Online games: from the devil to kill evolution

Page 53

He originally thought that his [Endless Devouring] talent was used to enhance his attributes, but he didn't expect it.

It turns out that the original demon form provided by endless devouring is the root of everything!

This is the ultimate pursuit of strength!

From the original demon to kill and evolve, until he really became the demon god marked in the deepest part of the tree of life in the abyss!

Although Wu Ming didn't know what the devil meant, he could imagine how powerful this new function was!

Forcibly holding back his excitement, Wu Ming tried the changing form of the new function.

In just a few moments, Wu Ming successively changed into the form of the dragon, the form of the devil, and the form of the abyss knight.

And he was surprised to find that the switching speed of these forms was much faster than before.

It can be said that in a short moment, he can transform into a new form!

This speed increase can make him more flexible during the battle.

Wu Ming took a deep breath to calm himself down.

At this time, the succubus Lilia was still standing behind Wu Ming, thinking about the harvest of this war, not daring to lift her head.

She also felt the changes in Wu Ming. The invisible coercion on Wu Ming made her terrified. She even wanted to run away several times.

"We don't have many [silver tickets] and [gold tickets] now..."

Wu Ming turned his head and looked at Lilia, which made the succubus a little flustered.


"Lilia, you did a good job!"

After Wu Ming finished speaking, in a good mood, he hugged the small succubus, rubbed hard, and left with a big laugh.

The succubus' face turned red, not knowing what happened.

On the other side, Wu Ming's eyes were unusually bright.

This war is just an appetizer, and he needs more blood next!

More war and killing!

Just to become stronger!

Chapter 78 Great Harvest, Hundreds of Purple Equipment! Orc's Movement!

PS: 3000 word chapter!

In a good mood, Wu Ming walked towards Dikas' former lair.

This place is said to be Cadiz's lair, but it is actually the palace of the entire [Dragon Empire].

The demon soldiers who were originally stationed here had already slipped away, or were killed by Wu Ming's demons.

Therefore, at this time, the place is already empty.

Wu Ming even gave an order to his demon soldiers that no player is allowed to enter here.

Because in other places, it's fine for demon players to plunder.

After all, it is small money.

What this group of players robbed was nothing compared to what they gave Wu Ming.

But [Dicas' Palace] is not something that this group of players can get their hands on!

Because Dikas is different from other bosses, because this is a demon with dragon blood!

It is said that influenced by the blood of the dragon clan, [Abyss Demon Dragon Dikas] is the most "rich" demon in the nearby area. He not only has huge wealth, but also has a lot of equipment plundered from everywhere!

This is one of the few ways for Wu Ming to obtain superior equipment in the endless abyss.

Because of the influence of the abyss, most of the demons are actually in a state of "running naked".

Unlike other camps, demons and demon players basically don't care too much about their equipment, as long as they have weapons, they will be pulled down.

Because of the skills and attribute values ​​of individual demons in the early stage, even without weapons and equipment, they can crush other camps, but in the late game, the gap becomes obvious.

The devil players are okay, after all, they came with the attitude of playing games at the beginning, and collecting equipment is definitely necessary.

However, many original demons, even if they have been upgraded to a high level, still have no equipment. This leads to the end of the game, in the endless abyss, there are demons with high attributes but no equipment everywhere.

So to put it bluntly, Wu Ming really needs the equipment collected by Dikas!

Although he himself has epics and myths, he doesn't need these garbage "artifacts" at all, but these artifacts have a different meaning to other players!


Under the gaze of his demon soldiers, Wu Ming entered Dikas' palace.

Upon entering the palace, Wu Ming didn't notice anything unusual at first.

Similar to the palaces of most demon lords, Dikas' palace is also in the red and black style that demons like.

The entire palace was covered with a thick red carpet, the walls were made of pure black crystal material, and the smell that permeated the air was the smell of blood and sulfur mixed together.


Wu Ming took a deep breath.

This smell is deeply loved by demons. Although "Reincarnation Era" has not yet integrated into the real world, the existence of this smell still makes Wu Ming a little obsessed.

"Okay, let me see where are all the treasures of you stupid dragon?"

Wu Ming walked deep into the palace, and within a short time, he found a place similar to "Dragon's Nest".

Why is it similar, because in front of Wu Ming is a huge room, which is full of all kinds of golden treasures!

Most of these treasures are not of high value, most of them are gold coins and the like.

But there are also many good things in it.

Wu Ming picked up a golden armor casually.

[You have obtained new equipment: Beisheng's golden armor! 】

[Grade: Purple (rare)]

[Attributes: physical defense +200, physical strength +75, strength +75]

[Equipment skills: Good luck! 】

[Good Luck Effect: Passive skill, the owner of this equipment can get [-]% extra crit chance every minute, until [-]%, after the crit is triggered, the effect will be cleared! 】

[Equipment Requirements:....]

It's just a piece of equipment that Wu Ming picked up casually, and it's the purple equipment that players outside want to get!

There are hundreds of such "spicy chicken" equipment in this treasure house!

Looking at the equipment and gold coins all over the floor, Wu Ming couldn't help sighing that Daolong's blood was too powerful.

Even the strong blood of the devil has been infected into this appearance.


Wu Ming counted all the equipment in this room.

There are a total of more than 300 pieces of purple equipment and weapons, more than 40 pieces of various low-level artifacts, and a quasi-epic armor embryo!

Dozens of tons of gold products and various works of art of unknown value.

The value of all this is even equivalent to half of [Dragon Empire]!

Wu Ming couldn't help laughing as he looked at the equipment in the inventory.

He pushed open the gate of this palace and walked out.

At this time, there are already more than 100 demon players waiting outside the door.

This group of players was specially summoned by Wu Ming, and they were all desperate to kill the enemy in this war!

(Wu Ming's system has records.)

Therefore, Wu Ming is going to reward them.

And in the distance, there are still many players looking at this group of players eagerly, shouting that the players gave nothing good, congratulations on this beep~~ and so on.

Wu Ming naturally heard it too, and he no longer kept it secret.

He simply took out the same amount of equipment in his inventory as the player, and threw them directly on the ground without giving them out. So much equipment piled up like a hill in front of the player!

"One piece for each person, grab it yourself!"

One piece per person!

After saying this, the group of players froze on the spot!

This is all purple-level rare equipment, and it is basically priceless in the current game.

Most of the players are equipped with ordinary equipment, and sophisticated equipment is already considered very good.

But Wuming dared to say that one piece of rare equipment per person!

"This... my lord, is what you said true?"

None of the players moved, after all, it was too hard to believe.

Wu Ming smiled.

"As I said, one item per person, if you don't want it, I'll take it back!"

"Don't, don't!"

More than 100 players rushed up directly, and started "grabbing goods!" like the uncles and aunts in the vegetable market.

Such a scene made the remaining players swallow their saliva.

Wu Ming looked at the remaining players with a smile, and asked Lilia to send out tens of millions of materials and howling souls, which were also piled up into a hill.

Wu Ming stood on the hill and said to all the players condescendingly.

"These are not worth mentioning!"

After finishing speaking, in front of all the devil players, he took out dozens of artifacts and the epic weapon embryo, and displayed them in front of the group of players.

"These artifacts... are not worth mentioning!"

Wu Ming said with a smile.

"I have never paid attention to these artifacts and equipment! What I need are soldiers who sign a contract with me and fight for me!"

"What I need is a group of demon soldiers who dare to charge with me!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Ming also took out a scroll and displayed it in front of everyone, making the group of players gasp.

[Self-created skill: God Killing Sword Art - Thunder Skill Scroll! 】

"This is what I used to kill that abyssal dragon! Now, I will also take this scroll as one of your rewards!"

"Wealth, equipment, skills, everything you want!"

"Let's go out, I, Wuming, recruit all the players from the lower plane camp (excluding the players from the ancient god camp) who are willing to sign a demon contract with me!"

"I will build a new alliance after this big event starts!"

"An alliance that unites players from the lower planes!"


Three days have passed since the nameless rumor was passed on.

Now in the entire "Reincarnation Era", there are nameless words that are passed everywhere.

Unlike the last time when Wu Ming said that he would build a camp against the gods, this time Wu Ming directly placed the rewards in front of all players!

"My God, the artifact ring, the Eye of Darkness! Increase the dark energy by 30.00%! My skeleton army can increase the strength of three levels!"

"What is this? The artifact staff! I've wanted it for a long time!"

"It's all pink artifacts and purple rare equipment! Is this something players can do?"

These are the words circulating in the forums and world channels.

Countless players directly "rebelled" after seeing the rewards given by Wu Ming.

Yes, directly betrayed.

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