to hear of his execution. If there was any pirate I would have let go, even with a bounty, it would have been him and his crew. And now knowing that you were a part of such a crew, I have no such reason to say or try to turn you in to the Marines. Especially after your.. deeds. While I do not exactly trust your actions, I do trust your strength and.. work ability."

"You must have met him before I joined then. Um.. thanks.. I guess? For having some trust in me? I think?"

I was rubbing the back of my head, as Rosalina was staring at me.

"I do have SOME trust in you, but do not expect full trust like before. Do you understand, Buggy?"

Nodding my head, I took in what she said and left contemplating more to whatever free time I would have in the future.

"Rem! You can come back in!"

'Bugs's been gone for hours! Whatami supposed to do here? Rosa leaves both of us here, an then he just runs off to who know where to find something out!'

I was pacing around the deck of our ship, and I still didn't know what to do. During which, I also was freaking out thanks to him just doing whatever he wanted. The ship didn't have anyone to protect it in the off chance that it was attacked, so I didn't have much of a choice on what to do. I was biting my fingers in stress, and looking around the ship just in case anything were to actually happen.

I went over to the railing facing the island, and yelled out "BUGS! I HOPE THAT YOU WERE ABLE TO DO WHATEVER YOU WANTED TO, OTHERWISE ROSA'S GONNA BE MAD!"

And there was no reply.

"*Sigh* Shoulda guessed so." And I started to walk back around the ship once again. "Bugs, please return soon."

I was facing my back away from the fog, because I thought there wasn't going to be anything, until I caught the sound of footsteps from that same fog.

'These aren't Bug's walking. Or Rosa's. These are completely new, what do I do about this?'

I turned around to check if I could tell who was walking, or if they were even a person. Walking to the edge of the ship, I looked over the edge to see that we were docked still, as I didn't know if I needed to escape quickly.

Training my eyes on the fog, I narrowed my eyes to a big, bulky figure slowly approaching the edge of the fog.

I narrowed my eyes and yelled out "Who're you!?"

The figure continued to walk slowly towards the edge of the fog, and I didn't know what to do.

'I shouldn't just attack, I don't know if they're friendly or not! Maybe I should wait for Bugs or Rosa to get back? No, they wouldn't get back that quickly.'

I decided to yell out indescriminately "BUGGY D. CLOWN! WHERE ARE YOU!?" And then turned to the person appearing, and yelled at him "WHO ARE YOU!?"

A low voice came from the fog, and the person hiding in it.

"Oh? So you do know that brat. You will be a great hostage to use against him."

When he said that, it sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't tell what this person was, but I could tell that he was a dangerous person if he wanted to take me hostage.

Without any hesitation, I made the biggest moon I could, floating above the ship, and then launching it to attack the guy behind the fog.

Simultaneously, I was also trying to push the ship far enough away so that it wasn't going to be affected by the moon I was going to make fall on this guy.

Making two other moons, I pushed on the two ends of the ship enough that I hoped it wouldn't be affected by the moon.

The guy had stopped at this point, and watched what I was doing, tilting his head. I still couldn't tell what he looked like because of the fog, but he was very muscular and a large person.

"How peculiar. A small moon just made out of thin air? With an aura of animosity.. towards me? There's no way! Oh well, it seems as though I will have to do something about it."

He spoke those words in a nonchalant way, as if he knew he was gonna win. But I didn't want to give him any chance at this point, so I made a second and third moon of the same size as the first, and had them lined up to launch all at the same time for a stronger attack.


I sent the three moons all at the same time for as much impact as I could, and pushed the ship even farther than I had it originally, especially with what I expected to be an impact explosion at least three times greater than the original.

'Buggy told me to hold back to learn to control my power, but I don't want any chance of me being wrong about this!'

I watched as the moons got closer to their target, right behind the fog, and heard something a bit wrong. There were crackles and light appearing from behind the fog. Upon closer look, I could see light coming from inside of the fog in some arcs. It was accompanied by the sound of crackling, making it sound more dangerous.

But I couldn't stop now, I had to stop this guy from attacking the ship, and me.

And out of nowhere, the light started to gather behind the fog into one point, until I thought it could be as bright as the sun, so I shielded my eyes, trying to watch what was happening.

And then I heard the voice of the person in the fog say: "Judgement Eclipse!"

And everything turned into light around me.

A beam of light had appeared, and I could tell just how strong it was, as the speed that it appeared broke straight through my moons, bringing some with it, and with as much force as it had, the remaining pieces of the moons I had created that didn't get destroyed were flown hundreds of meters behind the ship, following the path of the beam itself.

I couldn't see what it was, or what was happening, because the beam was so bright, that I was blinded. The sound, there was no sound while the beam still existed, and I went deaf for a minute while the light beam was still destroying anything in its path, even while covering my ears fully.

Once the light had started to dissipate, I could finally hear again, but only a loud roaring, which was coming directly from the beam of light.

I had barely been able to watch anything except for the light that appeared in front of me, and then looked up to realize the clouds themselves, the ones that were in the way of the light beam, were gone. There was a hole directly through the clouds to blue sky, as if the clouds themselves were destroyed. I had crouched down at some point, and only now realized that I was crouching down. Then turning to look at where this beam of light came from, I saw the guy in full.

He was a green guy with a lot of muscle, with things built in to him and with things sticking out of his back, I was too focused on what just happened to even think of what he was.

The space in the fog that was cleared thanks to the beam of light, and the dissipating fog around this green guy was an intimidating thing to see, as it froze me in place for a minute, still processing things.

And then, tears started to fall from my eyes.

I was genuinely scared for my life.

Even with my power to create moons and control them, this person was able to destroy three with one attack.

I was stuck without much option.

The island shook, and I didn't know why.

Me and Rem were walking down the long hallway, and I didn't know why the entire place started to sink, so I asked "Is that normal?"

Rem, who had been tasked with walking me to the ship because Rosalina hadn't fully trusted me again, said "It's probably just Grim doing some testing. He does that sometimes." She smiled while saying that, with a little bit of sweat forming,. Most likely because she wasn't entirely sure about WHAT Grim did.

"*Sigh* I hope you're right about it just being Grim."

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