One True God

Chapter 94: Talk

"If that's the case, then that means I got more work to do," Lucifer said as he squinted his eyes.

Right, what Lucifer said was the truth. After all, if Kars were involved with the Luciferian Empire, then Lucifer would be mixed with the Luciferian Empire to kill Kars.

Nevertheless, it wasn't really that hard. It's just that it would take a lot of time and effort to completely eradicate the bloodline of the Warmester Denoble House.

After all, the Luciferian Empire would get in the way.

Of course, now that Lucifer got the Warmester Denoble House under his control, he would have a lot more influence and he can make flexible and bold moves from now on, too, so killing Kars would be far easier than his previous tasks of stabilizing himself in the Zacharath Kingdom.

"Is there anything else that I need to know about the Warmester Denoble House family?" Lucifer said as he looked down on Rouge once more.

Of course, since this was the best chance to gather information about the Warmester Denoble House family, it would be better if Lucifer would be able to gather all of the information that he needed to know about them right here, right now.

Since Rouge was someone who knows the ins and outs of the Warmester Denoble House, as he was someone who was friends with the big shots of the Warmester Denoble House, he should know at least a huge amount of general information, and that was what Lucifer was aiming for when he asked this question to Rouge.

However, it seems that there was nothing else that Lucifer needed to know about the Warmester Denoble House family as Rouge spoke.

"No, there is nothing else. After all, you're killing them, right? The only thing you would need to kill them is their whereabouts, and I already told you about it." Rouge said.

And what he said was definitely the truth. If Lucifer just wanted to kill them, then their whereabouts is the only information that Lucifer would need to kill them.

What's more, since Rouge has seen Lucifer's strength right in front of his eyes, he also knew that Lucifer would be able to kill them easily just like how a commoner would squash an ant beneath their feet.

That was why he didn't even offer anything about their specialty or strength as he knew that Lucifer wouldn't need something like that.

"That's true. Anyway, after I kill those brats and women, I would give you the crown of the head of the Warmester Denoble House."

"The official story why you became the head...let's would be because the Patriarch and the 6 pillars went missing together with their immediate family and then assigned you to be the temporary head when they are gone."

"Although being recognized as the 'temporary head' by the public and the Warmester Denoble House would limit your movements and authority a little bit, it won't really matter. You just need to stabilize your foundation as the head of the Warmester Denoble House, and then we would reveal that the Patriarch and the 6 pillars are dead later on." Lucifer said all those words without missing a single beat.

This was what Lucifer had in plan for the succession to go smoothly. Of course, this wasn't really possible. Most Denoble Houses would be suspicious of Rouge, but Lucifer didn't care about them.

If they dare to send someone to investigate or if they ever try to snoop around the Warm City, Lucifer would blast them away.

In a way, Lucifer would be the one to guard Rouge, which is...the greatest honor for a demon.

After all, a Hell God personally protecting you...that's basically living the dream.'s not like Lucifer would really protect Rouge. He would just blast his enemies.

Protecting someone and killing enemies are two different things.

However, Lucifer was not done yet with his explanation as he continued to speak.

"As I'm going to kill the Patriarch's son's wives and sons, we will also make them go missing."

And when Rouge heard that, he quickly spoke to give his thoughts about it.

"Having the entire Warmester Denoble House family go would be a disaster for the whole Zacharath Kingdom and it would surely become the big news for a whole month," Rouge said but he was not done as he continued to speak while bowing his head towards Lucifer.

"Just the fact that the Patriarch is missing would be a disaster and for the heir and the wives of the Patriarch's son would definitely cause the royal family to look into this. If I may offer a word..." Rouge trailed off his sentence as he waited for Lucifer to grant him permission.

Of course, Lucifer quickly did that as he spoke, "Continue."

"The royal family might just decide to get involved in this and they might not see me as the official temporary head of the Warmester Denoble House," Rouge said this with a calm voice as if what he said was something ordinary.

Of course, it was definitely not ordinary. The royal family getting themselves involved in this matter would make things messy for Lucifer.

Although Lucifer would be able to destroy the Zacharath Kingdom easily, as he now knows that the strength of a DeNoble house of this kingdom is weak, it would still be a messy fight.

What's more, if Lucifer got into a fight with a kingdom, it would surely be a piece of big news and it would resound throughout the whole Hidden world.

If that happens...the real big shots of the Hidden World, the Hell Gods and the Heaven Gods might just decide to intervene.

What happens after that doesn't need to be mentioned. seems that Lucifer had a plan in mind if the royal family truly decides to interfere with his plans as he spoke.

"Don't worry about the royal family. I know a way to control them. Though, it's not a method that I would want to do..." Lucifer said with a sour look on his face.

No, it was not only sour, but it was also a bitter look. It was amazing how he could have two expressions at the same time, but that was just how he looked like.

It seems that Lucifer seriously didn't like the method that he had in mind to control the royal family.

Well, it was the truth that Lucifer didn't want to use this method, but since things have already escalated, Lucifer had no other choice but to do it.

"Anyway, you guide me towards the wives and the sons of Kars. I will kill them silently," Lucifer continued to speak as he finally stood up.

After all, it was now time to commence the assassination of the whole Warmester Denoble House family.

Although the plans that Lucifer made seem so shaky and the probability of it failing was high, especially the plans that he had for the aftermath, it didn't really matter to Lucifer.

After all, the Warmester Denoble House, at the end of the day, is only a temporary organization on top of Lucifer's hands.

It could go to hell or it could go to heaven; Lucifer didn't care.

As long as the Warmester Denoble House would serve its purpose well, then all is well.

That was why Lucifer didn't think about any other options when he decided about how he would do things from now on.

Anyway, when Rouge heard what Lucifer said, he...wanted to stand up and answer Lucifer right away.

However, Rouge found himself unable to stand up, seemingly because of his body's condition.

After all, Rouge was still not healed and his body's condition worsened over time when he and Lucifer were still talking.

His injuries were no joke, that's for sure.

That was why...Rouge had to ask Lucifer to heal him, and Rouge knew that very well, which is why he spoke.

"My lord? Master? Patriarch? I don't know how to call you, but...may I ask for you to fix my body?"

"I can't be useful to you if my body is like this, and I might just pass away..." Rouge said as he tried to explain why he should be healed.

Of course, Rouge really thought that way. He also thinks that it wouldn't do good for him to die just so suddenly because he wouldn't be able to serve Lucifer.

And that's only natural. Although it seems so weak, what Lucifer did to Rouge was actually a lot stronger and potent compared to what he did to Rachel.

It was only natural that Rouge would become completely dependent on Lucifer after what happened to him.

What's more, Rouge's pillars, the Patriarch, died at the hands of Lucifer. To Rouge, the Patriarch was literally the heaven.

Now, it became Lucifer.

That was why it wasn't that weird to see Rouge acting like this right now despite his extreme loyalty to the Warmester Denoble House.

And what Lucifer had to say in regards to Rouge was...

"Alright. Since you did prove your worth, I'll heal you."

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