One Punch Man: My Neighbor is Saitama

Chapter 135

K City, in the natural park

Fang Xuan and Saitama fished for a long time, but found that they couldn't catch any fish no matter what they did. This hit the two strongest people on earth.

Genos, who was also fishing, was not hit hard, because he had already found the words on the sign when he came here. However, the reason why he fished was because he saw Fang Xuan and Saitama fishing, so he thought it must be some kind of practice method.

In the end, Fubuki couldn't stand it anymore and walked over to tell the two that there were no fish in the lake.

Tornado saw the embarrassment of Fang Xuan and Saitama after they knew there were no fish in the lake, and laughed while holding her stomach.

Seeing Tornado's laughter, Fang Xuan and Saitama silently decided in their hearts that they would never fish again from now on.

But they couldn't just sit here and bask in the sun. Although there were no fish in this lake, it didn't prevent Fang Xuan and the others from buying fish.

So Fang Xuan used instant transfer to go to the fish seller, bought several big fish, as well as other seafood, and then returned to the park to prepare for a sumptuous barbecue seafood feast.

Of course, Fang Xuan was the one in charge of the barbecue. As for Tornado, Saitama and the others were watching Fang Xuan barbecue eagerly.

However, at this moment, Fang Xuan's cell phone suddenly rang, but since Fang Xuan was busy barbecue and couldn't get away, he asked Saitama to answer the phone.

After Saitama picked up Fang Xuan's phone, he saw that the caller was from the Hero Association Headquarters:"So it's a message from the Hero Association Headquarters."

Saitama answered the video call. So

, on the other end of the phone, under the expectation of a group of congressmen, the video was connected, but what caught their eyes was a super ordinary bald head.

The scene was a little awkward for a while. Seeing that it was not Fang Xuan, the congressmen were about to hang up the phone, but when they saw that the phone number was correct, they asked,"Um, Mr. Fang Xuan, why are you bald all of a sudden?"


"Um, I’m not Fang Xuan, I’m Saitama, and Fang Xuan is cooking over there."

All the councillors were very surprised to hear this. Although Saitama is now an A-class hero, he is the least famous among the A-class heroes. Plus, the people who are calling now are all high-level people in the Hero Association, and they usually contact S-class heroes, and the lowest ones are those in the upper A-class. So when they saw Fang Xuan, who is ranked 0th in the S-class, cooking, they were very curious about the identity of this bald guy.

At this time, Genos on the side also leaned over and asked,"Teacher Saitama, is there anything going on with the Hero Association?"

"I don't know, they haven't said anything yet."

Saitama said calmly, and Tornado showed that she knew the group of congressmen very well and said,"Hang up the phone, don't worry about those guys, they are just idle people who only know how to ask others for help for some boring things."

The congressmen who were originally confused were dumbfounded after seeing Genos and Tornado. Why would this guy get so close to so many S-class heroes.

Is this world too crazy, or are they hallucinating?

Everyone racked their brains but couldn't figure it out, so they could only look at each other.

Seeing that these people didn't speak, Saitama hung up the phone, because the grilled fish was ready and he was going to eat.......

The headquarters of the Hero Association.

After a rigorous discussion, the Hero Association finally decided on how to protect the sponsor.

Seeing that the top 10 S heroes were not very reliable, they could only settle for the second best and set their sights on the S-class heroes behind. But even so, those S-class heroes refused or had other reasons, but they finally found Metal Bat, a hot-blooded bad boy who was ranked relatively low in the S-class, to be the bodyguard of these people.

As for Fang Xuan, he naturally refused. When they called the second time, it was Fang Xuan who answered.

In the video call, Fang Xuan righteously rejected everyone's invitation on behalf of himself and Genos. After all, who would spend their free time protecting those rich people?

So there was no way, here only our old friend Metal Bat could take over this troublesome matter, but although the protector here was finalized, Ozawa Nami, who was protected, was not happy.

After hearing that the protector was not Fang Xuan, she chose not to go out directly, because now in her opinion, in this world, except Fang Xuan, no one else could protect her safety.

So Metal Bat became the security guard of another big consortium, the father and son of Sausage Lip.

Of course, the congressmen would not tell Metal Bat directly about this kind of thing, otherwise the other party might refuse directly after hearing it, so they just told Metal Bat that there was a very urgent mission, and as for the rest of the content, Metal Bat would know when he arrived.

Our poor Metal Bat was tricked by these guys. After hearing that it was an urgent mission, he thought it was some powerful weirdo who needed him to deal with, but when he arrived at the destination, he found out that it was a bodyguard mission.......

In an extended luxury car, Metal Baseball sat in the passenger seat holding his baseball bat, listening to the wealthy father and son talking about the life of the rich.

""Dad, I want to go eat conveyor belt sushi today."

The kid with the small sausage mouth asked his dad with the big sausage mouth. As one of the largest conglomerates, the life that the father and son lead is not what we can imagine. They would never go to a place where the per capita consumption is less than 5 million yuan.

So the dad with the big sausage mouth asked his son in confusion:"Conveyor belt sushi? What is that? Is it a famous sushi restaurant? Why haven't I heard of it before?" The kid with the small sausage mouth looked out the window and explained:"After class today, I heard several classmates in our class discussing conveyor belt sushi. I thought it was interesting, so I wanted to try it. As for other things, I don't know"

"Are those hobbies of ordinary people? It is probably very cheap, and it is definitely not delicious, but since you want to eat it, let's go and try it."

"If you do well, we will buy the shop and make conveyor belt sushi for you every day."

"Really? Thank you, Dad."

This kind of upper-class rich exchange made Metal Bat, the co-pilot, very impatient, because his sister really likes to eat conveyor belt sushi.

"If I knew it was this kind of mission, I would never come. Those guys actually dared to plot against me. Damn it. It seems that next time I must ask clearly about the content of the mission before accepting it."

"It's abominable that I have to protect these two guys!"......

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