Online games: from the devil to kill evolution

Page 61

If this old orc man named Clarence died, it would be a huge loss for Wu Ming.

Clarence bowed to Wu Ming and saluted.

Then he said.

"Your Majesty, all of this was caused by me in order to gain the power of a warlock."

Warlock, a very peculiar profession.

Their scientific name is called Bloodline Warlock, which is also because their power comes from their own bloodline or gifted by other powerful creatures.

First of all, let me explain that there are many kinds of warlocks.

Their attack methods are also varied due to their different bloodlines.

For example, a warlock with demon blood (blood has nothing to do with race, it's just a separate way of expressing power).

The skills and methods they release are very similar to demon warlocks. Although they are not demons, they can still use the power of demons.

There are even some powerful demon blood warlocks, the skills they release are more powerful than pure blood demons.

Even among the blood warlocks, there is something called "dragon blood warlocks".

This kind of warlock can not only release dragon language magic, master the secrets of the dragon clan, but even drink dragon blood compatible with his blood, and turn into a dragon in a short time!

This kind of "Dragon Blood Warlock" is almost invincible within the same level.

Most importantly, bloodline warlocks can be obtained by players in "Reincarnation Era".

In other words, players can become this special profession in various strange ways.

Including but not limited to signing a contract with the devil, obtaining the inheritance of a powerful existence, completing hidden tasks, being caught by a dragon and forced to slap, eh, cough, cough, cough.

(Let me see how many friends want to become warlocks~~)

In short, Warlock is such an existence.

And what Clarence said, in order to gain strength, this sentence is very intriguing.

According to Wu Ming's memory, he has basically seen all the types of warlocks in "Reincarnation Era" in this or the previous life.

Among so many types of warlocks, Wu Ming was the only one who didn't know what kind of bloodline warlock this Clarence was.

"Who is the powerful existence behind you? I know that the skills you use belong to demons, but they are very different from demons!"

Wu Ming pulled out the magic sword and put it on [Senior Warlock Clarence]'s neck.

He has never been very relieved about this old orc man, after all, there are too many secrets about this old man.

"His Majesty..."

Clarence shrank his body and seemed to be a bit Wu Ming.

But Wu Ming interrupted the opponent with his hand.

"My current rank is not a demon king, you don't need to call me that, I just need to know..."

There was a trace of bloodlust in Wu Ming's eyes, and he said coldly.

"What kind of existence is hiding behind you?"

Clarence shook his head helplessly.

"Because of the contract, I can't tell you, but I can take you to the birthplace of this power!"

"where is that?"

"My hometown, the place where the war of gods stopped in the last era, is also the place where the last demigod orc fell..."



Wu Ming put on the same hood as Clarence, covering his face.

After all, according to Clarence, the entire orc world is full of "enemy" eyeliners.

Along the way, Wu Ming saw a lot of customs in the orc world.

"Reincarnation Era" is actually a real world covered in the skin of the game. When players lament that the world created by this game is so real, they often fail to notice that there is actually no repeated NPC in this world.

Of course, they simply think that the game's AI algorithm is very good.

But in fact, any so-called "NPC" is a living life.

They have their own life trajectory, their own emotions, and their own growth path.


Wu Ming stood on the top of a mountain. What he saw now was a group of skinny orcs. They were different from the orcs who fought in all directions outside. These orcs seemed to have become slaves of some existence, and they did not Any one is a greenskin!

None of them had drunk the blood of the fallen, and it seemed that this was the reason for the difference in treatment between them.

"these are?"

Wu Ming asked Clarence.

"Orc laborers, pure laborers, they have been deprived of the qualifications to become warriors, and now they are just a group of slaves serving a powerful existence."

"Your Majesty, we have arrived! This is the place where bones are buried!"

Countless orc laborers are constantly carrying one piece after another of bulky [black spar], which is the basic material used to build the portal of darkness.

And Wu Ming looked in the direction Clarence pointed.

Sure enough, in the distance, a semi-finished [Dark Gate] is being built continuously.

And in this vicinity, orc laborers were slaughtered non-stop, using their own blood as raw materials for other orc warlocks to cast spells.

"Your Majesty, behind the Dark Portal is a powerful existence that provides us with construction methods."

Wu Ming glanced over.

Found the one the other said, but he just glanced at it.

Immediately afterwards, he exclaimed.

"Fuck the trough, lie on the grass, hold the grass!"

What appeared in Wu Ming's field of vision was a demon from the abyss!

However, this demon is a bit special. First, this demon is surrounded by a circle of green evil energy.

Secondly, this demon is a very powerful demon. Wu Ming just looked at him from a distance, and he knew that the strength of this demon would never lose to ordinary demon kings!

Finally, a piece of armor worn by the demon caught Wu Ming's attention.

Because, he saw the attributes of this piece of equipment, and this piece of equipment was the third piece of the set of seven deadly sins!

【Armor of Gluttony! 】

The other party's information was also passed on.

[You found the hidden BOSS—Fel Legion forward Buckle LV55! 】

Chapter 91 Breath of Fel Energy! Fierce Battle with Bakr!

[You found the hidden BOSS—Fel Legion forward Buckle LV55! 】

Wu Ming looked at the abyssal demon below in surprise.

But at this time, Wu Ming can confirm that this abyssal demon no longer belongs to the race of demons.

To be precise, this demon no longer belongs to the abyssal race!

[Fel Legion Forward Buckle LV55! 】

[Race: Unknown Creature - Fel Demon! 】

【Attributes:? ? ? ? 】

【Skill:? ? ? ,? ? ? ,? ? ? , Corrupted blood! 】

【Talent: Devil's Bite (has expired)!】

[New Talent: Power of Fel Energy! 】

Fel Power: Users with this talent can master the power of fel energy, which can be used to change the shape of skills and increase attribute values ​​and skill power!

[Equipment: Claw of Fel Energy (weapon), Breastplate of Gluttony, Chaos Nuclear Boots...! 】

[Evaluation: This is a terrifying creature that is distorting reality. He used to be a member of the abyssal demons, but now, he has succumbed to a more powerful force...Kill him, stop the coming from...]

[Fel Legion Forward Buckle LV55! ] is a demon knight who has already mutated countless times. Under his body are four thick limbs. Meatballs are average.

There is a sharp claw surrounded by green flames on each of his hands, and the most surprising thing is that his demon horn has fallen off, turning into a "illusory" demon that keeps spewing green fel energy corner!

And on his fat and bloated upper body, Wu Ming saw the equipment of the seven deadly sins that he had been thinking about - the breastplate of gluttony!

At this time, Bakker was standing in front of the unfinished Dark Gate, holding a large bucket of blood in his hand, and was pouring the blood into a large pool continuously.

"Your Majesty, the other party is pouring [Devil's Blood], this raw material is the basic material for synthesizing [Fallen Blood]. The reason why I went to [Ancient Demon Incubation Pool] is to obtain this thing!"

Wu Ming nodded. He looked down and found that in the pool, after the demon blood was poured in, a strange symbol slowly emerged.

With the appearance of this symbol, the originally red blood suddenly boiled.

The blood in the entire pool began to coagulate after boiling, and then all the red color faded away, as if being sucked dry by something, and became nothingness.

Then, a black hole suddenly appeared above the pool. In this black hole, endless green evil energy spewed out, completely infecting the blood in this pool.

The blood finally turned into a kind of green, full of evil energy..

【Corrupted Blood】!

"Is this what you serve? A demon of an unknown race corrupted by an unknown force?"

Wu Ming asked coldly.

After hesitating for a moment, Clarence next to him finally said helplessly.

"After the ancient god war, all the gods of our orc clan were killed. Today, we only have a small number of people who believe in other gods and get shelter."

"The remaining orcs are in a similar situation to us. After losing the guidance of the gods, our strongest power is only a demigod."

"However, even so, after the fall of our last demigod, we orcs have finally become one of the bottom races."

Wu Ming looked at the haggard Clarence and understood the other party's difficulties.

In the previous life, someone had deeply discussed the history of the orc race.

It turned out that the orcs were once a very powerful race, ranking even higher than dwarves, elves, and humans at the height of their race.

At that time, they were said to have more than a dozen orc gods, sitting on several planes, and dominating one side.

But until the war of gods began, their good days came to an end.

Their worlds were destroyed one after another, leaving only the current one, and even this last world has become what it is today.

The once noble orcs have lost their former glory and become fools with only brute force.

"So, this is the power you are longing for?"

Wu Ming looked at Clarence and said coldly.


Clarence was speechless for a moment.

They used to think that what they were recruiting was an existence that could rival the gods, but they didn't expect that what they summoned according to the ancient secret technique was such a monster!

Even this monster is just a pawn of that terrifying existence, not even a "regular army"!

"That's why you want to invite me to get rid of this monster for you, right?"

Wu Ming thought for a while, and understood why Clarence invited him here.

"In that case, why don't you get rid of him yourself?"

Clarence said with a bitter face, "Because it can't be done, all the orc leaders, including me, have signed the contract. Although the contract has loopholes, it clearly states that we cannot kill them."

Wu Ming smiled, it seemed that this group of orcs really had nowhere to go.

Even dare to sign this kind of contract.

"I can help you get rid of him, but..."

Wu Ming looked at Clarence coldly, showing a wicked smile.

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