One True God

Chapter 59: Shadows...

Rachel started to wet herself with piss, sweat, saliva, and tears. There was blood among the fluids that her body started to release, but...Lucifer didn't care about that at all.

'Did my instincts go dull or something?' Lucifer thought as he looked at Rachel's quivering eyes.

Rachel's body was shaking right now, and she would probably fall down if it weren't for Lucifer's interference.

Right, Lucifer was keeping her to stand with his powers.

Well, Lucifer was also cleaning her with his mana right now as he didn't want this place to smell or something like that.

What's more, it would be conspicuous if something like that was to stay in the ground and people were to see it tomorrow morning.

A rumor would start, and it would lead to an investigation due to people being scared.

Anyways, the reason why Lucifer thought that his instincts have gone dull was because...his instincts have told him that this situation was serious.

He even felt like he was being ripped apart when Rachel was hugging him.

However, to think that it was just something like dirt on Lucifer...he couldn't believe that his instincts have actually been alarmed over something like that.

That was why Lucifer couldn't believe that...what Rachel said was the reason why his instincts were alarmed.

'Hmm...There should be another reason. What is it?' Lucifer thought as he observed Rachel.

Rachel was...well, she was still convulsing and shaking for fear of her life.

This ending was so anticlimactic compared to Lucifer's expectations when he first felt like snakes were coming closer to him.

That was why...Lucifer suspected that there should be another reason why his instincts warned him like that.

After all, it wouldn't make sense if Rachel didn't have any other cards to play in this situation.

However, with how Rachel was convulsing right now, Lucifer...really could see that there was nothing else.

'Then...why am I getting this bad feeling still?'

Lucifer was still feeling the bad feeling that he got, but it was not as bad as before.

It was aftereffect of what he felt. It was still resonating, but Lucifer could bear with it now.

Hell, he could even ignore it.

However, the fact that he was still feeling it means that there should still be something that Lucifer should be aware of.

That was why Lucifer knew that there was another reason why his instincts reacted like that to Rachel's weak-ass threat.

'Or...was it just a coincidence? That my instincts started to go crazy at the same time this woman came?'

'If that's the case, then it should be another thing that I should be wary of, and that would make more sense than this bitch having another card to play.'

Indeed. What Lucifer thought could be true, but...Lucifer had no information to just say that that was indeed the case.

However, from what is going on right now, Lucifer could confidently say that it was just a coincidence that Rachel came and his bad feeling started at the same time.

And if that was the case...

'What is it that I should be wary of?' Lucifer thought, but he really couldn't think that there is something he should be alarmed about.

Of course, he trusted his instincts more than anything else and that was why he was taking this shit seriously.

However, it seems that he couldn't think about this anymore as he felt someone approached them out of nowhere.

Right, someone appeared, and that someone was right behind Lucifer now.

And before even Lucifer could turn around to look at this person, he heard a voice call him.

It was a familiar voice, and what it said was...


Of course, Lucifer quickly turned around when he heard his name being called.

And what he saw was...Asgo. Asgo was currently puffing and huffing hard right now as he was out of breath.

He was also sweating in the forehead, and his knees were shaking a little bit as he continued to speak.

"I-I finally found you...I searched for you everywhere." Asgo said as he didn't want to get punished or something like that.

However, before even Lucifer could answer him, Asgo's eyes soon landed on the pretty woman who was shaking right behind Lucifer.

And when he saw that, Asgo murmured.

"R-Rachel...? What is she..."

Asgo said those words, but he didn't finish his sentence. Judging from how...Lucifer looked right now and how near Rachel was to him, it was clear that something bad happened.

That was why Asgo knew better than to ask what was happening with Rachel.

Of course, Lucifer couldn't care less about that at all as he finally found Asgo.

That was why Lucifer spoke as he looked at Asgo in the eyes.

"Do you have a house that we can go to?"

And when he heard that, Asgo spoke immediately without questioning why Lucifer was asking something like that.

"Y-yes...I do have a house."

And as soon as Lucifer heard that, he turned around to look at Rachel.

Rachel was...fine now when Lucifer snapped his fingers.

Right, Lucifer snapped his fingers as he stopped the illusions that Rachel was forced to see.

She wasn't seeing those two big eyes anymore and she was no longer feeling Lucifer's killing intent as Lucifer willed it to dissipate.

However, before even Rachel could recover from the mental shock that she just received, Lucifer came up to her field of vision as he spoke.

"Follow me. If you don't follow me, I will kill you."

And Rachel just...instinctively nodded her head as hard as she could to indicate that she was agreeing with Lucifer.

Of course, Lucifer was no longer looking at Rachel as Lucifer whipped his head to look at Asgo.

"Go. To the house that you spoke of."

Asgo then...immediately turned around to go to the house that he has been living in for a few years now.

Right, he didn't even voice out any opinion or question why they were going there.

He just did as he was told to, and Lucifer followed right after Asgo.

Of course, Rachel...forced herself to walk so that she could follow Lucifer.

Her pants were wet, and her shirt was wet as fuck. Her face...was a mess right now. After all, it's not like Lucifer would literally clean her.

What Lucifer cleaned was the ground to prevent people from seeing it tomorrow or when people walk in this place.

However, even with that, Rachel...followed the two men as she didn't want to experience something like that again.

And while they were walking, Rachel had a thought swimming in her mind.

And that was...'D-demon...he's a demon...'

And she repeated it over and over again as she didn't want to mess with Lucifer ever again.


While Lucifer and the other two demons were walking, there were currently several shadows jumping from one building to another.

Of course, these men were the men in robes who were at the house of Raya Pazier.

And since they were not going back to the mansion of the Warmester house, these men were the men who were tasked to find out what happened with Raya Pazier, who was sleeping on the ground.

And the man who was leading these men, the vice leader of the group, signaled for the men to stop moving.

The men who were following him naturally did as they were ordered as they stopped on whatever buildings or houses they were standing on.

And the vice leader was...standing on top of some tall building.

He was looking down on the big city of Epitel as he looked around with his black eyes.

In the vice leader's hands were some kind of device. And this device was something that could track down a demon's mana.

Right, it was used to trace down someone.

When the vice leader first used this on the house of Raya Pazier, he found out that there was indeed some kind of mana lingering in the air.

Of course, that mana was from Lucifer, which is why the men in robes were currently on the chase as they tried to track down the mana.

However...the device soon stopped working. That was why the vice leader ordered the men to stop as he waited for the device to pick up on the same mana that was on the house.

'Hmm...the mana ended around this area...' The vice leader thought as he looked at the landmark around this area.

And the landmark was...the entrance examination site built by the various academies existing in the capital city, Epitel.

Of course, the vice leader started to form scenarios or plots in his head as he wanted to bring back any useful information to the Warmester house even if he can't find the suspect.

After all, the vice leader...could tell that the device could no longer pick up on the same mana that was lingering on the house.

However, the vice leader really couldn't find any connection Raya Pazier would have to the entrance examination site.

'A random attacker? Impossible. Raya Pazier would never be taken down by a random attacker.'

The vice leader thought, but he soon decided to just back down for now.

That was why...he signaled again for his men to return back to the Warmester house.

And it was in this way that the shadows that caused Lucifer's instincts to start screaming returned back to the darkness.

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