One Piece's Strongest Player

Chapter 11 Human Cannonball Shots

Chapter 11 Human Cannonball Shots

"Mr. Li Yi, he was sent by the heavens to save our suffering village. He is our great savior. Today, he will lead us to attack the bandits. Anyone who is willing to fight with him, please stand by Come out, with the leadership of Mr. Li Yi, we will definitely be able to defeat the evil bandit!"

"Victory will be ours!"

The village chief became more and more excited, and finally raised his arms and shouted.

"Victory will be ours!"

"Victory will be ours!"

A group of people in Windmill Village immediately burst into blood and shouted with their fists.

There were more than 300 villagers who stood up on the spot. Among these people were farmers who farmed the land, apprentices at the blacksmith shop, and most of them were members of the village protection team.

After a burst of impassioned speeches, successfully arousing the emotions of the villagers, the village chief suddenly turned his head and asked Li Yi in a low voice, "Mr. Li Yi, do you have the confidence to defeat the bandit Sieg?"

The village chief saw that Li Yi was only a level 8 player, while Sig was a level 20 bandit with 20,000 to 30,000 minions, and there was a Devil Fruit player over 30 levels behind him.


Li Yi smiled proudly.

"No, it's not about defeating them, it's a massacre!"


The village chief shivered coldly. To be honest, he lacked confidence in Li Yi's strength. At least on the surface, he was not at the same level as the bandit Sig.

Not to mention the improvised death squads, but rather a rabble team. The combat effectiveness shown by these villagers has been confirmed in the previous war. If it wasn't for Lu Fei who resisted more than 90% of the bandits' firepower. , has long since been wiped out.

At this time, the village chief felt like he was being pulled by Li Yi, and he felt like a thief, but the big words had already been said, and now he has to bite the bullet and do as Li Yi said.

After counting the number of people, a team of more than 600 people was reluctantly assembled.

"Very well, Li Yi said after reviewing the team, then now, the massacre of Sieg begins, brothers, let's go." Li Yi said with a grin.

At this time, there were already some wear players and ordinary villagers gathered in the square. Their eyes, looking at Li Yi and a group of hairy boys, were like looking at a group of dead people, full of pity.

A sixth-level player led a mob of more than 600 people to attack a group of 20,000 to 30,000 people, and there was also a bandit with a 30-level Demon fruit power sitting in town.

"Are these guys crazy? It's too crazy. Just a few people are not enough for the Sigg Bandit."

"Where did this guy invite you to be funny? It's too funny. Look at his swollen appearance. When he encounters the Sigg bandit, he doesn't know what to die for."

Everyone was not optimistic about Li Yi, and some people kept talking slander.

Makino looked at Li Yi with a worried look on his face.

"What did these people do? It's fine if they don't come to support us in fighting the bandits, and they all say nasty things. If you look at us like this, is this really a villager who was ransacked by bandits? It's honest and kind?"

Li Yi assembled the team and divided it into six hundred teams. Each team designated a team leader, and then waved his hand:

"Set off!"

With a wave of Li Yi's hand, the team set off in a pessimistic view.

At the same time, the news spread, and other surrounding villages and various forces all laughed when they heard the news, waiting for the news that Li Yi was wiped out.


After more than three hours, it was completely dark.

In the fortifications built by giant trees, you can see rows of buildings in the Xige cottage, with bright lights and lively voices.

This is the base camp of the famous bandit Sig.

Usually within ten miles, there is no bandit area where other people dare to approach, but a group of people are coming in the starry night, driving straight in, unscrupulous.

However, in the eyes of the thieves on the cottage, it looked ridiculous. They had already gotten the news. At first, they thought it was just a joke, fake news. Who knows, this group of extremely funny guys really came.

"It's exactly the same as the legend. It really is a group of idiots. Since they move at night, they don't even cover the tip of the sword and spear, and the sword light can be seen from afar."

The bandit patrol team laughed out loud, mixed with disdain, as if looking at idiots.

"Brothers, let's go." Li Yi said, and a Taoli cannonball condensed out of his fist, flashing a frightening light.

"What are these idiots doing, do they really want to attack? It's so funny." The captain of the cottage patrol laughed again.

"Eraser, eraser, cannon shot."


Li Yi's whole body trembled, and the shells roared out and fell into the patrol team, with a bang and a blast.

The one who was sneering with disdain, Captain Xunlu, and a few people around him, the laughter suddenly broke, and they were directly torn apart by a violent explosion.


Li Yi fired another human cannonball, and a gap was directly torn open in the wall of the fortress.

"Brothers, go ahead."

Li Yi took the lead and killed the past.

(End of this chapter)

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