One-Punch DxD: NEO

Chapter 85: Infiltration

Out of curiosity, for those who are actually following my NSFW works. I am actually planning to prepare another lemon, which pairing/scene would you like to see? Keep in mind that pairings that are not canon or sailed yet, will take longer to write.

Kiyome struggled to break free off the mutated mushroom man's arm around her. Unlike with Ikala, she was bound in the thing's grip.

The material of the creature was tough, refusing to break even as she tried to elongate spikes and spears of bone and metal. She attempted to saw it off with her plagiarized bone-chainsaw fin blades jutted from the dorsals of her arms, but despite being just a giant mushroom, the thing was tough, like trying to chainsaw industrial chewed gum.

Mushroom hulk, as Kiyome dubbed it, jumped.

Kiyome blinked when she saw that they were falling into the dark, yawning abyss of an underground canyon.


The princess was not used to such adrenaline as she shouted at the sight of the fall, talls trailing upwards in their descent.

The mushroom hulk landed on the cliff leading into another cave, rolling forward to Kiyome's surprise to kill the recoil of the impact.

"...Eh?" Kiyome stared at Mushroom Hulk as it ran into the cave with purpose.

The black ooze also infested this tunnel as she watched more mushroom hulks grow from the black matter.

"H-Hey, if you can pull off that professional landing, you can definitely understand me! Stop this! Why are you kidnapping us?!" She shouted at the mushroom.

All she got in response was a whistling noise, singing at multiple tunes and patterned frequencies. She could not understand a lick of sense from that.

"Get back here! Ikala!"

Oberon was hot on their tail, managing to fly past the other Mushroom Hulks while dodging the thrown projectiles of the black ooze tentacles.

The Mushroom Hulk was pretty fast for its size as it made a sharp right turn, the black ooze growing and congesting a roadblock, the matter hardening into thick, bark-like grey.

"If you think that is enough to stop me, I'll remind you that I am still the King!" The boy king shouted as he blasted through the shroom matter with magic as he continued chasing after the hulk.

Meanwhile, Rover panted as he ran with his best friend next to him, following the scent of the boy king mingling with the spore-infested air.

Kuroka hugged Souji's waist tightly out of instinctual fright before the two leapt across the abyssal canyon, right over the infinite darkness as they landed at the same spot, the cliff of the cave the hulk landed as they ran after them.

However, more mushroom hulks stood in their way as they…

Formed a blockade, each standing hands outstretched to the side trying to impede them with their bodies. Issei and Rover ran up the walls of the cavern, shoes and paws squishing against the black biomass, running overhead the blockade and spiraled back onto the cavern floor.

However, more tentacles elongated around them and started throwing high-speed poison spore bombs at them. Rover and Issei outran the velocity of the projectiles, dodging the ones in front of them as they followed the trail.

"Princess thief! Spirits of the wind, come to my aid!" Oberon shouted as he summoned Wind Elementals to aid him.

They were shapeless effigies of wind, could not be seen but felt as they flew after the two. However, Mushroom Hulk skidded to a stop and threw both of the girls through the tunnel.

The girls and Oberon were confused as to why. They entered a large, open space of rock and stalagmites. Kiyome caught sight of glistening lines briefly before she and Ikala landed in the hands of another Mushroom hulk at the mouth of the exit, then turned around and ran.

Oberon, cursing about how stupid this was becoming, flew after them as he entered the cavern as well. But stopped when spider webs shot out from above, strings of sticky fluids nearly catching the fairy boy as he looked up.

"...Oh, you have got to be kidding me!"

The Hulk threw the girls through a spider den.

Giant Spiders, not the Tryfelagi the Dark Elves tamed, another dangerous variant, the EitraĂ°omur.

The EitraĂ°omur, the Toxic Doom, were the more vicious and poisonous variants of the Tryfelagi, dark-purple abdomens and carapaces with poison able to stun and kill Jotuns.

Maybe some weaker dragons as well.

Spindly blankets of webbings clung to the ceiling, many many spiders looking down, all upside down, at Oberon with their many eyes, twin black fangs glistening with their venom and maws dripping with sticky fluids.

Immediately, they spat webbings at the king, aiming to trap him into their snack. Oberon was ready to intercept the incoming silky projectiles when a torrent of flames engulfed and incinerated the incoming webbings. Oberon then watched as Issei, Rover, Souji and Kuroka landed in front of him, with the overgrown dog growling at the overgrown spiders.

However, Rover blinked before noticing the webbing on his feet. He tried to lift his front paw, but the webbing was still stuck to his foot… the stone floor broke when Rover pulled harder, a chunk of rock now stuck to his paw.

Issei stopped upon seeing the sticky trap. He then stared at the Mushroom hulk that threw Kiyome and Ikala to the other side.

It did not do anything anymore as it turned around and walked away.

The way it was behaving was similar to how Yamata No Orochi behaved during that time in the video recording, signs of definite intelligence, especially after it threw Kiyome and Ikala through a spider den, knowing that it would be impeded if it rampaged through it.

Rover slowly stomped over to the other side, impeded and annoyed by the sticky webbing in its confusion before the EitraĂ°omur crawled down from the nest and down the walls, surrounding the trio from all angles above before they started firing a barrage of sticky fluids at the trio.

Okita drew his katana, wreathed it in flames, and slashed at the webbing, albeit the webs were not as combustible as he liked as some were stuck to his sword and hands like glue.

The spiders were relentless, continuously shooting their webbing at them from all sides, some sticking to Rover's feet to his annoyance, some falling on Kuroka.

Oberon managed to deflect the webbings with his wind elementals.

"Issei-chin! Less watching and more lightning! And don't get any lewd ideas, I don't like this white stuff!" Kuroka shouted while more fluids landed on her, sticking to her black yukata while painting an erotic image usually seen in the dark web.

Issei jumped towards Rover, landing on his best friend's head.

He raised his hands and fired his Norse Lightning, crackling blue, electrifying the spiders as they squealed and backed away from them, stopping their assault.

Issei summoned Ascalon, the golden-hilted, dragon-slaying sword and started cutting the webbings off.

The spiders did not attack them anymore, cowed into submission.

"It knows the tunnel layouts. And can plan how to use it against us," Issei concluded.

He had underestimated this thing's coordination abilities.

"Can that dog of yours track their scent or something? They're getting further away the longer we stay here!" Oberon urged as he had lost them.

"Yeah, we have their scent." Issei said as he finished cutting the webbings off them.

After that, Issei summoned a sphere of erasure, using Bael's signature crimson black power and splashed it against the ground, erasing the webbing for Rover.

Ever since his dark half used it against him, Issei made sure to test what he could use and could not use after that point, the Bael signature power in his hands. The look on Rias' face was priceless when he showed it to her.

As for the mechanics behind this ability, Issei could not understand it perfectly, but the more he experienced the powers around him, the better he could understand the flow of the said power.

And he had been training with Rias for a while.

Genos theorized that Issei could learn the powers faster if he endured it, as in taking the hit of the powers at play, which was why he could use Lightspears on Kokabiel's wavelength and the Norse lightning of the Thunder God Brothers.

There were limits, however.

Issei could not copy Gasper's time stop gaze or Yuuto's sword-making Sacred Gear. Apparently, it worked on offensive energy type abilities.

Anything complex and nuanced like Sacred Gears would not cut it for him, they were too different… At least for the time being.

Souji and Oberon stared at Issei dumbfounded at the sight of him using a Devil power without being a part of the same bloodline as Rover barked and waddled towards the mouth of the exit on the other side.

"Mr. Ise…" Souji began, "Was that…?"

Oberon continued, "That's…. Your king's power, isn't it?"

"Perks of being the Son of the Strongest Man... Being a part of the Mastema helps more, though; but ask questions as we ride. Let's move, people!"

Issei joined Rover, Oberon still dazed before he fluttered after them as they all took off against the Princess Kidnapping Mushroom.

Back in the human world, Haruka was looking in confusion at the sight of a dozen or so strangers milling around the house where she was looking after the pregnant Cleria Belial.

Speaking of, Cleria herself was supposed to be in bed, resting and preparing for her soon-to-come fourth child when Haruka left her for grocery shopping. The she-devil was talking to a woman who Haruka assumed to be another devil.

Putting the bag of groceries on a nearby table, Haruka approached the two and heard their conversation.

"...I need a pair of sweat-pants, and make sure that all my children are with my husband or my brother."

"What for, m'lady?" the other devil asked.

"My water just broke - that's right, speaking of which, I need to confirm we have enough supplied food and water."

Haruka shrieked, "YOUR WATER JUST BROKE?!" she stomped towards Cleria and the other one - the former was merely raising her eyebrows while the latter was tad on guard. "Rather, who are these people?! You are supposed to be in bed!"

"Welcome back, Haruka. These are the members of my peerage, and this lady here is my Queen. I've been looking forward to introducing them to you." Cleria smiled as if she was still far from having labor.

"Oh, how lovely." Haruka replied with a stiff smile before she shook the hand of the apparently Cleria's Queen, who was still in the middle of processing of her long-lost King giving birth, "Haruka Hyoudou, a pleasure to meet you. Now, I want all of you out! Get out! There's a woman about to give birth here!"

The women looked at each other, stammering to respond to the human.


"No buts! She needs space, people! You can come back after the baby's delivered! Shoo! Shoo!"

Seeing the human was sporting a look that demanded no argument, Cleria could only shrug with an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry. Her house, her rules."

The others were saddened, forbidden from seeing one of their King's greatest moments. One by one, the Devil girls left the room, leaving them alone.

"Okay, now you young lady should go back to bed." Despite her tone, Haruka was very gentle in pushing Cleria towards the direction of her bedroom.

"Yes, ma'am." Cleria giggled as Haruka rolled her eyes.

"How did you even get them into the house, anyways? This mansion is supposed to be secure."

"Oh, simple. I just summoned them from the Underworld." Cleria smiled.

"That sounds like a huge security flaw that shouldn't be there in the first place," Haruka frowned.

"Oh, I know. They will return to whence they came through teleportation in the end, so you don't have to worry about them not being discreet."

When they were about to walk past the kitchen, a familiar face popped out from the entrance.

"...Auntie Haruka? Mom? Where is everyone? I just finished preparing refreshments for them." Sarah - the eldest of Cleria's children asked while looking around in small confusion.

"Uhhhh, I kinda sent them away… were you hoping to get to know your mom's Peerage?" Haruka smiled sheepishly.

"...Yes…" Sarah hung her head.

"She'll make it up to you, next time." Cleria smiled.

"Yes, I will. Come, we need to settle your mother in her bedroom."

Sarah immediately helped the older woman to guide her mother away. It did not take long for them to make it to their destination; however, if one were to pay attention, they would notice that - instead of a door-handle or knob, the door's surface had a circular lock attached, with a biometric scanner and keypad next to it.

Haruka then placed her face before the scanner as the machine scanned her eyes, and the lock spun open. When the door was opened, it showed that the door was at least several inches thick of metallic material.

Inside the room, was a lavish bed designed for absolute comfort with several sheets, blankets and towels, surrounded by a few small tables with aromatic-scent candles, a mini music player playing relaxing music, and several glasses with a jar of water.

Overall, the bedroom was a large birthing-suite…. At least one would call it until they saw the walls.

Guns. Lots of guns were adorning three out of four walls - from simple pistols to rocket launchers. Haruka's personal collection, gathered from her connections, mainly Black and Genos.

The final wall was an array of surveillance and security systems where a Black Sperm clone was manning the controls.

"Yo." Black waved.

"Hey, Black~ no peeping." Haruka winked.

"Hah! Alright. Though I still wonder why the hell she's giving birth here and not in a hospital?" Black went along with it.

Haruka tapped a finger on her chin before answering, "Hm, a fair question. Let's see…." She then began mimicking as if she was talking to someone else, "Hi there, hello. I would like to register one patient, she's about to go for labor, fourth one in fact. Her name? Cleria Belial, and by the way, she is a pure-blood devil. I wonder if you have any human doctors here that know how to handle devils?" She finished with a knowing look towards the dwarf creature.

"Alright, point taken, sheesh. No need for sass." Black grouched.

"Yes, and a hospital can be a big place with many holes and gaps for spies and assassins to snoop around… According to Genos." Haruka added, "And also Cleria doesn't like the idea of giving birth in hospitals. She's already accustomed to giving birth in more homely settings."

"Fair enough." Black shrugged, "Anyways, the children are playing with the lucky uncle and father of soon-to-be four. But… Aura detectors picked up multiple magical signatures and signs of teleportation… uh, quick question, do you somehow have any enemies in the Underworld or something?" Black asked, squinting one screen in particular.

Cleria took a deep breath as she was situated on her bed, trying to relax herself as she grunted at her first contraction.

"...I've never been to the Underworld before." Haruka remarked.

"I… more like 'had' enemies. As far as everyone there is concerned, I'm dead." Cleria replied while regulating her breathing.

"'Had' as in what kind of enemies? Enemies how?" Black asked.

"It is a bit complicated, let's just say I am against how the current Rating Games are handled and have… delved too deep into the rabbit hole as the saying goes." She smiled awkwardly as she started to sweat.

"Ookay…. Because I'm looking at… A lot of devil signatures all around, and I'm pretty sure those ain't either Gremories or Sitris… Or anyone I recall, really." Black commented.

Both women gave Black their full attention. Haruka then walked over to Black as he pointed at one screen.

Fiddling with the controls, Black zoomed in and showed Haruka the various humanoid figures, all but one being female, the sole male in the back.

Not only that, there were numerous teleportation sigils drawn around the fence of the manor…

"And… they just casted a Bounded Field… and wow. They're summoning monsters."

A magic circle then appeared in the room, summoning both Masaomi and Diehauser.

"Mrs. Hyoudou! Cleria!" Diehauser looked panicked.

"What's the situation?!" Masaomi asked as he headed towards his wife and held her hand.

"Masaomi…? Where are Sai and Mejiho?" Cleria asked her husband.

"They are safe in a different room. A few… clones of Mr. Black Sperm are keeping them company. They are safe, so let us focus on you." Masaomi said as he knelt next to his wife, running his hand lovingly on her cheek.

Back on the surveillance screen - the teleportation circles activated. Standing within the teleportation circles were monsters, chimeras of sorts.

"Hmph, more of those hybrid freaks." Black scoffed, before his eyes caught something else.

"Wait, wait…. That's a Noble Devil Crest teleportation circle. Analyzing crest…"

The screen squared in on the center of one of the magic circles, numbers blipping as Black grew more arms, some white oval faces clustered around the appendages, as the arms went to typing.

"...Oh, shit, we got an Abaddon. Analyzing the man in the far back… Oh, shit. The Number Three of the Rating Games, third rank, Bedeze Abaddon and…. He brought his harem dream team with him. Damn. This is awkward… Not sure if they know about our defense systems, but I'm pretty sure that our schematics weren't leaked. The Baldy and the robot would've ground Azazel into fish paste if they were."

"Bedeze?!" Diehauser said in shock.

"You know him?" Black asked.

"Know him? We fought each other in the Rating Games! He is an arrogant buffoon that supports the old ways. We are not on good terms."

"So, why is he here with an army? I have a few guesses, to be honest." Black asked, glancing towards Cleria.

"You guessed… right." Cleria smiled weakly. "He is here to silence me… the sole witness to the corruption of the… Rating Games."

Cleria stopped and took deep, labored breaths.

"...Some of the Nobles secretly used the King Pieces… a forbidden piece… the strongest piece so powerful that… Ajuka had to ban its use from the Rating Games. Bedeze is one of them."

"...What? So you're saying that they brought an army to kill a defenseless pregnant woman just because she has dirt on something so ridiculously petty?" Black summarized.

Cleria nodded.

"That's so fucked up I don't have the words. Not even the guys I know back home would do something this screwed over." Black commented.

Diehauser clenched his fists as he ground his teeth, his aura flaring with his rage. Masaomi prepared his weapons, his trusted light pistol and light sword from his exorcist days.

"...My friend. I am afraid that I must ask to know where you keep the heavier weapons." He asked with a cold, murderous tone.

Haruka, on the other hand, walked towards the wall of guns. She immediately took the guns off the wall, starting with the rocket launcher and strapping it around her, then took a pistol and holstered it to her hip, then grabbed her favorite marksman rifle.

"Black. Where's the superheavy armory Genos stored just in case?" Haruka asked.

"Uhhh, I can give you a guide," Black informed as he popped out a clone, the clone landing beside his wheelchair.

"Good, saves us time. Now put us on speaker."

Black immediately rolled his wheelchair aside while his tentacle head elongated and pressed the button with the mic symbol on.

Haruka calmly walked to the screen and took a deep breath, "...Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am the lady of the house, wife of the Strongest Man in this world. How may I help you?"

The voice reached everyone outside.

The devil on the screen seemed to acknowledge her voice as he gestured his army to stop, monsters pausing midair. He glanced around before he put a smile on his face.

[Good evening, milady. You are speaking to Bedeze of the House of Abaddon. I am here looking for one Cleria Belial who I believe is hiding in this domicile. I shall not waste time here, for the sake of us both - surrender her and I will consider sparring your insignificant fleeting life.]

"Hello, Bedeze Abaddon. I am afraid that you're wasting your time. What the fuck are you doing?" Haruka's gentle tone dropped into crass, murderous lingo, her tone from polite to straight yakuza.

Both mother and daughter of the Belial were stunned, hearing and seeing this side of the gentle woman.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, thinking you can just walk up the front gate, summon an army, and VIOLATE Japan's private property laws just because you were born from some pissant ancient-ass womb of a stuck-up whore, do whatever you want like a spoiled bitch and think you can get away with this? I will MURDER your ass and cut your pubescent dick off, you little fuck!"

It was the first time Bedeze felt… overwhelmed by a human housewife. Even his female peerage looked shocked to hear such crass. The female devils of Bedeze's Peerage exchanged glances, unsure how to respond.

Cleria and Sarah were equally frightened by the sudden outburst.

Both Diehauser and Masaomi stared at Haruka, feeling a little… small at the moment.

[...Language aside, I am afraid you have no choice but to comply if you value your life. We have you surrounded, and your pathetic little house and whatever defenses you have behind those walls mean nothing before us.]

"Oh ho ho ho ho ho. So what came out of your whore-ass mother is an autistic."

Bedeze's vein popped under his skin.

[How dare you speak to me like that, you worthless wench?!]

He snapped.

"Oh, that got on your nerves, little boy? Too bad your mommy and daddy ain't here to see you off to wherever the fuck you devils get off to after dying. Oh wait, they're old, they must be soooo senile. No wonder why you're here, about to die screaming to Hell."

"Mom… I'm scared." Sarah whispered to her mother.

"...Me too, sweetie." Cleria admitted.

Both Diehauser and Masaomi were amazed by the housewife's verbal weaponry.

"I can see why she is Saitama's wife now." Diehauser muttered, impressed by the strong will behind her.

"I don't care what kind of overprivileged fossil you're born out of, how you're raised like a pompous prick, or whatever gaudy powers you're born with, you do know that you're signing your death sentence? What makes you think you can come here, come through that gate, face the one woman that has an apocalypse on speed-dial, and live?"

[Why else would it be?! I am the scion of the Abaddon clan! You are a mere human surrounded by measly walls and defense! Wife of the strongest man? Big words from a mere mortal! I am the superior being! You are nothing before me!]

Listening to Bedeze's boasting, Black could not help but comment, "...Oi. What kind of crack have you been smoking to be that high on confidence? I want some of that shit."

Haruka slapped the snarky teletubby.

"Oh ho ho. You want to play ball, you prick? Let's play ball. Black. Activate that."

"...Okay, are you saying that to sound ominous for impact? What kind of that?" Black asked.

"The one with the silver loudspeakers."

"Oh… oh! That. Oh, I didn't think we'll have the chance to use that thing!" Black's lips curled into a wicked smile.

Bedeze and his entourage were confused in their silence, hearing nothing from the insiders, cautious of the wife's ominous intones.

There was a click in the audio, followed by a brief static.

Then Bedeze and the other Devils present flinched when the first verse was uttered.

Back in the control room, Black and Haruka grinned as the latter turned the volume to max.

[Adjuro te, spiritus nequissime, per Deum omnipotentem, per Jesum Christum, filium ejus unicum, qui te de supremo coelo in infernum detrudebat….]

The next second, the devils exposed to the voice fell to their knees, writhing, crying and clutching their heads in agony.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!" Even Bedeze, pureblood of the Abaddons, screamed as smoke rose from his ears, like his brain was being set on holy fire.

This was nothing like the standard effects of the holy Christian verses. What kind of degenerate would viciously abuse their weaknesses like this?!

"Bahahahahaha! Look at them scream!" Black cackled insidiously as he typed on the console.

Masaomi and Diehauser approached the screens to look closer, seeing all of the Devils down on the ground, even those that were flying, in great agony, every single one of them holding their ears.

"...What did you do to them?" Diehauser asked.

"Something only tech can make. Playing the Catholic verses of the Bible, and some exorcism rites. In Latin for extra oomph! Oh, and don't even think you're safe from it! Even Satans will fall to their knees and cry blood out of their ears! Before their blood gets set on fire!"

"...You're telling me you somehow created a weapon made specifically to torment Devils using our universal weaknesses?" Diehauser summarized with both amazement and horror.

"Oh yeah…. The walls are soundproof, though, since we have Devil occupants in the house. You're safe behind walls, as well as the kids. But if you want to go out and give them hell, we have special earplugs to drown out the words of the dead God for ya."

Meanwhile, Haruka had to return to tend to Cleria, who had difficulty in pushing her baby out, prompting the other woman, Masaomi and Sarah to guide her to walk around to help the baby down her womb.

"Yes, yes, nice and steady, Cleria. Let's get you back to bed and try again, okay?"

Cleria simply nodded while regulating her breathing again.

"Oh, some of the monsters are screaming in agony!" Black noted on the screen.

They were something akin to women with bat wings replacing their arms. However, the really off-putting feature was the lack of their lower-half, as if their waist was torn apart with their bloody innards dangling from their waist. Dozens of them were screeching before their bodies fell to writhe on the unforgiving ground.

"Wow, what a bunch of fuglies, and I know a Fuhrer Ugly and he was ugly, I tell you. I wonder what they are?" Black mused.


"Mana-whatchamacallit?" Black spun on his chair to see Cleria settled back on bed.

"Focus on delivering, Cleria." Haruka said as she focused on the opening between Cleria's legs.

"I just need some distraction from pain." Cleria retorted to Haruka, before she returned to Black, "...Vampiric creatures from Filipino folklore. They appear as normal women during the day, and they detach themselves from their lower-half at night to feed on unsuspecting prey by sucking their innards."

"That's scary and disgusting. Now, take a deep breath and push!" Haruka commented and instructed, prompting Cleria to grunt in pain as she did as instructed.

Issei and Rover continued running. Oberon decided to hitch a ride on the dog's head as they navigated through the tunnels.

"So, what's the story with the dog?" Oberon decided to chat to kill time as they tracked Kiyome and Ikala, Rover stopping to sniff the air before turning left, following the scent of royalty.

"He came with my dad. He's the best dog in the whole wide world." Issei proudly stated as Rover barked with joy.

The dark caverns had spots of black ooze on the walls.

Right now, they had the feeling that the cave itself was watching them. The sensation was almost similar to how they felt when they first entered Alfheim.

Meanwhile, Celiphrana was at the outskirts of her underground nation, right outside of a massive cavern, seeing Djall and his hand on the material reflection of the mushroom avatar.

"...May I ask what you are doing?" The princess asked the monster.

She did not understand why he ejected her from the mindscape. She did not expect that the world he lived in was… far beyond the material than she believed.

Something that no being in the supernatural had ever touched.

He was not what she thought to be… He was more alone than anyone in the nine realms, so to speak.

Her royal blood and upbringing told her that the monster was lonely, and he did not even know it. Which was probably why he was acting this way, teaching her… trying to make bonds whimsically in a sense.

"Doing something fun."

Although he was not without flaws, one of them being that he liked being insufferable at times.

"Please explain your definition of… 'fun.'"

"It would ruin the surprise if I tell."

She frowned at the creature's reply.

"Do you always like to play with others like this?"

"I like playing with my food. Though in this case, you aren't food. So are they… I think?"

"...You think?" Celiphrana took two steps back.

"It is a metaphor. I don't know about them, though."

"Who are 'they'? Are they the ones with Ikala?"

"Yes. She's here. With them."

Celiphrana wanted to ask further, however, her question was answered not long after, when she heard something huge was running from inside the cavern.

The princess squinted as her night vision saw something hulking and… mushroom towards them.

She rubbed her eyes and squinted further.

It was not her imagination, she was looking at a ridiculously strong version of the Ilmur Walking Mushrooms she was used to seeing in her trips to meet Ikala.

And it was not alone, three more giant hulking mushrooms with massive arms and stump legs…

"Wait, Ikala? IKALA?!" She could not help but shout at the sight of the motion-sickened blonde elf at the verge of vomiting.

There was someone else held in the other arm, a Midgardian girl in strange clothes, a skirt around her waist and plimsoll shoes, knee-high socks and a blouse covering her bust.

Her hair was a bit strange, dark-elf brown and curled into twin drills waving side by side.

"Djall, you… Don't tell me!" Celiphrana understood. "You brought Ikala here?! HERE!? In the hands of… What is this thing?!" She almost shrieked.

"I thought you wanted to be with her. What's the problem?" Djall asked.

"EVERYTHING!" She shrieked.

"There's no such thing as 'everything' in that context."

Celiphrana now wanted to tear him apart for endangering her love.

The mushroom hulks stopped in a thumping halt, their massive weights now walking towards the two.

The one at the front dropped Ikala and Kiyome, Ikala's hands still bound by sticky resin of fungus material.

"Thank you, little mushroom." Djall patted the mushroom.

The mushroom hopped up and down, happy for the praise.

Celiphrana on the other hand, ignored the monstrosities in favor of tending to her lover.

"Ikala, are you alright? What are you doing here?" Celiph asked as she undid Ikala's restraint, sharpening her nails enough to rip through the material and remove it from her wrists and bow.

"Ugggggghhhhhhh… Celiph?" Ikala looked sick. "I… came to see you… Ugh, What happened?"

She rubbed her head, trying to rub out the migraine.

"I don't know. Ask him." Celiphrana glared at Djall.

"S-Stjarna…?" Kiyome asked from her still-restrained position.

"Again with that name." Djall sighed. "Do you know how annoying it is to be called by something else repeatedly? Either way, I am wondering if I should keep you or send you away now…"

Celiphrana helped Ikala up to her feet.

"I… Where are we?" Ikala asked.

"One of the tunnels leading to the wild dark caverns." Celiphrana answered. "Apparently, Djall brought you all here."

Ikala warrily regarded Djall, the monster that had so much bloodlust contained in that lithe frame.

However, before anyone could have spoken anything, another voice was heard from the cavern.

"Kiyome! Ikala!"

"My baby girl!"

Djall regarded the incoming others. He gruffed as he walked towards them, the four mushroom hulks parting a path for the monster to greet the party.

Rover and Issei skid to a halt, slowing to a stop when they saw the familiar face of the three-eyed monster.

Issei and Oberon gulped when Djall gave them his full attention. His eyes turned to Issei now, the boy flinching when he felt that gaze piercing through him.

Dissecting him, the pupils of the creature shifting into myriads of shapes.

"Should I introduce myself? Since you seem to know me to an extent." Djall asked Issei.

"I… Uh… Yeah, it's better that we get acquainted." Issei decided to roll with it.

Mostly to get a feel for this version of Stjarna.

"Djall. Djall Von Lucifer. Child of Corpses, Son of the Beast of the End Times and the Messiah. Abomination. Unholy child, as the servants of Euclid like to call me."

Kiyome could not help but feel that there was a tinge of sadness in his introduction.

"And you are… Issei Hyoudou. Son of the Strongest Man…"

The monster glanced at Oberon, Souji, Kuroka and Rover.

Oberon flinched when Djall's gaze landed on him.

"And we meet again… Oberon." Djall addressed the boy-king of the wood elves.

"...H-hello… So, uh, how are you doing?" Oberon sheepishly waved his hand. He glanced at the standing mushroom constructs standing behind the monster.

"Well. Don't tell me you came all this way to feed me another piece of tasteless plants." Djall regarded the king with some humor.

"Uhhhh… I'm still trying to find a way to warm you up to it." Oberon returned with a shrug.

"You're free to try. And you…" Djall regarded Issei, who flinched as his three eyes looked up and down.

"I have absolutely no idea what you are." Djall said as he gave Issei his attention.

"Excuse me?" Issei asked with furrowed brows.

"You are like a fabled Frankenstein trying to be everything at once only to become something different. You wear my skin like your clothes, you have my eyes, you reek of the same Demonic scent, have the aura of a dragon hidden within, yet you also feel authentically human… and something else. You're too compact to be called Chimera. What are you supposed to be? I was wondering what I should do about you, though the only thing that comes to my mind is to take you with me and dissect you. Or eat you for the same thing."

Issei blinked at Djall before he pointed out, "I… will have to pass on that. First time a guy said that he wanted to 'eat me' in my face…"

"Hmmm." Djall squinted as he aimed his palm at Issei.

Issei reacted, raising his guard as he sensed the power gathering into Djall's hand.

Multiple magic circles from the Fae and the Devil lines converged around a single point, disappearing, changing, deconstructed and reconstructed, forming a colorful display of multicolored light as Djall furrowed his bow, the sphere of energy swiftly changing from fire to lightning to something more crimson… something destructive.

Then Djall gave up and banished all of it, lowering his hand.

"...I cannot do what you can do."

"...Again, excuse me?" Issei asked again.

"What you can do. You used the power of the Bael somehow… I can't do that." Djall frowned. "...And it annoys me."

Issei had a hunch that Djall had been watching them somehow. He cast a glance at the mushroom hulks, having a good guess.

"...Sorry if I'm off topic, but… did you make them?" Oberon interrupted, having a hunch after listening to the one-sided dialogue between Kiyome and 'Stjarna' on the other side.

"I helped my friend make it." Djall pointed at the small puppy sized mushroom hopping towards him.

Kiyome stared at the mushroom thing, piecing it together.

"I entwined its mind with my hive mind. And taught him as much as I can with a piece of my power. The concept is simple after reading through Euclid's research papers," Djall said.

"But enough conversation… I only wanted Kiyome and the high elf princess. You five… I don't have plans for you." Djall pointed at Issei and his group. "You came here on a pointless endeavor. I don't know how you managed to link to Grayfia, but you seem to misunderstand. Celiphrana and I have no interest in 'engagement' with each other. You are free to go back to where you came from."

"Oh, we'd love to go back, alright." Oberon snided, "But not before I get my daughter back and have a word with Sycorax! We've seen those abominations you made down there!"

"Rampant genetic accidents." Celiphrana answered. "My people are playing with this… Djall's powers. To better our lives, they experimented with something they could not understand yet brought boundless benefits and potential. And dangers. What you saw is this little mushroom before Djall…"

The mushroom thing hopped up and down in an endearing way.

"I showed him the way." Djall answered.

"He showed him why it is bad to eat and cover everything like a disease." Celiphrana reworded. "We are planning to fix the other accidents that are rampaging throughout our underground world before it spreads to the surface. We don't want to turn all of Alfheim against us, Lord Oberon."

The Elf-king regarded the dark elf for a few moments before he exhaled, "Very well, I believe you. But there is still one more thing that needs to be addressed."

Celiph raised one eyebrow, "And that would be…?"

"How far have you gone with my baby girl?"

"Wha-?!' Ikala was immediately snapped wide awake from her previous stupor, with Celiph was taken aback with a flustered look.

Djall and Issei looked at Oberon.

"...Really? You want to ask about that? Now?" Issei almost half-hissed at the boy-king.

"Of course I do! My baby girl is here, her girlfriend's here, when else should I ask?" Oberon retorted as if it was the most natural thing.

"Um, maybe after we get my friend back?" Issei pointed at Kiyome, who was picking herself on her feet.

"She's staying. And so is this 'Ikala.'" Djall stated with finality.

At the proclamation, the atmosphere became tense as Issei's group prepared to fight.

"What do mean, they're staying?" Issei demanded.

"They're staying. Simple as that." Djall repeated.


"Because I want to?"

"...Why do you insist on keeping them here?" Souji could not help but interject, slowly reaching for his sword.

"Because I want to." Djall repeated.. "...Now begone."

Djall slid his foot forward and flicked his toe, sending a bolt of magic towards them.

Issei was about to deflect the sudden attack, but the bolt diverged, two halves circling around the group until it formed a circle.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" Oberon shouted.

"Sending you away. There's something fun lurking in one of the caverns. I think you can survive it." Djlal smiled as sigils formed under their feet.

Djall literally wrote a teleportation circle under them and activated it before they could react, sending them away like he promised.

Now, Djall was alone, with Kiyome, Ikala, and Celiphrana, all three staring at Djall agape for what he did.

"...What did you do?" Celiphrana asked, her confused expression was shared by Ikala as well..

"Teleported them." Djall answered.

"...Where did you send them to?" Kiyome could not help but ask with a worried tone.

In return, Djall simply gave Kiyome a knowing smile.

"Something I encountered on my trip to Skugariki. It is addicted to flesh and blood."


The group of five appeared in an unfamiliar clearing of the cave.

They looked around, the stench of rotting meat reaching their noses, Rover whining and pawing his nose as Issei summoned a light.

Surrounding them…

There were countless corpses.

Corpses of giants, corpses of giant insects, corpses of drakes…

Arms, legs, spleen, liver, bones, blood and muscles, shredded skin, torn exoskeletons, pincers, green blood mixed with red.

Before any of them could utter a word, something stirred. Issei shone a ball of light at something in the cavern, something massive… and horrifying.

It rose from a pile of bones, vestiges of meat and blood still sticking to the white, picked clean.

At first, they saw the face of a dragon.

A cave dragon, a massive cave dragon, thick stone armor bumps in place of the usual dragon scales, red eyes gleaming from its sockets… yet it looked incredibly sad.

It did not end there - On the thing's back was another creature attached to the nape of this massive dragon.

"...A Rokkatandi?" Oberon could not help when he recognized the shape of the creature, but…

It looked wrong.

The usual rock-eating scorpions the dark elves used to mine the stone and minerals of Alfheim were much, much smaller than this one…

This one being comparable to that of the giant dragon it was attached to.

And this thing's lower half was fused with the base of the cave dragon's nape like a parasite, four massive claws instead of two, a large singular eye gazing at them while it let out an alien chittering rasp of hunger when it saw them.

The dragon that the critter latched onto, growled and let loose a roar, albeit it sounded more forces than voluntary, before it advanced towards the group.

A dragon of unknown power with a vicious parasite attached to it… it was something that should only exist in Resident Evil or Souls games if Issei was being honest.

More chittering and giant shadowy figures arose. The thing was not alone as the group found themselves besieged from all sides.

"...Sunnova bitch."

"Lady Leviathan! My word, if I knew you would drop by out of the blue, I would've put on my good hat and shoes!"

Zatouji, the supervisor of Familiar Forest, bowed waist-down before Serafall, who was donned in her working clothes instead of her 'uniform'.

The Familiar Forest looked different than before.

One, the trees were much bigger, the tiny creatures that once gave it life being bigger as well. Like the tiny oni sprite that was his size, standing behind him while nibbling on a strange spiral fruit the size of a watermelon like a squirrel.

"Now, now, at ease, Zatou-chan~! Sorry for suddenly barging in." Serafall replied with a disarming smile.

"You are always welcome here, m'lady. Though, I expected to see Behemoth with you. The forest ain't the same since the Demon God incident, hoooh!"

He gestured to the number of giant slimes slithering in the background, towering over the trees.

"Oh, I still can't get used to the sight of those slimes, those perverted things." Serafall chuckled. "And who's your friend?" She asked, pointing at the large, cute, oni-like familiar nibbling on fruit behind Zatouji.

"Oh, his name is Uni! One of my newest Familiars I befriended!"

The creature made a cute noise and waved at Serafall.

"The change in ecology forced mass migration and immigration to and from the lands beyond. I'm lucky some of these guys recognize me enough not to eat me."

"Yes, that's wonderful and all, but a quick question, Zatou-chan; was there anyone else who went into the forest before I arrived?" Serafall quickly moved on.

"Hmmmmm… Well, other the coalition of Fallen Angels and Devil surveyors, I see no one. Why, you want to meet someone?"

"You can say that, and these fallen angels and devil surveyors, any idea where they might be heading to?" Serafall asked again.

"Oh, nothing important. They're just flying around, drawing maps and gathering plant life for study. I am currently helping with the wildlife since some won't attack me on sight."

"Right… Anyway, I'll be on my way. Oh, and can you keep my visit here just between the two of us? I'm actually supposed to be at my office." Serafall asked with clapped hands and a knowing wink.

"Ahhhh, a fellow hater of all things paper! A small world we live in to meet another of my kind." Zatouji laughed in understanding. "I'm also on duty to help update the Familiar Protection Rights. The Underworld has changed! And we know how bad it is for our kind to go poaching for new monsters under our noses! You have my lips sealed, my Lady Leviathan."

"Thanks! I know I can count on ya~!"

Serafall glomped Zatouji into a quick hug - a gesture the latter had no problem accepting. Serafall being huggy was already a common knowledge by this point.

After sharing another goodbye with Zatouji and his cute giant familiar, Serafall then began her trek through the mass of trees and greenery.

In the contrast of her chipper attitude she showed Zatouji earlier, her expression was currently serious without a room for humor, as she conjured a dark green hooded cloak to drape over her frame and pulled the hood over to conceal her face.

She still could not believe that her destination was that territory, not even Satan-class devil dare to tread.

Emerging into a glade, she met them, at the borders of the dragon king's, or Queen in this case, territory.

"Yo." Cao Cao lounged on the giant moss-green root of a tree that was several feet above Serafall's height.

He was not alone. There was a man with silvered hair and a child around half her height, asian, a little chubby.

Then her eyes landed on him, 'standing' on the wall of the massive fruit tree, eating a glowing red fruit in hand.

She could not forget those three eyes.

"...What is he doing here?" She asked, pointing at the man that was with Euclid before he caused the Trihexa Death Plague incident.

"Serafall of the Sitri meatline…" Short black hair, two eyes with the 𝜎 symbol on each eye, the third on his forehead larger than those below, a hexagram symbol on his pupil.

"...Meatline?" Serafall turned to Cao Cao, questioning him with her eyes.

"Errr, it's complicated. His name is, uh, Djall. We're working on him." Cao Cao awkwardly replied.

Serafall was not sure how to answer that. Her gaze wandered some more…

"So you brought your babysitter…" Serafall snarked when she saw the enslaved man, standing in the background.

"He's here more like an evaluator. He's not gonna do anything for us this time."

"What, you mean he's here to watch?" Serafall walked up to Garou, the black-armored man remaining in a statue-stillness.

"The Malebranche has more control over him than we do at this point. If it's not obvious, we're still in our training boots. It is actual Hell. We are not living in the lap of luxury, mind you."

Cao Cao gestured to his clothes. They were nothing but skinned leather and furs from some unknown beast, bones decorating his attire as makeshift armor.

"I was wondering why you look like you were playing Monster Hunter." Serafall remarked as she stood face to face with Garou.

"You can try to free him. Won't work, though. You don't have that special sauce like Saitama does," Cao Cao added.

Serafall narrowed her eyes at the hero's descendant one more time before she finally turned her gaze to Garou - who remained standing still on the spot. Taking careful steps towards him, Serafall eventually found herself face to face with the Human Monster.

At this distance, she recollected how Garou reacted to her voice and decided to renew the Underworld.

"...Garou? Can you hear me?"

Djall finished eating his fruit, licking his fingers clean with his elongated tongue as his eyes locked onto Serafall before he dropped to the ground from the side of the tree.

"...I still want to pay you back for stripping me naked that time."

Cao Cao, Siegried, and even Leonardo spat and coughed, caught off guard by the words and the absurd imagery that followed.

For a moment, the statue twitched, his head jerked downward as he faced Serafall.

There was a hint of life in his eyes.

"...There's a resonance." Djall commented.

Cao Cao turned to Djall, then he turned to regard Garou with curious looks in his eyes.

Serafall still remembered the indignation from that day… Honestly, she was not sure why she was smiling.

"...Out of all the things I say, that is what gets through to you? What, are you a pervert?" She could not help but smile.

His hand twitched.

He was reacting.

"...You made my day miserable. As in, I had to file a report to explain why I had to alter the memories of my adoring fans. I spent all day looking for you, for making a cute magical girl fly around the city. Naked. Got anything to say for yourself?"

Djall looked at the Heroes, pointing at Serafall.

The heroes exchanged glances, unsure how to answer the monster's query. They were just as baffled by the words coming out of her mouth.

There was a snort.

It came from Garou in response, followed by a brief chuckle.

"...And to think that the same man would sacrifice himself like this to save others… and you still are doing whatever you can in there, are you?" Serafall jabbed her finger at Garou's chest.

"...I believe that's enough testing." Cao Cao decided to step in, standing between Garou and Serafall.

"What, scared of losing your trump card?" the Satan girl asked with a coy smirk with her hands on her hips.

"Considering what we are planning to face and do? Yes, I admit I am." Cao Cao decided to throw his pride out of the window for the sake of current agendas.

"Hmph, wimp." Serafall snarked.

"Anyways, you know what you gotta do, right?" Cao Cao reminded.

Serafall narrowed her eyes at Cao Cao.

"You think it is easy to talk with a Dragon Queen on a sore subject like her 'first death'?"

"It's what you're good at. Now, let's go. Georg." Cao Cao pressed his hand to his ear, casting magic. Serafall quirked a brow at the magic, seeing the Devil magic system at work. "She's here. We're ready for transport."

A mist descended upon them.

Serafall watched the surrounding colors dominated by the moist, pale white. When the pale receded, they were at another location. At the mouth of Tiamat's cave within the forests of familiars.

However, the surroundings of the cave differed compared to before, the last time Serafall visited the place.

There was a massive red and blue tree atop of the cave, strange fungus growing from the bole, lush illuminating green moss covering most of the stone of the entrance.

Djall inhaled the air deeply.

"Interesting scent she bears." He commented as he licked his lips.

"Please don't resort to violence for the sake of gluttony." Cao Cao pleaded.

"Hmph." Djall grunted as he turned to Serafall. "Well? Aren't you going to talk with whatever is inside?"

Serafall still was not sure what kind of thing this Djall was.

"Give me some time to prepare. This isn't something I can do without preparation."

Mostly thinking on how to approach the dragon without conflict erupting. She could imagine the nightmares with Tiamat even if she did make it out, the Dragon Queen most likely holding a vendetta against her for eternity.

She inhaled and exhaled.

"Alright, let's do this. Just so you know, I cannot guarantee that this will work."

"Good luck." Cao Cao smiled as Serafall scoffed.

She entered the cave, her shoes squishing against the soft lichen covering the stone. As soon as Serafall walked past the entrance, a chill wave suddenly washed over her, causing her to swallow a small lump.

Honestly, thinking about it, it was definitely unwise to enter a dragon's lair without permission.

"Tiamat?" She asked. She wondered if she could have disguised herself first, though… but then again, that might not be enough to fool the dragon.

And Serafall was not a master at disguise in the first place, she would slip.

The cave rumbled.

Serafall gulped as she saw two glowing eyes within the cavernous darkness ahead gazing back at her.

"...Serafall Sitri." The dragon called out. "I haven't received a notice of this visit. This is unusual."

"I know." Serafall sighed, bracing herself for violent retaliation. "How are you faring in this new Underworld of ours? I heard that Tannin-chan is struggling with that cute mega turtle of his."

She decided to settle the dragon's guard with some small talk.

"Spare me the small talk, Serafall. I've sensed your company from a mile away. What is your business here?"

Hearing Tiamat's no-nonsense response, Serafall inwardly sighed - it was worth a shot. With the dragon king demanding her to cut through the case, Serafall decided to comply.

"...I would like you to lend me the fragment of Pandora's Box which we believe is being kept in your person."

Tiamat did not respond. The two glowing eyes closed.

Emerging from the darkness, a beautiful female approached Serafall. Long, pale blue hair flowed down her back, dark blue eyes gazing into Serafall, her beauty chilling the air around her.

Her entire form was doused in blue, a blue skirt around her waist, robes accentuating her figure and voluptuous breasts.

"How did you hear that I have an artifact like that?" Tiamat asked.

"Let's just say I have sources…" Serafall sighed. "We believe that Pandora's Box can be… repaired. And repurposed to solve our current problem."

"I was there when the Box was created. There is nothing good that can come from it. Hephaestus dismantled the box for a reason, it is too dangerous."

"We believe that we can use it to seal the ultimate foe… You've seen what Garou and Saitama can do. GOD is just as powerful as each of them. Genos said that GOD was sealed before. Pandora's Box is the only thing we know that might be able to seal him again."

Tiamat quirked a brow at Serafall.

"I see no reason to recreate that vile box, not when we have the Strongest Man at our side." Tiamat answered.

"Saitama-chan has a bad habit of being… Well, Saitama." Serafall admitted. "And he is, despite his power and strength - one man. A very… simple man."

"Hmmmm…" Tiamat hummed to herself.

"...I am afraid that you are wasting your time here." Tiamat shook her head. "Even if I wanted to give you the piece of Pandora's Box… I don't have it."

Serafall stared and blinked at Tiamat, "...You don't have it? What do you mean by that?"

"You heard me. I used to have it. But… Ddraig, the red bastard." She sneered, her beauty creasing with rage. "Stole it from my treasury during one of his visits to gain whatever advantage he could against that boyfriend of his when he was still flesh and blood."

Serafall's jaw slightly dropped at the information, that absurd imagery of the Welsh Dragon making off with the Dragon Queen's prized possessions like a common thief.

"...Right. So we need to find the Welsh Dragon, go figure."

Outside, Cao Cao, Siegfried, and Leonardo's jaws were also dropped upon hearing that.

"Do me a favor." Tiamat added. "If you want my silence, make the bastard hurt. And shake him off where he hid, or lost, my treasures."

Serafall nodded her head, "Will do that. Thank you for your time, Lady Tiamat."

"I hope you know what you're doing with this secret quest of yours. Pandora's Box is dangerous for many reasons, even when it's empty."

"I will do my best."

Serafall bade the dragoness farewell as she turned around and returned. Exiting the cave, she sighed as she saw the Hero Faction staring at her. Equally dumbfounded.

"...Well? Are you happy now?" Serafall groused. "Is my contract finished?"

Cao Cao and Siegfried exchanged glances.

"...Alright, I'll admit that this is now beyond your power. Contract fulfilled."

Serafall felt the mark of Faust on her disappeared, much to her relief.

"Thank you. What are you going to do now? Ddraig is Issei-chan's inner partner now. And you know how Saitama is when someone messes with his family."

"That's… ehhh…" Cao Cao and Siegfried exchanged glances again.

"He is in Alfheim." Djall answered. "He just met my other self there. I can go and fetch him if you like. Extract the dragon. Torture it. Kill it."


Both Cao Cao and Serafall said in unison, with the other heroes also shook their heads in negative.

"What? Why?" Djall asked, tilting his head.

"You can't just kill Issei-chan! It won't get the dragon out!" Serafall shouted.

"...What do you mean? I don't need to kill him." Djall said. "I can rip out the dragon from the boy. Without killing him. And torture the dragon. Alone."

"...What do you mean you can extract the dragon without killing Issei-chan?" Serafall asked.

"Just as I said." Djall answered.

Cao Cao exchanged looks with his comrades; the gesture brought a frown to Serafall.

"If you are thinking whatever you are thinking… Don't forget I'm no longer allied with you anymore." Serafall flared her demonic power out to emphasize her point.

"Alright, alright, alright. Let me have a word with him." Cao Cao calmed her down and turned to the monster.

"Djall, Djall, Djall… Have you thought of… well… talking to Ddraig instead?" Cao Cao inferred.

"I thought the dragon in the cave wants us to torture the red one for information," Djall reminded.

"Okay, that is true. But we don't need to extract his Sacred Gear, just get the information from Ddraig." Cao Cao worded. "Plus, I don't want Saitama to hunt our asses full-time. We have enough on our plate as is."

"...Alright." Djall nodded. "What should we do about her then?" Djall turned to Serafall. "Are you planning to let her go? Go our separate ways? I thought all deals with devils should be without… loose ends."

Djall's words only cause Serafall to shift her footing, ready to either swim or sink at any moment's notice.

"No, no, no need for that." Cao Cao waved off, "Pact or not, she did us a favor by smuggling us here. Let's honor that part of our deal."

"That is nice of you, but you do realize I still have the obligation to bring you in?" Serafall did not let her guard down.

Djall's throat started clicking in patterns as his eyes turned to Serafall. There was a silent challenge sent her way, which Serafall silently returned with her defiant look.

Djall's hand elongated claws, talons gleaming with a metallic luster as he growled with a predatory tune, drool leaking from his lips.

Serafall then conjured and aimed her wand at Djall, her eyes glancing at Siegfried, Leonardo, and Cao Cao, the three heroes present.

"...We're not exactly helpless, you know?" Cao Cao summoned his golden spear, Longinus.

Siegfried took out Balmung and Tyrfing, a sword of whirlwinds and a sword of destruction.

Leonardo huffed as he summoned several unique monsters, not just humanoids.

Serafall blinked when the monsters the boy summoned started to… attach to each other.

The boy grabbed a squid-like helmet monster and wore it on his head as the insectoid monsters scuttled around him.

Serafall watched as the monsters pieced themselves together until they resembled the shape of an… organic battlemech suit… with the boy wearing the one-eyed black-green squid on his head.

The battlemech was pieced together from several different monsters, each arm and leg being a separate monster made to look like arms and legs, the chest made from three armored insectoid-like creatures, black carapace shining with metallic luster.

The legs were avian, digitigrade, carapaced in thick armor. The arms were carapaced, four fingers ending in sharp claws. The one-eyed squid hat on Leonardo's head glowed as a creature with massive back wings latched onto Leonardo's 'battlesuit,' giving him flight.

An armored snake, blade-sharp spine protruding from its back, slithered around around Leonardo's leg and climbed onto him, coiling around his arm until it was in Leonardo's hand.

Serafall didn't think that the snake would straighten itself and flatten its lower body, imitating the form of a katana sword crackling with dark green energy.

"...Okay. That… is new." Serafall admitted. She had never seen something like that before.

Sacred Gear users summoning armor on their persons? That was common. Piecing together armor from somewhat living creatures? That was a unique application of the same concept in a different form.

"I taught him that." Djall commented.

Serafall turned to Djall.

"We are all made from parts. Cells, nerves, organs, bones… There is no such thing as a pure individual in this universe. We are all composed of smaller things. In symbiosis. Which reminds me…" Djall lurched forward and started coughing a little.

Serfall watched as Djall coughed something out, a long cylinder of bone from his mouth. She was disgusted at first, then her disgust turned to curiosity when Djall grabbed the thing and pulled something out of him. She realized that Djall pulled out a sword of pure bone and metal, a cleaver-katana like blade made of bone, the edges crackling with energy as Djall swung a few things, the organic weapon thrumming with eldritch magic.

"I always wanted to try this 'kenjutsu.' Muramasa and Xingtian are always fond of the art, so why not try it? What about you, dragon? How long are you going to watch?" Djall turned to the cave.

Everyone turned to the cave at the mention. From the darkness, the same azure beauty walked out, entering the light.

"...Uhhh…" Serafall smiled sheepishly.

"It seems you're entangled inside something difficult to describe." Tiamat summarized.

"You can say that…" Serafall admitted. "Are you willing to help me, Tiamat-chan?"

"Hmmm…" Tiamat's head turned to the Hero Faction.

Djall licked his lips as his throat clicked with the tune of hunger.

"I will fight alongside you... Only because I have business with him." Tiamat pointed at Leonardo in his symbiotic battlesuit.

The hero descendant in question looked left and right at his compatriots before looking back at her. Leonardo pointed at himself in question.

"Yes. You. Do you know whose power you are using?" Tiamat asked Leonardo.

Cao Cao and Siegfried stared at Tiamat.

"Annihilation Maker? No, we do not… Why do you ask?" Cao Cao asked.

"Long, long ago. There was a Primordial Dragon Goddess once ruled over the oceans of Midgard, presiding beside the land of Babylonia, one of the strongest in that world, the Goddess that governed life and the seas themselves."

Tiamat explained as she slowly walked towards Serafall, standing beside her in facing the Heroes.

"No Sumerian Gods dared to defy her. One day, a God from beyond entered our lands. He tricked the Dragon Goddess of the Seas and killed her… in an attempt to use her. He couldn't obtain her power normally, so he decided to compromise. He chose to inflict a cruel fate upon the goddess, turning her into the first Sacred Gear… But since it was his first attempt in creating the first Longinus, the Goddess managed to escape her fate under God's nose. She tore a piece of her soul and inserted it into an egg. The God chose to ignore it since he has the Goddess' power. He has no need for the Goddess' consciousness, the leftovers…"

She growled as her eyes turned draconic.

"The dragon's egg, hidden in the bottom of the sea, hatched and birthed a dragon who shared the same name as the primordial goddess, who was its progenitor - Tiamat. And now that she saw the power she once had in front of her home… She thought to herself, why not take it back?"

Cao Cao, Siegfried, Leonardo, and Serafall stared at Tiamat.

"...Tia-chan… Are you saying…" Serafall could barely understand or believe the story behind the Dragon Queen.

"Yes. Annihilation Maker… is the power to create life. Albeit the bastard Biblical God perverted it. It is my power, my origin. I want it back."

"Oh… Ooh…" Cao Cao stared at Tiamat, understanding where this was going.

Siegfried immediately switched Balmung with Gram, needing the dragon-slaying sword for this.

"...And I can tell when someone doesn't want to give it back." Tiamat added with a snarl, her draconic power leaking out.

To be Continued…


"Very well, are you ready, Millicas?"

Rias, with Akeno by her side, asked her nephew who was standing in the middle of the summoning circle. The younger devil was about to perform his first job as a devil of Rias Gremory's peerage.

"I am, president! I will do my best!" Millicas eagerly replied.

"Good, just be careful out there and take it easy. Should you run into any difficulties, do not hesitate to contact us. We'll be ready to back you up." Rias said with a pleased smile.

The innocent boy waved his sister goodbye as the circle activated and summoned him to his client.

"...He grew up so fast." Akeno could not help but smile.

"Yes… makes me wonder what our children will be like when the time comes." Rias giggled.

"Already planning on how to milk Issei dry." Akeno winked.

"...Tsk." Rias clicked her tongue.


Meanwhile, Millicas appeared before a human - a young woman, to be precise.

"Holy shit, it actually worked?!" the woman shouted in surprise.

"Good evening, Miss! My name is Millicas Gremory, at your service!" Millicas introduced himself with a well-practiced mannerism befitting a noble. "Are you the one who summoned me tonight?"

Aika Kiryuu gawped at the smiling boy for a few seconds before replying, "Um, err, yes, I am. My name is Aika Kiryuu…" She trailed off, "...Aren't you Rias Gremory-senpai's relative, if I'm not mistaken?"

"Indeed! Rias Gremory is my aunt and currently my master. Ms. Kiryuu, correct? I believe I have seen you a few times before. You are a second-year of high school division, right?"

"Wait, wait wait, what do you mean 'master?' Master as in…"

"Yes, Rias Gremory is my King." Millicas proudly replied.

Aika stared at the boy, trying to process what she had heard so far. "Right… Um, sorry if this sounds rude, but can you prove it to me that you are actually a devil? This feels… A lot to take in."

Millicas maintained his smile as he spread his wings out - just like in practice.

"I hope this is enough to convince you? Otherwise I am willing to answer your questions to the best of my abilities."

"...Can you use magic?" Aika needed a final push for evidence of the supernatural… even though she saw a boy teleported into her room.

Millicas simply smiled again - so far, everything was within expectations…..


A good over twenty minutes were spent with Aika and Millicas talking - the former was sitting on the bed while the latter had taken a seat on a nearby chair. Most of the conversation involved Aika authenticating the reality about the supernatural presented before her.

"Wow… How come I did not notice that?" Aika commented as she stared at her phone, which was showcasing the brief contents of 72 Pillars she got from a demonology site on the internet.

"Demonology is never a popular field of study to begin with, and Japan has the least knowledge when it comes to Judeo-Christian religion, so the names Gremory and Sitri might elude most Japanese." Millicas sheepishly explained.

"Okay, so allow me to backtrack a little." Aika put her phone away, "So this club of yours has… Rias-senpai, Akeno-senpai, Kiba, Ravel-chan, Koneko-chan, Gasper-kun…" she counted with her fingers, "All of them are devils like you?"

"Yes, they are." Millicas nodded patiently.

"...And there are also angels." Aika added, "...Who you guys used to fight against but now you have made peace with recently, with Asia-chan, Irina and Xenovia being one of them?"

"That's right!" Millicas nodded again.

"Okay… And if I'm not mistaken, Hyoudou is dating Irina…" Kiryu tried to come up with a conclusion, "...Does he know? Wait, is he even human?"

Millicas was about to reply, but he suddenly paused before his expression contorted into a thoughtful look, garnering a small confused look from Aika.

"I… am not sure?" Millicas replied with an apologetic look.

Aika blinked, "What do you mean you're not sure?"

"Well…" Millicas tried to form an answer, "As far as I know, Ise-senpai should have been a part-dragon, then I heard that he nearly died during a battle and received some kind of monster cells in order to recover, then not long ago, I heard he received a power from an ancient demon and… assimilated himself into some kind of half-demon?"

"...What are you trying to say? You're using words I do not understand in that fashion." Kiryu demanded.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Kiryuu… I just don't know how to say this, uh, he is… special. He was human at first, though. He was like, really strong!" Millicas flexed his child muscles. "His dad is human, and he is hailed as the Strongest! Even saved me from kidnappers! There was one time he fought against a Demon God that nearly destroyed the Underworld to a standstill!"

Aika's mind went to space as she took everything in. Millicas waited for her next reaction for nearly a minute when she snapped back to reality.

"Damn…. This is a lot of dump to take in." Aika sighed as she rubbed her forehead. Supernaturals? Devils? Angels? Dragons? Demons and super humans? She was too young for this shit.

"I… think I have everything I want to hear for now. To be honest, I tried to summon you because I was bored. Sorry about that." Aika said.

Millicas smiled again - the same innocent smile that made Aika questioned herself, this adorable young man a creature of hell?

"That is alright, Ms. Kiryuu. A lot of our clients have a similar reaction to yours during their first time summoning devils. Feel free to call me again, even if you just want a conversational partner. I will be ready to serve you again!"

"Yeah, I appreciate that." Aika then blinked, "Actually… I think I should've asked this around the beginning, but how are we doing regarding the payment? Are you…" she could not help but feel nervous, "...You gonna take my soul or something?"

Millicas quickly waved his hand, "No, no, no! We devils at our current age do not do that anymore. We simply form a pact, allowing you to summon my service or my friends again."

"That's… quite generous of you." Aika remarked, she looked Millicas up and down, and she found herself unable to resist to try teasing him, "...But I feel bad that you've come all the way here and taught me things, I feel I should reward you somehow…. Say, are you… a virgin?"

Millicas blinked at the question and his face slowly blushed at the question - that reaction spoke enough for Aika whose heart felt like melting - so cute!

However, another question popped up in her mind, "Actually, there's one more question, I apologize in advance if this sounds offensive." Aika paused before carried on, "Do you devils also perform… Sexual service?"

At this point, Millicas' face had the same shade as his locks. "N-n-no! We don't, but… There might be some other clans who do, but I can't tell you further! I'm sorry, Ms. Aika, but I haven't been taught much about this!" He bowed deeply.

"Okay, okay, I won't ask anymore about that. Sorry." Aika stopped herself from shooting herself in the foot due to her dirty mind.

"...Okay, one more question, I promise nothing dangerous!" Kiyruu had an idea to change the topic. "This is a long shot but here goes! Can you teach me magic?"

Millicas processed the question before he sighed in relief, "I… still have much to learn myself, so I'm afraid I cannot do much for you in that regard."

Aika looked a little down at the answer.

"...But I know a few people who might be able to teach you."

Aika's expression brightened up with hope at the follow-up, "Oh thank God!"

Millicas winced at the sharp headache.

"Who can teach me?! When can we start?! Ohhhh, I want to cast magic so bad! Invisibility for days!" She gleefully squealed.

"Uhhhh… not sure. We're going to be busy on a trip to the Underworld soon. We might not be back for a while."


"Don't worry! We'll let you know when we return!"

Aika's face brightened up again, "That's good enough for me! I'm looking forward to our next meeting, Millicas!"

Overall, the night went well enough as Millicas and Aika shook hands to seal the pact between them.

Truthfully, the whole issue about Cao Cao blackmailing Serafall was originally planned to go longer, where Serafall ends up shooting herself in the foot for longer run when the heroes decide to be a dick and prolong her servitude further, but after contemplation with my co-author, we decided to keep things simple and end things there between them.

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