One True God

Chapter 96: Missing

Lucifer and Rouge left the room where the battle with the Patriarch and the 6 pillars of the Warmester Denoble House happened as they left to find the remnants of the Warmester Family.

Of course, since it was to find the remnants of the Warmester Family, the one who was leading this operation was, obviously, Rouge.

Right now, he was currently showing Lucifer around the Warm City as they tried to locate the wives and the sons of the son of the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House.

They exited the building where they were located, and they were now moving around as they jumped from building to building.

Of course, they did this discreetly and they were hiding their presence to make sure that no one would be able to get a sniff of their presence around here.

Lucifer was the one who strictly said that they should do this as discreetly as possible since it would be annoying if other people were to notice what they were doing and then stop them.

After all, even if Lucifer would be able to defeat all of the demons here with ease, that would defeat the purpose why Lucifer assassinated the Patriarch and the 6 pillars of the Warmester Denoble House.

If he was going to fight against other demons in this place which would definitely bring much attention from other people, then Lucifer should have just destroyed the Warm City and wiped it off the map from the start.

And since Lucifer didn't destroy the Warm City from the start and just assassinated the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House and its 6 pillars, it would totally waste his efforts of doing so if he just had to destroy the Warm City altogether.

That was why Lucifer strictly ordered Rouge to do this as stealthily as possible.

Besides, if Lucifer were going to destroy the Warm City, which is basically the headquarters of the Warmester Denoble House, then he would no longer have the Warmester Denoble House on his grasp was gone.

If the Warm City was gone, then the Warmester Denoble House is basically a shell without any organs and it would no longer be able to function.

And now, Lucifer and Rouge have already roamed the entirety of the Warm City and finished checking out the other main buildings that could be located in the Warm City.

They were currently standing on top of some random building located at the very center of the Warm City.

"So, out of 9 people, we only found eight people. The three wives, and five sons," Lucifer said as he looked at the darkness of the night, which seems to have gone on for too long now ever since he entered the Warm City.

Well, it has indeed been a while since Lucifer entered the Warm City, so it was only normal for Lucifer to feel that the night has gone on for too long now.

However, it was just because he was always on the move and busy that it affected his time awareness.

"I'm ashamed, Lucis. The three wives were easy to find since they are always together, and the sons are...they have their own quirks, but one would be able to find them once one is accustomed to them."

"That was why I thought it would be easy to find all of them, but...the sixth son, we've gone to every place that he could possibly be located, but he's not there at all. No traces and even his usual subordinates are not there."

"It's weird as I haven't heard of anything from that sixth son about anything at all that could possibly make him go missing, so I'm afraid that...I won't be able to be of use from now on when it comes to that sixth son."

Rouge said all those words with a...disappointed voice while looking down on the ground.

Well, it was basically his fault why they were not able to find the missing son.

After all, it was his responsibility to find him. Although Rouge never expected that he would need the sixth son's location tonight, right here right now, it didn't really matter since he said that he would be able to find him.

That was why Rouge thought that it was his fault that they were not able to meet the sixth son and were now hitting a wall.

However, it's not like Rouge was completely useless at this point.

It was the truth that it was thanks to Rouge that Lucifer was able to find out the locations of the three wives and the five sons.

In fact, one can say that Rouge has done a good job since that was practically every one of Lucifer's targets. They just have to mind one more guy, and the job would be done.

So...Rouge didn't really have to be like this since he did exceptionally well, but Rouge just knew that...he had to be concise and perfect when it comes to Lucifer.

As long as one is missing, Rouge would just feel ashamed since he wasn't able to do his job perfectly.

However, it seems that Rouge didn't really have to mind it since Lucifer...seems to be satisfied with his work.

"Just one, huh? Well, I never expected you to be able to find them straight away and I certainly didn't expect you to find them all. Overall, you did a good job." Lucifer said with a light-hearted tone of voice.

Although what Lucifer said seems to be...crazy, it was the truth that Lucifer never expected Rouge to be able to find them all right away.

He never expected him to be able to do something so important since...Lucifer just never expected it.

It would be easier to take failure if one does not expect any success, after all.

That was why...although it seems pretty crazy, as Lucifer was the one who made Rouge find the wives and the sons, he didn't have any trust at all that Rouge would be able to find them.

And that was also why Lucifer considers what Rouge did as a good job since he was able to find eight out of nine people.

And what Rouge had to say when he learned that Lucifer never expected anything from him was...

"I am glad to have exceeded your expectations," Rouge said as he took a bow towards Lucifer's direction.

Right, Rouge was just glad to have exceeded Lucifer's expectations of him.

After all, this would mean that he gave a very good first impression since...he exceeded his expectations.

And that was big. For Rouge, this was almost as reassuring as finding food after not being able to eat for months.

This would mean that...Rouge wouldn't experience that nightmare anymore, after all.

However, it seems that Lucifer was no longer listening to him as Lucifer began to murmur.

"Hmmm...I wanted to kill them all at the same time with some kind of homing magic, but it seems that I wouldn't be able to do that now."

"I would have to prioritize finding the missing son and then kill them all at the same time to not cause panic among the subordinates of the Warmester Denoble House."

"After all, I cannot afford for their corpses to be seen by other people. After that, Rouge would come in to stabilize the situation."

"I guess a royal seal or something like that would help prove his authenticity."

"We'll have to go get something like that, too..."

Right, even if Lucifer assassinates the three wives and six sons all at the same time, there would still be a heap of trouble that he needs to do because of the aftermath.

Since the three wives and the six sons are basically the VIPs, they are many men that would be around them.

To make sure that those men wouldn't notice them missing so suddenly, Lucifer would have to create some kind of chaos and then collect their bodies.

After that, Rouge would then come in saying that, 'The Patriarch and his family are going on a vacation' or something like that to stabilize the situation.

That was why...Lucifer couldn't kill one by one as that would just spell disaster for his plans in the future.

If a single corpse were to be found, then the security for this place would be maximized and Rouge wouldn't be able to take advantage of the chaos anymore, and most likely, they would suspect him of killing the three wives and the six sons if he just comes out and says that he's the Patriarch from now on.

Lucifer sighed as he realized just how much work that he still has to do before this night ends.

"Either way, my first priority should be to find that sixth son," Lucifer murmured as he turned around to look at Rouge.

Rouge was still bowing his head, and looking down on him, Lucifer spoke.

"Give me detailed information about the sixth son who is missing."

"I'll find him myself." Lucifer said as he ordered Rouge.

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